18.9% 19:00-20:54 NTV ザ!鉄腕!DASH!!DASH島に雪が降る前に屋根を完成させねばSP
関東12.8% THE MANZAI 2013
12.6% 安堂ロイド~A.I.knows LOVE?
18.9% 19:00-20:54 NTV The! Tetsuwan! DASH!! ~We have to finish the roof before it snows on the island SP~関東12.8% THE MANZAI 2013
12.6% 安堂ロイド~A.I.knows LOVE?
12.8% THE MANZAI 2013
12.6% Ando Lloyd finale
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:46:45.84 ID:ykm69YZi
- 強い(確信)
Strong (convinced) - 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:47:59.35 ID:B9E3jVAm
- 予算かける→数字取れる→また予算かけられるの良循環だからね、当然だねGive budget → Gets ratings → Gets more budget
It's in a very healthy cycle, of course it'll get high ratings. - 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:48:28.20 ID:sPDxSuEb
- わけわからん芸人がギャーギャーやってるよりもリーダーが黙々と瓦作ってるほうが楽に見れるしIt's much more relaxing to watch Leader silently make roof tiles instead of seeing those wtf comedians causing a riot anyway
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:48:53.62 ID:mkowd5Mm
- ダッシュイッテQの黄金リレー
DASH and ItteQ's golden relay - 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:49:05.62 ID:jM2GnDXx
- 紅白に毎年でれる理由がわかる
And I understand with this why they're at the Kouhaku each and every year - 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:50:35.15 ID:MHEeRFrW
- 屋根を完成させねば(アイドル番組)
"We have to finish the roof!" *(idol program)
- 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:52:52.48 ID:PFiFLwgi
- バラエティーの良心
The good consciences of variety shows - 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:53:27.50 ID:5WdeIMkz
- スタジオを無くしてワイプがないのが快適すぎんねん
It's so pleasant how they don't have a studio so they don't have those wipes (* inset) -
- 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:55:43.35 ID:VUNqV4G7
- >>29一理ある
You have a point
- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:55:14.63 ID:mebyHnM+
- スポンサーの顔触れ見るだけで優良番組だってはっきりわかんだね
You can clearly tell that it's an excellent program just by seeing the sponsor lineup - 42: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:56:24.85 ID:V13OhRzk
- 完全に大工になっててワロタ
LOLing that those guys are totally like carpenters
- 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:56:28.39 ID:Yhy3WaVR
- PTAサイドもニッコリ
Even the PTA is all smiles - 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:56:36.66 ID:rx1ldzya
- 日曜の日テレは夕方から夜にかけて大正義やなバンキシャだけは微妙やけどNTV's evening to late night programs are the great justice on TV.
Bankisha's the only one that's a bit off, though. - 50: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:57:10.52 ID:bArR8huS
- http://i.imgur.com/YXHkZxz.jpg
- 124: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:14:15.72 ID:iZCBCOZS
- >>50マンデラ大統領かな?
Is that president Mandela?
- 56: 坂本先生 ◆oVkTQ/4Bmi7a 2013/12/16(月) 12:57:48.29 ID:grA4rizL
- 堂本光一はこの番組出られへんのかなああいつも昔ピカイチって番組で資格取りまくってるから一級船舶とかクレーンとか資格いっぱい持ってんでCan't Koichi Domoto appear on this program too?
He also got a lot of licenses on the show Pikaichi before, like level 1 ship handling and crane operations. - 60: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:58:44.72 ID:QrIFnWE/
- この前の海岸と島の2本立ての回すごい良かったな
The previous one with 2 episodes on the beach and the island was really good - 63: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 12:59:14.35 ID:ywL+faVY
- 現在の日テレ日曜DASH イッテ 行列 おしゃれ 有吉 ガキ使15年前の日テレ日曜特ホウ 200X 知ってるつもり おしゃれ 電波 ガキ使Current NTV Sundays
DASH, ItteQ, Gyouretsu, Oshare, Ariyoshi, Gaki no tsukai
NTV Sundays 15 years ago
Tokuhou, 200X, Shitteru tsumori, Oshare, Denpa, Gaki no tsukai -
- 68: 坂本先生 ◆oVkTQ/4Bmi7a 2013/12/16(月) 13:00:07.55 ID:grA4rizL
- >>63200Xのとこだけごっつええに食われてたな
Only 200X was defeated by Gottsuee back then, huh
- 69: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:00:24.03 ID:eivrEXrM
- >>6315年前も結構大正義やな
It was already the great justice 15 years ago, huh
- 78: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:03:33.36 ID:ywL+faVY
- 18年前だと200Xじゃなくて元気末期か>>63のままの放送はごく短期間だったわAnd 18 years ago, it wasn't 200X, but the end of Genki*, huh.
The lineup in >>63 only lasted for a very short time.* (Tensai Takeshi no Genki ga deru Terebi)
- 80: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:04:43.99 ID:oqSMBHFy
- 農家から大人気の城島
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/bunchoko/25062590_218x291.jpeg - 81: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:04:47.18 ID:X0afsGTK
- 開始当初はスタジオ収録あったけど無くして正解やったな
They used have parts in the studio during its early days, but they were right about having it removed - 84: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:05:29.21 ID:c0eYCygI
- ちゃんと農家とか職人とかに敬意はらって作ってるのがわかるからいいな
It's wonderful how you can clearly see the program paying its respects to the farmers and the workers - 86: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:05:47.17 ID:TptOPSJN
- 最近は作業風景ばっかなのに凄すぎない?
They're doing nothing but work these days on the show, isn't these ratings too amazing? -
- 88: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:06:36.45 ID:r3fxVG9j
- >>86それがいいんだよ
That's what's good about it
- 89: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:06:44.33 ID:bArR8huS
- >>86もうみんなクイズやらトークに飽きとるんやろな見てて気持ちがいいもんEveryone's already sick and tired of quizzes and talks.
Watching it feels so good.
- 103: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:10:08.19 ID:dIkhMs2c
- 昔の○○歩で目的地までたどり着けるか?とか大好きやった
I loved what they did before, "Can you reach (insert location) in ___ steps?" - 113: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:12:18.82 ID:3C0XzrV8
- スペシャルとはいえ2時間で18.9%とれるバラエティが今どんだけあんだ?イッテQくらいしか思い浮かばんわIt may have been a special, but are there other variety shows now that can get 18.9% over 2 hours?
ItteQ's the only other show that comes to mind. - 120: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:13:23.71 ID:hdRJ6Oym
- ダッシュ村はマンネリ感あったからちょうど良かったわ
DASH Village felt like it was getting stuck in a rut so this is perfect - 123: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:14:03.36 ID:ywL+faVY
- DASHのパクリ番組ってあまり見ないな
I don't see too many programs imitating DASH -
- 135: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:16:36.70 ID:sLVbrSjR
- >>123あんなんパクれんやろ誰ができるんやYou can't copy that!
Who can?
- 143: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:17:22.62 ID:1nw0I1SE
- >>123出演者もスタッフもしんどいからやりたがらない
It's really hard on the participants and the staff so no one wants to do it
- 125: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:14:18.13 ID:iSTt5oTQ
- ぐっさんとリーダーの年配二人がキャッキャしてるの見るだけで異様に癒やされるんだよなぁ…
Seeing the 2 eldest members, Gussan and Leader giggling like kids bizarrely puts me at ease...
- 132: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:16:01.36 ID:7zoBPERJ
- >>125松岡が所々に見せるリーダー愛にも癒やされる
I'm also put at ease whenever Matsuoka shows his love for Leader
- 137: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:16:48.56 ID:L7Y+syPi
- 深夜時代は視たこと無かったけど似たようなノリでやってたの?I never got to see the program when it was still on late night.
Did they do the same thing? -
- 160: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:20:14.61 ID:3WwsVmjy
- >>137ロケ7割、スタジオ3割って、感じで体使うロケ中心だった
It was more like 70% on location, 30% in the studio. They really used their physical abilities on location.
- 140: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:17:02.08 ID:0e5sbtnp
- チャレンジ系企画のネタ切れからの農業番組への華麗なる転身
They successfully made the transition from a challenge-type program that ran out of ideas to an agricultural program
- 147: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:18:31.23 ID:d7+K+/hF
- 下品な芸人も表現もないし企画も自然に触れ合うことが多く年寄りや家族に好まれるからなTVの視聴層を考えるとこういう方向性の番組のが視聴率はとれるThere are no cheap and obscene comedians and expressions, while all their segments have them interacting with nature, which makes the show loved by the elderly and families. And when you consider the audience who watches TV, I think these kinds of programs will get the ratings.
- 169: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:21:20.42 ID:KyJ93d9M
- リーダーが入ってた露天風呂がバシャーン!ってぶっ壊れた時が多分人生で一番笑った
I think I laughed the hardest in my entire life when Joshima came into the outdoor bath and it broke down - 175: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:21:38.04 ID:bDn+VSrm
- やってることが健全すぎるから安心して見れるのがでかいなTOKIOってアイドルですよね・・・The things they do are so wholesome so it's huge that you don't have to worry when you watch them.
TOKIO are idols, right...
https://31.media.tumblr.com/b71f82bc99386aacd36861c8f0504bbf/tumblr_mxe38xCkij1rvraymo2_250.gif - 189: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:24:54.60 ID:3WwsVmjy
- 深夜時代は変装して路上弾き語りがドル箱だったと記憶してるダッシュよりトキオヘッズの方が好きだったけどWhen they were doing late night shows, I think their main gig was going on the streets and singing there.
I used to like TOKIO HEADZ better than DASH, though. - 192: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:25:19.52 ID:oqSMBHFy
- エース乞食国分、どの企画でもまんべんなく楽なポジションKokubun the ace beggar always gets the easy ones among all their tasks
https://31.media.tumblr.com/7b43f93a698c1a25d51a7b38f66b5cee/tumblr_mqcq4cEwdE1soc06jo2_250.gif -
- 195: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:26:19.56 ID:dJMrF+S+
- >>192瓦張りで真っ先に一番危険の少ない地上作業を選ぶ屑
He's the scum who chooses the least dangerous ground works when they were laying out the tiles
- 197: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:26:57.87 ID:3C0XzrV8
- >>192なんでや、0円食堂国分は1番でも4番でも打てる最強バッターやろ
Why? Kokubun is their strongest member who could do anything with their 0 yen diner tasks.
- 205: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:28:54.29 ID:5DI4KLDL
- 国分の遠回り乞食きらい長瀬の直球乞食すき
I hate how Kokubun beats around the bush when he begs for something.
I like how Nagase goes straight to the point when he begs for something.
http://www.tumblr.com/search_lightbox/tomoni-chan/56166767926# - 216: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:32:39.84 ID:rDTmuZwv
- TOKIO(鉄腕ダッシュ)とV6(学校に行こう)なぜ差がついたか
TOKIO (Tetsuwan DASH) and V6 (Gakkou he ikou). Why was there such a huge disparity between them? -
- 231: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:34:49.30 ID:9TwcnF5Q
- >>216ぶっちゃけ学校へ行こうの番組貢献度は素人>>>>>>>>V6だったからなあ
Honestly for Gakkou he ikou, the amateurs contributed much, much more to the program than V6
- 221: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:33:15.71 ID:Mxuxnf+l
- 震災で村放射線量バリバリの頃防護服着て調査に行けるアイドル
The idols who were able to go and inspect the village right after the disaster when the radiation levels were still high
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/m/macgyer/20110918/20110918033359.jpg -
- 250: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:38:38.80 ID:sFbgdEhl
- >>221あれは言うてまえば、ダッシュ村のケジメをつけたんよね最後を看取ったとも言えるけど、あれをやらずに「次は島です」って無理やったと思うThat's like their way of settling things with DASH Village.
You can say that it was their way of staying by the deathbed of the village, but they couldn't have just proceeded to the island without doing that.
- 229: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:34:15.95 ID:emqJPfFT
- タレントがロケでスズメバチに遭遇→業者が駆除するまでロケ中止TOKIOがスズメバチに遭遇→業者に弟子入りして駆除方法マスターするまでロケ中止When talents encounter a beehive on-location
→They delay the shoot until the specialists get rid of it.
When TOKIO encounter a beehive on-location
→They delay the shoot so TOKIO can become understudies of the specialists and master how to get rid of the beehive themselves. -
- 234: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:35:51.37 ID:I0Zx54vL
- >>229草不可避
- 237: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:35:59.49 ID:nI/1L/6o
- >>229冷静に考えておかしい
Just thinking about that, it's really crazy
- 251: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:39:03.10 ID:W57Xflb4
- 島やりだしてから松岡よく見るようになった松岡が一番リーダーに優しいなI started seeing a lot of Matsuoka once they started going to the island.
Matsuoka is the kindest member to leader.
- 260: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:40:41.30 ID:lOAXRoLE
This is unrelated, by I LOL'd the most with this -
- 267: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:41:36.15 ID:YDXUcEuW
- >>260やったぜ。
Yatta ze.
- 269: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:41:42.90 ID:OS1TvzZz
- >>260あっ・・・(察し)
Ah... (realizes something)
- 277: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:42:39.74 ID:0e5sbtnp
- 城島→クレーン運転免許
国分→不明たぶん他にも溶接とか潜水関係は一杯もってるはずJoshima: License in mobile crane operation
Yamaguchi: Licensed diver, License to operate small boats lv.1
Nagase: License to operate small boats lv.2
Matsuoka: Chef's license
Kokubun: Unknown
I think they also have a lot of others like for welding, or diving-related stuff. -
- 281: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:42:56.02 ID:eivrEXrM
- >>277なんやこいつら…
What the heck us up with these guys
- 288: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:43:33.25 ID:q5N/KWR0
- >>277あと主夫レベルが地味に高い
And their house-husband levels must be pretty high as well
- 300: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:44:49.44 ID:sLVbrSjR
- >>277なんでも屋かな?
- 295: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:44:37.79 ID:gMadVEaE
- ジャニの中でもTOKIOは一番好感持てるわTOKIO's really the most likable group in Johnny's
- 302: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:45:06.69 ID:Qeaexbuz
- スタジオが無くなったのは番組のテンポも良くなるしどうでもいいワイプ見なくて良いし良いことづくめだったなThe tempo of the program got better when they got rid of the studio.
And we don't have to see that wipe no one cares about, everything just went for the better. - 312: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16(月) 13:46:22.62 ID:K8rIRkc8
- ワイプなし、スタジオトークなし、他番組が2時間スペシャルでやる事を10分で済ませるNo wipe, no studio talk, and they finish in 10 minutes what other programs would do for a 2-hour special.
There's no way it's boring.
It might be interesting to see Koichi being called in to help them.
I don't think Koichi will change the mood of things anyway.
- 330: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16 13:49:07 ID:OS1TvzZz
- >>323長瀬とイチャイチャ遊びそう
He might just play around with Nagase
I feel that Koichi will just play all day on the tram if he does come
KinKi looks like they're not doing anything, they should also appear on DASH
I can still see them doing farmwork after 10 years...
NTV are total retards whenever they don't show this excellent program just because of some other SP
- 436: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16 14:10:47 ID:OS1TvzZz
- >>422たまに潰してやらんと山口の酷使で死んでまう
If they don't, Yamaguchi would die due to overwork
DASH Planet ~Will TOKIO be able to make the planet Mars livable for mankind!?~
Might be a possibility.
- 328: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16 13:49:02 ID:I0Zx54vL
- >>309大草原
- 334: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/16 13:49:52 ID:c0eYCygI
- >>309どっかの小惑星にDASH星と名づけて開拓しそう
They might go to some small planet, rename it "Planet DASH" and develop it
Original Thread
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