2 channel's reactions after the jump
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:24:42.09 ID:/sCMAs0pi
- 確かに一昨日・昨日と面白かった
能年ちゃんよりどちらかと言うと脚本と共演脇役が光ってたからだけど - The other day and today's episodes were really good. I think the co-stars and the script really shined brighter than Nounen-chan
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:25:06.29 ID:yoik2lFS0
- 初回みてないんだけど
なんで主人公は東京育ちなのに岩手弁しゃべれるの? - I didn't watch the 1st episode, but how come the lead character can speak the Iwate prefecture dialect even if she grew up in Tokyo?
- 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:52:36.34 ID:8z6D2SzG0
- >>12
東京では陰気なキャラだったから現実逃避で違う人格演じてる設定 - She's actually a gloomy person who has like a split personality when she's trying to run away from reality
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:30:11.39 ID:DDDbIMjQ0
- 最近の朝ドラは普通にやれば視聴率とれるからなあ
前のやつみたいに「朝ドラを変える!」みたいなわけわからん功名心で余計なことしなければ支持される - These Asadoras (morning dramas) are capable of getting pretty high ratings if they just do them normally, not like the previous trend wherein they were trying to conduct a revolution by saying "We'll change how Asadoras are viewed!".
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:34:25.21 ID:if/3dKP00
- 久しぶりに透明感ある新人だな
さすが関西人や - It's been a long time since we had a newcomer who has this feeling of translucence. As expected of someone who hails from the Kansai region!
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:34:32.72 ID:qiLEDpIAO
- 全部見れてないけど昨日のは面白かった
クドカン節出てたわ - I haven't been able to see all the episodes but yesterday's was interesting. Kudokan's style really showed
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:34:54.75 ID:Sv9sZzwz0
- (‘j’)/じぇ!
- (‘j’)/ Jye!
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:37:30.12 ID:YmYLBwVB0
- 昨日の放送回
能年玲奈(19)、橋本愛(17)の共演\(^o^)/ - A scene from yesterday's episode.
- Rena Nounen (19) and Ai Hashimoto (17)
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:38:52.49 ID:ukFhnAiw0
- >>39
能年のほうが年上なのに、橋本愛のほうが全然年上に見えるなw - Nounen's actually older but Ai Hashimoto looks much, much older than her LOL
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:56:36.61 ID:JJYhPheE0
- >>39
すばらしい2ショット - That's a wonderful shot of the 2
- 41: 名無しさん@縮毛です 2013/04/19(金) 06:39:20.00 ID:rHaaa+020
- オープニング曲が流れ出すと家の3歳の娘がいつも踊りだす
- My 3-year old daughter always starts dancing once she hears the opening song
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:40:34.24 ID:7i9pQ08y0
- 純愛って結局何がしたかったの
- So what the heck did "Jun to Ai" (previous drama) try to achieve?
- 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:43:49.90 ID:ASB4ni9YP
- >>44
朝ドラなんて毎日見てんじゃねーよ、って伝えたかったんだろ - I think that drama wanted to tell the viewers "don't watch Asadoras every morning you twerps!"
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:45:11.50 ID:jTekthfh0
- いちいち前のドラマ叩くなよ。
おかげであまちゃんがより面白く見えるし。 - Stop bashing the previous dramas all the time. "Jun to Ai" still managed to remain in people's memories, regardless if it was for the wrong reasons or not, so it was still a huge success. And thanks to that, Amachan looks so much more interesting.
- 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:46:41.08 ID:WubkJzR/P
- >>55
それ立派な叩きw - That's what you call bashing LOL
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:53:36.77 ID:YmYLBwVB0
(  ̄。 ̄)y━~~- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:54:54.32 ID:x8hDS+Zr0
- 可愛いけど、おっぱいが皆無、微塵も無いんだよな。
あまちゃんで、海へ行く坂道を走って下りるシーンですらピクリともしてなかったよ。 - She's cute, but she doesn't have any boobs, not even the slightest.
- Even when she was running down the slope towards the sea, it didn't even budge.
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 06:57:26.31 ID:4zCGkb4V0
- >>71
ユイはマジまな板 - But she still has a bit more than Ai Hashimoto.
- Yui is seriously what you call a "Mana-Ita" (chopping board).
- 167: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:32:39.23 ID:IwhB7Q5Z0
- >>71
安産型の良いケツしてるよ。 - But she's got a really nice butt
- 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:02:00.46 ID:KWaLTUujO
- 脚本家の才能
クドカン>>>>>>>>越えられないかべ>>>>>遊川 - Scriptwriting ability
- Kudokan>>>>>>>>(an insurmountable wall)>>>>>>>>>>Yukawa
- 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:04:46.16 ID:EDhslJ520
- 面白いよな
じぇじぇじぇ推しすぎだけど - It really is a fun show. The're trying too hard to popularize that "Jye jye jye" though 107: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:08:13.14 ID:Eo/KzVY9O
- 携帯サイトからOP♪ダウンロードしてアラームにした。
最後まで毎朝聴いてから止めてる。すごいお買い得だわ - I dowloaded the opening song and set it as my alarm on my cellphone. Every morning, I finish the entire song first before I turn it off. It really was a good buy for me
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:11:31.35 ID:kux5HU1AO
- なんとなくクドカンは小ネタの人?と思ってたけど、思いの外、丁寧に心情を描いていて良いね。
- My impression of Kudokan was that he was the type of person who liked writing short gags, but I was pleasantly surprised that he's actually able to express the character's feelings pretty well
- 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:11:50.32 ID:pzOq1Db7O
- このこ可愛いよな
剛力より能年ごり押しなら納得できるのに - This girl really is cute. I would have understood it if the media hyped Nounen more than that Gouriki. 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:13:50.39 ID:EcJUqwfo0
- クドカンもP演出も
かと思っていたけど、今回当たりましたなぁ。 - I always thought that Kudokan and Director P were the types who had "a core following which doesn't translate to ratings" but this has become a hit for them
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:15:46.42 ID:2+H15V8L0
- 荒川良々の出番増やしてくれよ!!
とぼけた顔がもっと見たい - Please increase Yoshiyoshi Arakawa's screen time! I want to see that dumb-looking face more often!! - 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:21:56.94 ID:KWaLTUujO
- 町民みんなキャラ濃すぎるwM3NSP(南三陸なんとかすっぺ)会議は爆笑したw
若者だけの話じゃなくて、町民みんなの話にしてるのが年寄りにもウケてるんだと思う - All the townsfolk have such deep characters! I LOL'ed so much at the M3NSP (Minamisanriku nantoka suppe) meeting LOL
- I think that even the older viewers are having fun because of the inclusion of these stories of the townsfolk, and not just focusing on the younger ones.
- 141: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:24:08.18 ID:7RecX+n40
- 朝8:00~8:15という時間帯に
驚きを隠せないのだがw - I honestly can't hide my disbelief of the fact that 22% of households are tuned in to the TV at 8:00~8:15 in the morning
- 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:26:42.45 ID:2P8OgV4e0
- >>141
純愛みたいな糞ドラマでも平均17%とれるくらい - I think there are also a lot of people who use Asadoras as an alternative for clocks so even that shitty drama "Jun to Ai" averaged 17%
- 203: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:52:10.56 ID:/kLqKRez0
- >>141
高視聴率の時は大抵大きいニュースがある - I guess there are a lot of families who just leave their TVs on after watching the news. These high ratings are usually on days with major news stories.
- 142: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:24:15.63 ID:e0H+/6hx0
- 両親ともに70歳。
クドカンすげー - Both my parents are 70 years old.
- This is the first time they asked me to teach them how to record a TV program.
- Kudokan is so amazing!
- 147: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:26:06.84 ID:YmYLBwVB0
- デカいな
- This is huge
- 149: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:26:49.08 ID:m1eEqvXX0
- >>147
能年、腕細すぎ - Nounen's arms are so thin!
- 315: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 09:00:11.60 ID:XRRuiu5s0
- >>147
これだけおいしくなさそうに見せたのにも、なにか狙いがあるんだろうな。 - I think they were aiming for something by making this seem like it didn't look delicious
- 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:26:55.69 ID:p44C2Xtp0
- 朝ドラなんて生まれてこのかた
俺は脳年と橋本愛につられた - Even I who almost never watched Asadoras my entire life am watching this. The cast lineup is really extravagant, I was drawn into this by Nounen and Ai Hashimoto.
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:27:50.39 ID:We+zOeBQO
- 確かにオープニングがいいな
- It's true that the opening is really good.
- 177: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:36:43.69 ID:CTEGW3X30
- 能年玲奈ちゃんよかったな
- Rena Nounen-chan was really good
- 180: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:37:02.22 ID:Zpc7l1OA0
- 今週が今のところ一番おもしろいな
- The episodes this week are the best ones yet
- 187: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:42:51.31 ID:HoGP/YBy0
- キョンキョンの回想シーンもいいよね
- Kyon-kyon's flashback scene was good too
- 206: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 07:53:11.29 ID:YNTQFBZIO
- 特別面白いわけじゃないけど前作がクソすぎたから反動で面白く見える
- It's not exceptionally that good, it's just that the previous drama was so shitty, this one looked so good.
- 214: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:00:14.30 ID:vrTeETt+O
- 昨日放送のヒロシと親父のやりとりなんか笑えた
それにやっぱり能年玲奈可愛い - I laughed at Hiroshi and his dad's exchange yesterday. And yeah, Rena Nounen is really cute.
- 216: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:03:44.15 ID:E6ANxzUEO
- すげー梅ちゃん超えたな
- Wow, this surpassed Ume chan! - 223: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:13:17.91 ID:pL1ZBrwK0
- すげえ可愛い!
こりゃ多少脚本があれでも我慢して視聴続けるわ - She's so cute! I think I'd still be able to bear watching this drama because of her even if the scriptwriting was bad - 228: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:18:10.99 ID:MW3o7F8E0
- 海女ちゃん可愛い
- What a cute Amachan
- 232: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:19:26.06 ID:Me+/5OKt0
- 今のところかなり面白い
これからぐだらないか心配 - The drama has really been good recently. I'm a bit worried that it might go downhill from here
- 235: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:21:49.82 ID:hJWPxMXTO
- 題材が王道だからな
狙ってる対象がわからない - The subject is pretty mainstream. It's actually a mystery to me as to why they haven't been doing this from the beginning. They're always trying to do off-beat dramas. I don't understand what they're trying to pull
- 236: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:23:15.74 ID:90xCuPkK0
- >>235
朝ドラ定番の昭和の苦労しました大変でした戦争はいや話だったじゃん。 - The weird one was just the one that went before this. Before that there was Umechan Sensei, Carnation and Himawari which were all mainstream topics for Asadoras like living a hard life back in the Showa period, problems, wars, etc.
- 250: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:31:30.33 ID:G9bpkMqr0
- 能年は黒目がちでアイドル顔かな今は新鮮さと透明感が売り
この先どっちが生き残るかはわからん - Nounen looks like an idol with her huge black eyes, and right now her freshness and pureness are her selling points. Ai Hashimoto on the other hand has the look of a distinguished actress and is actually already gaining attention. I'm not sure though who will survive in showbiz from here on out.
- 271: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:39:46.78 ID:sLdhlY8t0
- 朝ドラはこういう正統派なのがいい
- Orthodox stories like this are what Asadoras should be
- 274: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:40:25.72 ID:YpyzMNL70
- かなり面白いが、やはり前作の反動もあるだろな
クドカンは遊川に菓子折送っとかな - It's really good but I really do understand that it's also partly because of its predecessor. It's like the viewers who had built up all their stress from watching that just got relieved by this one and are in a festive mood. Kudokan should thank Yukawa by sending him a box of cakes
- 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:42:03.66 ID:Ktux5Gx10
- ミタ脚本家は朝ドラで二流なのがバレたが
クドカンはさらに評価上げそうだな - It's now been blown out of the water that Mita's scriptwriter is just a second-rate Asadora try-hard, but Kudokan seemingly will be improving his status
- 284: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:46:31.52 ID:0KQN8HD2P
- >>277
場数のケタが違うし - It's pretty clear that Kudokan has much more tricks up his sleeve as a screenwriter.
- Of course, their experience are just too far and apart
- 286: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:47:16.45 ID:hN30QUNn0
- >>277
朝からドロドロしたものは見たくないわな - I kind of get this feeling that Kazuhiko Yukawa has a dim and gloomy personality, and maybe that was already bright and cheerful for his taste. But it wasn't for the viewers (and the netizens). Viewers don't want gloomy stories right in the morning.
- 310: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:57:46.71 ID:bnxbLRRrP
- 紅白司会は小泉今日子、能年玲奈、宮本信子のうちの誰か
- So either Kyoko Koizumi, Rena Nounen or Nobuko Miyamoto will be hosting the Kouhaku this year huh.
- 313: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/19(金) 08:59:44.84 ID:apKPZUZ40
- うちのおやじがこのドラマ見てるから相当凄いぞ
- Even my dad is watching this so it must really be something
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