It was totally different from what we have now
- 3: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:11:03.26 0 ID:
- 企画物の曲ですら真面目に作ってたし
They even made the songs that were only for side projects seriously back then - 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:11:22.47 0 ID:
- TKの時代だよな
That was the TK (Tetsuya Komuro) era
http://entame-naw.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/kahara2.jpg - 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:11:43.18 0 ID:
- 90年代は出せばとりあえず聴いてもらえたから
Back in the 90s, you just needed to release a song and people would listen to it.
Everyone composed their songs wholeheartedly back then.
Even if you release songs now, only the fans will listen to you.
That's why artists now only make songs that will appeal and please their own fans.
No one experiments anymore. - 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:11:50.68 0 ID:
- レコードからシングルCDに変わった時代だったのも大きいと思う
Since that was the time when we shifted from records to CD format. I think that also played a major role.
http://trendy.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/col/20061211/120133/01.jpg - 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:11:58.01 0 ID:
- 90年代が凄いというと70年80年代信者が湧く
When you say that the 90s was a great period, the believers of 70s and 80s music will start popping up this thread and make noise - 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:11:59.57 0 ID:
- カラオケ文化の浸透
That was the time when the karaoke culture became mainstream
http://www.dokonanki.com/img/gourmet/shop/00151_main_d.jpg?1362853420 -
- 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:12:37.93 0 ID:
- >>11
That's also true
- 12: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:12:24.25 0 ID:
- 覚えやすかったよね
Things were easier to remember back then - 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:12:45.07 0 ID:
- 今より色んな音楽があったよ
There was a lot more musical variety back then - 15: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:13:04.14 0 ID:
- みんなテレビ見てたからな
Because everyone watched TV.
Everyone listened to the songs played on the TV shows.
The composers knew that so they all gave their best.
Now, everyone is on the internet and just watches what they like.
It's only the ignorant people who are still watching TV.
I don't see any consumer groups anymore who are purely into music.
I think even the ones making the music are just doing it nonchalantly. - 16: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:13:23.41 0 ID:
- 当たればCD売れて金になったしな
If you got a hit back then, the CDs would sell like crazy and you'd get rich - 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:13:29.33 0 ID:
- 90年代末期が凄いことは認めるが
I'll admit that the latter part of the 90s was amazing, but we should not forget that the first half was terrible. There were almost no popular songs back then. -
- 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:14:54.93 0 ID:
- >>17
But my impression is that CDs sold more in the first half of the 90s
- 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:17:51.32 0 ID:
- >>17
The first half isn't horrible at all. CDs sold well too.
- 249: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:54:50.04 0 ID:
- >>17
It's just that you didn't know the first half.
There were a lot more better songs at that time.
- 18: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:13:43.39 0 ID:
- いろんな日本の音楽の転換期だったから勢いがあったんだよ
It was the turning point of the different types of music back then so everything just had momentum - 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:14:20.59 0 ID:
- 有線で野猿のBe cool!流れてたけどあんなのでも真面目に良い曲作ってたし
Yaen's "Be cool!" was on Usen, but even a musical group like that was serious about making music back then
- 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:15:27.44 0 ID:
- >>20
But the ones who made the songs were the pair of Akimoto and Goto
- 21: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:14:26.65 0 ID:
- すごいのは売上だけだぞ
Only the sales were good back then -
- 33: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:15:36.35 0 ID:
- >>21
If you still have the CDs, go and listen to them.
Then try to compare them with the CDs that came out recently.
The difference isn't just in the sales.
- 22: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:14:29.56 P ID:
- バブルで商業ポップス乱発してただけじゃん
It was just the bubble period where everyone just randomly put out pop music for business - 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:14:49.88 0 ID:
- 液晶テレビになって音が悪くなったってのも地味にあるよな
I think that even TVs turning into LCDs played a small part in it.
Once the TVs turned into LCDs, the songs and the music coming from TV didn't sound as great and as moving as before. - 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:15:02.67 T ID:
- ネットや携帯もまだ普及してなかったもんな
There was no Internet and cellular phones back then.
Music was a means of communication. - 28: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:15:08.61 0 ID:
- 今とどっちが良いかと言われれば90年代方が良いわな
If you ask me which is better, I prefer the 90s to what we have now - 30: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:15:14.11 0 ID:
- 世間に浸透しやすいキャッチーなメロディー
Catchy melodies that easily reached the public.
Concerts were not their main attraction, it was more like selling the CDs first then have the consumers sing them on karaoke.
It was at the dawn of the Internet era so everyone didn't have a clue, and it was easier to brainwash the people. -
- 38: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:16:23.09 0 ID:
- >>30
It wasn't brainwashing.
I think there would still be fans who'd listen to the songs even if they knew about the more detailed matters.
The fans and the artists are so far away from each other anyway.
- 35: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:15:50.99 0 ID:
- PCとかで音楽を作れるようになって飛躍的にメロディーが増えたから的な話をみた
I read somewhere that the types of melodies drastically increased in number once they were able to create music with the PC. - 37: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:16:09.86 0 ID:
- 秋元康も昔は良かったのにTo think that Yasushi Akimoto was good back then
http://doraku.asahi.com/hito/interview/html/img/060823_img_1.jpg - 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:16:45.43 0 ID:
- 昔のCDはどんなのでもとりあえず聞いてられた
Back then, we used to listen to anything on CD.
All CDs nowadays are just like trash. - 41: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:16:51.94 0 ID:
- CDバブルって1989年からはじまって1991年で爆発2003年で収束って感じです
The CD bubble felt like it started in 1989, exploded in 1991, and then concluded in 2003. - 42: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:17:17.75 0 ID:
- 今って誰でも知ってる曲って無くなったな
Nowadays, there are no more songs that everyone knows - 48: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:18:09.39 0 ID:
- 売上が凄かったって事はそれだけ聞いてる人が多かったんだな
High sales actually meant that a lot of people were listening back then - 52: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:18:46.04 0 ID:
- レコーディングに1年とかザラにあった
Back in the day, it was normal for artists to take 1 year for recording.
Now it's just 1 month tops. - 56: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:19:30.02 0 ID:
- 90年代ってバンドブームに始まってビーイング系に渋谷系に小室系に
The 90s felt like it started out with the band boom, the Being artists, Shibuya-kei, and the Komuro artists, then was finished off by the Visual-kei. How many artists are still around out of all these?
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/35/0000334935/57/imgb80bec98zikazj.jpeg - 57: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:19:33.14 0 ID:
Judy And Mary, Yellow Monkey, Kinniku Shoujotai
It was the best.
http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/people/noli99/B00005G4IO_09_LZZZZZZZ.jpg - 59: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:19:41.01 0 ID:
- 40くらいのオッサンが過去を美化してるだけ
All you grandaddies in your 40s are just glorifying the past.
So stupid. -
- 63: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:21:20.61 0 ID:
- >>59
I'm in my mid-20s but I strongly agree with the title of the thread
- 64: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:21:30.73 0 ID:
- >>59
I'm 40, but I think the one glorifying it is the generation below me
- 69: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:22:18.56 0 ID:
- >>59
No way. It really was amazing.
- 76: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:23:16.23 O ID:
- >>59
I'm only 18, you know?
- 62: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:21:11.67 0 ID:
- ラルクのflowerとか今出しても売れそうだけどな
Even L'Arc's "flower" would probably sell a lot of units if they released it now
- 80: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:23:44.97 0 ID:
- >>62
I listened to L'Arc again after a long time and I don't get their lyrics. They're singing about wings and stuff, it felt so embarrassing.
- 74: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:22:51.37 0 ID:
- 最近のCDは2000年代中盤くらいのと聞き比べてもゴミだよ
The CDs now are trash even if you compare them with the ones until the mid-2000s - 75: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:23:15.10 0 ID:
- 最近の若いもんはっていうのは恥ずかしいけど今ランクに入ってるのってアイドル以外は大体10年以上活動してる人ばっかだったりして
Take a look at the sales rankings nowadays, if you remove the idols, most of the ones occupying the top spots have been around for over 10 years already. It really makes me think that the young ones these days really aren't on par with them when it comes to ability.
http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/3585128592/bf167a270195b6453c9d323d3d82f062.jpeg - 78: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:23:23.62 0 ID:
- CDは80年代半ばから出てきたけど
CDs first came out in the mid-80s but the players back then were so expensive so the sales were relatively poor. Even Hikaru Genji who caused a major boom didn't even have a million-seller. I think the CD bubble began when the CD-radio cassette players started becoming cheaper in the 90s. I went to junior high in 1993 and I asked my parents to get a CD-cassette player for me to commemorate that. I think a lot of people had experiences similar to mine.
http://www.suruga-ya.jp/database/pics/game/g8686179.jpg - 86: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:25:18.74 0 ID:
- 安室も曲は小室時代の方が再ブレイク後より圧倒的にいいもんな
Even Amuro's songs were much, much better during the Komuro period than her second coming - 88: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:25:22.58 P ID:
- 90年代初頭~94年はビーイングの時代
The beginning of 1990~1994 was dominated by Being, while 1995~1999 was Komuro (Avex)'s era.
Things were more scattered in 2000~2005, and I think that was actually the best period. - 91: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:25:33.61 0 ID:
- 玉石混交だったけど今ほどゴリ推しの度合いが酷くなかったな
It was a mixture of the good and the bad, but things weren't terribly overhyped back then unlike now -
- 105: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:29:20.70 0 ID:
- >>91
What are you talking about, things were much more overhyped back then.
It was nothing but stealth marketing, tie-ups, and pushing and shoving back then.
- 108: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:30:17.86 P ID:
- >>91
Everything back then that was overhyped got sold.
The TV was the strongest medium at the time since there was no Internet yet.
- 98: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:27:25.73 O ID:
- 当時活躍してた人らはだいたい今も現役だもんな
But the people who were already popular then are still active now. - 100: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:27:37.99 0 ID:
- 80年代アイドルは90年代の半ばには みんな第一線から消えたのに
Almost every idol in the 80s disappeared from the frontlines by the middle of the 90s, but the artists from the 90s are still taking lead and are still popular to this day.
It really does seem like the 80s and the 90s is the boundary between "past" and "modern". - 102: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:28:20.58 0 ID:
- 曲の感じは2006年くらいまでは90年代の特に後半と似たような感じだったけどな
The songs up to 2006 still sounded a bit like the ones in the latter part of the 90s, but of course the songs in the first half of the 90s were also pretty good. -
- 106: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:30:03.06 0 ID:
- >>102
The first half of the 90s was pretty similar to the sound of the 80s
- 104: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:29:18.26 0 ID:
- 宇多田以前と以降でやっぱ違うような
Everything was just different before and after Utada (Related post HERE)
http://img13.shop-pro.jp/PA01072/781/product/17144451.jpg - 107: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:30:08.39 0 ID:
- 90年代後半は小室の時代って言うけどさ
People say that the late 90s was the Komuro era, but didn't MisChil, Spitz, and B'z who were the leading figures back then debut around this time too? I really don't think Komuro made that much of an impact. -
- 110: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:30:46.04 0 ID:
- >>107
Your timeline's totally messed up LOL
- 186: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:43:41.40 0 ID:
- >>107
B'z debuted in 1988.
MisChil debuted in 1991.
- 111: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:31:11.58 0 ID:
- 小室が下らん曲でミリオン連発して
Komuro just kept getting million-sellers with his stupid songs, and established the brand called "Komuro Family".
- 114: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:31:58.62 0 ID:
- 今から20年後ぐらいに2010年ぐらいの邦楽を振り返ったら悲惨やな
Japanese music in 2010 would probably look tragic if you reviewed it 20 years from now - 116: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:32:01.79 0 ID:
- 小室は良い曲も沢山作ってたと思うけどねえ
I do think Komuro made a lot of good songs back then - 119: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:32:21.05 0 ID:
- まぁ最近のAKBみたいにミリオン売れてても
Nowadays AKB might sell millions of copies, but you wouldn't know, there might only be about 50,000 people buying their records.
Back in the 90s, if you sold 1 million units, that meant that 1 million people bought them. Same for the ones that sold 2 million. You really have to accept that fact as well. -
- 134: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:35:07.30 0 ID:
- >>119
At least one person in your class had the CD that used to sell a million copies back then.
Not one of my acquaintances have an AKB CD now.
- 124: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:32:49.66 0 ID:
- 2000年のモー娘。出てきた時も
But people were also saying that "Japanese music is finished" when Morning Musume came out in 2000...
Now we're even glorifying them.
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/20130530_yaguchimari_19.jpg - 129: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:33:50.34 0 ID:
- ミニモニじゃんけんぴょんが売れた時はさすがに終わったと思ったけど
I honestly thought that Japanese music was done for when MiniMoni's "Janken pyon" became popular, but things are much worse now.
- 133: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:34:48.44 P ID:
- 歴代シングルランキング見るとドラマの主題歌ばっかだからな
When you look at the all-time singles ranking, it's all theme songs of dramas in there. It just means that songs won't be able to sell by themselves. - 136: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:35:13.80 P ID:
- 昔はCM用にサビだけ作って
They used to make the chorus for the commercials first and then finished the songs later on, you know wwwwwwwwww -
- 142: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:36:34.79 0 ID:
- >>136
Right, people didn't even know how negligent they were in the 90s and it's ridiculous how they say that the 90s was amazing.
- 147: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:37:37.47 0 ID:
- CDに変わる媒体が出てきたら音楽も復活するような気もするけどね
If there was an entity that would replace CDs, I think music's popularity will come back, just like how the vinyl records became CDs. -
- 154: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:39:06.54 0 ID:
- >>147
CDに変わる媒体 ネット
Entity that replaces CDs: Net
- 149: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:38:04.55 0 ID:
- 売り上げランキング見ると
Looking at the sales ranking, idols started dominating the charts from 2008 onwards - 160: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:40:09.58 0 ID:
- 2007年から2008年を境にJ-POPがクソつまらなく感じるようになったのは
I felt that J-POP just turned shi+e somewhere between 2007 and 2008.
Maybe it's just because I grew older. -
- 187: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:43:42.03 0 ID:
- >>160
You can say that.
The songs that I never listened to before but I only come to realize now that "wow, this is good" mostly came out prior to 2007. But that was never the case for the songs released in 2009~2010. Not even once.
- 164: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:40:52.31 0 ID:
- 携帯の普及でそっちに時間使う人が多くなったり
It's just that more people now are spending their time on other things like mobile devices, and not much have music as their "hobby" anymore. I think that there are still good songs nowadays, it's just that it's harder for them to make sales because of the circumstances. - 166: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:40:59.10 0 ID:
- 小室曰く97年あたりから自分でも手抜きで乱雑な曲作りが増えていったらしい
According to Komuro, the number of rough, unpolished songs he released which he didn't compose seriously increased in number from 1997 onwards. -
- 183: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:43:08.11 0 ID:
- >>166
That may be true.
On the other hand, Komuro genuinely had a ton of classics prior to that.
- 174: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:42:14.12 0 ID:
- J-POPが一番輝いてて、華やかで、CD売れまくりで商業的にも成功してた時代だから
That was the period in which J-POP shone the brightest, was glamorous, and was a hit business-wise as the CDs were flying off shelves. It's natural that people are thinking that it was the golden era of Japanese music.
More so than ever since we're in the dark ages now where CDs don't sell like they used to. - 175: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:42:28.02 0 ID:
- 今の子供は初音ミク云々ていうけど
People say that the kids nowadays are into Miku Hatsune.
I seriously want to know how many kids will be able to follow the conversation when I bring up a topic about Miku Hatsune in school.
- 178: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:42:46.00 0 ID:
- 今はボカロとかいうのが流行ってんだろ?
Vocaloids are the "in" thing right now, right? - 179: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:43:00.68 0 ID:
- 今の西野カナみたいな歌詞もアレだけど90年代の歌詞も変な英語が多くて恥ずかしいな
Kana Nishino's lyrics may sound weird nowadays, but the same could be said for the lyrics in the 90s with the weird English phrases inserted here and there, right?
I heard that foreigners seriously find that ridiculous. -
- 189: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:43:54.41 P ID:
- >>179
I heard that Komuro ignored such grammatical errors and just focused on the connotations.
- 202: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:46:04.35 0 ID:
- >>179
Kana Nishino is being made fun of, but I think she's good because she's got attitude. There aren't that many people in Japanese music who have attitude, right?
- 180: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:43:00.29 0 ID:
- 90年代が凄かったのも確か
It's true that the 90s was amazing, but we also have a lot of good songs now. It's just that they aren't selling that much since people have been devoting more time outside of music. - 191: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:44:00.80 0 ID:
- 今の曲と同じものが90年代にリリースされててもミリオン連発してるよ
I think that if you release the songs that we currently have now in the 90s, they'd also be million-sellers. - 192: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:44:33.11 0 ID:
- CD売上だけじゃなくて
It wasn't just the CD sales, but even dramas always had ratings above 20 and 30%. The entertainment world was just so full of life back then. It was even said that all the office ladies disappeared from the streets back then every Monday nights at 9 so they can watch the dramas.
http://hkatsukawafromtokyo.net/blog/pcbc000050153.jpg - 195: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:44:45.71 0 ID:
- コンテンツの質なんてそれこそどの年代も主観だわ
The argument about quality of the contents is pretty subjective, but the sales were without a doubt a true reflection of public opinion, and without questioning the methods, it is a fact that CDs sold the most in those days. And back then, not just a specific group dominated the charts. -
- 201: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:46:03.60 0 ID:
- >>195
Ummm, bu there were specific groups that dominated at that time.
Being and Avex.
- 256: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:56:00.62 0 ID:
- CDバブル絶頂期
1996年 シングル年間TOP100
1 名もなき詩 Mr.Children 230万2910
2 DEPERTURES globe 227万1930
3 LA・LA・LA LOVE SONG 久保田利伸 183万9430
4 チェリー スピッツ 161万3250
5 花 −Mement-Mori− Mr.Children 153万8600
6 空も飛べるはずスピッツ 143万2060
7 愛の言霊 ~Spiritual Message~ サザンオールスターズ 138万1240
8 I'm proud 華原朋美 137万2420
9 Don't wanna cry 安室奈美恵 137万1730
10 Chase the Chance 安室奈美恵 136万1710
11 ミエナイチカラ/MOVE B'z 123万6310
12 Real Thing Shakes B'z 114万0580
13 You're my sunshine 安室奈美恵 109万8520
14 あなたに逢いたくて ~Missing You~ 松田聖子 108万9220
15 アジアの純真 Puffy 105万7630
16 これが私の生きる道 Puffy 105万7230
18 そばかす JUDY AND MARY 103万0320
19 マイ フレンド ZARD 100万0620
20 TO LOVE YOU MORE セリーヌ・ディオン with クライズラー&カンパニー 99万9340
21 いいわけ シャ乱Q 97万1680
During the height of the CD bubble
1996 singles Top 100
1 Namonaki uta Mr.Children 2.3M
2 DEPERTURES globe 2.27M
3 LA・LA・LA LOVE SONG Toshinobu Kubota 1.84M
4 Cherry Spitz 1.61M
5 Hana −Mement-Mori− Mr.Children 1.54M
6 Sora mo toberu hazu Spitz 1.43
7 Ai no kotodama ~Spiritual Message~ Southern All Stars 1.38M
8 I'm proud Tomomi Kahara 1.37M
9 Don't wanna cry Namie Amuro 1.37M
10 Chase the Chance Namie Amuro 1.36
11 Mienai chikara/MOVE B'z 1.24M
12 Real Thing Shakes B'z 1.14
13 You're my sunshine Namie Amuro 1.1M
14 Anata ni aitakute ~Missing You~ Seiko Matsuda 1.09M
15 Asia no junshin Puffy 1.06M
16 Korega watashi no ikiru michi Puffy 1.06M
18 Sobakasu JUDY AND MARY 1.03M
19 My Friend ZARD 1.0M
20 TO LOVE YOU MORE Celine Dion 999K
21 Iiwake Sharan Q 972K
- 261: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:56:43.29 0 ID:
- >>256
They didn't even dominate the charts back then
- 268: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:57:31.91 0 ID:
- >>256
See? Even during Amuro and Kahara's peak, Komuro family still wasn't able to dominate the charts then.
- 203: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:46:30.43 0 ID:
Even Hey!Hey!Hey!, Music Station and CDTV were much more celebrated and attracted more attention back then. It's like heaven and hell when you compare it with how it is now.
- 207: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:47:05.99 0 ID:
- 景気は良かったからレコーディングに金を掛けれた部分だけは恵まれていたよ
The economy was good so the people who spent money on recording their songs were blessed. People have no budget now, so all they can do is do covers or come out with "best of" albums. - 211: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:47:23.35 0 ID:
- 失われた20年
The 20 years that have been lost.
Japan just lost everything. - 224: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:50:34.81 0 ID:
- でも実際の所
In reality, even if people recommend good music or good singers to me now, I won't be listening to them. I became someone who can only listen to idols. - 231: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:51:24.01 0 ID:
- ドラマ全盛期でもあったな
That was the peak of dramas. Even Mr. Children was largely helped by the dramas. - 239: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:52:39.72 0 ID:
- ああドリカムも凄かったなぁ
Dreams Come True was also amazing.
The 90s sure was a beastly period.
http://file.mediajpmusic.blog.shinobi.jp/4988010207526.jpg - 242: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:53:04.65 0 ID:
- 浜田と小室が組んだ話題性で213万枚
Even the song where Hamada and Komuro joined forces sold 2.13 million just because of the buzz it generated, 17th all time.
- 248: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:54:32.71 0 ID:
- >>242
個人的にはGOING GOING HOMEのが好きだけど
That was actually a good song.
I personally like "Going Going Home" better, though.
- 253: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:55:38.36 0 ID:
- 月9の主題歌とか大型タイアップ次第だったような…
Even MisChil's Sakurai said that it all depended on the song's tie-up with the Monday-9 dramas... - 259: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:56:27.38 0 ID:
- スピードの2ndアルバムは初回出荷が300万枚
Even SPEED's 2nd album's initial shipment was 3 million units, and sold over 2.5 million units.
And there's no doping effect that we have now. 2.5 million people actually bought the album.
Now, even if AKB sells 2M, it's just probably around 100,000 people, or less.
Compared to singles now that sell millions, albums were listened to much more by people back in the day.
- 273: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:58:44.38 0 ID:
- >>259
The total sales of that album is actually over 3 million
- 272: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:58:43.29 0 ID:
- YouTubeがとどめを刺したよな
And YouTube just delivered the finishing blow - 156: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:39:34.79 0 ID:
- じゃあいつが良かったか決めようぜ
Then let's all determine once and for all which period was the best -
- 165: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/07/06(土) 01:40:57.39 0 ID:
- >>156
I think the answer there is "anything people listened to when they were in their teens (2nd year junior high ~ 20y/o) "
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