Episode 9 of Ando Lloyd starring Takuya Kimura got 10.3% in the Kanto region according to Video Research.
Ep. 1 - 19.2%
Ep. 2 - 15.2%
Ep. 3 - 13.2%
Ep. 4 - 10.3%
Ep. 5 - 11.5%
Ep. 6 - 11.4%
Ep. 7 - 11.2%
Ep. 8 - 10.7%
Ep. 9 - 10.3%
Ave. 12.8%
Ep. 1 - 19.2%
Ep. 2 - 15.2%
Ep. 3 - 13.2%
Ep. 4 - 10.3%
Ep. 5 - 11.5%
Ep. 6 - 11.4%
Ep. 7 - 11.2%
Ep. 8 - 10.7%
Ep. 9 - 10.3%
Ave. 12.8%
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:17:48.87 ID:fDZblLdU0
- キムオワタ
Kimu owata - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:18:32.75 ID:C77WoE5e0
- 絶対下駄はかせてるよなーなんとか二桁維持を見せつけようと…I'm positive that they're padding these ratings.
They must be desperately trying to show that he's maintaining double digits. - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:18:44.31 ID:UQ+Zk6qN0
- 本当は1桁なんでしょ?無理矢理2桁に偽装してるだけなんでしょ?Isn't it really just single digits?
Aren't they just showing double digits here? - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:19:02.69 ID:WbnGu0Wm0
- 視聴率二桁を切るのは禁じられている!
Going below double digit ratings is forbidden! -
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:20:34.14 ID:PL7OMA0y0
- >>9これいいねキムタクの声で再生されるわつまりこの糞ドラマを毎週欠かさず見てるんだけどなThis is nice.
I'm hearing this in my head with KimuTaku's voice.
Which means that I've been watching this damn shi++y drama every week without fail.
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:19:47.36 ID:JfAl5cDqi
- 2重人格と恋愛パートはつまらんけど、結構好きなんだけどなI find the split personality and romantic elements boring, but I like this show
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:19:55.28 ID:fDZblLdU0
- 最終回で取りそうな気もするけど、いかんせん低すぎるまさかキムタク使ってここまでの数字出すとは思わなかったI get the feeling that it will have high ratings during the finale, but it's still too low.
I never imagined that they'd get such low ratings even after casting KimuTaku. - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:20:44.88 ID:uarjWQ6Y0
- 見てないけど最終回、キムタクが机の中に潜り込みながら親指を立てて「アイルビーバック!」って言うなら見てもいい。
I haven't been watching this, but if KimuTaku will go in the drawer of the desk, stick his thumb up and say "I'll be back" at the finale then I'll watch it.
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/27/0000948327/61/imgb7f93f33zik9zj.jpeg - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:20:47.30 ID:jLQTl7KE0
- 実はもうとっくに5話くらいから一ケタになってんだろ?
In reality, it's probably been down to single digits since episode 5, right? - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:21:02.31 ID:8suHlvNl0
- またしても2桁で踏みとどまったか驚異の粘りだなAnd it holds onto double digits once again.
Astounding perseverance. - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:21:24.37 ID:RBtaSdnJ0
- 大島の出番が多かったのに、2桁キープできたのか。So they still managed to hang on to double digits despite all of those scenes from Oshima, huh
http://tvcap.info/2013/12/8/131208-2135120331.jpg - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:21:49.35 ID:htXOJAAeO
- 最終回延長がないてキムタクのドラマで初めてか
Is it the first time that they're not having an extended finale in a KimuTaku drama? - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:22:52.95 ID:wivAhaQaO
- やだよぅキムタクが熔鉱炉に沈むなんて・・
Noo, I don't want to see KimuTaku sinking in a blast furnace... - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:24:09.12 ID:LZ7+d8or0
- たとえどんな作品でもふた桁取れると計算出来るんだろうからキムタクはこの先もとうぶん連ドラ主演
If he still manages to get double digit ratings no matter what kind of show it may be, then you can at least include the ratings that he'll bring into consideration, so I think he'll still get to play the lead in serial dramas -
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:26:01.88 ID:fDZblLdU0
- 半沢の後だけにこれは目も当てられないわ
This is really unsightly, especially since it came after Hanzawa
I'm not sure if you're trolling, but it'll be hard for both the sponsors and stations if you don't get an average of 18%
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:24:13.02 ID:VqW5XN4X0
- ほんの少し前は20%切ったらキムタク人気も終わりとか言われてたのに今やギリギリ2桁キープ出来るかどうかが焦点なんてなあ……
Just a while ago, people were saying that KimuTaku was done for when he went below 20%. Now it all depends on maintaining double digits, huh...... - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:24:52.66 ID:frrNk+ob0
- 本当は一桁だけど、盛ってるんだろうな・・・
It must really be under 10, they must've padded this...
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:25:15.58 ID:5g3nmBuTO
- 靴だけじゃなく視聴率も上げ底のキムタク関東以外の視聴率出してみろSo KimuTaku doesn't just pad his shoes, but his ratings as well, huh?
Show me the ratings outside of Kanto. - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:25:45.56 ID:ua2Ov+eX0
- 毎週のようにキムタクがブランチで番宣してるのになあ
But KimuTaku goes on Brunch to promote this almost every week - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:26:04.06 ID:4l2FRZwm0
- ただの妹役かと思ったら、あんな演技力必要な役どころ何で大島にしたんだよ
Why did they cast Oshima in this role that requires so much acting ability? I thought she'd just be the younger sister?
http://tvcap.info/2013/12/8/131208-2142480972.jpg - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:26:07.57 ID:tWJCNBYv0
- 以前みたいな神通力はないとはいえ初回はそこそこ取るんだからキムタク需要はまだあんのかな
He may not have his old divine powers anymore, but KimuTaku still gets high first episode ratings so there's still a demand for him. - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:26:35.26 ID:Dt9/Wn4Y0
- 次の主演作が低視聴率だったらキムタクも完全に終了だなキムタク主演作に莫大な制作費注ぎ込まれることはもうないかもしれないねIf KimuTaku's next series gets low ratings then he's totally finished.
They might not allocate a high budget for KimuTaku dramas anymore. - 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:27:00.06 ID:KRGnua9m0
- ばっさーのかわいさしか見所がないというTo think that Bassa's cuteness was the only thing worth watching.
http://blog-imgs-57.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20131111114353.jpg - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:27:33.36 ID:1r/7tyg10
- とんび 17.0__16.1__16.0__12.0__12.8__12.6__12.9__12.6__18.3__20.3(終)._________15.06
半沢直樹 19.4__21.8__22.9__27.6__29.0__29.0__30.0__32.9__35.9__42.2(終)_________29.07
安堂ロイド..... 19.2__15.2__13.2__10.3__11.5__11.4__11.2__10.7__10.3 (12.56)
今年の日9最低はロイド?Tonbi 17.0__16.1__16.0__12.0__12.8__12.6__12.9__12.6__18.3__20.3(F)._________15.06
Sora tobu Kouhoushitsu 14.0__13.5__11.6__11.2__10.6__13.4__12.1__12.1__12.5__11.7__15.3(F)._12.55
Hanzawa Naoki 19.4__21.8__22.9__27.6__29.0__29.0__30.0__32.9__35.9__42.2(F)_________29.07
Ando Lloyd..... 19.2__15.2__13.2__10.3__11.5__11.4__11.2__10.7__10.3 (12.56)
Could it be that Ando Lloyd will be the lowest Sunday-9 drama this year? -
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:28:34.10 ID:tWJCNBYv0
- >>49一度も下がらないって半沢すごすぎw
Hanzawa's really amazing for not going down even once w
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:29:36.91 ID:Srft6ok+0
- > 共演は「AKB48」の大島優子(25)、桐谷健太(33)、桐谷美玲(23)、本田翼(21)、山本美月(22)、遠藤憲一(52)ら。キャリアのある俳優が遠藤憲一のみ女優が下手に分類されるアイドルとモデルばかり> Co-stars Yuko Oshima (25), Kenta Kiritani (33), Tsubasa Honda (21), Mizuki Yamamoto (22), Kenichi Endo (52).
So Endo's the only actor with a distinguished career, huh.
And all the actresses are just idols and models, the ones categorized as bad actors. -
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:32:49.12 ID:RBtaSdnJ0
- >>56一番下手な翼が、唯一評価されている。
And Tsubasa who's the worst actress is actually the only one who's getting positive reviews
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:33:07.00 ID:HBrjE+2+O
- >>56エンケンが真面目にやればやるほど浮いて見えるちょっと可哀想になってくるThe more he acts seriously, the more EnKen looks out of place.
I feel sorry for him.
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:29:42.26 ID:dkNEXxkT0
- 大島優子はAKBという先入感を持たないで見ればそれなりだろ研究室の3人が棒するぎてきついあと敵のアンドロイドはもうちょっと有名な奴に出来なかったのかなBut if you watch Yuko Oshima minus the prejudice that she's from AKB, it's not all that bad.
It's too hard since all 3 people in the lab are all such ham actors, though.
And weren't they able to cast someone more popular as the enemy?
http://live2.ch/jlab-fat/s/fat1386504254816.jpg - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:30:28.16 ID:VIpLIecd0
- 見た見た。柴咲さん以外の女優陣がひどいねこれは。棒の上にクッソ寒いセリフ言わされて相乗効果でえらい事になってた。キムさんは頑張ってるんじゃないかなあ。I watched it. All the other actresses apart from Shibasaki are horrible.
On top of being ham actors, they keep saying these pathetic lines which adds more to it.
I think Kimu-san is working hard in this one, though. - 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:31:32.79 ID:EXc6YHNm0
- どう見てもキムタクの黒縁メガネが悪いわあれを選んだ時点で失敗No matter how you look at it, it's all the fault of KimuTaku's black-framed glasses.
It's already a failure the moment he chose that.
http://auction.thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_aucitem/image2/235/11141235/1101/img4050775562239.jpg - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:31:40.43 ID:H4z6AeNF0
- 昨日チラッと見たけどキムタク老けたな
I took a peek at the last episode, and KimuTaku does seem like he's aged -
- 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:36:18.35 ID:HBrjE+2+O
- >>64充電中のキムタクはアンドロイドというよりうたた寝してるオッサンにしか見えんかったw
KimuTaku who was recharging looked more like an old man taking a nap rather than an android w
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:31:52.40 ID:F3rxtS8P0
- 昔はかっこ良かったロン毛も不潔で見る気が失せる
That long hair that used to look so cool seems so filthy now, it really turns one off from watching him
http://blog-imgs-62.fc2.com/n/a/m/namiby2/20131118-232026.jpg - 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:31:59.98 ID:XxEmUQEb0
- 相変わらず大根演技だしもう木村ええわHe acts like a radish, as usual.
No more Kimura, please. - 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:32:09.53 ID:/BZHJAgk0
- 桐谷美玲はほんまに可愛いけど「謎の美少女」つう安直な役柄が却ってダサいわ
Mirei Kiritani's really cute, but her cheap role as this "mysterious bishōjo" is so tacky
http://tvcap.info/2013/12/8/131208-2146200348.jpg - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:32:48.09 ID:KKr1CzRs0
- 絶対2桁切ってるだろww
情報操作なんてお手の物ニダwww - It must definitely be below double digits ww
Ratings manipulation is a part of our tricks nida www -
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:34:53.83 ID:BM/5Zp9b0
- >>68キムタク8%、柴咲2%、大島0.3%内容は糞でも個人でこれくらいは数字持ってると思うKimuTaku 8%, Shibasaki 2%, Oshima 0.3%
No matter how horrible the story may be, I think these people at least possess these much ratings.
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:32:59.71 ID:liY4fGAS0
- キムタクロイドは相変わらず毎回壊れてんのかよwこりゃ最終回は溶鉱炉EDだなSo KimuTakuroid gets destroyed every episode, huh?
He'll probably be burned in the furnace in the last scene of the finale. - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:34:12.44 ID:VIpLIecd0
- 女桐谷が一番きつかった。役回りは重要っぽいのに衣装もダサいしセリフは寒いし棒だし可愛く見えないしで散々。安そうなCGがさらに安っぽく見えるのにかなり貢献してる。Kiritani is the hardest one to bear among the actresses.
It seems like she's got an important role but her costume sucks, her lines are pathetic, she's a ham, she doesn't look cute, nothing's going right for her. She's contributing quite a lot to making the already cheap CG cheaper than it is.
http://tvcap.info/2013/12/8/131208-2125120477.jpg - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:35:34.10 ID:1r/7tyg10
- 桜井に負けて最終回次第では山Pにも負ける模様2013年連ドラ平均視聴率ランキング12位 12.96% 家族ゲーム13位 12.65% なるようになるさ。14位 12.62% 科捜研の女【1月期】15位 12.56% 安堂ロイド16位 12.55% 空飛ぶ広報室17位 12.53% SUMMER NUDEHe 's losing to Sakurai, and it looks like he'll even lose to YamaPi depending on the finale
2013 serial drama average ratings
12th 12.96% Kazoku Game
13th 12.65% Naruyouni naru sa
14th 12.62% Kasouken no onna (January)
15th 12.56% Ando Lloyd
16th 12.55% Sora tobu kouhoushitsu
17th 12.53% Summer Nude -
- 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:40:32.19 ID:0c4g0yYr0
- >>81櫻井は特上カバチ(日9)で大爆死してるのにw低レベルな争いだBut Sakurai bombed bigtime with Tokujo Kabachi (Sunday-9) w
That's such a low-level competition.
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:36:29.02 ID:Dt9/Wn4Y0
- キムタクも正念場だよな田原俊彦や沢田研二みたいに過去のスターになってしまうのか、それとも本木雅弘のように上手く転身できるか生暖かく見守りたいThese are crucial times for KimuTaku.
Will he be treated as a star of the past like Toshihiko Tahara and Kenji Sawada? Or will he be able to make a smooth transition like Masahiro Motoki? -
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:38:57.37 ID:SEuTHiPH0
- >>85アイドル上がりはみんな過去の人になるね
All people who started out as idols become people of the past
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:38:37.01 ID:frrNk+ob0
- 本木も視聴率は取れないんだよなー坂の上の雲とかNHKが総力をあげて作ったのに、視聴率大コケしたしBut Motoki couldn't attract the ratings himself.
NHK poured in so much effort to make Saka no ue no kumo but the ratings were a huge flop. -
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:39:58.94 ID:SEuTHiPH0
- >>95織田裕二も取れなくなったね
Yuji Oda couldn't get the ratings himself too
- 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:39:51.89 ID:fDZblLdU0
- ヤマトで興収41億叩きだしたけど、映画の内容はクソそのものだったでも数字出してこそキムタクはキムタクでいられる10,3は衝撃的な数字Yamato earned 4.1 billion in the box office but the movie itself was shi+e.
But KimuTaku is still KimuTaku thanks to the numbers that he brings along.
10.3% is a shocking figure.
http://www.z-z-z.jp/BLOG/img/img1171_yamato_o0640042810426740051.jpg - 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:44:14.08 ID:Uj60QPZy0
- 平均で誤魔化してるけど半沢無かったら本当に酷いレベルだな
It doesn't stand out too much thanks to the average ratings, but it's really on such a horrible level if it wasn't for Hanzawa. - 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 15:05:08.92 ID:dkNEXxkT0
- 共演者がどうこうの前に内容に無理がある木村でも数字を取れない糞ドラマ
- 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/09(月) 14:45:45.30 ID:frrNk+ob0
- 半沢直樹の4分の1返し
1/4 payback of Hanzawa Naoki
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