IMALU angered by her father's romantic relationship with an AV actress
IMALU sent in her comments to Fuji TV's Nonstop via fax and wrote:
"He's approaching 60, and I thought he's 'amazing!!' to get caught by FRIDAY with a girl in her 20s. I haven't heard anything from him regarding the previous incident and this one as well. Looking at the article, it doesn't seem like they're causing any trouble to anyone else so I don't particularly feel anything since I have been hearing a lot of stories about my parents since I was little. My father has the freedom to fall in love, and if he's serious, then I'm willing to root for his love no matter who she may be, however, there's a chance that she will become my mother so I'm planning to tighten my assessment of her!".
According to the program producer who called her, she was "extremely irritated and said that she can't accept that the partner is younger than her".
- 193: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:34:13.96 ID:/4Zcvn470
- 今回は優希まこと
This time, it's Makoto Yuuki - 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:27:05.40 ID:OabhUJAqi
- 明石家さんま「35歳年下美女と密会」
Sanma Akashiya's secret meeting with a girl who's 35 years younger
They got close to one another after Sanma visited the shop where she works. Sanma keeps on adding names to his list of girls even as he approaches 60. When asked who his real love is, he just said "Haruka Ayase!" and zoomed off in his car.さんまの家から出てくるところAs she exits Sanma's house.
She came in at 11 during the night before and came out again at around 1 pm the next day.
She's totally slept over. Looks like they can't get away with this one. -
- 190: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:33:27.88 ID:0XWsYm9j0
- >>155優希まことが働く店って事は、赤龍かあそこ、さんまとか行くのかよwwwwまぁ、キャバでもあそこ糞たけーからなーwwwwwThe shop where Makoto Yuuki works is... Red Dragon, huh.
So Sanma goes to places like that? wwwwww
Well, that really is one of the damn expensive cabaret joints out there wwwww
- 194: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:34:15.79 ID:YVTYf3gT0
- >>155AV女優がフライデーにリークしてさんまの家にいくから撮ってくれって言ったのかなCould it be that the AV actress leaked this info to FRIDAY beforehand? Something like, "I'm going to Sanma's house so go take a picture of me".
- 208: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:36:20.82 ID:kYx7vKeVO
- >>155うーわ靴ルブタンだ。金持ってんだねー。Whoah, her shoes are Louboutin.
She must really be rich.
- 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:43:23.48 ID:sg6mV/8LP
- >>155ブッサイクだなw
Damn ugly w
- 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:30:32.86 ID:Z5W3qcf70
- 優希まことって恵比寿マスカッツに一時期いたなKONANが卒業して補充されてたけど、すぐに消えたっけその後は無修正にも行って、引退したと思ったがMakoto Yuuki used to be in the Ebisu Mascots at one point, right?
She replaced KONAN who graduated and then immediately disappeared, right?
Then she even did uncensored videos, and I thought she retired already. - 174: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:30:46.11 ID:sg6mV/8LP
- さんまが本気なわけ無いだろw
There's no way Sanma was serious with this w -
- 183: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:32:33.24 ID:zGTMZAAJ0
- >>174それでも娘からしたら、色ボケで万が一の可能性は捨てきれない、今後もビクビクBut his daughter still can't dismiss that one in a thousand chance (that she'll be her mother) due to his obsession with sex, so she'll probably keep on trembling
- 186: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:33:13.41 ID:OodN6P8T0
- 遊びはあっても、結婚はないなwカトちゃんの二の舞にはならんだろwThey may just be playing around, but I don't think they'll get married w
He probably won't end up like Kato-chan.
(Related post HERE) - 195: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:34:29.14 ID:kgBXwWrIO
- ガチでロリコンなのかよ
So is he really a Loli-con? -
- 206: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:36:04.05 ID:Z5W3qcf70
- >>195優希まことはロリ系じゃないよIMARUよりよほど大人っぽいMakoto Yuuki isn't a loli-type.
She looks more mature than his daughter IMALU.
- 218: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:39:15.47 ID:6OmXYK2s0
- あきらかにAV嬢側からリークされてるだろうなこんなの恐ろしくてつきあえんわIt clearly seems like the AV actress leaked this information.
This is so scary, I can't bring myself to date them. - 220: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:39:41.82 ID:0XWsYm9j0
- 優希まことは、キャバ出て、裏も出てるからまぁ金回りは良いはず
Makoto Yuuki's in cabaret clubs and also does the more underground stuff so she must be earning a lot - 226: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:41:07.47 ID:MmhlVgpVO
- 妹とか弟とかできる可能性もあるし、 生理的に気持ち悪いのはわかるThere's a chance that IMALU will have a brother or a sister, so I understand how that would feel like, and I get it if she feels grossed out by that thought
- 227: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:41:19.19 ID:77wyvQJ40
- IMALUがさんまの戸籍に入ってることに驚き離婚して母親と暮らしてきたくせに籍は父親やっぱりお金I'm surprised that IMALU is in Sanma's family registry.
She used to live with her mother after they got divorced, but she's registered with her father?
It's all about the money, huh. - 230: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:42:21.54 ID:ZSMHcjPh0
She's like Cha Kato's wife.
- 240: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:43:33.86 ID:ibTZHKAy0
- >>230これで23歳は嘘だろ・・・
She's just 23? That must be a lie...
- 295: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:00:37.35 ID:Rz0xODTU0
- >>230これ杉田かおるじゃないのか?
Isn't this Kaoru Sugita?
- 233: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:42:38.25 ID:O41DNeMo0
- 紗倉まなにしとけよw
Just stick with Mana Sakura w
(Related post HERE) - 242: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:43:50.46 ID:VttS/d8p0
- さんまレベルが普通に風俗店に通う所を見ると、噂にあるアイドルや女優専門の売春組織ってないんだなSo seeing that even someone of Sanma's level is going to brothels and clubs like this must mean that there really is no organization that sells off these idols and actresses exclusively, huh
- 254: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:47:03.00 ID:U8cbnVcz0
- >>242さんまはアイドル枕とかは好きじゃなさそうだ
Sanma doesn't look like the type who likes sexual favors with idols
- 264: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:48:34.99 ID:A6lHPavV0
- >>242ありそうな気もするが財界のお偉いさんをもてなしてるイメージI do think that such an organization exists, but my image is that they're exclusively dealing with the bigwigs of the financial world
- 245: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:45:02.67 ID:b+QtI4g20
- さんまの遺産を新しい嫁にとられたくないと素直に言いなさい
C'mon, just admit the truth that you don't want some new woman who pops up out of nowhere inheriting Sanma's fortune - 252: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:46:41.60 ID:i/01nrRx0
- 嫁できたら半分も持ってかれるIf he gets remarried, the wife will get half his fortune
- 257: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:47:15.75 ID:0XWsYm9j0
- 優希まことはさんまが昔からお気に入りだっけしばらく合ってなかったけど今年から赤龍出勤し始めてそれ聞いたさんまが会いに行ってまた良い感じになったってことやろなSanma has always liked Makoto Yuuki, right?
They probably haven't seen each other in a long time, then Sanma heard that she works at Red Dragon so he pays her a visit and they get close again, huh? - 267: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:49:26.24 ID:kjWTy4w60
- うんと若いといっても、30歳オーバーだとそんなに気にならないけど20代はきついなあ
People won't really mind it if the woman's over 30 even if they have a huge age difference, but a girl in her 20s is too much. - 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:52:36.43 ID:KLjCYbiB0
- フライデーでこんな美人とさんま付き合ってるのかよって思ったわAV女優とはなー全然見えない感じの写真だわ
I thought, "Wow, Sanma's gotten hold of a beauty, huh", when I saw FRIDAY, but I didn't imagine that she's an AV actress. It didn't look like it in the picture. - 284: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:53:16.08 ID:wE6sG3eB0
- 今関西テレビのワイドショーでリポーターが完全に売名みたいなことを言ってたわ
A gossip show reporter on Kansai TV just said that she's just using him to increase her name value -
- 319: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:13:09.82 ID:6CTNGvSt0
- >>284それ以外ない罠さんまは何もやってないんじゃないか?wIt's nothing else but that.
Maybe Sanma hasn't even done anything to her? w
- 286: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 14:54:17.39 ID:7B47VAgR0
- どうせこのAV女優はお金目当てだろ加藤夫妻と同じ匂いがぷんぷんするわI bet this AV actress is just after his money.
She reeks of the same stench as Kato's wife. - 301: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:04:53.84 ID:PvdynfnS0
- そりゃ還暦近い自分の父親がAV女優と付き合ってたら嫌だろw
Well, who wouldn't hate it when your father who's approaching 60 is dating an AV actress? w - 317: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:11:41.27 ID:aKDjm1W40
- 成人してんだからもう子供に気使う必要ないだろ
IMALU's already come of age so there's no need for Sanma to be considerate to his daughter - 328: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:19:01.29 ID:Azj4knHC0
- さすがにAV女優は勘弁してくれって言うわなw
It's just natural that you'd want to say no to an AV actress w - 333: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:21:42.89 ID:ntPIY5r40
- 穴開けで避妊を失敗しても、遺産は半分・・・
And if the rubber gets a hole and his contraceptive method fails, then her share on his fortune gets halved... - 343: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:25:44.83 ID:7js4vXq80
- そういえば5年ぐらい前に長澤まさみと「ハタチの恋人」なるドラマをやってたなあ。コケたけど・・・現実でもやってのけるとは、さすがさんま師匠I remember him doing a drama with Masami Nagasawa 5 years ago called Hatachi no Koibito. It flopped, though...
And Sanma's amazing for doing that in real life, huh. - 345: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:27:09.57 ID:0ow2G0eY0
- 親父の実力で稼いだ金なのに娘が偉そうなのはなぜなのか?
It's money earned owing to the father's talents, right? Then why is the daughter acting all high and mighty? - 342: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/29(金) 15:25:44.11 ID:zwHJQLKd0
- IMALUこそもう大人なんだからIMALU's already an adult too.
She should just let him be.
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