Actor Masato Sakai, who was in two hit dramas this year, Hanzawa Naoki and Legal High 2, talked about his feelings as he looked back at 2013.
"This was a year wherein I just kept talking and talking. I have never talked this much in a year. Like a monk in training, memorizing his sutra and reciting it over and over, each and every single day. I just kept reciting the lines given to me, from right to left..."
"This really was a dry and unfulfilling year. Nothing was left. It was a year in which I just gave away everything that I have received, and nothing has been left with me. If I was able to convey this to the viewers, then that makes me really happy."
When asked about his objectives for next year, Sakai answers: "As much as possible, I don't want to speak. I just got tired of talking this year... Maybe no lines for me for a while (laughs). I'd like to be a silent, dandy, and hard-boiled man for the time being".
"This was a year wherein I just kept talking and talking. I have never talked this much in a year. Like a monk in training, memorizing his sutra and reciting it over and over, each and every single day. I just kept reciting the lines given to me, from right to left..."
"This really was a dry and unfulfilling year. Nothing was left. It was a year in which I just gave away everything that I have received, and nothing has been left with me. If I was able to convey this to the viewers, then that makes me really happy."
When asked about his objectives for next year, Sakai answers: "As much as possible, I don't want to speak. I just got tired of talking this year... Maybe no lines for me for a while (laughs). I'd like to be a silent, dandy, and hard-boiled man for the time being".
- 2: ブラディサンデー(福岡県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:45:34.76 ID:eJOVf0gz0
- 勢いだけで終わってみたら半沢って結局何も残らないドラマだったもんなAnd after all that momentum leading to the end of Hanzawa, we found out that it was actually just another drama which was left with nothing
- 46: キドクラッチ(関東・東海) 2013/12/18(水) 17:14:47.98 ID:lrjJ1DkIO
- >>2それはミタだろ
That's Mita
- 3: 膝靭帯固め(東日本) 2013/12/18(水) 16:46:50.66 ID:1X3bLtYs0
- 南極料理人の西村さんみたいに、あまり喋らない方が似合う
He's better off not talking a lot like Nishimura-san of Nankyoku Ryourinin - 4: 急所攻撃(チベット自治区) 2013/12/18(水) 16:47:45.93 ID:rqG465hZ0
- 見ていて疲れたのは確か
Well true, I did get tired just by watching him - 6: 超竜ボム(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 16:49:00.56 ID:3Rnh+ksT0
- 一通り稼いだことだし、来年は子作りに専念してみてはどうでしょうか?えへへ
He's earned his paycheck this year, why not concentrate on having a child next year? Ehehe -
- 9: ブラディサンデー(禿) 2013/12/18(水) 16:50:15.19 ID:hcvpemeFi
- >>6今年はヤり甲斐のない年だったわけだしな
Because it was an unfulfilling year after all
- 8: フランケンシュタイナー(三重県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:49:47.66 ID:LPg4kkRs0
- 菅野美穂と結婚
半沢直樹で42.2%「やりがいのない一年でした」Marries Miho Kanno
Hanzawa Naoki 42.2%
"It was an unfulfilling year." - 14: アンクルホールド(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/18(水) 16:53:19.24 ID:lBzj29NbO
- 半沢直樹2だけやってくれればいいよ
Just go do Hanzawa Naoki 2 - 15: ショルダーアームブリーカー(神奈川県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:55:02.74 ID:Bd/psznM0
- ソフトバンクのCMは出ない方がよかったねIt probably would have been better if he didn't do that Softbank commercial.
That was a damper. -
- 114: クロイツラス(埼玉県) 2013/12/18(水) 21:55:57.44 ID:4OGy+SdI0
- >>15すごく分る。あれは余計だった。I really get what you mean.
That was unnecessary.
- 16: TEKKAMAKI(京都府) 2013/12/18(水) 16:55:12.56 ID:r+MYE0C60
- 冗談か
Is this a joke? - 18: フルネルソンスープレックス(東日本) 2013/12/18(水) 16:55:48.49 ID:3bjMQqmfO
- 俺もやり甲斐のない一年だったよ
It was an unfulfilling year for me too - 26: ダブルニードロップ(滋賀県) 2013/12/18(水) 17:03:05.45 ID:b0kM+O7n0
- あの引きつった笑みをなんとかしないのか痛々しいんだがCan't he do anything about that cramped-looking smile of his?
It looks pitiful. - 27: ネックハンギングツリー(茨城県) 2013/12/18(水) 17:03:45.30 ID:jDl1qcxq0
- ま、数年前までは微笑み方が多種多様で売ってきた人だからセリフがない役をもらってもそつなくこなすでしょうな。いずれにしてもお疲れ様でした。Well, he used to sell himself off as a person of a thousand smiles a few years ago so he was able to portray his roles flawlessly, even if it didn't have any lines.
Whatever the case, I'd like to commend him on his hard work for the year. - 28: 河津掛け(岡山県) 2013/12/18(水) 17:04:42.70 ID:asZZUuwu0
- リーガル・ハイ2が酷過ぎたなんで生瀬さん達排除して、新しいメンバー入れたんだろうか・・・Legal High 2 was horrible.
I wonder why they had to do away with Namase and co., and brought in new members... -
- 62: テキサスクローバーホールド(広島県) 2013/12/18(水) 17:48:41.15 ID:L33v/ntz0
- >>28生瀬を排除したくてしたんではなく生瀬が舞台があったやむなく三木は旅に出たとマジレスIt's not that they removed Namase.
Namase was busy with his stage plays, so they had no choice but to make Miki go on a trip.
(Related post HERE)
- 29: スリーパーホールド(北陸地方) 2013/12/18(水) 17:04:55.11 ID:rAOFbVoxO
- この人サイコっぽい強さとうつ病っぽい弱さが同居してて不気味だわそうだからこそ役者としては優秀なんだろうけどThis guy is creepy, it's like he's got the strength of a psycopath and the weakness of someone suffering from depression.
And that's precisely why he's an excellent character actor. - 30: エメラルドフロウジョン(大阪府) 2013/12/18(水) 17:05:01.41 ID:wwGed1LR0
- 菅野美穂と結婚しときながら何いってんだ
Why say such a thing after marrying Miho Kanno? - 33: チキンウィングフェースロック(滋賀県) 2013/12/18(水) 17:06:28.04 ID:IdWaUD190
- 終わったドラマ、舞台の台本はすぐ捨てる人だから次の仕事に頭が行っているのだろうHe's a person who immediately throws away the script of the dramas and stage plays that he finishes. His head now is probably in his next job already.
- 34: ネックハンギングツリー(catv?) 2013/12/18(水) 17:07:30.29 ID:9zZkRJfS0
- これは暗に菅野美穂を批判してるなマグロだったんだろうLooks like he's indirectly taking a swipe at Miho Kanno here.
She must be like a dead fish in bed. - 36: 男色ドライバー(チベット自治区) 2013/12/18(水) 17:08:13.47 ID:wyDN/R5Z0
- やり切ったを遠回しに表現してじゃねえwwwでもおめでとう、今年は良い年でしたねIsn't he just indirectly saying that he managed to finish off everything www
But congratulations, this was really a good year for him. - 38: キングコングラリアット(禿) 2013/12/18(水) 17:09:26.18 ID:2gGCA/L9i
- この人頭も良いもんなアホが形だけ真面目な役やるより映えるわBut this guy really is smart.
He looks much better than stupid people doing serious roles. - 39: トラースキック(大阪府) 2013/12/18(水) 17:09:45.16 ID:euEF3spg0
- 有名らしいけど顔見てもマジ知らん
I heard that he's popular, but I seriously don't know him even after seeing his face -
- 43: 男色ドライバー(チベット自治区) 2013/12/18(水) 17:11:46.68 ID:wyDN/R5Z0
- >>39
He's a simple guy like this w
- 40: 稲妻レッグラリアット(愛知県) 2013/12/18(水) 17:10:39.67 ID:2rFCK2zM0
- ソフバンのCM見てるとなんか堺雅人も半沢直樹も嫌いになってくるもんなあ。
But I'm starting to hate Sakai and Hanzawa when I see that Softbank commercial - 47: 魔神風車固め(庭) 2013/12/18(水) 17:23:21.20 ID:9tvpSsQAP
- ま、どんな人間にも疲れたら休みは必要だ。ゆっくり充電してくれ。Well, rest is always necessary for anyone who has gotten tired.
He should take his time and charge up. - 48: TEKKAMAKI(埼玉県) 2013/12/18(水) 17:24:28.32 ID:ieTKFDMJ0
- 自分の言葉で喋ってる感じだなジャニだったら世間体を気にした爽やかスカッシュみたいな飾ったことしか言わないけどIt's like he's really speaking his mind.
If it were someone from Johnny's, he'd just say something pleasant and flowery since he'll be too concerned about his public image. - 57: ネックハンギングツリー(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 17:39:21.69 ID:FKUVDXLJ0
- >4月に女優の菅野美穂と結婚許せないです> Married actress Miho Kanno in April
Unforgivable - 60: 男色ドライバー(チベット自治区) 2013/12/18(水) 17:46:27.09 ID:wyDN/R5Z0
- エンジンと南極大陸の再放送求むキムタコと立場が逆転したのは実に気持ちいいわ人間はコツコツと積み重ねで生きるもんだなと実感したわI hope they show reruns of Engine and Nankyoku Tairiku.
It really feels good how his status has reversed with KimuTako.
It has made me realize how hard work and effort really does pay off. - 61: スリーパーホールド(dion軍) 2013/12/18(水) 17:47:45.84 ID:YCnggQYuP
- TBSから半沢続編のオファーが行ってるだろうけどぜひとも古美門の口調でギャラ交渉してほしいI'm sure that he's received offers to do the continuation of Hanzawa Naoki from TBS, but I hope he negotiates his fee with them while talking like Komikado
- 66: 魔神風車固め(庭) 2013/12/18(水) 17:52:14.26 ID:uXg7rnGsP
- ギャラが意外と安いのかなこの人?
Does this person have a low talent fee? -
- 68: スリーパーホールド(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 17:53:04.07 ID:rulvlPxB0
- >>66遅咲きだからまだ安いんじゃないか
He's a late bloomer so it's probably still relatively low
- 70: トペ コンヒーロ(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 17:59:40.55 ID:u5uQ9fnC0
- しゃべるの嫌いなのに俳優やってんのかwwwwマジキチなんだなHe hates speaking but he's an actor? wwww
He's seriously insane. -
- 74: ドラゴンスープレックス(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 18:04:58.12 ID:J6dRgAdU0
- >>70俳優って意外と無口に人がいる。役に入るだけ。There are surprisingly a lot of actors who don't speak that much.
They just get in character.
- 80: 頭突き(中部地方) 2013/12/18(水) 18:48:56.74 ID:VjeTxEae0
- 堺雅人ってMasato Sakai is
married to Miho Kanno in real life
married to Aya Ueto in the drama
married to Hikari Mitsushima in the commercial
What da heck. - 82: シューティングスタープレス(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/18(水) 18:54:45.74 ID:hnAfJVH4O
- 疲れが溜まってんだな
He must really be fatigued - 85: TEKKAMAKI(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/12/18(水) 19:09:11.11 ID:n27p1p8WO
- マチャト疲れてるな
Machato's probably tired - 87: ドラゴンスクリュー(禿) 2013/12/18(水) 19:14:29.56 ID:YM5EoH6zi
- あまちゃんの出演者は誰もこんなこと言わないのにな。比べるのも無粋だが。But no one from Amachan would say something like this.
Well, comparing them isn't in good taste, though. - 89: 魔神風車固め(広島県【緊急地震:宮城県沖M4.7最大震度3】) 2013/12/18(水) 19:17:28.50 ID:RwqfvMJHP
- 菅野美穂とヤリがいないって・・・
Miho Kanno is unfulffiling?... - 92: フェイスクラッシャー(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 19:25:59.66 ID:/e1Evvsp0
- リーガル杯2はピンとこなかったけど、半沢はどう考えても面白かったわ。特に前半の机バンバンする奴が追い詰められるシーンと部下から缶コーヒー貰いまくるとことか凄く良かった。いやマジで。洋ドラマ好きで最後に見たドラマは高校教師だけど、半沢は見て良かったは。Legal High 2 was a bit off but Hanzawa was undoubtedly good.
Especially during the first half, when he cornered the guy who kept tapping on the desk, and when he received all those canned coffees from his subordinates. Maji de.
I prefer Western dramas and the last drama I saw here was Koukou Kyoushi, but I'm really glad I watched Hanzawa. - 96: 魔神風車固め(dion軍) 2013/12/18(水) 20:45:15.66 ID:OzG1ncM/P
- 役柄がまったく違うにもかかわらず、古美門も半沢も徳川家定もみんな同じ人物に見えるところが堺の引き出しの無さDespite the characters being entirely different, the fact that you can only see Komikado, Hanzawa, and Iesada Tokugawa as just one person proves that Sakai lacks ability as an actor
- 115: フライングニールキック(鹿児島県) 2013/12/18(水) 22:09:25.55 ID:5tPWuOFh0
- >>96キムタクみたいなもんか
Similar to KimuTaku, huh
- 100: グロリア(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 21:01:41.82 ID:SRIPn3Rf0
- 新選組!の山南役が良かったマジで良かった
His role as Yamanami in Shinsengumi was really good. Really, it was seriously good. - 110: 毒霧(チベット自治区) 2013/12/18(水) 21:35:28.19 ID:e7ykRx3W0
- リーガルの糞脚本でかなりまいっちゃってるんだろうな
He must have been really be disappointed with Legal High's crappy script. - 103: シューティングスタープレス(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/18(水) 21:09:04.08 ID:NwQsDYLl0
- 名作に出られればいいんだけどI hope he gets to appear in another classic.
I'm rooting for him.
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