Even women's faces become fads, and the current "in" thing right now is the "kappa mouth".
This apparently refers to making a V-shaped mouth with one's lips slightly tucked in, as Amachan star Rena Nounen is the one who's best known for this. Thanks to Nounen's popularity, this sort of face has also gathered attention with people saying: "The V-shaped mouth is so cute", "She looks like a kappa".
And the times have now switched from the duck mouth to the kappa mouth.
The duck mouth was the previous trend, which actresses Aya Ueto, Yuriko Yoshitaka, and ex-AKB48 member Tomomi Itano were known for. This was particularly popular with the men who called it "sexy" and was a sensation.
And as all of these duck mouth pictures were being taken, people have started seeing this phenomenon as something "unnatural".
On the other hand, the kappa mouth gives off an innocent and child-like vibe (for the time being), unlike the crooked feel that the duck mouth gives off. It's still too early to say that the kappa mouth has entirely replaced the duck mouth, but it has slowly gained popularity thanks to the cute Nounen, so adult women might be better off staying away from this.
Apart from Nounen, there's also Reina Triendl who does the kappa mouth a lot. Both of them appeal to the public with their innocent looks.
These are the current faces that are "in!" For the kappa mouth, there's Rena Nounen (top left) and Reina Triendl (Top right).
The "Usa-chan face" are Masami Nagasawa, Mayuko Kawakita, and Kasumi Arimura. Both Nounen and Triendl also fall under the "Usa-chan face" category.
The "Usa-chan face" are Masami Nagasawa, Mayuko Kawakita, and Kasumi Arimura. Both Nounen and Triendl also fall under the "Usa-chan face" category.
- 2: ダイビングエルボードロップ(静岡県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:41:59.56 ID:d7GA6evI0
* Hiroyuki Nishimura, founder of 2ch -
- 22: ダイビングヘッドバット(愛知県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:53:36.49 ID:3LmCBkjd0
- >>2グロ
- 28: スパイダージャーマン(チベット自治区) 2013/12/23(月) 11:59:11.47 ID:faJMccra0
- >>2たらこ口じゃねえか!
But that's a tarako (cod roe) mouth!
- 30: ショルダーアームブリーカー(神奈川県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:59:58.31 ID:rWbmSwDj0
- >>2
たらこ口ブームに備えてるらしいね - Looks like he's preparing for the tarako-mouth boom
- 33: バーニングハンマー(東京都) 2013/12/23(月) 12:08:09.60 ID:35SQfD120
- >>2
ワロタ - LOL
- 4: フライングニールキック(愛知県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:43:36.66 ID:9zfoG1jI0
- うさちゃん顔って何だよ。
画像見ても意味がわからん - What's an Usa-chan face?
I don't get it even with those pictures. - 7: フロントネックロック(千葉県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:44:03.45 ID:BMfd2nra0
- ハゲの時代キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!
The time has come for the baldies━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/53/00/satorukurodawin/folder/1201968/img_1201968_34957958_0 - 12: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(岐阜県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:46:01.14 ID:/12OTji+0
- ついにカッパ禿の俺の時代がきたか
So my time as a kappa baldie has come, huh - 9: タイガードライバー(東日本) 2013/12/23(月) 11:45:40.72 ID:a5c6l5iNP
- 落ち着けよハゲ共
Calm down all of you bald dudes - 10: ニールキック(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/23(月) 11:45:42.69 ID:1yAvCcDi0
- 基本的に顔がかわいい、美形が原則だろ
This is still under the premise that the girl doing it is cute or pretty. - Ugly girls will be ugly no matter what they do.
- 11: 急所攻撃(長屋) 2013/12/23(月) 11:45:52.95 ID:f1Sg+j8k0
- パンチがないな
This lacks punch - 14: ファルコンアロー(秋田県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:47:12.31 ID:K/fk3J390
- ( ^ν^)
- 17: キン肉バスター(WiMAX) 2013/12/23(月) 11:48:37.93 ID:+/GjOCrlP
- >>14かわいい
That's cute
- 24: キン肉バスター(庭) 2013/12/23(月) 11:55:15.26 ID:+gJyx+7JP
- >>14やっと時代が追いついたな
The times have finally caught up, huh
- 20: タイガースープレックス(奈良県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:52:27.88 ID:4qgRatRU0
- アヒル口って広末から?
Did the duck mouth originate from Hirosue?
If it began in the late '90s, then it's lasted for quite a while.
http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/rbkyn844/imgs/6/b/6b76505d.jpghttp://blog.explore.ne.jp/files_pic/42270b_2.jpghttp://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/d/dubshunin/20091028/20091028203923.jpg - 21: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(愛知県) 2013/12/23(月) 11:53:00.61 ID:4Et2LJf+0
- 河童というとどちらかというと神崎さんのイメージ
But a kappa is more like Kanzaki-san's image - 34: キン肉バスター(家) 2013/12/23(月) 12:09:29.67 ID:o+ylrhTDP
- http://i.imgur.com/QLfIfNw.jpg
- 58: キン肉バスター(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/23(月) 12:39:32.22 ID:WBRsv1XCP
- >>34ほんとこれ
This so much
- 39: ダイビングフットスタンプ(関西・東海) 2013/12/23(月) 12:15:56.34 ID:yXHjYlXh0
- ( ^ν^)ようやく時代が我々に追い付いたようだな
( ^ν^)Looks like the times have finally caught up to us - 41: セントーン(神奈川県) 2013/12/23(月) 12:20:23.24 ID:wMrsX3nh0
- カッパってあれか、黄桜か
Kappa, you mean Kizakura, huh
http://art6.photozou.jp/pub/457/157457/photo/9450228.jpg - 47: 逆落とし(東京都) 2013/12/23(月) 12:27:31.54 ID:3u69htDz0
- 気がついたら皿が頭についてた
When I realized it, I had a plate on top of my head - 50: キン肉バスター(WiMAX) 2013/12/23(月) 12:28:30.45 ID:5JYAizngP
- アヒルでもカッパでも様になる奴はやってればいいけどさw
Those who look good doing duck mouth and kappa mouth can still keep on doing it, you know w - 53: ジャンピングDDT(広島県) 2013/12/23(月) 12:32:10.86 ID:NtceemJa0
- あかさんは?
What about Aka-san?
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/20120301_hamasakiayumi_22.jpg - 60: ヒップアタック(チベット自治区) 2013/12/23(月) 12:42:44.22 ID:Rl2DzI8i0
http://beebee2see.appspot.com/i/azuYpZCMFgw.jpg- 55: タイガードライバー(東京都) 2013/12/23(月) 12:32:52.76 ID:jm4Za/svP
- カッパ口といえばこれだろ
This is what comes to mind when you talk about kappa mouth
http://i.imgur.com/7HN5NWB.jpg - 61: ネックハンギングツリー(千葉県) 2013/12/23(月) 12:43:41.71 ID:5XaMIQxh0
- アホ面をカワイイと感じる奴は異常だよ。
People who think that these dumb faces look cute are abnormal - 67: タイガースープレックス(禿) 2013/12/23(月) 12:49:38.12 ID:LeIS/zZd0
- 石原さとみのがいいわ
I like Satomi Ishihara's
- 66: 断崖式ニードロップ(北海道) 2013/12/23(月) 12:49:35.32 ID:+unpUTgX0
http://31.media.tumblr.com/66c880c6fd65d4da7fd71e7c11c61a4d/tumblr_mrbs9tewwa1s6ckbbo1_400.gif- 62: サッカーボールキック(神奈川県) 2013/12/23(月) 12:45:37.10 ID:SZ924xDu0
- 能年ちゃん以外は可愛くないじゃねーかカッパ口
But everyone except for Nounen-chan doesn't look good with the kappa mouth
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