It was announced on the 3rd AKB48 Kouhaku Taikou Uta gassen on the 17th that they will be performing on March 29 next year at Tokyo's Kokuritsu Kyogijō. This drew the ire of some Arashi's fans, as they could not accept AKB48 using the so-called "holy land" of Arashi according to their fans.
"It's so frustrating that AKB will be performing at the Kokuritsu."
"Sorry to say this, but it's not something that someone like AKB can just trample on."
"But why----!!! That place is a sacred venue!!"
"The Kokuritsu is Arashi and the Arasick/Arashick/Arachic's mecca."
"I cannot forgive these cheaters who use handshake passes and other weird stuff to increase their sales for using the place that Arashi has won the rights to use fair and square."
"I hate AKB who copies Arashi's stage and goods, and can't even sell CDs if it wasn't for handshake passes. Kokuritsu should've just stopped with ARAFES."
"So AKB will be performing at the Kokuritsu? Arashi-san isn't the last? (skipped) Why do you have to imitate Arashi-san?"
Another thing of concern is the ARAFES 2013 live DVD. The DVD for last year's ARAFES was announced during mid-November, but there's still no word of their DVD for this year as of December 18. Fans are now beginning to speculate that the MCs where they said "the last artists on Kokuritsu" will be cut from the DVD; if it even gets released at all.
"It's so frustrating that AKB will be performing at the Kokuritsu."
"But the Kokuritsu is Arashi's sacred grounds..."
"Sorry to say this, but it's not something that someone like AKB can just trample on."
"But why----!!! That place is a sacred venue!!"
"The Kokuritsu is Arashi and the Arasick/Arashick/Arachic's mecca."
"I cannot forgive these cheaters who use handshake passes and other weird stuff to increase their sales for using the place that Arashi has won the rights to use fair and square."
"I hate AKB who copies Arashi's stage and goods, and can't even sell CDs if it wasn't for handshake passes. Kokuritsu should've just stopped with ARAFES."
"So AKB will be performing at the Kokuritsu? Arashi-san isn't the last? (skipped) Why do you have to imitate Arashi-san?"
Another thing of concern is the ARAFES 2013 live DVD. The DVD for last year's ARAFES was announced during mid-November, but there's still no word of their DVD for this year as of December 18. Fans are now beginning to speculate that the MCs where they said "the last artists on Kokuritsu" will be cut from the DVD; if it even gets released at all.
- 5: TEKKAMAKI(チベット自治区) 2013/12/18(水) 16:37:30.83 ID:z36Yzkww0
- 戦いは同じレベルの者同士でしか発生しない
Conflicts only occur between people of the same level -
- 7: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(群馬県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:38:20.77 ID:6NKOz0nq0
- >>5で終わってた
>>5 just put an end to the thread
- 8: ストレッチプラム(千葉県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:38:23.31 ID:+Moii8gs0
- どっちも出てけ
Both should just leave the venue alone - 10: シューティングスタープレス(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 16:38:53.39 ID:ZsTITQte0
- どうしてこうもアイドルファンはバカが多いのか
Why are there a lot of stupid idol fans? - 12: ジャンピングパワーボム(関西地方) 2013/12/18(水) 16:39:31.76 ID:/psHf2HX0
- ラルクも叩かれたんだっけ
Didn't they bash L'Arc too? -
- 43: エクスプロイダー(福岡県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:48:17.57 ID:r9LkaHRQ0
- >>12
When L'Arc was announced, Kokuritsu which only let 1 group perform per year settled things by adding a "+ Arashi" slot w
- 16: アンクルホールド(関西・東海) 2013/12/18(水) 16:40:19.75 ID:WYp6bGJHO
- 聖地(笑)とか言い出したら末期
- It means they're nearing the end when people start saying stuff like "holy land" (laughs)
- 18: ジャストフェイスロック(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 16:41:48.39 ID:g9xYpCr30
- 神聖な場所・・・
Their mecca... - 20: 16文キック(三重県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:42:42.70 ID:563zRrMq0
- これは嵐オタの言う通りだな
The Arashi otas are in the right here - 22: 逆落とし(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 16:43:17.23 ID:gT0LB6f90
- 別にAKBファン側が煽っているわけじゃないのか
両方のバカがでやり合っているのかと思ったわ - So it's not like the AKB fans are taunting them?
- I thought it was a war between the fools of both sides.
- 23: アトミックドロップ(空) 2013/12/18(水) 16:43:39.24 ID:YU5FuP0ni
- 出ていけって嵐の持ち物でもないのにw
Go away? But that venue doesn't even belong to Arashi w - 24: アキレス腱固め(catv?) 2013/12/18(水) 16:43:44.32 ID:u3wFiR6a0
- 武道館といい国立といいいつからしょうもないタレントのお遊戯発表会場になってしもたんや
The Budokan, Kokuritsu... since when did these places become the "school presentation" venues of these talents? - 25: スリーパーホールド(庭) 2013/12/18(水) 16:43:55.39 ID:SMKaEbmNP
- ラグビーとかサッカーはいいの??
So rugby and soccer are alright?? -
- 45: レインメーカー(兵庫県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:49:21.14 ID:YPSlHzMc0
- >>25
嵐ファンのあたしら神聖 - Kokuritsu is the holy land where rugby and soccer international matches are held
- ↓
- Which means that Arashi who performs at the holy land are sacred
- ↓
- Which means that we Arashi fans are sacred
No, actually both sides should leave the place alone
Kokuritsu is soccer's holy land.Cash cows from both sides, slug it out!
Well if everything goes according to schedule, it will be taken down in July next yearThen Arashi should just perform at the AKB Theater. It'll be free on that day, right?
- 50: ダブルニードロップ(埼玉県) 2013/12/18(水) 16:53:54.33 ID:ILIk5a/H0
- >>41神聖なAKB劇場を汚すな!
Don't contaminate our sacred AKB theater!
Feelings of pity start welling inside of me whenever I see all those ugly people people lining up to watch Arashi's concerts. Arashi really must have it tough.They all really feel like dumb ugly girls.
This battle is on a different dimension
So all Arashi fans really are crazy, huh?Actually, I'm starting to doubt if they really are fans.
The brains of these people must have pus inside
Why don't they just make it off limits already?I can actually see threats being made here.
Just date each other already
But the Kokuritsu Kyogijyo is a venue for sports and track & field events.Don't just label it "holy land" by yourselves.
I understand how they lend the venue out for concerts so they can raise money for maintenance and such, but they should charge 3x the normal amount when Arashi and AKB will be performing.
Since when did the Kokuritsu become the mecca of these idol fans?Are they dumb or what?
Cabaret girls vs. Gay hosts
No, you can already tell that this place isn't supposed to be for concerts just by seeing the name w * (official English name is National Olympic Stadium)
This is surprisingly something I don't give a damn about
Hey grannies, try to stay calm.Everyone in Arashi's over 30 already.
- 80: スリーパーホールド(東京都) 2013/12/18(水) 17:31:35.47 ID:j5bYF7/JP
- >>78BBAなら年齢釣り合いが取れてていいじゃん
If they're grannies, then that means that they're perfect for each other age-wise.
It belongs to highschool soccer.Baka baba.
A lot of students went to join the war from this place 70 years ago, you know (´・ω・`)
Err, SMAP was the first group to perform a solo concert at the Kokuritsu, though...
Original Thread
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