* Ayu said on Twitter that she was surprised at how her engagement was immediately reported.
* But the information actually came from Ayu's side?
It was the first time for Ayu's man to be revealed to the public, but there were reports that "Ayu tipped a section of the media about her incoming flight", and according to journalist Ryo Kataoka, "Everything was staged".
"They made it look like the media caught onto the information, but after revealing about the engagement in her members-only fan site, the details of the flight were leaked to the gossip shows and the media. The media didn't follow her, she made the media follow her." - (Kataoka)
It did seem like Ayu was responding happily to all the questions thrown at her at the airport, and it also seemed like even her partner knew that reporters would be coming, and didn't look rattled at all.
"The man is not a member of the entertainment industry, so if they really wanted to hide it, they could have easily came back to Japan in secret. And seeing how all the major media outlets such as the sports papers and gossip shows, who normally do not stake out at these locations, were the ones who covered her arrival means that this was entirely Ayu's promotional stunt. She must have seen it fit to do this in anticipation of her single which will be released on the 25th.
- "Uwaaa, now that's embarrassing www"
- "As I thought (´・ω・`)"
- "See? Promotional gimmick."
- "It would look really sad if no one came (´・_・`)"
- "So no one will even talk about her unless she initiates it, huh. That's so sad."
- "Yeah, she was all smiles."
- "So she goes to this extent because she wants attention."
- "What a sad person. Even if you acquire all the riches and popularity, you'd drop this far if you don't know when to quit, huh."

* But the information actually came from Ayu's side?
It was the first time for Ayu's man to be revealed to the public, but there were reports that "Ayu tipped a section of the media about her incoming flight", and according to journalist Ryo Kataoka, "Everything was staged".
"They made it look like the media caught onto the information, but after revealing about the engagement in her members-only fan site, the details of the flight were leaked to the gossip shows and the media. The media didn't follow her, she made the media follow her." - (Kataoka)
It did seem like Ayu was responding happily to all the questions thrown at her at the airport, and it also seemed like even her partner knew that reporters would be coming, and didn't look rattled at all.
"The man is not a member of the entertainment industry, so if they really wanted to hide it, they could have easily came back to Japan in secret. And seeing how all the major media outlets such as the sports papers and gossip shows, who normally do not stake out at these locations, were the ones who covered her arrival means that this was entirely Ayu's promotional stunt. She must have seen it fit to do this in anticipation of her single which will be released on the 25th.
- "Uwaaa, now that's embarrassing www"
- "As I thought (´・ω・`)"
- "See? Promotional gimmick."
- "It would look really sad if no one came (´・_・`)"
- "So no one will even talk about her unless she initiates it, huh. That's so sad."
- "Yeah, she was all smiles."
- "So she goes to this extent because she wants attention."
- "What a sad person. Even if you acquire all the riches and popularity, you'd drop this far if you don't know when to quit, huh."

- 2: エルボーバット(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/19(木) 00:30:56.60 ID:JeKK9NuGO
- まじで落ちぶれたな
She's seriously fallen - 3: カーフブランディング(埼玉県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:31:21.62 ID:QLxq199J0
- 知ってた
I knew about that - 4: ファイナルカット(三重県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:31:23.67 ID:6KJWfMlC0
- もうすぐ新曲出すから宣伝だろ
It's just promotions for her new song
http://i60.fastpic.ru/big/2013/1211/6c/4ad244693ca4e35579ce87e62dccfb6c.jpg - 8: 河津落とし(四国地方) 2013/12/19(木) 00:31:59.54 ID:h8Bwrnex0
- 定期的な話題作りじゃないか前々からよくあったこと、今さらwIt's just her regular method of generating buzz.
This has been the case for quite some time now. Why make a fuss about it just now? w - 9: サソリ固め(滋賀県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:32:52.88 ID:MTzbeQ9zI
- 空港芸人だしね
She's an airport talent/comedian after all
http://blog-imgs-56-origin.fc2.com/h/e/e/heekogirl/001631_03.jpghttp://hochi.yomiuri.co.jp/photo/20120117-515357-1-L.jpghttp://blog-imgs-56-origin.fc2.com/h/e/e/heekogirl/001631_02.jpghttp://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2013/12/16/jpeg/G20131216007215100_view.jpg - 10: 急所攻撃(兵庫県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:33:12.63 ID:BcH+61TU0
- これは酷い
This is horrible - 11: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(千葉県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:33:18.30 ID:LMmpYfGSP
- 栄枯盛衰ってやつか山口百恵みたいに、全盛期でパッと辞めて表舞台から姿を消して戻ってこないってのは難しいんだろうなぁThe so called "rise and fall of the mighty", huh.
Must be really tough to imitate what Momoe Yamaguchi did where she just quit during her prime and hid herself from the public. -
- 63: 閃光妖術(東日本) 2013/12/19(木) 02:01:03.30 ID:d+Fi0lLH0
- >>11自己顕示欲の塊には無理だと思う一度でもトップとったやつは特にIt's probably impossible for someone like her who's a major show-off.
Especially for people who have tasted what it feels like to be at the top.
- 13: ラダームーンサルト(北海道) 2013/12/19(木) 00:35:31.27 ID:ITyaYee/0
- かまってちゃん
Attention-seeker - 17: タイガードライバー(北海道) 2013/12/19(木) 00:37:12.57 ID:gUFer6SiO
- 哀れだな
That's sad - 18: TEKKAMAKI(神奈川県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:37:20.15 ID:3d6F85GZ0
- 今度も籍入れないんだろうな
She probably won't have it officially registered this time as well - 19: ナガタロックII(チベット自治区) 2013/12/19(木) 00:37:58.78 ID:xDJQDWOo0
- はあ昔は可愛いし歌も良かったんだけどな
Haa... She used to be so cute, and her songs used to be good - 20: ドラゴンスクリュー(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/19(木) 00:38:39.53 ID:WJhHwxCP0
- 別にいいんじゃねえの芸能ニュースなんてこんなやらせばっかりじゃん本人かプロダクションがマスコミに話流さなきゃ記者集まらんだろNo problem here.
Most showbiz news are all staged like this anyway.
Journalists won't gather unless her own production leaks the story out. - 21: ランサルセ(宮崎県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:38:53.07 ID:NaUxkcGM0
- 実はただのミーハーだったという、これほど幻滅することはないファンはさぞがっかりだろうよ自分が追いかけてた人が実は自分と同じ位置にいる人だったんだからThere's nothing more disappointing to fans than finding out that the person you like is actually just someone shallow.
It's like finding out that the person you're following was actually in the same position as you. - 22: アンクルホールド(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/19(木) 00:39:44.59 ID:YPWoY7DoO
- 最近落ち目だから話題作りしたい!日本人と結婚すると生々しい。だから外国人にしよう!このババアの思考はこんな感じ。アクセサリーみたいなもんだ。"I've been on the decline recently so let me get people talking about me again! It would just seem too ordinary if I married a Japanese. So I'll marry a foreigner!"
This is how this woman's thought process works. It's like an accessory for her. -
- 56: ダイビングヘッドバット(東京都) 2013/12/19(木) 01:39:22.62 ID:Gu/POfYz0
- >>22長瀬智也との結婚が一番話題になるのにな
But marrying Tomoya Nagase would be the biggest headline maker
- 23: ジャンピングDDT(東京都) 2013/12/19(木) 00:40:24.42 ID:1hZbm6Ni0
- 好きにさせとけ
Just let her do as she pleases - 24: シューティングスタープレス(関西・北陸) 2013/12/19(木) 00:40:35.26 ID:NVo/nebgO
- こいつも完全に落ちぶれたな
She's totally gone down the hill - 25: ボ ラギノール(東京都) 2013/12/19(木) 00:41:13.85 ID:kPG7YgP60
- 絶頂の時はみんなに惜しまれながらやめたいつってたのになwまぁこの子はある意味被害者でもあるよ引退発言したらエイベックスの株価暴落したりして自分で引き際決められなくなったからでも惨めだよなこうなるとTo think that she even said during her peak that she wanted to quit while people will still miss her. w
Well, she was also a victim in a sense. Avex's stock would have definitely plummeted if she abruptly announced that she would retire, and she wasn't able to decide when she should take a step back.
But it's really sad that it had to come to this. -
- 29: イス攻撃(関西・東海) 2013/12/19(木) 00:43:46.73 ID:nVKe2bwSO
- >>25今やめると言っても株価にさざ波すら起こせないもんなぁ
It wouldn't even cause a ripple to the stocks of Avex even if she said that she'd quit now.
- 27: ハイキック(北海道) 2013/12/19(木) 00:42:09.14 ID:CRgwxYtX0
- 夜更かしして遊んでたり喫煙してたんだろうな。肌の劣化具合が歳相応越えてマジで汚い
She must have kept partying all night and smoking. The deterioration of her skin far exceeds her age, she really looks filthy. - 28: ネックハンギングツリー(dion軍) 2013/12/19(木) 00:42:14.36 ID:Uc0XqTjQ0
- もうオワコン
Washed-up already - 30: シューティングスタープレス(関西・北陸) 2013/12/19(木) 00:45:16.28 ID:iOSCAHZO0
- 完全に昔の人こういうことでしか話題集めできない劣化おばちゃんShe's entirely a person of the past.
A deteriorated granny who can only get buzz through things like this. - 31: メンマ(禿) 2013/12/19(木) 00:45:34.35 ID:nG5DOg/70
- 必死なのはわかるがもう無理だろ
I understand that she's desperate, but it's impossible already - 32: シューティングスタープレス(関西・東海) 2013/12/19(木) 00:45:46.20 ID:KpiZKhSB0
- こいつの顔がペイントされたエルグランドが近所に停まってるぜThere's an Elgrand (Nissan) parked near my house with her face painted on it
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/c8/02/10076070375.jpg - 33: デンジャラスバックドロップ(東京都) 2013/12/19(木) 00:46:57.29 ID:BJFb5EAE0
- 白人禿てるな
The white guy's bald - 34: スリーパーホールド(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/19(木) 00:48:57.69 ID:ixjGt1fi0
- 相手禿げてるじゃんwwwww
But the partner's bald wwwww
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2013/12/9GPEegVbs4F31dg_IKOyX_218.jpeg - 36: ビッグブーツ(埼玉県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:51:19.91 ID:Os43QyDB0
- 旦那あんまかっこよくないな…
The guy doesn't look too cool... - 37: グロリア(埼玉県) 2013/12/19(木) 00:54:00.56 ID:/hNPuzXC0
- 紅白終わってから「日本で歌いたいと思ったよね。なんか彼とは違うと思ったよね。」で婚約破棄せいかーいOnce the Kouhaku is done, she'll cancel her engagement by saying "I realized that I wanted to sing in Japan. Things just didn't work out between us".
Corre-ct - 40: キャプチュード(関東・東海) 2013/12/19(木) 01:04:22.76 ID:s94l0GxpO
- もう歌無理なんだからavex取締役とかにしてあげたらいいじゃん松浦が功績はあるんだから問題ないでしょIt's impossible for her to keep singing so Matsuura should just give her a position in the board at Avex.
She's made great contributions so I don't think there's a problem with that.
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/20121030_akimotoyasusi_20.jpg -
- 51: ダイビングヘッドバット(東京都) 2013/12/19(木) 01:36:25.90 ID:Gu/POfYz0
- >>40松浦は税金すら払いたくないとボヤくような経営者だよ?自分の取り分の半分分けるわけねえわBut Matsuura's the type of businessman who says he doesn't even want to pay taxes, you know?
There's no way he'd share half of his earnings to someone else.
- 41: オリンピック予選スラム(和歌山県) 2013/12/19(木) 01:06:19.79 ID:W7XYIhDx0
She's like the female version of YOSHIKI - 43: イス攻撃(神奈川県) 2013/12/19(木) 01:09:55.75 ID:YCJciVXk0
- 松田聖子ですら未だパパラッチが海外まで追っかけてるのに浜崎は国内ですら誰も追いかけないのか?(´・ω・`)
Paparazzi still follow Seiko Matsuda abroad to this day, but no one even follows Hamasaki around within the country anymore? (´・ω・`) - 44: ブラディサンデー(三重県) 2013/12/19(木) 01:10:30.24 ID:TzJgqkJf0
- 何気に思った思考回路は松田聖子の劣化版じゃね?
I did think that her thought pattern was like a deteriorated version of Seiko Matsuda's, right? -
- 53: ダイビングヘッドバット(東京都) 2013/12/19(木) 01:37:55.00 ID:Gu/POfYz0
- >>44松田聖子は夫とか見せないよな神田正輝の時も一緒にいるの滅多に見たことない最初の歯医者はミーハーだったから一緒に出たがったがBut Seiko Matsuda doesn't reveal her husbands.
You'd even rarely see her together with Masaki Kanda back then.
The first dentist wanted the attention though, so he kept appearing with her.
- 46: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(dion軍) 2013/12/19(木) 01:13:48.53 ID:lx2yQ1HYP
- 元々の実力の何万倍も売れたんだからもういいだろと思うけどだからこそ忘れられないのかね過去の栄光が
She sold 100x more than what someone of her actual capacity should, so she should just quit it already. But I guess this is precisely why she cannot forget her past glory. - 49: 急所攻撃(富山県) 2013/12/19(木) 01:18:03.95 ID:290fh9xW0
- ダンナ頭デカすぎんだろソラマメみたいだなHer husband has a pretty huge head.
He looks like a horse bean. - 50: シューティングスタープレス(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/12/19(木) 01:22:14.65 ID:rpPwJ3KT0
- リークしといて空港に駆け付けた取材陣0だったら焦るだろうなー
She would've probably panicked if there were no members of the media who came to the airport despite the leaked info - 52: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(庭) 2013/12/19(木) 01:36:59.89 ID:Xq9VFLa9P
- うわ…
Uwa... - 60: ジャンピングDDT(岡山県) 2013/12/19(木) 01:44:02.90 ID:MMQ5bzbz0
- 話題作りだろうと、リークに乗っかってわざわざ空港に取材に行くマスコミの方が哀れともう。
It may be a promotional stunt, I think the media who went to the airport because of the leak are more pathetic. - 61: レッドインク(埼玉県) 2013/12/19(木) 01:54:15.79 ID:kkFyXHtN0
- 落ち目なんだからいいじやねえか
Who cares, she's already on the decline. - 64: アイアンクロー(東京都) 2013/12/19(木) 02:05:52.86 ID:R1r0+O5W0
- それでも一応マスコミ集められるんだから落ちぶれたとは言え流石一時代を築いた人だ
But at least she can still call the attention of the media like this. She may be washed up, but she's still a person who created her own era. - 65: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(チベット自治区) 2013/12/19(木) 02:06:13.99 ID:2CL/KsWe0
- 10年前は歌姫今は完全に痛い人震災を離婚理由にした辺りからオワコン化が加速したまー2006年くらいからかなA diva 10 years ago.
Now, she's just pathetic.
And her fall just accelerated when she divorced citing the disaster as the reason.
Well, I guess it was from around 2006. -
- 70: フェイスロック(東京都) 2013/12/19(木) 02:11:17.16 ID:ps7aavNU0
- >>65いやそれより前に長瀬と別れたのが特に痛かったらしい同性のコアなファンの連中は長瀬と浜崎のカップルで憧れも含めてファンだったというのが多かったとかI think her splitting up with Nagase was the big blow.
There were a lot of core female fans back then who really liked how she and Nagase were together.
- 66: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/12/19(木) 02:06:30.53 ID:54VI+govO
- やっぱり空港芸だったのかwSo it was once again one of her airport stunts w
To think that she was so cute in the past...
http://blog-imgs-44.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20131127033030.jpg - 72: 閃光妖術(京都府) 2013/12/19(木) 02:17:21.82 ID:Q+MxoYvw0
- 白人コンプレックスの権化
- The embodiment of someone who has a Caucasian complex
- 73: サッカーボールキック(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/19(木) 02:18:23.81 ID:kIdlI7HA0
- だから安藤美姫と同じタイプだって
That's why I've been saying that she's of the same type as Miki Ando
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/07/366451b084e7d5a7c6c3e0060bddd3c1_455.png - 74: 中年'sリフト(チベット自治区) 2013/12/19(木) 02:27:29.94 ID:4Aa2Eaek0
- マスコミもプライドないよね取材いかなきゃいいだろよ(´・ω・`)Even the media doesn't have pride.
They shouldn't have gone to report about her.(´・ω・`) - 76: ファルコンアロー(静岡県) 2013/12/19(木) 02:41:35.65 ID:kmSXbPbl0
- 松田聖子のめっちゃ小者バージョンって感じ
She totally feels like a really petty version of Seiko Matsuda - 80: ラダームーンサルト(福岡県) 2013/12/19(木) 03:04:34.46 ID:x3XoViRw0
- 今さら売名したところでなあ
Even if she tries to sell her name now... - 84: ウエスタンラリアット(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/19(木) 03:30:00.52 ID:qW6OKAgT0
- もうオワコン チケも売れないしShe's already done for.
She can't even sell tickets - 89: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(愛媛県) 2013/12/19(木) 03:47:35.50 ID:nKZ3HSPP0
- 毎度の新曲プロモ付き合ってるマスコミ連中も反応してる連中も分かってやってるだろIt's her usual promotional stunt for her new song.
Even the media and the people who are reacting probably knows that this is all just for that purpose. - 93: ダイビングヘッドバット(関東地方) 2013/12/19(木) 04:26:13.53 ID:cLBalYV5O
- 涙を誘うな
Don't try to ask for pity - 95: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(dion軍) 2013/12/19(木) 04:38:57.62 ID:71ZHSKRhP
- あゆがってより事務所サイドの演出な
It's not Ayu, but her agency's doing - 101: セントーン(茸) 2013/12/19(木) 05:06:00.10 ID:hMdV9CoRP
- これが、幸せ()を追い求める女の末路なのよ超勝ち組の浜崎であってもこの滑稽さなのよThis is the outcome of a woman who chases after happiness.
Even the super successful Hamasaki becomes as laughable as this. - 112: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(愛知県) 2013/12/19(木) 06:45:42.64 ID:Al71UcqYP
- 紅白の衣装はきっとウェディングドレスだよね元彼「またか・・・」She'll prolly wear that wedding dress again at the Kouhaku.
Ex: "Not again..." - 121: エクスプロイダー(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/19(木) 07:41:42.46 ID:IF116jMtO
- 次は婚約破棄で話題作りだな
Next up for her will be how she'll make buzz when she calls off her engagement
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