The media were not present at this fan event where she said onstage, "People have been writing that I've gotten fat, but that isn't the case. I don't recall declaring that I've graduated from being an idol. I can still do it".
(Related post about Aya Matsuura HERE)
- 4: トンキニーズ(西日本) 2013/07/20(土) 18:52:09.76 ID:9PETz/ij0
- BBAGranny
- 5: 斑(茸) 2013/07/20(土) 18:52:14.80 ID:7PtUuvaY0
- しわ・・・Wrinkles...
- 6: オシキャット(東日本) 2013/07/20(土) 18:52:33.33 ID:fBKds9oS0
- だれ?Whos's this?
- 14: シャルトリュー(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/20(土) 18:53:57.97 ID:8BdqAgeb0
- 目尻に出来たカラスの足跡が今の苦労を物語っているなThe crow's feet on the outer corner of her eye seems indicative of the hardships that she's going through right now.
- 15: ジャパニーズボブテイル(公衆) 2013/07/20(土) 18:54:04.57 ID:62weRyDm0
- 俺も随分ハゲたな…I've lost a fair amount of hair myself, too...
- 16: バリニーズ(神奈川県) 2013/07/20(土) 18:54:10.83 ID:UO9Kq+I80
- 肌の質感がもう…The texture of her skin is already...
- 17: オリエンタル(西日本) 2013/07/20(土) 18:54:13.02 ID:ujce0RZnO
- 完全に忘れてたわI've totally forgotten about her
- 22: エジプシャン・マウ(WiMAX) 2013/07/20(土) 18:54:47.06 ID:X5oaptzb0
- マジで驚いたI'm seriously surprised
- 23: アンデスネコ(西日本) 2013/07/20(土) 18:55:12.04 ID:E5rJ0KgO0
- 知ってる松浦亜弥は「LOVE涙色~」とか歌ってるキリッと意志の強そうな奥二重の可愛い子だったがThe Aya Matsuura I know was singing "LOVE Namidairo~",
who looked cute, sharp, strong-willed, and had a double eyelid. - 29: スコティッシュフォールド(京都府) 2013/07/20(土) 18:57:58.24 ID:LT83myf/0
- もうすぐ35歳だろ、見えないなShe must be almost 35 already. She doesn't look like it at all.
- 31: トラ(神奈川県) 2013/07/20(土) 18:59:20.74 ID:avvIpyja0
- 若いときから目尻にシワがあったけど年相応に老けたなShe already had wrinkles around her eyes ever since she was young.
She just seems to have aged appropriately. - 32: アメリカンワイヤーヘア(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/20(土) 18:59:19.86 ID:QUHP/UisO
- あやや…松浦亜弥まゆゆ…渡辺麻友ぱるる…島崎遥香およよ…桂三枝Ayaya - Aya Matsuura
Mayuyu - Mayu Watanabe
Paruru - Haruka Shimazaki
Oyoyo - Bunshi Katsura - 33: ジャングルキャット(東京都) 2013/07/20(土) 18:59:26.91 ID:uOPj49350
- もうスケバン刑事は無理だなThey probably won't be able to do Sukeban Deka anymore - 35: ラガマフィン(岡山県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:00:10.32 ID:azRk/1IO0
- ババァじゃんShe's just an old hag
- 36: パンパスネコ(千葉県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:00:21.26 ID:x68snF5d0
- 頬もやばいなEven her cheeks don't look good anymore
- 38: ジャングルキャット(芋) 2013/07/20(土) 19:01:02.30 ID:fknsH+1y0
- 一時期の華原朋美そっくりShe looks just like Tomomi Kahara at one point - 39: ベンガルヤマネコ(北海道) 2013/07/20(土) 19:01:36.12 ID:2/S6dE840
- 大きな二重にしたせいで 目じりに皺が増えたんじゃね?Could it be that the wrinkles around her eyes increased because of her huge double eyelid surgery?
- 40: ジョフロイネコ(dion軍) 2013/07/20(土) 19:02:43.19 ID:+Wm1nAO90
- 整形の後遺症だなメンテする金がないんだろうねMust be the after-effects of her plastic surgery. She probably doesn't have enough money for maintenance.
- 49: アメリカンショートヘア(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/20(土) 19:09:22.39 ID:zp7HVw1UO
- 結婚を急いだ方がいいできるなら明日にでも入籍すべきShe should hurry up and get married. If possible, they should even sign their marriage contracts tomorrow. - 55: 茶トラ(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/20(土) 19:11:42.22 ID:y80N9mW40
- 居場所がないだろどこのポジションにももう入れないし完璧にいろいろタイミングを失ってたShe doesn't have a place to come back to anymore.
There's just no more room for her.
She perfectly missed every possible timing. - 57: アジアゴールデンキャット(大阪府) 2013/07/20(土) 19:12:05.50 ID:2tNrVFmD0
- 87: ピューマ(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/20(土) 19:27:59.91 ID:txMryHJJ0
- >>57もこみちと小島よしおはいつ見ても噴いてしまうI always LOL whenever I see Mokomichi and Yoshio Kojima
- 88: スナドリネコ(茸) 2013/07/20(土) 19:28:19.48 ID:7hsaiXfr0
- >>57もこみちヤベーだろ国分はかっこいいなろくでなしブルースに居そう世代もズバリなんじゃない?LOLing at Mokomichi
Kokubun looks really cool there, he looked like he's from Rokudenashi Blues. I think he prefectly fits into that generation too.
- 94: キジ白(神奈川県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:36:53.91 ID:KXdhIJ1EP
- >>57美輪さん美形過ぎてヤバいMiwa-san is just too beautiful
- 141: オセロット(東京都) 2013/07/20(土) 20:28:58.59 ID:WqFkveJ20
- >>57いつ見ても美輪は男前だし国分はヤバイAnytime I look at this, Miwa's handsome-ness always stands out. Kokubun's pretty damn good-looking himself, too.
- 149: スミロドン(大阪府) 2013/07/20(土) 20:40:23.40 ID:lTI6+1Jt0
- >>57 小栗、福山とかほんと顔整ってるねー。仲間由紀恵の学生時代最高だねー絶対清楚でモテたハズOguri and Fukuyama really have good facial features. Yukie Nakama was really the best when she was still in school. I bet she was pure and so popular with the boys back then.
- 58: エジプシャン・マウ(catv?) 2013/07/20(土) 19:12:34.00 ID:slxAOS7y0
- すげえシワシワなんですけどこれで25?She's reeeeeeeeally wrinkled.
And she's only 25? -
- 59: ブリティッシュショートヘア(catv?) 2013/07/20(土) 19:14:17.01 ID:G97dyuo10
- >>58そんなわけないだろw全盛期から考えれば30は超えてるんじゃね?Of course not LOL
When you think about her peak, she must be over 30 already.
- 60: ツシマヤマネコ(徳島県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:14:54.63 ID:ynMAvL+U0
- 松浦亜弥は1986年生まれですAya Matsuura was born in 1986
- 65: コラット(山梨県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:18:06.67 ID:zU6mibxs0
- 紋舞らんの思い出The memories of Ran Monbu - 67: ラ・パーマ(埼玉県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:18:44.70 ID:+u95DQwC0
- 紋舞らんより高樹マリアのが似てるMaria Takagi looks more like her than Ran Monbu does - 70: アジアゴールデンキャット(埼玉県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:19:39.12 ID:2R+ZGqZG0
- 時は残酷Time sure can be cruel
- 73: サバトラ(長野県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:20:18.97 ID:zfQUDNoW0
- まぶたいじってるのかSo she had her eyelids fixed?
- 82: ジャングルキャット(長屋) 2013/07/20(土) 19:25:16.58 ID:0qhi3TkF0
- 2年前くらいに佐世保の野外で歌ってた観客は100人くらいで流動的だったわ2 years ago, she sang outdoors in Sasebo.
There were about 100 people in the audience and it was pretty fluid. - 84: ジャガーネコ(東京都) 2013/07/20(土) 19:26:02.90 ID:2j4Z4v+A0
- 前田ケンに刺されてはるな愛にとどめされた人だよね?She's the woman who was stabbed by Ken Maeda, then was finished off by Ai Haruna, right? - 95: 黒トラ(愛知県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:37:36.37 ID:HHAzsUWH0
-基写真が荒すぎるThe original picture is too rough -
- 98: ブリティッシュショートヘア(catv?) 2013/07/20(土) 19:38:46.93 ID:G97dyuo10
- >>95職人キターwHere's the specialist! LOL
- 100: マーゲイ(茨城県【19:28 茨城県震度2】) 2013/07/20(土) 19:40:03.22 ID:lwddftlu0
- >>95まるで違うwLooks totally different LOL
- 130: エキゾチックショートヘア(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/20(土) 20:10:53.96 ID:2panEAOi0
- >>95あやや大歓喜!Ayaya should rejoice!
- 131: エキゾチックショートヘア(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/20(土) 20:12:32.10 ID:2panEAOi0
- >>95眉毛まで整えてやったんだ!優しいねSo you even fixed her eyebrows! You're so kind!
- 132: オシキャット(東日本) 2013/07/20(土) 20:19:30.46 ID:fBKds9oS0
- >>95お仕事おつかれさまです!Thanks for your work!
- 101: 茶トラ(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/20(土) 19:40:37.65 ID:o9s2u5Tj0
- もういけねえよwはよ結婚せえやSorry, you can't go on like this anymore LOL
Hurry up and get married. - 107: ヒョウ(秋田県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:45:16.08 ID:5+hf5j9k0
- 一時期は天下を取ったものだけどなこの子ほど旬が過ぎたらオーラがなくなったアイドルってそうそういないよなwShe did have the entire world in the palm of her hand at one point.
There really aren't many idols like her who lost all of her aura once she went past her prime. -
- 115: ジャガーネコ(東京都) 2013/07/20(土) 19:53:36.66 ID:stv41+Ig0
- >>107まぁそれほど力を使ったんだろ人が50年で使う力を一気に放出した印象だわそれほど強烈な輝き方だったしなIt just goes to show that she must have used so much energy during that short time. It felt like she used the energy that a normal person would use in a span of 50 years all at once. That's how brightly she shone back then.
- 111: マレーヤマネコ(埼玉県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:48:53.02 ID:iQ9/Xo7O0
- 前田健さえいなければ・・・w本人の評価をどん底まで落とした恐るべきモノマネだったIf it just wasn't for Ken Maeda... LOL
His impersonation was so terrifying, it just brought her all the way down to the pits. - 112: スミロドン(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/07/20(土) 19:50:32.69 ID:WsUiTI9u0
- 検索したらこれが2年前の2011年の写真When I searched, this apparently is her picture from 2 years ago, 2011.
このとき25だろ、いったい何があったShe was just 25 here. What in the world happened? - 114: ライオン(沖縄県) 2013/07/20(土) 19:51:58.95 ID:V4h7eurH0
- ババアじゃんShe's just an old lady
- 121: アメリカンボブテイル(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/20(土) 19:59:07.52 ID:kNMokUL1O
- 交際&結婚相手選びは大事やで人生を左右する1番の要因だからな、マジで。Relationships and choosing your marriage partner is really important.
That's the biggest factor that could sway one's life. For real. - 122: デボンレックス(神奈川県) 2013/07/20(土) 20:00:18.29 ID:ctu/WwwL0
- 強烈なスポットライトを浴びると反動が凄いのかもなずーっと第一線張ってる人もいるけど、ありゃ化けもんだなThe backlash sure is harsh for any person who basked in the bright spotlight. There are people who have always stayed on the front lines for a long time, those people are monsters already.
- 125: ヒョウ(秋田県) 2013/07/20(土) 20:03:31.58 ID:5+hf5j9k0
- 椎名林檎なんかもファンを公言してたもんな本当にアイドルになるべくして生まれた人間みたいに言われてたEven Ringo Shiina said she was a fan, right?
She really was a person who was born to be an idol. - 136: アメリカンワイヤーヘア(WiMAX) 2013/07/20(土) 20:25:21.84 ID:xt9G12gR0
- 実年齢34歳くらいか?Could it be that her actual age is about 34 already?
- 145: 茶トラ(東日本) 2013/07/20(土) 20:35:01.11 ID:tee8ZDR/0
- もう30越えてるだろ30歳未満でこの顔ならヤバイ超絶ヤバイShe must be over 30 already.
If you're not over 30 yet with a face like this then you're in deep trouble. - 161: ジャガランディ(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/20(土) 21:46:04.98 ID:+0ZTt1WP0
- おばさんにしか見えんし顔自体が別人アイドル放棄したのに今更アイドルに固執とかShe only looks like a granny to me, and she actually looks like a different person already.
She's already abandoned being an idol, but she's insisting that she still is? - 163: アメリカンワイヤーヘア(東海地方) 2013/07/20(土) 21:49:50.33 ID:HiWmTWmOO
- 病気してたからでしょ。別にふつうやん。It's just because of her illness.
This is normal. - 169: ボルネオヤマネコ(栃木県) 2013/07/20(土) 21:59:50.26 ID:05rG1OtQ0
- 全盛期は最高だったんだが、今は俺より若いのにババアか。She really was the best during her prime. Now she's even younger than me, but she's already a granny. - 182: 斑(関東地方) 2013/07/20(土) 22:13:57.91 ID:oc3qyJ78O
- 藤本美貴とユニット組んだのは、二人にとって大失敗だったなThe unit she formed with Miki Fujimoto was just a huge failure for the both of them - 187: シンガプーラ(京都府) 2013/07/20(土) 22:23:48.72 ID:qb5SfFIp0
- 全盛期の面影まるで無しShe's just a mere shadow of her former self
- 181: ペルシャ(福井県) 2013/07/20(土) 22:10:07.56 ID:Erh7x21RP
- 歌番組にでてこれが選ばれしアイドルの歌唱力だってのを魅せつけてやってほしいI hope she comes out on the music programs and show everyone the singing prowess of the idol who is the "chosen one".
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