Tsunku's comments on the name change:
"2014 will mark the 17th year since the name Morning Musume was given to the group, but in order for this group to continue for another 10, 20 or 30 more years, we've decided to add the year next to the name so that everyone will immediately know the answer to simple questions such as "When did they release the song ______ again?" or "When was ____-san a member of Morning Musume?"
This also means that they will be changing to "Morning Musume '15" on January 1, 2015.
Tsunku though said that: "Once we try this out and if things actually become more confusing, then I'll probably take this decision back. But whatever the case, they will be known as 'Morning Musume '14' come the new year, so please root for us!"
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:22:40.08 ID:9fjHrllo0
- 末期的w
End of an era w - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:24:07.21 ID:aNNAFCGk0
- 17年過ぎてから
And realizing this after 17 years is... - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:24:10.43 ID:TOHP9HvT0
- 加速するオワコン臭大抵末期なんだよなこうなるとThe more they seem like they're heading towards their downfall.
Things like this are usually done when something is heading towards its end, right? - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:24:16.98 ID:4y7Y7c5L0
- オワタOwata
*( it's over) - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:24:56.53 ID:qr3C4BtK0
- この前見たけど全盛期の歌のダンスが全部変わっているんだねすごい違和感あったわI saw them a while back, and all the dance moves changed from their songs during their peak.
It really felt awkward. - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:25:26.92 ID:ZZAmW+CT0
- これは…(笑)
This is... (laughs) - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:25:56.36 ID:5j1LwEmE0
- '14もどうかと思うがワンフォーってw
'14 is already bad as it is, but one-four? w - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:25:56.53 ID:FOXqkPQ00
- やめた方がいい1年なんかあっという間だぞThey should scratch this idea.
1 year passes by quickly. - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:26:08.50 ID:pBXE+Gtv0
- 2048年が待たれるな
People will be waiting for 2048 to come - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:26:33.30 ID:BLGluD/z0
- 知らん人からしたら来年限定でモームスが復活するのかと思う
Someone who doesn't know the group will probably think that Momusu will just be making a comeback for 1 year next year - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:26:44.31 ID:/xjCxkav0
- 矢口とは違うんです!
"We're different from Yaguchi!" - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:27:04.62 ID:s/or/BTL0
- 伝統的娘はドリムスだと認めたようなものだ
It's like admitting that Dream Morning Musume is the traditional Musume group - http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61DGecF5ccL.jpg
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:27:28.40 ID:vKUnbvB3O
- 11/16(土) 15.0% 19:00-20:54 CX* めちゃ×2イケてるッ! 街はすっかり冬だけどやるんだよスペシャル AKB48抜き打ち体育祭11/23(土) 13.0% 19:57-20:54 CX* めちゃ×2イケてるッ! AKB48体育祭完全版登校どっきり(秘)舞台裏元モー娘ミキティ11/30(土) *9.7% 19:57-20:54 CX* めちゃ×2イケてるッ! 爆笑ニセふなっしー!?岡村たかっしー(秘)潜入新モー娘とダンス対決(自称)再ブレイクしたモー娘。出演で11/16 (Sat) 15.0% 19:00-20:54 CX* Mecha mecha iketeru! AKB48 surprise sports fest special
11/23 (Sat) 13.0% 19:57-20:54 CX* Mecha mecha iketeru! AKB48 sports fest complete (secret) + Ex MoMusu Mikitty
11/30 (Sat) *9.7% 19:57-20:54 CX* Mecha mecha iketeru! Fake Funassyi? Okamura Takassyi + dance battle with the new Morning Musume
When the participation of Morning Musume who are in their "2nd break" (self-proclaimed), MechaIke's ratings are also on a 2nd break wwwwwww -
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:33:15.35 ID:OS8FCggQ0
- >>31ブレイクって壊れる方じゃね…
Could it be that the "break" here means "getting destroyed"...
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:38:16.37 ID:fUV8YCfh0
- >>31毎週アイドルの企画なのか…めちゃイケがこういう番組になってる事に驚いたSo they're just featuring idols every week?
I'm surprised that MechaIke has turned into this kind of program
- 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:41:05.05 ID:DlwpR8gz0
- >>3111/30の視聴率は正しいけど11/23は間違ってるよ13.0%よりも低い
The ratings for 11/30 are correct but 11/23's ratings are wrong. It's lower than 13.0%.
- 34: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/12/06(金) 12:27:59.69 ID:M/kwEz0c0
- つんく♂もヤキがまわったなww究極のダサさを追求したのかなもしかしてwLooks like Tsunku has become senile ww
Maybe he's in pursuit of the biggest kind of lameness possible w - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:28:09.86 ID:Zpzw2fY90
- 迷走してるね
He's losing his path - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:28:49.31 ID:5j1LwEmE0
- 毎年新人賞狙うつもりかねw
So are they gunning for the best new artist award every year? w - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:29:17.04 ID:r84Oxy2zi
- モー娘。迷走してるなあ
Looks like MoMusu are getting lost - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:29:31.73 ID:cXegFIEPO
- 1年区切りは短くないか?4年周期でモーニング娘。ソチとかモーニング娘。リオデジャネイロとかIsn't 1 year too short?
What about every 4 years? Like Morning Musume Sochi, or Morning Musume Rio de Janeiro? - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:30:24.74 ID:+Tf2S/L/0
- もう解散でいいんじゃなかろうか、役目は終わってるよ
Why not split up already? Looks like his duty is finished here. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:31:04.87 ID:YRLRxxhW0
- わんふぉーわんふぁいぶわんしっくす・・・といくのか
So it'll go like one-four, one-five, one-six... - 63: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/12/06(金) 12:32:07.05 ID:v8dAx/ynO
- これ「モーニング娘。」としての記録は全部途切れるわけか?
Does this mean that all their feats and records as "Morning Musume" will come to a halt? - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:32:07.99 ID:Irt/U1wq0
They're now starting to copy AKB48 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:32:16.51 ID:9x14vJCMO
- つんくが付けるニックネームと同じで全く定着せずに皆忘れるよIt's the same as the nicknames that Tsunku has been giving. Everyone will just forget it without ever sticking on everyone's minds.
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:34:32.91 ID:uF9+RzqN0
- 寺田はハロヲタが思う以上に今年に紅白出場をかけていたんだろうな今年が最後のチャンスと思ってそれが駄目になって改名で再出発を決意したとTerada (Tsunku) must have really wanted to get on this year's Kouhaku, more than what the Hello-wotas are imagining. He probably thought that this year was their last chance. And it all went down the drain, so he probably decided to make a fresh start like this.
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:35:06.94 ID:ifNS1Fz60
- モーニング娘。48までいくかな
I wonder if Morning Musume will make it all the way to 48 - 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:35:41.48 ID:S3HQ0MBr0
- まだ生き残ってるのは評価するもう誰も知らないけどI commend the fact that they have survived up to this point.
No one knows them anymore, though. - 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:36:38.08 ID:YAicKY+e0
- 毎年レコ大新人賞狙えるじゃんwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
They'll be able to go for the best newcomer every year at the Japan Record Awards wwwwwwwwwwww - 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:36:56.31 ID:t27z1/LV0
- みちしげ引退したらモームス消えるだろw
MoMusu will probably disappear once Michishige graduates w
http://img02.ti-da.net/usr/lohaslove/michishigesayumikawaii.jpg - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:37:38.32 ID:KQvmUMud0
- メンバーの入れ替わり激し過ぎたのがそもそも失敗の原因
I think that too much changing of members is the reason for their failure. - 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:38:13.45 ID:mHKpfLNa0
- 全然定着しなさそう
I don't think this name will stick - 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:39:29.57 ID:j8Ws3k7F0
- 中途半端だなそれならもうモーニング娘。を変えろよどうしても過去と比べてしょぼい感じが拭いきれないThat's so half-a$$ed.
He should just change the name Morning Musume instead.
Comparisons to the past is inevitable, and you totally can't wipe off the image that they're just lame now. - 107: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:40:11.27 ID:UXAdjnMh0
- 中途半端な感じだな
That feels half-baked - 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:40:13.76 ID:ORAdMtBDO
- もういいよ道重がいなくなったら完全に終わるだろJust stop already.
They'll totally be finished when Michishige leaves. - 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:40:56.48 ID:fS73u8bA0
- 道重さゆみ&モーニング14でいいよChange it to Sayumi Michishige & Morning 14 instead
- 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:41:11.48 ID:kYfUS9N60
- つんくって基本的にダサいよねモーニング娘。の売れてた時も勢いでごまかしてたけど歌詞とか酷いTsunku's basically lame.
People didn't mind it because of the momentum that they had when they were popular, but even then his lyrics were horrible. - 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:43:55.86 ID:G2FD54peO
- MNG48誕生まではあと35年か…
35 more years until the birth of MNG48, huh... - 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:44:14.36 ID:qf+DrZHhI
- うわぁ~だっさwww再ブレイク詐欺失敗してやけくそなんだなwwwUwa~ that's lame www
They must be desperate now that their "2nd break" fraud ended up in a failure. - 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:45:46.83 ID:WK+xKQK40
- ネタかと思った最近は勢いあるんじゃなかったっけ?これは終わるグループがやることだろうI thought it was just a joke.
Didn't they have momentum recently?
This is something done by a group that's about to end, right? - 141: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:46:34.25 ID:zWrApnhT0
- モーニング娘。Zのが良かった
Morning Musume Z would have been better - 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:47:40.96 ID:mHKpfLNa0
- 解散年はファイナルモーニング娘。にするとか
What about making the name Final Morning Musume in their final year? - 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:48:19.13 ID:DWqjli0H0
- ははーん変な占い師にハマったなつんく
Ahhh, I think Tsunku has fallen for some strange fortune teller -
- 212: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 13:01:58.37 ID:2OhxtgdF0
- >>150それはもうずっと昔からだよwww金環日食があったころに「ドーシャのアグニが」とか意味不明なツイートをしてたwwwwHe's always been like this www
Even during the solar eclipse, he tweeted something like "Dosha's agni" wwww
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:48:25.07 ID:8iuo2keC0
- 歌踊りともAKBより優れているが、AKB商法に完全に打ち負かされているなつんくと秋元のビジネスの才能の違いだろうなI think their singing and dancing is better than AKB, but they're totally losing to the AKB business model.
That must really be the difference between Tsunku and Akimoto's business managing skills.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMFV7Yrk12Yhyse5tw-S3tCnu2gkDC5l3VR_VOzJBSTtjtY5_v02kcSgXfxtQlfdWURkPbAhv-vkKK5t7S8enZWG00Pig2LGK-yhkBqcXWuAMnPj3dBpoIoVdSdPxV8-WtzPGo3Sts6RSW/s1600/d22bdf96.jpg - 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:48:36.68 ID:Q097NzF30
- >この先も10年20年30年とグループを存続させて行く為にもまだ続けるのかよwww> in order for this group to continue for another 10, 20 or 30 more years
They're still going to keep this up? www - 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:49:48.33 ID:CTi/Tq270
- これは来年くるなモー娘。ブームが!あとはマスコミ様が連日報道してくれれば間違いないLooks like the MoMusu boom will come again next year!
All that's left is for the media to keep reporting about them every day. - 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/06(金) 12:55:41.37 ID:OfjhmtfK0
- 看板だけが命なのに・・・
To think that the label "Morning Musume" is their life force...
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