Mizuki will be playing the role of Sakura Yano, a former mama-san at a snack bar. She's passionate, but is also cheerful, mischievous, and slightly stupid. She may be speaking seriously at one point, but will suddenly insert a joke; her character will generally be comical. She will be teaching at a high school, handling a special night class with a wide range of students from the teens to even 80-year-olds. The story will mainly be about leading these dropouts to start fresh and make a come-from-behind win. Yano's policy is to: "Never let go of a hand that I have grabbed". Mizuki comments: "I want to create this image of a sensei who will be able to face the students head-on, on level ground".
The production staff comments: "We hope to deliver a message to people who have dropped out from society that 'you are all wonderful people who have valuable lives' without making it sound too lecture-y".
Other cast members include Misako Renbutsu (22), Kei Tanaka (28), and Aya Omasa (22).
This will be Mizuki's 23rd consecutive year playing the lead in a drama. She comments: "Maybe it's because I've been able to do a wider variety of roles now that I'm in my 30s".
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:25:36.16 ID:sBiyRXwt0
- 年1で主演作があるよね力のあるパトロンが付いてるんだろうなー
She always plays the lead once a year, right? She must have a really influential patron backing her up. -
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:29:14.36 ID:EvcjqiTz0
- >>6
俺は観るよ。 - No, she's never had a major flop that went below 10%. I'll watch this.
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:38:52.05 ID:yN/vCJAm0
- >>6母親は覚醒剤で逮捕はされてるけど娘がデビュー前から芸能関係者と懇意だったらしいし、大きな後ろ盾があるんだろうな。
Her mom was arrested due to drugs, but I heard that she was already familiar with some showbiz personnel even before her daughter made her debut, so I believe that there's someone huge backing her up.
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:27:43.85 ID:yQ/8nf8H0
- あらすじで萎えるわ
既視感ありまくり - I already got turned off by the synopsis.
It's like déjà-vu. - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:35:34.22 ID:nGp4b5IA0
- 斎藤さんは息子が成人するまで続けるのかな
I wonder if they'll keep on doing Saito-san until her son comes of age
http://contents.oricon.co.jp/upimg/news/20130516/2024617_201305160534730001368651633c.jpg - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:36:45.69 ID:88i/WrXl0
- 観月ありさはヒットしなくても手堅い視聴率取るから続いてるんだろうな
Alisa Mizuki brings in solid ratings even if she doesn't have a hit that's why she keeps on doing leading roles. - She has the star power to play leads.
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:37:41.13 ID:x9wa6hbl0
- この手の姉御肌役しかできない
Looks like all she can portray are these "big sis" type of roles, huh - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:37:51.70 ID:PcPPS8vZ0
- >同作で23年連続で連ドラの主演となる。観月は「30代になって、幅広くいろんな役ができるようになったことが要因だと思う」と話している。
>This will be Mizuki's 23rd consecutive year playing the lead in a drama. She comments: "Maybe it's because I've been able to do a wider variety of roles now that I'm in my 30s" - Nah, it's Burning's gori-oshi.
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:39:47.11 ID:MtBTSiK10
- 印象が薄い。
I have a weak impression of her.
All I remember her for is Nurse no oshigoto.
http://www.fujitv.co.jp/otn/photo/912200111.jpg - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:47:29.38 ID:iJyl9j7a0
- 一桁だな
- Single digit ratings
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:50:21.97 ID:fjsHOhsa0
- 数字もってるのかねえ ナースのお仕事しか代表作ないんだが
Can she really bring in the ratings? She's only known for Nurse no oshigoto, right? - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:51:57.00 ID:9jvEjqKA0
- サザエ特番大コケしたのにwww
But the Sazae special flopped big-time www
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20090731/12/sakusakusaku3/33/61/j/o0301045010223749282.jpg - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 05:54:21.62 ID:bAHPtZxu0
- 需要ないのに凄いな、ゴーリキとかと同じだよなこの人も
She's got no demands, but this is amazing. This person is similar to Gouriki, huh. - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:14:57.82 ID:gCRFRK0u0
- 10代の頃は最高だったけどな・・
She was the best though when she was in her teens...
http://xa5700.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_29d/xa5700/20120306_mizukiarisa_19.jpg - 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 10:18:33.90 ID:VXznOBMX0
- もう36歳か
She's already 36, huh? She used to have some sort of cuteness going on for her back then, but now she's become more dignified and has become more 'in your face'.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb48newstimes/imgs/6/0/6023902a-s.jpghttp://www.asahi.com/fashion/topics/images/TKY201001270458.jpghttp://i2.wp.com/osagasinojouhou.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/WS000080_compressed.jpg - 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 13:33:08.80 ID:qnI+6gi40
- 何度も歯を入れ換えてるよな。
She's had her dentures changed numerous times, right? Her teeth now look good on her but her eyes have gotten smaller and her left side has swollen up.
http://img02.ti-da.net/usr/lohaslove/midukiarisahamukashi.jpghttp://img02.ti-da.net/usr/lohaslove/midukiarisasazae.jpghttp://gold-child.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/48b516d919e5e3a3f9e721b360a4855d.jpg - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:16:03.24 ID:soV0ncaUP
- なんで結婚しないの?
Why isn't she getting married? - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:19:05.75 ID:k6q/rm1Y0
- 演技も歌も酷いのに仕事は途切れない。不思議だ。
Her acting and singing are both so bad, but she never runs out of projects. That's a mystery. - 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:24:17.06 ID:KRgojhPc0
- 23年連続主演って凄いな。でも、斉藤さんをちょっと見ただけで、あとは見た記憶が無い。
23 straight years playing the lead is amazing. But I just remember seeing Saito-san for a bit, while I don't have any recollection of everything else. - 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:25:58.41 ID:TXFMaZ9+O
- 斉藤さんは良かったな。
Saito-san was good. - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:32:34.86 ID:LJIINJAw0
- 大した人気あったのは大昔だけ
It was only back in the day when she was hugely popular
Video research survey: Most liked talent by the teens - 1st
その他1993.TV番組はなきんデータ―ランド全国の男性ハガキ人気投票「彼女にしたいランキング」タレント部門 1位1993.雑誌HOTDOGPRESS読者人気投票「好きな女性タレント」2位1996.雑誌CM NOW 「1995年版好きな女性タレント」1位2000.雑誌TVガイド全国読者人気投票「好きな女性芸能人」(年間ランキング)2位2002.雑誌TVガイド全国読者人気投票「好きな女性芸能人」8.30締め切り 3位
Others: - 1993 TV Program Hanakin Data land male postage votes
- "Talent you want to be your girlfriend" - 1st
- 1993 Magazine HOTDOGPRESS reader's survey
- "Most liked female talent" - 2nd
- 1996 Magazine CM NOW "1995 most liked talent" - 1st
- 2000 Magazine TV Guide nationwide ranking "Most liked female talent" - (year end) 2nd
- 2002 Magazine TV Guide nationwide ranking "Most liked female talent" - (until 8/31) 3rd
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:36:54.27 ID:8JKay3jK0
- あぁ、でもコケることはなさそうー。
華が違うよね。 - Ahh, but I don't think it will flop. Her "it" factor is really a cut above the rest.
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:39:18.75 ID:Hzeu7nZV0
- ゴーリキありさじゃん
- She's Alisa Gouriki, huh
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 06:49:01.36 ID:tc5/vLS40
- もう36かよ…
- So she's already 36...
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:05:35.49 ID:jlzxctUI0
- 36で23年連続って事は中学の頃からずっとって事だよな他には誰もいないよなここまで続いたって事はスキャンダルが無いって事も大きい
23 straight years at 36 means that this has continued since she was in Jr. High, right? There's no one else like this, right? - And I think it's also huge that she's had no scandals yet for her to have continued this long.
- Rie Miyazawa who similarly got attention since her Jr. High days had a time where she seemingly lost her path.
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:26:47.81 ID:LYSFaXxp0
- >>61本人にスキャンダルがない代わりに親にあった
She didn't have any scandals, but her mother did
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:22:20.36 ID:LJIINJAw0
- 観月ってan・anの好きな女ランキングの記事で好きな女の常連ってあってTOP15に毎年ランクインの観月ありささんって記事が書かれた記憶があった。
I remember an article in an・an that said Alisa Mizuki was consistently in the top 15 of the most liked women, each and every single year. - That's why she's had all these leading roles.
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:29:53.51 ID:2yoSO+vO0
- 事務所つええんだな
彼女の良さがまるでわからん - Her agency must be really powerful.
- I really don't get what's so good about her.
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:37:57.17 ID:oBWrqzzUi
- 毎年毎年23年間も主演しているのに、今年やってた斉藤さんくらいしか思い浮かばない。
She's been playing leads every year for 23 years now, but the only one I can remember is this year's Saito-san. - 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:39:00.82 ID:1y0NpC6VP
- この人が主演という地点でまず見ないからなあ
なんで23年も主演できるのかマジで謎 - The moment I hear she's playing the lead, I won't be watching that drama. It baffles me why she's kept playing the lead for 23 years now.
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:40:05.47 ID:ziIp3Ptq0
- 無難なんかなあぁこの人の主演ドラマって大当たりも大コケもしないイメージ
Maybe she's like this safe bet, since her dramas don't become hits nor flops - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:49:54.92 ID:LJIINJAw0
- >>78大ヒット=大当たり
平均21.8% じゃじゃ馬ならし 平均19.3% ナースのお仕事(2クール)
平均17.8% 放課後
平均17.2% ナースのお仕事
平均15.0% いちばん大切な人
平均19.2% ナースのお仕事2
平均15.4% 私を旅館に連れてって
平均16.8% ナースのお仕事4
Huge hits
21.8% Jajauma Narashi
19.3% Nurse no Oshigoto (2nd season)
17.8% Houkago
17.2% Nurse no oshigoto
15.0% Ichiban taisetsu na hito
19.2% Nurse no oshigoto 2
15.4% Watashi wo ryokan ni tsuretette
16.8% Nurse no oshigoto 4
15.4% Oniyome nikki
15.6% Saito-san
12.4% Saito-san 2 - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 07:55:41.93 ID:XahCdadv0
- 年明け早々に記録更新かよwwwww
So she'll be breaking the record as soon as we enter the new year, huh wwwww - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 08:17:56.71 ID:2LuRdGXm0
- でも間違いなくリアルでいたらもてない男から求婚されまくるレベルよスタイルが凄すぎる
But if she's really there for you in our real lives, I'm sure the unpopular guys would fall in line to ask for her hand in marriage. Her style and figure are amazing.
http://kichijoji.topteam.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P43.jpg - 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 08:23:07.75 ID:5nRBHxFL0
- こいつのドラマなんて看護婦の奴以外記憶にないこいつのファンも見たことないし、ゴリ押しなんだろうな20年後のゴーリキさんの姿か……
I have no recollection of her dramas other than the nurse one. I also haven't seen any fans, so it's probably a case of gori-oshi. This is probably how Gouriki will be in in 20 years, huh... - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 09:09:12.68 ID:cD2OkFgW0
- 20年くらい安定して好きだな 観月ありさは
I've liked Alisa Mizuki consistently for 20 years - 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 09:14:55.87 ID:G5sQSVNj0
- 23年主演って凄いなまあ、この人の恋愛絡みの無いコミカルなキャラが凄くおもしろいしな
23 years sure is amazing.
Well, she really is good when she plays a comical character that has no romantic aspects. - 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 09:19:19.05 ID:LOPs24yoO
- 「美咲ナンバーワン!」の定時制高校版か
Is it that high school night class from Misaki Number One! ?
http://blog-imgs-43-origin.fc2.com/k/s/c/ksc594/misaki.jpg - 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 09:48:54.73 ID:tr2VbFD/0
- 凄いな
どこに需要があるのかさっぱりだが - That's amazing. I really have no idea where anyone would have demands for her, though.
- 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 09:52:04.04 ID:q4cVb9KAO
- 同世代の米倉や菅野に比べると女優としても女としてもポンコツな感じするんだよなこの人
But she still feels like junk when you compare her to actresses of her generation like Yonekura and Kanno - 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 10:08:06.11 ID:h2XS4vbp0
- 最近は全く歌手活動やらないな
She hasn't been singing at all lately - 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 12:51:25.97 ID:mLK9qkr40
- またゴリ押しで主題歌歌うんかな?あれはフジ限定か?
Will they push for her to sing the theme song again? Or is that only limited to Fuji? - 141: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 12:51:30.26 ID:VEutUD2o0
- 事務所は観月と安室の2枚看板なんだな2人のお陰で事務所の後輩なんてたいして仕事なくても安定して食っていけるわw
The agency have Mizuki and Amuro as their 2 biggest poster girls. And because of these 2, their juniors within the agency have secure earnings even if they don't have projects w - 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/03(火) 13:36:43.74 ID:Fk4/uENd0
- キムタクですらドラマやってない年があるのに、23年連続ってすごくね
Even KimuTaku has years when he's not in dramas. Don't you think 23 years is really quite a feat?
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