Junichi Okada (33) plays the role of the the genius Zero fighter plane pilot Kyuzo Miyabe, also known as "the biggest coward in the marines" in the movie Eien no Zero. Okada seems to have now surpassed his position as an idol, and has firmly established his status as an actor.
He's been in numerous movies such as Kagehinata ni saku, Tenchi Meisatsu, Toshokan Sensou, and comedy dramas like Kisarazu Cat's Eye and Tiger & Dragon, to a more conventional one in SP. He will also be in NHK's taiga drama next year, Gunshi Kanbee. It wouldn't even be a surprise if some people have forgotten that he's a member of V6's "Kamisen" group.
Speaking of Johnny's actors, there's veteran Takuya Kimura (41), but Okada has drawn a line from types like that who's "always KimuTaku in whatever he does". Okada is being regarded highly within the industry as a talented and flexible actor with a noble face. Movie critic Yuichi Maeda has this to say about Okada:
"He's got strong and powerful eyes, and has very distinct facial features so he can fit in any role that's given to him. And even with that deep-looking face, he still looks like a member of the Japanese army when he had a buzz-cut. He diligently gets into character, especially when you compare him to Hiroshi Tamaki who also played a marine soldier in the movie Manatsu no Orion but did not have his hair cut. He's got the image of a Japanese Tom Cruise. It's definitely not right to dismiss him as "just someone from Johnny's" anymore as he's more of an actor now than an idol. And it's not just these serious roles, Okada can also handle subcultural genres like Kudokan's works so he's widely accepted in the world of movies. He's really a talented actor who can do any role given to him, but that also shows how much hard work he's put into honing his craft."
He's been in numerous movies such as Kagehinata ni saku, Tenchi Meisatsu, Toshokan Sensou, and comedy dramas like Kisarazu Cat's Eye and Tiger & Dragon, to a more conventional one in SP. He will also be in NHK's taiga drama next year, Gunshi Kanbee. It wouldn't even be a surprise if some people have forgotten that he's a member of V6's "Kamisen" group.
Speaking of Johnny's actors, there's veteran Takuya Kimura (41), but Okada has drawn a line from types like that who's "always KimuTaku in whatever he does". Okada is being regarded highly within the industry as a talented and flexible actor with a noble face. Movie critic Yuichi Maeda has this to say about Okada:
"He's got strong and powerful eyes, and has very distinct facial features so he can fit in any role that's given to him. And even with that deep-looking face, he still looks like a member of the Japanese army when he had a buzz-cut. He diligently gets into character, especially when you compare him to Hiroshi Tamaki who also played a marine soldier in the movie Manatsu no Orion but did not have his hair cut. He's got the image of a Japanese Tom Cruise. It's definitely not right to dismiss him as "just someone from Johnny's" anymore as he's more of an actor now than an idol. And it's not just these serious roles, Okada can also handle subcultural genres like Kudokan's works so he's widely accepted in the world of movies. He's really a talented actor who can do any role given to him, but that also shows how much hard work he's put into honing his craft."
- 4: 毒霧(dion軍) 2013/12/21(土) 11:40:27.71 ID:hddr8Qgl0
- 坊主も似合うからイケメンだな
He's really an ikemen since he even looks good with a bald head - 5: ダイビングフットスタンプ(東京都) 2013/12/21(土) 11:40:34.66 ID:u0OUDNw40
- トムクルーズw
Tom Cruise w - 6: ミラノ作 どどんスズスロウン(愛知県) 2013/12/21(土) 11:41:03.80 ID:xPK0Tscz0
- チビなところが一緒だなw
They're similar in the sense that they're both chibis w
http://blog-imgs-59-origin.fc2.com/h/o/l/hollywoodhotgossip/FFN_API_Oblivion_PC_040213_51056133.jpghttp://blog-imgs-45.fc2.com/h/o/l/hollywoodcelebnews/knight-and-day-london-premiere-01.jpghttp://hw-p.com/male/t/to/tcruise/img/photo0.JPG - 7: タイガースープレックス(京都府) 2013/12/21(土) 11:41:04.02 ID:NZZMlrsS0
- 身長がね…
Well, the height, that is...
http://blog-imgs-57.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130623162041.jpeghttp://blog-imgs-57.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130623162037.jpg - 8: ストマッククロー(庭) 2013/12/21(土) 11:45:29.85 ID:BkqVSYxuP
- 惚れ惚れするくらい男前だよな
He's definitely a man who'd make you fall head over heels
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/mudainodqnment-nizistar/imgs/5/c/5c03f288.jpg - 9: ショルダーアームブリーカー(兵庫県) 2013/12/21(土) 11:47:14.87 ID:rJutwXG40
- 岡田君がイケメンというのはいまいち理解ができない多分自分が薄い顔だから薄い顔を好むんだろうなI really don't get how people can call Okada-kun an ikemen.
Those people must have bland faces so they also like people who have (bland faces) -
- 13: バックドロップ(埼玉県) 2013/12/21(土) 11:50:09.60 ID:ru62d9rc0
- >>9セクシーなんとかやキスマイあたりよりはイケメンが理解できる
I do understand that he's better looking than Sexy-something and Kis-My, though
- 11: バックドロップホールド(静岡県) 2013/12/21(土) 11:48:48.06 ID:y9hvVDC60
- 昨日徹子の部屋で黒柳が岡田を前にしてサカってたわw
Kuroyanagi was all giddy in front of Okada in yesterday's Tetsuko no Heya w
- 12: エメラルドフロウジョン(北海道) 2013/12/21(土) 11:49:58.23 ID:UlieXdap0
- チビってことかよ
The fact that they're both small, right? - 15: バックドロップホールド(静岡県) 2013/12/21(土) 11:51:50.52 ID:y9hvVDC60
- 岡田も筋トレしてトムさんみたくちびマッチョただ悲しいかなそれは奇形に拍車をかけるだけOkada also built up his muscles and is a chibi-macho like Tom-san.
But what's sad about that is it just makes him look more deformed.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/pib1303290392/5628719.jpeg - 16: シャイニングウィザード(東京都) 2013/12/21(土) 11:52:17.98 ID:nTcB+1+B0
- 真田と同じで身長がネックだな
Similar to Sanada, his height is just dragging him down
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/03/0000144303/67/img6a5b2781zik0zj.jpeg - 18: 閃光妖術(北海道) 2013/12/21(土) 11:54:03.08 ID:kI7L3uQj0
- SPで好きになったわ格闘技、体作りと役作りもちゃんとやってるしI grew to like him in SP.
He does martial arts, builds his body and really prepares for his roles.
http://i.ytimg.com/vi/l-8Ef7OajB4/hqdefault.jpg -
- 38: アトミックドロップ(群馬県) 2013/12/21(土) 12:34:15.65 ID:6s2csyq80
- >>18同じくSP良かったあと、堤真一はもう少し仕事を選んでもいいのではないかSame here.
SP was good.
And Shinichi Tsutsumi should be wiser in choosing his projects.
- 21: ストマッククロー(WiMAX) 2013/12/21(土) 11:58:40.55 ID:jv1Qp846P
- 濃い顔してんなw
He really has a deep face w - 22: クロイツラス(中部地方) 2013/12/21(土) 11:59:07.66 ID:s+lbzjjt0
- 真田広之がいただろうにWe already have Hiroyuki Sanada.
Why mention Okada's name?
http://1trendnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/sanada.jpg - 23: ジャーマンスープレックス(群馬県) 2013/12/21(土) 11:59:28.94 ID:iqoUGpXq0
- この人スゲーチビじゃね?厚底の靴はいてて見てて情けないThis guy's a super chibi, right?
It's really sad how he always wears those thick-soled boots - 24: キャプチュード(チベット自治区) 2013/12/21(土) 12:01:08.54 ID:mXnAKbwD0
- きれいなゴリラ
A beautiful gorilla
http://suma-to.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/okadajunichi_a03.jpghttp://pic.prepics-cdn.com/v6allmhygkj/25584274.jpeg - 25: キャプチュード(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/21(土) 12:01:12.86 ID:MiUecaEa0
- あと10cm背が高ければ
If only he were 10cm taller - 26: シューティングスタープレス(東京都) 2013/12/21(土) 12:01:33.13 ID:gduswsKPP
- 身長があと5cmあれば・・・・
If he were just 5cm taller... - 28: キン肉バスター(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/12/21(土) 12:04:28.47 ID:rWPFko2k0
- 元気が出るテレビ出身He started off in Genki ga deru Terebi.
He's the same age as Arashi's Taima-kun.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/okadacool/25798224.jpeg -
- 36: エルボードロップ(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/12/21(土) 12:22:50.87 ID:b6nPYWSDO
- >>28大麻君と同じ歳!?岡田のが大人っぽいな!コイツは身長があればなぁSame age as Taima-kun!?
Okada looks so more mature!
If he was just taller...
- 30: 男色ドライバー(静岡県) 2013/12/21(土) 12:09:35.58 ID:b9FrjtUP0
- トム・クルーズも身長がアレだからな
Tom Cruise's height is also... you know. - 32: ムーンサルトプレス(愛知県) 2013/12/21(土) 12:15:52.56 ID:SHeXPF88I
- うーんトムクルーズとの共通点は演技も薄っぺらい所かな・・・・・顔の作りは悪くないとは思うが・・・・・CM見てゼロ見に行く気が失せた。浅野とか瑛太とか何処に目が付いてるのか開いてるのか閉じてるのか分からん薄っすい顔よりはこの手の所謂縄文顔に活躍してもらいたいんだがチヤホヤされてユルユルになるのかなぁ惜しいなあUhmmm
But I think that he and Tom Cruise are both shallow actors...
I don't think that he looks bad though...
But I actually lost interest in watching Zero after seeing the CM.
I want people like him, actors who have the Joumon-looking faces, to do better than those actors like Asano and Eita who you can't tell where their eyes are, or whether or not their eyes are open.
So will people just overhype him and he'll just end up being lacklustre? That's a shame. - 33: 断崖式ニードロップ(富山県) 2013/12/21(土) 12:15:56.22 ID:8Imq6ugA0
- もこみちあたりが日本の宝
Someone like Mokomichi is Japan's treasure
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/96/0000140396/54/imge0e757d8zik1zj.jpeg - 34: アトミックドロップ(兵庫県) 2013/12/21(土) 12:16:46.42 ID:1a38vvEz0
- あと15センチ身長が高ければな・・・
If he was just 15cm taller... - 37: 垂直落下式DDT(徳島県) 2013/12/21(土) 12:25:17.01 ID:LNEswvU50
- そりゃまぁ・・・ジャニ記事はジャニの検閲が必ずあって、それを通らないと出せないから必ずヨイショ記事になっちゃう。批判的な物もそれはジャニの検閲を通った物で・・・影響力でけぇなぁWell yeah... These Jani-articles need to pass through Jani's inspection so it'll always be these positive articles.
Even those criticizing them needs to pass through the Jani inspection... Their influence really is huge. - 41: シューティングスタープレス(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/21(土) 13:05:04.17 ID:qVud/mqYP
- ヒラパー兄さんだけがしっくりこない
He just didn't fit the image of Hirapa- niisan
http://www3.ezbbs.net/19/pianonjj/img/1366448148_1.jpg - 43: ストマッククロー(群馬県) 2013/12/21(土) 13:14:08.13 ID:LWKr8WkQP
- やっぱみんな小さいと思ってたのか身長いくつなんだろうねバラエティで小さかった芸人の横で厚底ブーツみたいなのはいてて同じぐらいだったから結構小さいようなSo everyone really thinks he's small, huh.
I wonder how tall he is?
He was wearing these elevator boots when he stood beside the small comedians and they were about the same height, so he must be pretty small. - 45: パロスペシャル(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/21(土) 13:42:17.98 ID:S1Vu1yuf0
- ジャニーズではマッチが高身長になるからマッチより身長あれば背が高い部類になる
Matchy is considered tall in Johnny's, so if someone is taller than Matchy, he's considered tall - 48: キン肉バスター(愛知県) 2013/12/21(土) 13:43:57.58 ID:J/HQvVyy0
- 何故か全然嫌味が無いなこの人
This person doesn't feel unpleasant at all - 51: ニーリフト(神奈川県) 2013/12/21(土) 13:52:41.00 ID:q+2XeMHm0
- 右上の岡田かっこいいな長渕主演ドラマのしゃぼん玉のポゥ先生みたいだOkada really looks cool in the upper right one.
He's like Po-sensei in Nagabuchi's drama Shabondama
http://p.twpl.jp/show/large/EKD8H?.jpg - 50: フライングニールキック(東日本) 2013/12/21(土) 13:51:07.37 ID:SENn36ZnO
- これで足が長くて高身長ならな
If he were just taller and just had longer legs
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