This is double the number from their previous single Mistake!/Battery released in February.
Joy!! is available in 5 editions (Vivid Orange, Lime Green, Sky Blue, Shocking Pink, Lemon Yellow), each edition having different content. All 5 will cost \7,355.
The CD also includes a lottery ticket which gives the winner a chance to attend a fan meeting event for the recently concluded drama Kasuka na Kanojo, which starred Shingo Katori, as well as a serial code which you can enter in to win some goods that are not for sale in their 50! for SMAP! campaign.
Some comments from SMAP fans:
"We didn't want SMAP to resort to something like this."
"They're starting to sell cheap."
"The lottery method is similar to the Hallyu idols, and this entire method is worse than how AKB sells their CDs."
Now that the CD sales figures don't hold any meaning anymore, thanks to AKB, we should get rid of our notion that Ranking = Popularity.
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 12:54:12.83 ID:MAdlAeiA0
- 国民的アイドル(笑)National idols (LOL)
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 12:54:35.59 ID:4kiRm5zd0
- 5種類あるんだったら、初動売上30万を5で割って6万が5つってカウントしないと変じゃない?内容も違うみたいだしいや、平均的に売れてるかどうか知らないから6万じゃないとは思うけどIf there are 5 different versions, then shouldn't they divide the 300,000 by 5, meaning 60,000x5?
The contents are different anyway. Well, it's not exactly 60,000 since I'm sure that not all 5 versions are selling at a similar rate. -
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 12:57:14.29 ID:9EtiI79U0
- >>9オリコンは纏めてだけど種類別にカウントしてるランキングもあるよOricon seems to have added them all up, but they also counted the sales individually per type
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 12:56:10.59 ID:jboWWCEj0
- 出ない額じゃないが精神的に来そうだな。ファン減らすだけ。It's not an amount that one can't shell out, but it'll just take its toll mentally. The fans will just keep decreasing.
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 12:57:41.86 ID:tTmJ2ZtwT
- 妙にAKBと番組多いなと思ったらこういう事かSMAPも落ちたもんだI was wondering why they've been appearing a lot with AKB on TV, so this is it huh. SMAP sure have fallen.
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 12:58:13.20 ID:oSceBG1j0
- 悪質か?全く同じCDを5,6枚買って捨てるより別パッケージを複数買った方がいいだろ?Is it an evil method?
Don't you think buying different variations is much better than buying 5, 6 copies of the exact same thing? -
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:01:11.40 ID:mzlGmc+w0
- >>20それは言えてるI guess you could say that
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:04:01.42 ID:gCh7B4aqO
- >>205枚は残るかも知らんが、抽選券のためにダブって買ったのは同じ運命。しかも5枚違う内容だから、純粋に曲を楽しみたい人も5枚買わないとコンプできない悪質さ。It's evil because the 5 have different contents, which means that the people who want to enjoy the songs need to collect them all.
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:00:15.80 ID:o9ATL46SO
- ビクターは昔から結構えげつない。十年くらい前にサザンのアルバムで色違い仕様(10種以上)とかやってたし。もちろんAKBとかよりはるか前Victor's evil methods goes all the way back in the day.
They even sold 10 different color variants for the Southern All Stars.
Of course, that was way before AKB started doing this. -
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:32:09.15 ID:wrpBLYtL0
- >>24それサザンじゃなくてSMAPのベスト盤That wasn't SAS, that was SMAP's 'Best of' album.
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:00:55.69 ID:2NgX+oTG0
- >AKB48によってCDセールス数の意味が失われてしまった今、「ランキング=人気」という先入観を取り払う必要があるのかもしれない。さらっと秋元康に毒吐いてるなwww> Now that the CD sales figures don't hold any meaning anymore, thanks to AKB, we should get rid of our notion that Ranking = Popularity.
How smooth of them to bash Yasushi Akimoto like that LOLOLOL -
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:05:07.82 ID:xuuH3iZY0
- >>27それに関してのみ言えばとっくに意味が失われていたからこそあんな売り方が生まれたんじゃないかなI think rankings already lost their meaning a long time ago, and that's why this kind of sales method was born.
- 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:01:30.31 ID:8v1erOBL0
- 売上ランキングなんて消費者は気にしたらダメでもこの売り方は引くわー俺ならファンやめるレベルThe consumers shouldn't be concerned about these sales rankings.
But this method sure is a turn-off.
This is on a level that would make me quit being a fan if I were one. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:02:20.66 ID:N6g6mxUJ0
- 悪質な売り方だ買う買わないの決定権は消費者にある。よって、問題ないぞ。This is really evil.
But the consumers have the right to buy, or not to buy.
Therefore, there's no problem with this. - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:02:59.40 ID:LUXCFvx20
- そこまでして30万枚ってむしろひどいんじゃないの?w
Don't you think that 300,000 is a horrible figure even if they did something to that extent? LOL
SMAP's totally finished. - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:03:03.93 ID:MAdlAeiA0
- 買うのはどうせオバサンだが一番の被害者はせっせと働いた金をそんな事に使われてる旦那連中。
The ones who are buying are the old grannies, but the biggest victims here are the husbands who had to work hard and see the money that they earned be used for that purpose. - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:05:02.17 ID:SnKUzTVD0
- ふかわりょうさん、SMAPにも説教お願いしますよ
Mr. Ryo Fukawa, please teach SMAP a lesson as well (related post HERE) - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:09:26.90 ID:7J1+5bSH0
- みじめなことになったなSMAP
SMAP sure have become pitiable - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:09:27.34 ID:RCgdgR97i
- 嵐なんてこんなことしなくても3倍は売れるね
Arashi doesn't even need to do this, and they'd sell 3x more - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:09:59.41 ID:OAS+IGZU0
- 収録曲が違うのに同じCDとして扱う・・・って何かおかしくないか?
The songs are different, but it's treated as one CD... Don't you think that's weird?
I'd understand it if it had different covers or different freebies. - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:11:02.07 ID:jPCVjiLIO
- 握手券、抽選券、特典DVDは興味あるやつだけ買えば良いだろって感じで
Those who are interested can just buy the ones with handshake passes, lottery tickets, DVDs, and other what-nots.
The people who are only interested in the music can just ignore this, but when they split off the B-sides like this, as a fan you'd feel disappointed. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:11:18.50 ID:+fkGjdTM0
- AKBが悪質なのは前提なんだなwその通りだけど
They wrote the article with the premise that "AKB is evil" LOL
But that's exactly the case. - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:13:26.95 ID:Rd559kP7T
- まあジャニーズは嵐がいるから安心でしょ
Johnny's has Arashi so they can still feel relieved.
And it's a smart move that Arashi are more inclined towards MomoClo. - 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:13:34.45 ID:51kKhE9L0
- 嵐はほとんどの曲(20作以上)がカップリング違いの複数商法なのに
I'm envious of Arashi. Almost all of their songs (over 20) are also sold using varying B-sides but no one's bashing them.
SMAP on the other hand has only applied this method to 3 of their 50 songs, including this one. - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:17:21.94 ID:erxSpN0y0
- 一度始めちゃうと止められなくなるんだよな
You won't be able to stop this once you start it.
How miserable, just for the sake of earning chump change. - 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:18:06.78 ID:+HoAFGWu0
- いやエ□ゲなんて売る店舗によって特典が違うんだぜ。
Adult games have different freebies depending on the shop you buy them from -
- 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:27:42.72 ID:WutoFO4f0
- >>71
But those games are downloaded illegally before they even go on sale. You finish them then go buy numerous copies of the game (\8,800) for the sake of 1 telephone card. That's an amazing world they have there.
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:18:36.29 ID:5z/+rI+L0
- そもそも曲がクソだよな。
But the song itself is shi+e. - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:19:14.92 ID:mP2CLLfBP
- カップリングがちがうのは
For those that have different B-sides, they should be counted as a different single. - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:19:24.71 ID:WEHCID2F0
- でもこれ5枚買えば済むんだろ?
But you just have to buy one copy of each of the 5 editions, right?
One AKB baka-wota will buy 1,000 copies of the exact same thing so you can't compare them. -
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:20:55.50 ID:I4wLYrqwT
- >>80
Those kinds of people are only a handful.
And there are also the unpopular gooks and idols who throw in handshake passes.
The scale here is irrelevant, this kind of selling method in itself is a disgrace.
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:21:02.29 ID:51kKhE9L0
- 小銭のためというより50作目だから記念だよ
They're not doing it for "chump change", it's because they're celebrating their 50th single.
Yeah, they sold 3 different versions back in 2010 but they returned to selling just 1 version for a while.
And Victor doesn't have to rely on SMAP alone anymore since the Southern All Stars are back, so they'll probably sell just 1 version the next time around. (Related post HERE) - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:23:18.35 ID:RI5eZm7ZO
- これは、ミニアルバムにすべきだろ。
They should have made this into a mini album - 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:23:39.36 ID:2NgX+oTG0
- ジャニオタの支出はCDだけではない
CDs aren't the only things Jani-wotas spend their money on.
Travel expenses for their concerts, drama DVDs, and they also have to watch their movies over and over again.
You can't be a Jani-wota if you're not rich. - 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:25:41.91 ID:oSceBG1j0
- SMAPのファンって曲はキチンと聞いてないだろ?
Do SMAP fans even listen to their songs?
Don't they just want to join the events and don't even bother to listen to the songs? - 112: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:27:55.69 ID:51kKhE9L0
- 最新シングルのカップリング曲数
AKB 5曲
嵐 3曲
関ジャニ 4曲
The number of original B-sides for the latest single
(backing tracks and remix versions excluded)
AKB - 5 songs
Arashi - 3 songs
SMAP - 2 songs
Kanjani - 4 songs
SMAP just forcefully increased these 2 songs into 5 types, Victor sure has guts. - 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:28:14.72 ID:3tTZEZtD0
- ここ最近異様にファンサービスというか
Their fan service has changed a lot recently. Rather, they're now approving the fans to come closer to them. Idols sure become desperate for survival once they're in their 40s. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:29:36.60 ID:Dg0Dp7dpO
- 嵐もやってるじゃん
But Arashi did this too, and thanks to that, their sales increased by around 200,000. -
- 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:36:14.38 ID:ziRmHBJQ0
- >>119
They didn't sell 5 editions like this, don't lie.
- 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:30:26.71 ID:51kKhE9L0
- SMAPはいまだに30万も売れるってすごいよね
But SMAP is amazing for still being able to sell 300,000 copies.
There's no idol in history who are already in their 40s, who are able to come out with 5 versions of one single and still sell that much.
And I don't think there will be another one either.
They're 40! - 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:31:05.40 ID:cmUAZp9U0
- 他のヤツだって3種くらいまではやってるだろ
Even the other groups are selling 3 versions. It's just that they have 5 versions for their 50th single. - 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:31:39.59 ID:51kKhE9L0
- 握手商法とカップリング違い商法を混同して叩くからおかしい
It's weird that people who seem to be thinking that handshake passes and B-side variants are the same are bashing them.
You can bash AKB all you want because of those handshake passes, but all other idols except for Perfume are selling multiple singles with different B-sides.
Even Arashi sold multiple singles with different B-sides everytime since 2010. They also did that before. -
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:33:03.61 ID:cmUAZp9U0
- >>126
True, everyone just started reacting because they saw AKB in the article, but everyone else is selling their CDs with different B-sides.
- 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:35:48.48 ID:JGO97bkUP
- 先制攻撃したAKBが悪質だろ。
The evil AKB's at fault for starting this.
It's similar to one country having nuclear weapons, which gives the need for the other countries to have their own nuclear weapons as well. - 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:38:04.01 ID:4Y/YmpRw0
- 嵐って前に500円CDシングル出してなかったっけ?
Didn't Arashi come out with a \500 CD single before? -
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:39:51.16 ID:XfQvuU1z0
- >>148
They did something horrible like that when they lost to AKB
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:39:50.39 ID:GzU2+FvKi
- ももクロはアルバムで
MomoClo's album was sold in 3 different variations.
They shipped 700,000 copies but only sold 200,000. - 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:42:41.88 ID:H9y1cA+30
- たけしと坂本龍一がいってたけど
Takeshi and Ryuichi Sakamoto once said:
Once one person starts doing it, everyone else will do the same.
That's what makes it dangerous. - 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:45:36.68 ID:IVcDgpFMO
- 嵐に負けてから必死だよな
SMAP's become desperate after losing to Arashi.
At this rate, it looks like Arashi will even surpass them in the total CD sales as well as the concert ticket sales. - 178: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:46:34.67 ID:3+qrfVs1I
- 今更だけど、カップリング曲違いでも同じCD扱いか
So it's still treated as the same CD even when there are B-side variants?And I think that there are even special cases in which 2 different CDs with the same content are counted separately. I think they should clarify the grounds first. - 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:47:40.44 ID:DDzK8gauO
- マジな話
Seriously speaking, among the CDs currently at the top of the rankings, I think Arashi's the only one selling their CDs properly.
AKB, SMAP, EXILE, all of these groups are using evil methods to desperately add a few more figures to what they're supposed to be selling.
Must be the turn of the times. -
- 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:49:20.93 ID:cmUAZp9U0
- >>184
I think so too that Arashi currently has the biggest consumer base, and they can still move units even when they do nothing.
They shouldn't be pushing themselves, so Arashi's choice is correct.
They're probably going to come up with other means when this drops.
- 196: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:50:48.82 ID:51kKhE9L0
- >>184
But Arashi has 2 different video versions and different coupling song versions which makes it a total of 3 different versions. You're saying that Arashi is the only group selling their CDs properly? I can't seem to comprehend.
I repeat,
But Arashi has 2 different video versions and different coupling song versions which makes it a total of 3 different versions.
- 188: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:48:37.16 ID:+X18MxUJ0
- akbがCDのオマケの方を主軸にCD売るシステムを成功させちまったのが元凶だろうな。もう曲なんてほぼどうでもよくなっている。
AKB is the root of all evil since they had success with selling based not on the actual song but on the extras that came with it. It seems that people don't care about the songs anymore. - 211: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:55:21.87 ID:XbhRUC32O
- 今どきSMAPのファンてまだいるの?
Does SMAP still have fans? -
- 236: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 14:04:24.58 ID:rI6jJbxYO
- >>211
Of course, that's why they can still sell this much.
The haters just can't face reality and just keep on bashing them.
- 212: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:55:45.28 ID:erxSpN0y0
- オリコンが一番ダメなのかもな
I think Oricon is the one at fault here.
I hope they don't count CDs with freebies as CDs. - 220: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:56:57.42 ID:ljN546kLO
- ほんと歌が下手な40のおっさん達がアイドルっていう時点で痛々しいのに、SMAPはまだこんなに売れるんですアピ必死すぎwww
Some 40-year-olds who sing bad and are still passing off as idols is pathetic in itself, and the way they're so desperate in trying to prove a point that they can still sell this much is just... LOL
It's just their wotas buying all the CDs because of the freebies. - 221: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 13:57:02.38 ID:0/y3Th/gT
- こんなに買わせるAKBより悪質な売り方はない
There's nothing more evil than AKB who makes their wotas buy this much
指原莉乃オタ 9108票
Rino Sashihara wota - 9108 votes
渡辺麻友オタ 5566票
Mayu Watanabe wota - 5,566 votes
松井珠理奈オタ 5211票
Jurina Matsui wota - 5,211 votes
入山杏奈ヲタ 4000票
Anna Iriyama wota - 4,000 votes
佐藤すみれヲタ 4800票
Sumire Sato wota - 4,800 votes
小嶋真子ヲタ 1585票
Mako Kojima wota - 1,585 votes
川栄李奈ヲタ 1085票
Rina Kawaei wota - 1,085 votes - 256: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/07/03(水) 14:15:46.65 ID:mtYOq4iu0
- TOKIOのリーダーだとそこまで、嫌悪感ないな
If this was TOKIO's leader, you guys wouldn't be hating on him so much
Original Thread
Shop for SMAP-related items (including all 5 editions of JOY!!) on YESASIA
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