New information has surfaced about the live action version of Majo no Takkyubin, as the main theme song of which will be sung by singer Mai Kuraki.
Yumi Matsutoya sang the theme song for the 1989 anime movie, while Mai Kuraki's composition "Wake me up" will be used for this version.
Kuraki's comments on the song: "I wrote the lyrics with the thought of not giving up whatever may happen, and to do things that are true to oneself". "As for the sound, I sang the song while imagining Kiki-chan riding a broom and flying across the sky."
Yumi Matsutoya sang the theme song for the 1989 anime movie, while Mai Kuraki's composition "Wake me up" will be used for this version.
It's got the sense of speed that perfectly suits the main character Kiki as she flies freely throughout the vast sky, and even director Takashi Shimizu showed his satisfaction for the piece saying, "It immediately struck a chord the moment I listened to it". He further comments: "Not only does it fit the image of the movie, but it's also a transparent and energetic number that represents 'new beginnings', perfect for Kuraki-san's 15th anniversary in the industry". "This is a story that everyone knows so I am definitely feeling the pressure, but I was given courage by her as I felt that she was taking on this massive challenge together with me. I may be known as a horror movie director, but I hope to go for a new kind of 'wake me up!!' in this movie together with her singing voice."
Kuraki's comments on the song: "I wrote the lyrics with the thought of not giving up whatever may happen, and to do things that are true to oneself". "As for the sound, I sang the song while imagining Kiki-chan riding a broom and flying across the sky."
- 2: 禿の月φ ★ 2013/12/10(火) 04:17:39.93 ID:???P
- Kiki: Fuka Koshiba
Tombo: Ryohei Hirota
Kokiri (Kiki's mom): Rie Miyazawa
Okino (Kiki's dad): Michitaka Tsutsui
Fukuo: Hiroshi Yamamoto - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:23:12.59 ID:DhU6+S7GO
- 文化祭レベル
School festival-level - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:26:24.30 ID:9bq1uRN20
- \(^o^)/オワタパクらきかよ\(^o^)/ It's over
They're using PaKuraki?
*(play on "pakuri" and Kuraki. Pakuri means "rip-off") - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:29:12.05 ID:wOW14Z7g0
- 邦画のCGはいつまでたってもモヤ~っとしているな
CGs in Japanese movies never progress and always look so blurry - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:31:55.71 ID:IgXkXgs80
- 主役が小汚い、ちゃんとすれば可愛いのかな?
The girl who plays the lead looks so filthy. Will she look cute if they fix her up? - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:32:32.29 ID:EODIsBmN0
- アニメ版と同じなら実写化する意味薄いとは思うが実写化は冒険だなあ原作はどんな話なんだ?キキが結婚するとか聞いたが
I do think that it would have been pointless if it was the same as the anime version, but doing a live action adaptation is like taking an adventure. What was the original story like? I heard that Kiki would get married in that one. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:32:41.34 ID:kKE60tzo0
- どうせ、ルパン三世の実写化のときの理屈のように現代では、箒にまたがって空を飛ぶのは現実的ではないので設定を少し変えたとかないの
They might once again let their weird logic run about like in Lupin III and say that it's not realistic in this day and age to hop on board a broom and fly in the sky, and so they'll change the premise - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:33:27.04 ID:0lp1/PJm0
- まだいたのか倉木麻衣
Oh, so Mai Kuraki's still around? - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:36:47.23 ID:YF41Ehzf0
- くらきまいって引退したのかと思ってた
I thought Mai Kuraki has retired already - 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:40:57.85 ID:bwkShxBrP
- 魔女の宅急便と倉木の15周年と何の関係があるの?そういう大人の事情を絡めるから映画がつまらなくなるんじゃないの?So how are Majo no Takkyubin and Mai Kuraki's 15th anniversary connected?
Don't movies become boring because they always include these "adult circumstances" in? - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:43:11.77 ID:CHG/w1GWI
- アニメやマンガ原作の物ばかり
しかも内容は端折られる - Everything is based on anime and manga these days.
And all the contents just get twisted. - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:48:16.02 ID:OzchbChmP
- 脇役が無駄に豪華だなThe supporting cast is too extravagant
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:52:21.98 ID:/Rl0KpZe0
- 邦画の衣装って必ず新品だからダサイよな
Costumes in Japanese movies are always new so they look lame - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:53:33.94 ID:i03f5ytw0
- キキ役はこれじゃなかったのか
So this girl isn't playing Kiki? - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:54:58.47 ID:WF+6hipw0
- これはデビルマン先輩、キャシャーン先輩、そしてガッチャマン先輩の後輩候補筆頭だな
This looks like the main candidate as the underclassman to succeed Devilman-senpai, Casshern-senpai and Gatchaman-senpai. - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 04:55:24.97 ID:vUddItu30
- 内容は当然劣化するとして映像でも25年前のアニメに勝ててない誰得Let's assume that the story will be a deteriorated version of the original.
But the visuals itself still cannot beat a 25-year-old anime. So seriously, who'd want this? - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:08:18.15 ID:BTrQvKIM0
- 人物と背景がなじんでないっていうか異和感たっぷりだったなーんーーThe characters and the background don't feel like they blend with one another.
It's just awkwardness all around.
Uhnn--- - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:18:59.18 ID:nwjxgTYL0
- トトロとかもののけ姫を実写化しようってならまだわかるんだが、なんで魔女の宅急便なんだよオール日本人であの空気感が出るわけがないってのにI would have understood it if they wanted to make live versions of Totoro or Mononoke, but why did they choose Majo no Takkyubin?
There's no way you can recreate that atmosphere with an all-Japanese cast. - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:22:01.31 ID:ZW3fLX2s0
- 予告編見たけど舞台が西洋の街じゃなくて単なる日本の田舎の島になったんだな。やはり「海外撮影は経費がかかる」「邦画のCG技術力だと街中でホウキで飛ばすのは無理」ってことなのかな。うーん今の日本の実写映画ってすべてが安っぽさしか感じなくて観てて切なくなる。I saw the trailer. So it isn't set in a Western town, but a rural island in Japan?
So does it mean that "shooting overseas will cost too much" and "it will be impossible for Japan's current CG abilities to make brooms fly over a town"?
All Japanese movies right now just feel so cheap, it really makes me sad looking at these. - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:27:55.50 ID:utoHjwx10
- いやいや 思ったよりいいじゃんやっぱり演技力を考えると小学生の女の子には無理だNahhh, this is much better than what I expected.
You can't just cast a gradeschooler if you're looking for acting skills. - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:32:47.23 ID:hdmgwAsG0
- やるじゃん月曜ドラマランドで流れても遜色ないレベル!Not bad.
It wouldn't look bad at all even if you show it on Getsuyou Dramaland. - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:34:54.99 ID:SmprMTjx0
- あの普通の校庭が出てくる予告はなんだったの?So what was that trailer where she was going into a regular school ground all about?
A joke?
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:58:26.46 ID:yi/8zcYo0
- >>42予告編はいいとこ取りで編集してるから実際観たら引くくらいの出来だと思う
Trailers are edited to only show the good parts so you might really get turned off once you see the entire film
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:44:25.65 ID:0WF+ZlJu0
- うわぁ
Uwaaa - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 05:56:54.51 ID:sK9oAIpb0
- 内容とかはともかく・・・とにかくこの主役の子がスペシャルにかわいくないのが致命的
Contents aside... It's just fatal that this girl who plays the lead isn't cute at all - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 06:07:59.89 ID:SyDCSnsDP
- テレビドラマでいいだろwwwwwwww
They could've just done a TV drama instead wwwwwww - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 06:26:22.12 ID:pd5QQ5Cv0
- 飛んでるシーンは思ったよりも良かった
The flying scene was actually better than expected -
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 06:30:51.68 ID:rQl4blrE0
- >>55それはない
No way
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 06:43:25.38 ID:tFGwPDuw0
- どう考えてもヨーロッパの町並みだったはずなんだが
It should've been set in a European town, though - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 06:46:59.59 ID:qT8ygNfI0
- これはあかん
No good - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 06:50:46.89 ID:G1jFEIgu0
- 服装とか家の中の小物とかはちょっとヨーロッパ風(原作風)、登場人物とか建物とかは完全に日本なんか、よく出来た「魔女の宅急便やってみた」を見てるみたいな気分になるTheir clothes and the little objects and trinkets inside the house look European (like the original), while the characters and the buildings are entirely Japanese.
It makes me feel that I'm watching a well done "I tried imitating Majo no Takkyubin" parody. - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 07:54:53.47 ID:V07xLnKz0
- CGカクカクで酷い出来だジブリファンですら見にいかないだろwアニメの実写化で成功例ってあるの?The CG staggers too much, it's horribly done.
Even Ghibli fans won't be watching this w
Are there any success stories of a live action adaptation of an anime? -
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:08:32.45 ID:+r9lqaymO
- >>70テレ東深夜にやってた「キューティーハニー」は評価してる原作ともアニメとも違うが面白かったI rate Cutie Honey which they did on late night Tokyo TV.
It was good; it was different from the original and the anime.
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:14:55.40 ID:Qgo97oOp0
- 小豆島かよTheir on location in Shodoshima, eh.
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:18:47.90 ID:Lwik+Dr9P
- ひっそりと始まってひっそりと終わりそうな映画
I get the feeling that this movie will start quietly, and end quietly - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:19:08.10 ID:962nNIB90
- この映画もユーミンの楽曲ありきだと思うのだが。
I thought that this movie should have been made with Yu-min's song in mind
- 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:21:06.94 ID:hig+1Gc5O
- 主役の子を初めて見たけど、ちょっとゴツい顔で可愛いとは言い難い
It's my first time seeing the lead of the movie, and her face looks a bit too rugged, I can't really call her cute - 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:24:44.10 ID:67y2jI0HO
- 舞台にした方が合いそうなのにな…ピーターパン方式でI think that a stage play would have been more appropriate for this, though...
Something like Peter Pan. - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:25:22.25 ID:PiYXvg46i
- 予告編見る限りでは、ちょっと期待できそうにないな……
Looks like I can't expect much out of this if I'm just basing it on the trailer... - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:35:45.26 ID:nKDIH5X00
- なんというかもっと東京の街中を飛び回って孤立するみたいな方が見れたかなぁとジブリに寄せると絶対ダメだわなUhmm, I think I would have endured watching it if she was flying over Tokyo and getting isolated.
Nothing good will just come out of it if they try to make it close to Ghibli's version. - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/10(火) 08:08:21.24 ID:1KEz1iPK0
- ファンの皆さんは別次元の「新魔女の宅急便」として鑑賞するのが正解かもしれません
The correct way for fans to appproach this is by treating it as an entirely new Majo no Takkyubin from a different dimension. It could become a grand masterpiece with the help of the staff and everyone on the set!
Original Thread
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