- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:29:09.67 ID:ukNqhEP3
- 顏がでかい
He's got a large head - 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:29:47.92 ID:PEY/Dcvu
- 昔一番カッコいい俳優か誰か考えた時辿り着いたのが玉山鉄二だったわ
- When I thought about who the most handsome actor is, I reached the conclusion that it's Tetsuji Tamayama - 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:30:48.34 ID:04gFLDxz
- 韓国人がナンバーワンなのかよ
- A Korean's number one?
- 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:31:44.39 ID:H+be8R/Q
- タマテツが在日だとか2chのレス信じてるやついんのかよ
- Are there really those who believe the 2chan responses that Tetsuji Tamayama is a naturalized Korean?
- 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:37:03.78 ID:QG8HC0ZU
- 自分でチョンの血が入ってると公表したやん
ググれば出る - He admitted that he has Korean blood. Google it.
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:30:50.80 ID:7FTO+SbG
- 個人的になりたい顔一位
- First in my personal ranking of faces I want to look like - 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:31:09.28 ID:CaI6seod
- 坊主になってもかっこ良かったわ
- He was still cool even when he was bald -
- 21: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:32:26.49 ID:PEY/Dcvu
- >>10
(お…手紙か?) - (Oh... is that "Tegami"?)
- 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:31:49.36 ID:CpOSw2xE
- rootsのCMかっこええんじゃあ~
- His commercial for roots was cool! - 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:32:13.58 ID:eLRvZJUH
- ナヨッとしたイケメンと男くさいイケメンのちょうど中間っぽい顔な気がする
- I think his face is like the balance between a delicate ikemen
- and a manly ikemen - 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:32:14.35 ID:UVw1Tb3F
- この人ってかっこいいんだけどなんていうか男から見たカッコよさ、
なんか女ウケそこまでよくないのはなぜ? - This guy is cool too, but I think it's more like a "coolness" from a man's point of view. Like TOKIO's Nagase. But why isn't he that popular with the ladies? -
- 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:38:51.64 ID:ZRQaHm56
- >>19
顔の作りやなくて清潔感が関係しとるんかもしれんな - I recall Nagase being popular with the girls when he was young. It wasn't because of his facial features but I think it was more of his clean image.
- 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:32:21.83 ID:VNNqvqu/
- 劣化版竹之内やん
- But he's a poor man's Takenouchi - 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:33:07.49 ID:VNNqvqu/
- 日本で一番イケメンなのは竹野内ってそれ一番言われてるから
- A lot of people really say that Takenouchi is Japan's number one Ikemen
- 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:32:48.95 ID:3xA67aYm
- 玉鉄は存在感ないんだよ
- Tama-Tetsu lacks presence
- 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:32:56.67 ID:R84PVrFL
- 玉山を緒方拳が共演したドラマのメイキングで「イケメンだなあ」って言ってた
Ken Ogata once said in a behind-the-scenes clip of their drama that Tamayama is "really handsome" - 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:33:20.81 ID:ICk5d11n
- 大正義安藤政信
Masanobu Ando -
- 28: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:33:56.80 ID:CpOSw2xE
- >>25
キッスリターンの頃もスマグラーの頃もどっちもすき - I liked him both in Kiss Return and Smuggler
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:33:45.33 ID:dZf2XQXD
- 女受け以前に露出少なすぎやん
- He's not that well exposed to begin with
- 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:33:57.52 ID:HpdNNf4S
- 成宮寛貴くんでしょ!
- Has to be Hiroki Narimiya! - 31: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:34:26.24 ID:e3H4Sg0r
- 西島秀俊ニキの裸体
- Hidetoshi Nishijima's bod - 32: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:34:32.56 ID:5ZU/krli
- この人見るといっつも思うんやが俳優って顔完璧すぎるとマイナスに働くよな
- I always think whenever I see this guy that having a perfect face doesn't always seem to be the best thing
- 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:34:34.32 ID:7DWY3K8F
- 男にもてそう
- He seems popular with the guys
- 34: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:34:36.23 ID:Kr4vLtnz
- 在日ってマジ?
- Is it true that he's a naturalized Korean?
- 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:35:31.03 ID:nOOMidWq
- >>34
キムタクもイチローも在日とかいう奴らの事信用ならん - I can't trust the ones saying that since they're also claiming that Ichiro and Kimutaku are also Koreans
- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:34:44.96 ID:nOOMidWq
- なぜかドジな役のイメージ
- My image of him is that of a clumsy person
- 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:36:28.00 ID:qWnCRx2u
- BOSSとかぐらいしか明確に出てたドラマ覚えてない
- I only remember him clearly in the drama BOSS - 42: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:38:07.05 ID:noYLfasA
- 玉山鉄二だとか竹之内とかは、「イケメン」ではないやろ
「イケメン」ってもうちょい線の細そうなタイプの印象 - Tetsuji Tamayama and Takenouchi are not "Ikemen". They're "Handsome". I think Ikemen is used on those who are a bit thinner
- 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:38:36.97 ID:r/DS+tkT
- イケメンってのは山Pみたいな奴のことだよな
- Ikemen is used to describe people like Yama-P - 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:38:15.00 ID:5ZU/krli
- 金城武との差は声に魅力があるかどうかやな
金城は声がめっちゃかっけえ 玉鉄は凡声 - His difference with Takeshi Kaneshiro is the attractiveness of their voices.
- Kaneshiro really has a good voice but Tama-Tetsu's is normal. 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/14(日) 01:39:17.32 ID:HpdNNf4S
- 声が太くないと男前にならない
イケメンにならない - If your voice isn't deep and thick, you can't be called Handsome nor an Ikemen
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