There was a VTR segment where the members were showing "How to choose swimsuits for your girlfriend". Nanao was instructed by the program staff to "make a lot of comments", and did so by saying comments like, "Yeah, yeah, that one is nice!", "The girl would be touched if she knew that the boyfriend showed that much concern", "It's nice that you're thinking about it that much", "Smart!", "That's pretty nice!", while watching the VTR. These comments didn't even drown the original audio from the VTR.
Apparently, some fans were quick to voice their feelings on Twitter:
"Shut up."
"All the other guests on this show have always been silent, but Nanao's too noisy."
"I can't stand Nanao. She's too noisy. Please shut up."
"I'll be honest, sorry Nanao-san. I can't stand you. I get irritated just by watching. What are you trying to do by talking like that while the VTR is playing? Okubo-san just kept silent, you know?"
Some fans went to the extent to attack her Twitter account and say:
"I think it would be better if you stayed silent while the VTR was playing. Honestly speaking, I had a hard time watching this episode"
Nanao reacted to this and tweeted:
"The show staff instructed me to "make a lot of comments", so I just did my job. I cannot ignore the instructions of the program's staff."
"I'm not mad at the fact that you were talking during the VTR, but what I meant was your voice was so loud, I wasn't even able to hear the audio of the VTR anymore. How about learning to control the volume of your voice?"
"I'm going to look up to Kayoko Okubo-san! I won't raise my voice and remove my pin microphone next time!"
"Never ever come back. You're getting ahead of yourself. Keep your hands off Kis-My, got it?"
"Don't worry! I won't lay a finger on them!"
Some fans though expressed their support:
"I really respect (you) Nanao-san for responding properly to the crticism aimed towards you. I understand your difficulty. I really came to like you a lot more after seeing how you dealt with the situation!!! I'll keep on rooting for you!"
"I'm a Kis-My fan, but I enjoyed this episode, and it didn't feel unpleasant at all! It was fresh since the guest was Nanao-san who's the same age as the group! Please keep up the good work!"
"Nanao-san, I was surprised that you received this amount of heat. I got surprised after searching for it. But you were just doing your job. Now I'm the one who feels sorry for you. Sorry about that (´・_・`)"
Nanao's Twitter
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:09:21.51 ID:YJxYuJ/g0
- 菜々緒からしたらキスマイなんて子供にしか見えんだろジャニヲタの妄想力には恐れ入るI think Nanao just sees Kis-My as little kids.
I feel amazed at how delusional these Jani-wotas can be. - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:09:35.19 ID:7Qoyrs4S0
- 男も女もドルオタは気持ち悪いAll idol-wotas, both men and women are gross
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:10:18.01 ID:Cor57Mh70
- いくら菜々緒でもブサイクには手を出さんわなwEven Nanao wouldn't dare lay her hands on ugly boys, you know
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:10:56.94 ID:8SqLbOF40
- 台本通りに仕事をしたら色目を使うなと言われたござる"And when I just did my job according to script, people told me not to flirt with them."
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:11:27.23 ID:vXhmV3x0O
- あれのファンいるんだなSo even that group really has fans, huh? - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:12:26.19 ID:r7MyOMSu0
- キスマイみたいな不細工に誰が色目使うっていうんだw菜々緒だったらもう少しましな男でも選び放題だろwwWho the heck will want to flirt with ugly guys like Kis-My?
If it's Nanao, she can just choose any decent guy she likes! LOL - 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:12:46.94 ID:W8QRYVQ00
- 色目を使う仕事って(笑A job where you make flirtatious glances? LOL
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:13:17.86 ID:YxKTqVf30
- 25過ぎてるんだろこいつらなのに新鮮な若手扱いだもんなしかもブサすぎるBut these guys are already over 25, right?
And yet they're still being regarded as this fresh set of youngsters.
And they're so ugly to top it off. - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:14:48.28 ID:AcrOGIy00
- 菜々緒さんの改造過程Nanao's modification process↓↓ -
- 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:28:57.95 ID:Rscsx+5B0
- >>31高校時代体型以外面影すらないなThere's no trace of how she looked like during her high school days other than her body
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:33:06.15 ID:HHzBsu3j0
- >>31すごいお直しですねAmazing fix
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:33:40.00 ID:zZ0+ncg10
- >>31整形した医師の技術がブラックジャック並だなThe ability of the doctor who performed the surgery on her must be like Black Jack's
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:15:37.04 ID:4fC9Aijs0
- 松田聖子は新宿音楽祭でジャニファンに生卵ぶつけられたそれも一つ二つではなく1980年のことだがDuring the Shinjuku Music Festival, Johnny's fans threw eggs at Seiko Matsuda. And it wasn't just one or 2 eggs.
That was back in 1980. - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:16:46.28 ID:AcrOGIy00
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:19:01.63 ID:Jpc/Uq7ZO
- >>41こんなの芸能人じゃないだろwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwThis isn't a showbiz talent anymore wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:16:53.88 ID:wv1R9ZA90
- ローリングの使い手と知って、ファンも焦ってるんだろThe fans must be panicking after they found out that she can do a rolling blowjob
(* Nanao's profile.
Specialty: Rolling Fera) -
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:17:48.99 ID:61AVmV3B0
- >>42なるほどな。。I see...
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:27:47.35 ID:3suwISmCO
- >>42特技らしいからな・・・I heard it's her specialty...
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:17:59.35 ID:kYVHAip10
- 女の敵は女だからな皆で監視しあう女社会の方が実は気疲れするWomen's enemies are other women too.
All of them just observe one another.
A female society is actually pretty tiring. - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:19:53.54 ID:61AVmV3B0
- ナナオ姉さんに声かけられたら、行っちゃうもんな。。。。20前半の男が声かけられたらイチコロだしなBut any man would roll head over heels if Nanao-san talks to him...
Any man in his early 20s would just be knocked out. - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:20:56.89 ID:WelcsUUY0
- ナナオがタレントとして仕事レベルが低かったのでナナオが悪いと思う。VTRかぶせてキスマイの声が全く聞こえなかった。こういう馬鹿で空気読めないゲストは他にいなかった。素直に「すみません、研究します」と謝るべきだし、そもそも収録し直すべきだった。フジテレビが悪い。編集が下手くそ。それからうなじと耳のフェチといってメンバーの事を品評してる姿もものすごく気分が悪かった。綺麗な耳が好きなのは勝手だが産まれ持った耳をくそみそに言われてるメンバーを見て、ファンじゃなくてもなんか嫌な物を感じた。ナナオがキスマイと付き合うとかそんなことはどうでもいいが、本当にナナオって人格が歪んでる「レイクちゃん」なんだなと思った。I think it was Nanao's fault as her level as a talent is very low.
She even spoke over the VTR, and I couldn't hear Kis-My speaking at all.
There have been no other guests as stupid and as inconsiderate as her.
She should have just apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I'll study the proper way", and they should've recorded that segment again. Fuji TV's also at fault, their editing was horrible.
And seeing her evaluating the other members while declaring that she has a fetish for the ears and the nape just made me sick. I don't care if she likes people who have nice ears, but seeing her diss the ears of the members who were born with those ears would make any viewer, regardless if they're fans or not, feel unpleasant. I don't care if Nanao decides to go out with Kis-My members; I just felt that Nanao has a really horrible personality. -
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:22:35.82 ID:pcNl8clMO
- >>54キスマイヲタきんもーKis-My wota alert! So gross---
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:28:45.57 ID:OLMTNvktO
- >>54は?お前ファンだろ嘘つくなよwwHaa? You're a Kis-My fan, stop lying LOL
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:22:46.33 ID:knBj6HbUO
- あんまり裏側をしゃべられるとバラエティーが楽しめないI won't be able to enjoy variety shows if they talk about the behind-the-scenes stuff like this
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:25:19.17 ID:CcKi5ZPCO
- ラクダ顔なんかに嫉妬すんなよwwwDon't feel jealousy towards someone who looks like a camel www
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:26:39.54 ID:YAzelmWk0
- ジャニオタは一度、自らの容姿や性格を省みたほうが良い。These Jani-otas should take a look at their own appearance and attitude first
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:26:57.99 ID:ZhrAHO0e0
- まーたくっさいくっさいジャニヲタ基地外かSo it's these smelly, crazy Jani-otas again, huh
- 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:27:48.40 ID:b/qD57rXO
- セクシーゾーンとか平成ジャンプならまだ分かるが、ブサマイはないわwww藤ヶ谷、横尾なんて放送コードに引っ掛かるレベルI'd understand all this rage if it were against Sexy Zone and Hey! Say! JUMP, but not against Busumai www
Fujigaya and Yokoo are people who shouldn't even pass through the broadcasting filters and be shown on air. - 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:32:45.69 ID:qza3a4qMP
- 菜々緒もさすがにそこには行かねえだろ不細工ばっかで絶対伸びないじゃんこのグループI don't think that Nanao would even dare go there.
Everyone on this group is ugly, they'll never make it bigger than this. - 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:36:14.82 ID:qarUANFYO
- こういうファンが逆にメンバーに迷惑かけてんだろうなI think these fans are actually causing the members trouble
- 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:37:39.22 ID:a5DPYMlp0
- ペニオク詐欺師vsジャニオタMs. Penny Auction Fraud vs. Jani-otas
- 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:39:29.04 ID:Sn2sIkCA0
- 色目使ってるのは菜々緒の方じゃ無くてこのブサイクなジャニタレ達じゃないのかAren't these ugly Johnny's talents the one flirting, and not Nanao?
- 149: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:40:03.63 ID:8h8Mvs5VO
- 菜々緒はJOYと付き合ってるだろ。キスマイブサイクは眼中にないだろ。Nanao's going out with JOY.
Kis-My-Busaiku isn't even in her sights. - 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:41:33.81 ID:Bh/AED/w0
- 菜々緒は好きじゃないが、これはジャニヲタの言いがかりだわwwwI don't really like Nanao, but the Jani-wotas are just assuming here www
- 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:46:47.74 ID:khnICKig0
- 菜々緒ってツイッターでエゴサーチかけて自分をネガってる奴に自ら絡んでいくからな根がヤンキ―なんだろうなwNanao searches for herself on Twitter and gets herself involved with anyone who talks about her negatively. She's just probably a yankee at heart.
- 198: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:53:11.90 ID:zALGAVoM0
- キスブサはみんなが言うより俺たちブサイクじゃないぜって言う番組だからな。いやいやブサイクだからKis-Busa is this program where Kis-My try to prove that they're not as ugly as everyone claims them to be.
No, no, no, you guys are really ugly. - 214: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 18:58:46.66 ID:ClU88GuT0
- ジャニヲタでしかもクレーマー気質のやつに反論しても無駄なのにバカな女だな芸能事務所はいい加減ツイッターは芸能人にとって無用と気づいて取り上げろよShe must be stupid for even trying to respond to these Jani-wota grumblers.
All these agencies should just realize that these celebrities don't need Twitter and just make them stop using it.
- 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 19:14:35.48 ID:ZmxWfZbz0
- 応援してるタレントに迷惑かけるファンはどこにもいるけど女の嫉妬は怖いね菜々緒は好きじゃないけどこれはないわThere are always fans who cause trouble to the talents that they root for, but a woman's jealousy sure is a scary thing.
I don't like Nanao, but this is too much. - 276: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 19:35:02.84 ID:enJ9CXYw0
- テレビなんて全部台本通りなのにねぇBut everything on TV is just according to script
- 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 19:35:35.86 ID:3z2GVv8F0
- どっちも知らないけど炎上させたならこの女の勝ちだなI don't know both of them, but the woman is the winner here for causing this sort of outburst.
- 294: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/15(月) 19:46:12.80 ID:iuA/Gp5TO
- ジャニオタは相変わらずだけど敵に回すと怖すぎだなJust as expected of the Jani-otas, but having them as enemies sure is scary.
Original Thread
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