Ishibashi suddenly approached Mickey Mouse and said:
"But what's inside of you is just a sweaty old man, right?",
and even tried to remove the head. This caused panic in the studio as the program went for a commercial break.
One of the program staff says:
"It wouldn't have escalated if he apologized then and there, but there was an executive from Oriental Land who happened to see the broadcast and called our station directly, saying furiously:
'I will never allow such an impolite person to ever appear beside a Disney character ever again!'
'Make him apologize right now!'
The producers dealt with the situation on the spot, but Ishibashi has been banned from appearing with Disney characters ever since."
- 2: セルカークレックス(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/07/16(火) 17:31:53.39 ID:DkApdo9T0
- 「どうせ中に汗だくのおっさんがいるんだろ!」と突如飛びかかり、頭を外そうとしたそりゃ怒るわwww"But there's just a sweaty old man inside of you, right!"
Of course they'd get mad at that www - 3: ライオン(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/07/16(火) 17:31:58.73 ID:gojZnZA30
- 悪乗りし杉He got too carried away there
- 6: 三毛(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/07/16(火) 17:32:56.60 ID:Z+cCfBKj0
- 石橋なら仕方ないな。Can't be helped if it's Ishibashi
- 7: カナダオオヤマネコ(WiMAX) 2013/07/16(火) 17:33:41.12 ID:BCF/O6/n0
- 坂本龍一の可能性もThere's the probabilty that it's Ryuichi Sakamoto
- 238: 茶トラ(大阪府) 2013/07/16(火) 21:28:04.17 ID:ihqm0mAp0
- >>7これかOh, this one
- 8: キジ白(愛知県) 2013/07/16(火) 17:33:43.87 ID:amoyVB8h0
- ディズニーだけはシャレ通じんよJokes won't work against Disney - 11: エジプシャン・マウ(東日本) 2013/07/16(火) 17:34:55.28 ID:dLGR2Y9X0
- 嫌いだけどそれこそが石橋I hate him, but that's Ishibashi for you - 13: ラ・パーマ(岡山県) 2013/07/16(火) 17:35:34.11 ID:T8JcOfhqP
- キャラクタービジネスでそんなんされたらブチ壊しじゃねーかWell, yeah, what would you expect? They're in the character business, so that pretty much ruins it for them.
- 15: コドコド(東京都) 2013/07/16(火) 17:36:06.84 ID:x0XSAXmV0
- >『あの無礼なやつは今後ディズニーのキャラクターと共演することを>許さない!』『今すぐ謝罪させろ!』遊園地屋のくせに生意気だな>'I will never allow such an impolite person to ever appear beside a Disney character ever again!'
>'Make him apologize right now!'
What's with this amusement park, acting so conceited -
- 48: サーバル(やわらか銀行) 2013/07/16(火) 17:47:11.06 ID:3cUWtz3e0
- >>15オリエンタルランドとディズニーの契約がまだ厳しかった頃じゃね。Maybe that was the time when Oriental Land and Disney's contract restrictions were still pretty strict.
- 18: ソマリ(長野県) 2013/07/16(火) 17:36:52.16 ID:02O6ZbjR0
- 消されなかっただけ・・・いや何でもないAt least his existence wasn't erased... no, nothing
- 20: スコティッシュフォールド(東京都) 2013/07/16(火) 17:36:56.27 ID:1g8I4Kyg0
- フジTVのカメラ倒して壊したことHe destroyed Fuji TV's camera
- 71: バーミーズ(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/16(火) 17:56:28.57 ID:hnQV7438P
- >>20それ夕にゃんだったっけナツカシスベストテンで静岡だっけ中継で衣装を観客に破られてキレてたのもあったなwあとオールナイト日本で収録直前に憲武と殴り合いしてそのまま本番入ったとかwThat was Yuunyan, right? So nostalgic!
There was also a time on Best Ten where he went to Shizuoka, then an audience member tore his clothes and made him really mad LOL
There was also this time when he had a fist fight with Takenori before they showed All Night Nippon then they went on air just like that.
- 23: 斑(関西・北陸) 2013/07/16(火) 17:37:22.60 ID:KUtVqnCkO
- DQNがそろそろやるんじゃないかと思ってたが既にやってるやつがいたのかwwwwI thought it's about time that some delinquent would do it, but there's someone who's actually already done it huh wwww
- 26: ライオン(大阪府) 2013/07/16(火) 17:38:20.07 ID:FFWQBppQ0
- 92: ジャパニーズボブテイル(岩手県) 2013/07/16(火) 18:09:28.10 ID:PuKTlvxc0
- >>26お前、消されるぞYou're gonna get erased from this world
- 170: バーミーズ(新潟県) 2013/07/16(火) 20:09:26.64 ID:lldBFP6MP
- >>26イイから早く逃げろ!Oh no, hurry up and run away!
- 264: ぬこ(東京都) 2013/07/16(火) 22:15:44.95 ID:J65Xr8bP0
- >>26あらら・・・Arara...
- 27: ロシアンブルー(茨城県) 2013/07/16(火) 17:38:42.40 ID:48xfv2SR0
- オリエンタルランドの着ぐるみ担当って全員女性だったと思うI think Oriental Land's mascot people are all women
- 55: バーミーズ(庭) 2013/07/16(火) 17:48:28.59 ID:DacB5lSR0
- >>27男も少なからずいるよ。I think there are also a few men
- 31: ジャガランディ(catv?) 2013/07/16(火) 17:39:34.21 ID:8YYtO1FI0
- デビューしたてでもない成り上がり後の96年にこの暴挙ができる芸人は他にいないよな。I don't think there would have been any other comedians who could've pulled this off in 1996, to think that Ishibashi was already a well established personality then.
- 133: ライオン(西日本) 2013/07/16(火) 18:42:31.37 ID:WZk6lk4t0
- >>31そのころの石橋はすでに長者番付タレント部門の上位の常連だったぞIshibashi at that time was already regularly at the top of the millionaire's list (talent division).
- 32: シャルトリュー(茸) 2013/07/16(火) 17:39:56.64 ID:TLC/QZgM0
- ミラコスタホテルで披露宴をしたけど、ミッキーミニーを呼ぶときに誓約書にサインしたよキャラクターの品位を貶めるような行為をしないことを誓うとかなんたら…だったかなWe had our wedding reception at the Disney Miracosta hotel, and we had to sign a contract when we asked for Mickey and Minnie. It was about never doing any act that would ruin the character's image, or something.
- 318: キジ白(芋) 2013/07/17(水) 03:59:58.69 ID:rsEUwD200
- >>32金持ちだなー安い時期でも450万程度かかるんだって?高い時期だと800万するとかWow, you're so rich.
I heard that costs 4.5 million during off peak seasons, and 8 million during peak seasons.
- 40: バーミーズ(東京都) 2013/07/16(火) 17:43:39.28 ID:yBVN/ivLP
- 子供の夢を壊したらアカンヨBecause you shouldn't be breaking the hopes and dreams of the children
- 42: ジャガーネコ(神奈川県) 2013/07/16(火) 17:44:20.62 ID:fd5Mc0xy0
- 幹部怖すぎワラタwwwwwwwwLOL, the executive's so scary wwwwwwww
- 46: シャルトリュー(WiMAX) 2013/07/16(火) 17:45:50.77 ID:IP3BK/4G0
- 良くも悪くもバブル芸人Good or bad, he's a comedian from the bubble era
- 51: キジトラ(WiMAX) 2013/07/16(火) 17:47:28.70 ID:m+Ymk+5c0
- 爆笑問題太田「あれミッキーさっき楽屋裏でタバコ吸ってたよね?」言いそうBakushō Mondai's Ōta: "Hm? I thought I saw Mickey smoking at the back of the dressing room earlier?"
I feel like he'd say something like that. -
- 113: バーミーズ(庭) 2013/07/16(火) 18:21:22.04 ID:19TwpU3NP
- >>51田中「馬鹿っ!お前!何言ってバッカ!・・・・・・」太田を殴る田中田中「ミッキーはタバコなんて吸いません!吸ってないです吸ってないです」Tanaka: "You idiot! You! What the heck did you say, you idiot!......"
Tanaka hits Ōta.
Tanaka: "Mickey didn't smoke any cigarettes! He didn't, he didn't"
- 52: スナネコ(東京都) 2013/07/16(火) 17:47:32.20 ID:dVbvWbXM0
- ディズニー批判したら消されるYou'll be terminated when you say bad things about Disney.
- 60: マヌルネコ(千葉県) 2013/07/16(火) 17:52:15.95 ID:wNA3dqbH0
- 自分達を呼んでくれた歌番組で放送局のカメラぶっ壊したりしてたなYeah, he's the guy who'd break the camera of the singing program that invited them.
- 65: ボルネオウンピョウ(庭) 2013/07/16(火) 17:54:59.94 ID:H1glwont0
- ディズニーの着ぐるみは基本ダンススクールの生徒の女の子と聞いたことあるI heard that most of the people inside these Disney mascots are female students of dance schools.
- 68: カナダオオヤマネコ(埼玉県) 2013/07/16(火) 17:55:43.66 ID:z8hVdxJX0
- ディズニーって凄く怖いイメージあるなDisney really has this scary image attached to them
- 72: オリエンタル(大阪府) 2013/07/16(火) 17:56:34.14 ID:cFwAlm3m0
- こういう芸人が居なくなってテレビはつまんなくなったんだよなAnd TV just got boring when comedians like him stopped appearing.
- 73: ジャガー(北海道) 2013/07/16(火) 17:58:42.00 ID:i7DVFb/60
- これは石橋を支持するディズニー嫌いI support Ishibashi in this one.
I hate Disney. - 74: エジプシャン・マウ(山梨県) 2013/07/16(火) 17:59:21.61 ID:9oDe7cQL0
- ミニーちゃんの生首Minnie-chan's neck - 76: サビイロネコ(チベット自治区) 2013/07/16(火) 18:01:22.08 ID:e2PIB3M90
- 現在ではタブーに触れない業界内ルールに逆らわないのが売れる芸人Nowadays, the comedians who don't touch the taboos and go against the rules are the ones who become popular.
- 78: 縞三毛(アメリカ合衆国) 2013/07/16(火) 18:03:12.12 ID:Hj7aG+tY0!
- それが石橋貴明だから当然の行為が、それはディズニーの世界観とは合わない訳でディズニー側が石橋貴明を拒否するのも当然石橋貴明とディズニーキャラを共演させるのが間違いThat was Ishibashi, what else would you expect?
But of course it's also Disney's right to ban Ishibashi from appearing with them since he doesn't match their world.
It was just a mistake to ever bring Ishibashi and Disney together. - 110: キジ白(東日本) 2013/07/16(火) 18:17:49.52 ID:NqUS44FS0
- 芸風を貫く石橋、キャラビジネスを守る役員、どちらも良いんじゃないのIshibashi just did his stuff as a comedian. The executive just tried do protect his character business. They're both fine in my book.
- 152: ジャパニーズボブテイル(チベット自治区) 2013/07/16(火) 19:26:24.84 ID:2VAKoA6+0
- ミッキーって確か耳の高さで160cmなんだっけ?となると150cmぐらいの人しか入れないって事だから必然的に女性が多いんだろMickey only stands 160 cm tall, including his ears right?
So that means a person who stands 150 cm tall is inside the mascot, which would naturally make a lot of girls take that spot. - 174: バーミーズ(関東・甲信越) 2013/07/16(火) 20:15:18.04 ID:hnQV7438P
- 最近のとんねるずの番組はまったく観なくなったけど昔の番組は面白かった放送の次の日はクラスでとんねるずの話題ばっかりだったなI haven't been watching the Tunnels programs at all these days, but their programs used to be so interesting back in the day. On days after their programs, everyone in class would just talk about the Tunnels.
- 209: アフリカゴールデンキャット(大阪府) 2013/07/16(火) 20:50:12.64 ID:SDXuxoiA0
- 306: ツシマヤマネコ(WiMAX) 2013/07/17(水) 00:09:34.07 ID:DLDLVmZN0
- >>209これかThis one, huh↓香港とは言え一応本物だよな・・・結構可愛いっぽい女の子だし消されてなきゃいいけどこんなのもあったIt was in Hong Kong, but this was real, right?...
The girl even looks cute, I hope they haven't eliminated her.
And I found something like this too.
- 221: バーミーズ(福井県) 2013/07/16(火) 21:06:53.21 ID:fC79t2SYP
- 昔はそれでよかったんだろうけど時代って残酷だよなI think that was fine back in the day.
Time sure is cruel. - 241: ぬこ(家) 2013/07/16(火) 21:29:36.03 ID:iWYA3OwL0
- 元はこんな気持ちの悪いネズミだったくせに偉そうだよな
How conceited of them, to think that these mice originally looked like this -
- 259: コラット(家) 2013/07/16(火) 22:10:31.07 ID:sTHQcjhM0
- >>241やべぇ。怖すぎ。トラウマになるかも。賠償しろDamn, that's creepy.
This is traumatic. Cough up some compensation money.
- 297: ブリティッシュショートヘア(兵庫県) 2013/07/16(火) 23:30:26.47 ID:QJsivAD90
- ミッキーの着ぐるみは他の安っぽいのと違って頭取れないだろ石橋はこういう暴走が売りなんだからマジギレされるのも別にかまわんと思ってるだろBut these Mickey mascots are differenet from the other cheap ones. You can't take the head off, right? This kind of craziness is what made Ishibashi popular so he probably didn't care even if an executive got mad at him.
- 319: スナドリネコ(岐阜県) 2013/07/17(水) 04:11:37.34 ID:6qXGU0kz0
- >>297頭取れてるよThe head can be taken off
- 300: ヤマネコ(大分県) 2013/07/16(火) 23:37:46.74 ID:I7mr4jMF0
- ネズミーも石橋も嫌いなんだがこの件についてははネズミーの肩をもちたいI hate both the mouse and Ishibashi, but I support the mouse in this one.
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