Ayumi Hamasaki (35) announced through her fansite "Team Ayu" on Dec. 13 that she will be marrying an American medical student (25) from UCLA. According to representatives, Hamasaki headed to L.A. on the 12th and proceeded to settle their engagement. Hamasaki met the man during the New Year break early this year, and they started dating around springtime. This will be her second marriage.
Hamasaki previously married Austrian actor Manuel Schwarz on January 1, 2011 in Las Vegas, but got divorced on Jan. 16, 2012. News that she was actually registered as single broke out during her "divorce" as she did not officially submit her marriage registry to California and Japan. She also announced her relationship with backup dancer Maroka Uchiyama (29) in November 2012, but broke up with him in January this year due to Uchiyama not having formally divorced his previous wife.
Hamasaki previously married Austrian actor Manuel Schwarz on January 1, 2011 in Las Vegas, but got divorced on Jan. 16, 2012. News that she was actually registered as single broke out during her "divorce" as she did not officially submit her marriage registry to California and Japan. She also announced her relationship with backup dancer Maroka Uchiyama (29) in November 2012, but broke up with him in January this year due to Uchiyama not having formally divorced his previous wife.
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:31:21.68 ID:ndEHx/+50
- 外人好きなのね
She really loves foreigners, huh - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:31:41.13 ID:7BgTrC/e0
- なんか、松田聖子みたいになってるな
She's becoming like Seiko Matsuda - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:31:58.83 ID:lAAoWYaz0
- 前のアメリカ人とは籍入れてないんだよね?
She wasn't officially registered with the previous (Austrian), right?
http://p.news.nimg.jp/photo/250/109250l.jpghttp://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/37/dd/harumama060701/folder/1583506/img_1583506_53120632_6?1294393263.jpghttp://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/20130629_hamasakiayumi_04.jpghttp://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/20120401_hamasaki_25.jpghttp://whereis.up.n.seesaa.net/whereis/image/218957570.jpg - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:32:18.87 ID:pLrf+PwL0
- エア結婚
Air marriage - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:32:44.20 ID:+cfNjCuN0
- この人は年末年始になると外人と結婚したくなるんかね?
Does this person always feel the urge to marry foreigners around New Year? - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:32:54.85 ID:CjKd3FCq0
- また外人w
Another foreigner? w - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:33:30.68 ID:bvJhqStG0
- 今までと違って賢そうな相手だな学習したのかThe partner seems smart this time around, unlike her previous relationships.
Has she learned her lesson? -
- 376: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:27:48.07 ID:La5pKP/K0
- >>18向こうではお金持ちは平気でコカインを使用しているからな旦那が医者なら安心だろう
The rich smoke cocaine over there without any hesitation. She'll probably be safe if her husband's a doctor.
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:33:34.45 ID:1cejQdtZ0
- 白人の子供でも欲しいのかねえ
Maybe she really wants a white kid. - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:34:51.06 ID:34T94iO10
- シングル発売のためにここまでやるのかw連続一位途切れないといいねwShe's going this far just to release her single? w
I hope her record of consecutive #1s won't break with this w - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:35:20.83 ID:nPGKvDYi0
- CDは来週発売?
So her CD will be released next week? - 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:36:25.18 ID:rOMoMTlD0
- ハーフの娘が将来芸能界デビューすると予想
I predict her halfie daughter will make her showbiz debut in the future - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:36:33.74 ID:FTG9LTQJ0
- 長瀬も濃かったしな
Even Nagase had deep features
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/20120427_hamasakiayumi_08.jpg - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:37:27.36 ID:JlWX1AAUI
- 医学部はあちらもかなり金がかかるから助かったんじゃね
Studying medicine over there costs a lot of money so the guy's lucky - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:38:16.01 ID:k2S3qbeM0
- 紅白で又結婚セレモニーか。紅白の話題作り必死だな。この女Another wedding ceremony at the Kouhaku?
This woman's so desperate in trying to make people talk about her during the Kouhaku. -
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:41:01.60 ID:DsYUXTTEO
- >>62新曲前のアピールだろ25日発売でHey! Say! JUMPとダブるとかいうもう なりふり構わない姿が哀れすぎて笑えるwwIt's just her appeal before the release of her new song.
It'll be sold on the 25th, and overlaps with Hey!Say!JUMP's release.
It's so laughable and pathetic how she doesn't seem to give a damn about herself anymore.
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:38:25.53 ID:v2YfjKgu0
- もう一般人にしか相手にされないwままごと婚だろどうせSo only regular people are the ones who are bothering themselves with her w
It's probably just some make-believe marriage. - 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:39:06.91 ID:bvJhqStG0
- 恋愛する度にランクが下がる。ここにきて医学生だけど、本当に医学生かは謎だなwHer rank goes down every time she has a relationship.
And now she has a med. student. It's a mystery though if it really is a med. student w - 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:39:52.47 ID:iv7RgY9IO
- もうちょっと有名人とか箔が付く人と結婚すりゃいいのに
She should go for a more popular person who'd lift her image up - 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:41:25.28 ID:2I4wNP5h0
- またヒモかよまともな恋愛出来ない哀れな歌姫(笑)Another man who'll live off her earnings?
What a sad songstress who can't have a decent romance. (laughs) - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:41:26.43 ID:++tLPrVdP
- 25日に3年ぶりのシングルが出るからって、必死すぎwwwww
She's so desperate since she's coming out with her first single in 3 years on the 25th wwwww - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:41:51.93 ID:hbYQdT9U0
- 歌姫↓ツイッター芸人↓結婚芸人Diva
Twitter comedian
Marriage comedian - 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:42:54.85 ID:RUB1cq7E0
- 誰かが年末に結婚するとか言ってたけどまじでするとはwww
Someone did say that she'll get married at the end of the year, and so she definitely is, huh www - 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:43:16.57 ID:rOMoMTlD0
- マロの方が面白かった
Maro was more interesting
http://trandflash.com/wp-content/uploads/20130416_hamasakiayumi_01.jpg - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:43:48.59 ID:A1mca18O0
- 医者じゃなくて学生というところがもうアレだな
And the fact that it's a student, and not a doctor is just... - 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:44:14.50 ID:hDI7wmrU0
- 取り敢えず夜の生活に必要な物(者)ゲットしただけw
At least she got herself the living creature that she needs for her night life w - 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:46:56.25 ID:qZFf0orh0
- なんかもう必死だなとにかく必死だな今度はなんだ妊娠→流産(嘘)で同情票でももらう話題作りかなShe seems so desperate.
Really desperate.
So what next? Will she get pregnant then have a miscarriage (fake) and get sympathy votes? - 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:48:42.76 ID:r5tBj/utO
- いつまで過去の栄光にしがみつくつもりよwwもう一般人と変わらないんだから引退しなさいUntil when is she planning to hang on to her past glory? ww
She's no different from a normal person. Please retire already. - 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:49:59.49 ID:E0H21g0aP
- 長瀬と付き合ってた頃はまだまともな女だと思ってたんだけどなI thought she was a decent woman when she was still with Nagase.
So once a delinquent from Fukuoka will always remain a delinquent, huh.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/3e/87/10025947267.jpg - 163: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:50:55.94 ID:Mfru8kfO0
- この外人かわいそw浜崎あゆみと結婚とか、日本じゃ笑いものになるのにwI feel sorry for this foreigner. w
Marrying Ayumi Hamasaki is like becoming a laughing stock in Japan. w - 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:52:17.13 ID:Ku27P/rV0
- どうせ今回も籍入れないんでしょ話題づくりに必死だけど効果ないと思うよI bet she won't register her marriage again.
She's just desperate for some buzz, but it's not working at all. - 189: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:53:17.86 ID:clGe/xZo0
- 全てが話題づくりに見える
Everything about her just seems like a promotional gimmick - 207: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:55:57.34 ID:4SYe8I180
- あぁ、想像通りだったw
Ahh, just as I imagined it w
http://avex.jp/artist/ayu/img/mobile_image.jpg2013/12/25 on sale - 218: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:57:08.56 ID:Wc0iSTNa0
- 離婚してたのも知らんかった
I didn't even know she got divorced - 233: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 17:59:41.75 ID:VmuS/Y0DO
- またPVに出演させそうw35歳にもなってキモすぎるShe might let him appear on another one of her PVs. w
She's already 35, it's too gross. - 247: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:00:43.86 ID:LyulH/x0P
- こんな凋落の仕方もあるんだな・・・第二の松田聖子だなSo people really can fall down this hard, huh...
She's like the 2nd Seiko Matsuda. -
- 285: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:08:18.35 ID:VXRghZL5O
- >>247松田聖子はヒモと結婚した事は一度もない。外人は遊びと割り切ってる。Seiko Matsuda never married a man who'd just leech off her. At least for her foreigners are for pleasure only.
- 251: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:01:27.85 ID:vWewH0Wh0
- 今度はちゃんと籍を入れろよ話題つくりのための偽装結婚はダメだShe should have it officially registered this time.
You should't stage a marriage just for you promotional stunt. - 259: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:02:59.32 ID:VmuS/Y0DO
- オリコン一位になれそうな日を三年半待った浜崎しかし25日にまさかのジャニがシングル出しますwHamasaki waited for 3 and a half years for a day where she can possibly get 1st.
But uh oh, Johnny's will also be coming out with a single on the 25th w - 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:07:18.95 ID:jbn/1UHa0
- それよりライブの衣装が声優みたいだ
Her live costumes look like those of a voice actress
http://24.media.tumblr.com/ccf842fe4fe55cedc56a18ae451cca99/tumblr_mvnjytHOAd1qdlz6xo1_400.pnghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/ad6627072a8cdb619b42ddf95a9f6d73/tumblr_mwt6u8ewcn1rosze6o1_1280.pnghttp://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2013/12/ZVkSy95RWqMYawA_z2eHy_77.jpeghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/0418fa6ca953bbabdc24e833ef41eb6f/tumblr_msl0noShMG1rosze6o1_1280.pnghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/62acafad2667fdb97a06d4e6d04e0374/tumblr_mvf8ecqfwt1rosze6o1_1280.pnghttp://24.media.tumblr.com/bcf62d4377278bfb8ba662a632c8a844/tumblr_mvs1mngpMX1rosze6o1_1280.pnghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/4cb496879532fb6936d1b615119470b7/tumblr_mwuzynpEui1rosze6o1_1280.png - 297: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:12:26.15 ID:t5cGEmpR0
- 面白いよね。これをあと何度繰り返すのか楽しみにしてる。It's funny.
I'm looking forward to seeing how many times more she'll repeat this sort of thing. - 339: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:20:26.47 ID:V7PBpL8G0
- アメリカの医学部の学費はハンパないからお財布にされたのか
The tuition fee for medical schools in the US is no laughing matter. So she'll serve as his wallet, huh. - 361: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/13(金) 18:23:34.04 ID:ElM58TSI0
- CD売りたいのか結婚したいのかどっちやねん!Do you want to sell your CD or get married? Make up your mind!
- 406: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:01:42.33 ID:AeHbEGh+i
- あゆの婚約相手。左上のハゲそうな白人ね。Ayu's fiancé. The white guy on the top left who looks like he'll go bald.
It doesn't seem like her partner this time is extremely good-looking, huh.
She's got a lot of things going on for her this month like a picture book thing, a single, Kouhaku, and Music Station again after 2 years.
But whatever the case, she's just fooling around with the report on her fan site www - 407: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:04:34.90 ID:AeHbEGh+i
- 画像忘れてた。_| ̄|○Forgot the picture.
The one where Ayu is holding a glass, they have the same ring there.
http://beebee2see.appspot.com/i/azuYycqDFgw.jpg -
- 412: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:12:07.86 ID:Tms2VAM5O
- >>407ハゲそうって…もう始まってるやんww
Looks like he'll go bald?... He already is ww
- 418: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:22:46.20 ID:Izsbzjoj0
- >>407末高斗夢に似てる
Looks like Tomu Suetaka
- 421: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:27:14.48 ID:d+Qa/xwq0
- >>407絶対結婚しなさそうお相手なんかゲイっぽいI don't think they'll really get married.
The guy looks gay.
- 414: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:15:54.81 ID:v/g1k00D0
- 最近ここに貼られてた太めの写真、腹出てたよねHer slightly chubby picture which is being posted here recently, her tummy was sticking out.
Isn't she preggy? -
- 417: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:22:37.58 ID:ztwxw0200
- >>414のコレ
- 428: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:34:04.90 ID:AeHbEGh+i
- >>414妊娠はなさそう。普通にお酒飲んでると思う。
I don't think she's pregnant. Must only be a beer belly.
- 427: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/13(金) 23:33:10.62 ID:r4aNv1VC0
- 昔好きだったからこそ今のあゆが悲しいI used to like her back in the day, and I'm really sad about how she is now.
Doesn't she have good staff members around her? - 437: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/14(土) 00:00:43.24 ID:+osiB8/80
- あゆはただ目立ちたいだけに見えるな。Ayu just looks like she wants to stand out.
Seiko on the other hand really loved foreigners (their bodies, that is) w - 440: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/14(土) 00:08:27.67 ID:fksj/VPU0
- 単純に浜崎さんはクリスマスとカウントダウンに彼氏がいないと死んじゃう強迫観念の持ち主なのかもしれん
Maybe Hamasaki just has this obsession that she needs to have a boyfriend during Christmas and the countdown season or else, she'll die. - 458: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/14(土) 00:47:18.62 ID:DujBMjAq0
- 痛々しいThis is pathetic.
Nagase should've taken responsibility and married her.
They split when they were around 30, right? -
- 461: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/14(土) 00:53:06.17 ID:gxazOhAs0
- >>45828で別れたけど、26くらいでの衣装スタッフやってた外人との浮気が破局原因だからそもそも外人好きな体質っぽいThey split up when they were 28, but the reason was when she cheated on him with her costume staff who was a foreigner when they were 26.
She just probably loves foreigners.
- 459: 可愛い奥様 2013/12/14(土) 00:49:26.35 ID:0xQUlWEAP
- なんでもっとビッグネームとか行かないのかねWhy can't she go for bigger names?
Like people who'd treat her like a princess?
Maybe she herself doesn't have self confidence?
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