(Related post HERE)
(Partial translation)
Kanna Hashimoto, a member of dance/vocal girl unit Rev. from DVL who became an overnight Internet sensation with her dancing pictures, was at the opening ceremony of eyeglass brand ALOOK's 20th branch. Female talent Nana Suzuki (25) who's currently engaged was also in attendance.
Kanna-chan who normally doesn't wear glasses said, "I've always admired glasses". Suzuki also gave her comments about Kanna-chan and said: "She's really, really, really cute. She's really like an angel, a goddess even. It's been a long time since I've seen a girl this cute! Everything about her seems so clear and transparent!".
(Partial translation)
Kanna Hashimoto, a member of dance/vocal girl unit Rev. from DVL who became an overnight Internet sensation with her dancing pictures, was at the opening ceremony of eyeglass brand ALOOK's 20th branch. Female talent Nana Suzuki (25) who's currently engaged was also in attendance.
Kanna-chan appeared in her group's uniform and as she was presented with the glasses and the rights to become store manager for a day, the MC requested that she once again imitate her popular pose. The reporters all aimed their cameras at her as she obliged to photo opportunity requests.
Kanna-chan who normally doesn't wear glasses said, "I've always admired glasses". Suzuki also gave her comments about Kanna-chan and said: "She's really, really, really cute. She's really like an angel, a goddess even. It's been a long time since I've seen a girl this cute! Everything about her seems so clear and transparent!".
- 3: キドクラッチ(大阪府) 2013/12/09(月) 11:21:15.07 ID:+2r6njHW0
- 奇跡の一枚は本当に奇跡の一枚だったな。あの写真みたいな凛々しさがない
That miraculous single photo really was just a miracle, huh. There's no more of that awe-inspiring feel to her anymore - 5: 頭突き(東日本) 2013/12/09(月) 11:22:07.87 ID:8PLb14mB0
Girls that are puffy below the eyes look old -
- 11: 栓抜き攻撃(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/09(月) 11:25:14.96 ID:Ub5Lt12z0
- >>5結局奇跡の一枚との違いはそこなんだよなこいつは基本たるんで老けてるThat's really the difference with that miracle shot.
Her eyebags are drooping down too much, and she looks old
- 75: ストマッククロー(東京都【13:20 東京都震度1】) 2013/12/09(月) 13:30:57.09 ID:WnsqQp6f0
- >>5逆に凄い好み
On the contrary, she's extremely my type
- 102: チキンウィングフェースロック(庭) 2013/12/09(月) 16:09:08.17 ID:Ent02paF0
- >>5眼球なめたい
I want to lick her eyeballs
- 7: シャイニングウィザード(東京都) 2013/12/09(月) 11:23:21.23 ID:Denad3GE0
- かわいいんだけど、結局あの奇跡の1枚のハードルは超えられないままだと思う
She is cute, but I don't think she'll ever be able to surpass that miracle shot - 9: ファイナルカット(三重県) 2013/12/09(月) 11:24:19.45 ID:/NpE/MUW0
http://mantan-web.jp/gallery/2013/11/17/20131117dog00m200014000c/image/009.jpg- 15: 膝靭帯固め(愛知県) 2013/12/09(月) 11:28:40.18 ID:O/xIE0wS0
- 他のメンバーと関係を保つのが難しそう
I feel it's getting difficult for her to maintain a relationship with the other members - 19: ラダームーンサルト(三重県) 2013/12/09(月) 11:31:24.98 ID:PmIR5FWy0
- 歯をなんとかしろ
Do something about your teeth - 21: マスク剥ぎ(チベット自治区) 2013/12/09(月) 11:33:09.60 ID:9Va8RarO0
- まいんちゃんと浜崎あゆみの若いころが入ってるな
I can see traces of a young Main-chan and a young Ayumi Hamasaki in her - 22: パイルドライバー(千葉県) 2013/12/09(月) 11:35:24.68 ID:XhAYXRKC0
- だから静止画で判断するな と、言ったろう
That's what I've been saying, don't judge her with these still photos - 23: エルボーバット(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/09(月) 11:35:29.54 ID:haNGGiDBO
- あの一枚には到底届かないけどな。
It still hasn't reached the quality of that shot - 30: アトミックドロップ(奈良県) 2013/12/09(月) 11:46:42.36 ID:CoxUNp570
- 「奇跡の1枚」って馬鹿にしている言葉なのにわかってるのかね?
The term "miraculous" single shot is actually making fun of her, don't they realize that? -
- 31: セントーン(関東地方) 2013/12/09(月) 11:55:35.92 ID:OSXvdh0EO
- >>30だよなぁ。「奇跡的に写りが良い一枚」だもんなぁw
Right. It means that she just "miraculously looks good in that photo" w
- 33: ドラゴンスープレックス(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/09(月) 11:57:44.05 ID:L485qzl70
- 見慣れてきてこれがカワイイの基準なんだな~て洗脳されつつあるI've started to get used to her looks, I'm starting to feel that I'm being brainwashed that this is the standard of what cute is
- 36: 河津落とし(埼玉県) 2013/12/09(月) 12:00:05.76 ID:1Att3z+l0
- 声がちょい汚い
Her voice sounds a bit hoarse - 37: かかと落とし(空) 2013/12/09(月) 12:00:18.37 ID:dDGVmeAZi
- 水着にはならんみたいだからなんだかなあ
It doesn't look like she'll be wearing a swimsuit so... - 39: ダブルニードロップ(埼玉県) 2013/12/09(月) 12:03:08.61 ID:8PmlV/m20
- 俺が嫌いなまいんちゃん系か
Oh, the "Main-chan" lineage which I hate, huh...
http://livedoor.3.blogimg.jp/insidears/imgs/6/e/6eef4bb0.jpg - 41: 閃光妖術(庭) 2013/12/09(月) 12:03:58.86 ID:UVjpmCQO0
- 足首太いな油断するとピザになる体形Her ankles look fat.
She better watch out, she's got a body that can become obese. - 42: パイルドライバー(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/09(月) 12:05:04.29 ID:gPEmsEUa0
- よく見ると目が怖い
If you look closely, her eyes are scary - 43: マスク剥ぎ(庭) 2013/12/09(月) 12:05:33.52 ID:CYbLKZ7L0
- かわいいっちゃかわいい
Well, if you say she's cute then she is - 46: エルボーバット(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/09(月) 12:26:18.89 ID:haNGGiDBO
- 結局撮った奴が一番凄かったっていう事だな
Which just means that the guy who took that photo was the most amazing one - 47: ジャンピングカラテキック(茨城県) 2013/12/09(月) 12:26:40.37 ID:UEhm0g6O0
- 奇跡の3枚はよ
Hurry up with the miraculous 3 pictures - 50: ジャンピングDDT(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/12/09(月) 12:34:02.21 ID:ws8KBRIPP
- >>47つ 奇跡の3枚
Here you go
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130509/15/hakatano-take/2e/53/j/o0800056412532163659.jpghttp://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9q4h6aOI91qa8t7vo1_1280.jpghttp://contents.oricon.co.jp/upimg/news/20131206/2031700_201312060373062001386301047c.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130509/15/hakatano-take/94/78/j/o0562080012532163656.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130509/15/hakatano-take/01/57/j/o0800056312532163657.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130509/15/hakatano-take/af/a0/j/o0564080012532183910.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130509/15/hakatano-take/83/b6/j/o0376053412532183884.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130509/15/hakatano-take/a1/c4/j/o0800056312532186574.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20121024/02/hakatano-take/f8/d6/j/o0800053312251979521.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20121118/22/hakatano-take/a2/1c/j/o0800053212292274886.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20121109/00/hakatano-take/20/00/j/o0530080012277031379.jpghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/abaad850bf4254fbfc7f9ce1c8573c77/tumblr_mrw85aW8iD1qj4hd0o1_1280.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130617/01/beatrice3/8e/a4/j/o0800109112578463924.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130505/12/beatrice3/10/b8/j/o0800102912526284673.jpg -
- 55: バズソーキック(三重県) 2013/12/09 (月) 12:40:38.31 ID:umiShEGg0
- >>50この画像はカメラマンが優秀すぎたな
The photographer was just too good
- 48: 膝十字固め(庭) 2013/12/09(月) 12:30:35.34 ID:25QQx9/j0
- すげー可愛いのに好みじゃない奴もいるだろうがブサイクっていう奴は鏡みてみろShe's super cute, though.
I'm sure that there are people who don't find her their type, but people saying she's ugly should take a look in the mirror first. - 53: セントーン(dion軍) 2013/12/09(月) 12:39:33.15 ID:oSRICNKF0
- まあかわいいわな
Well, she is cute - 56: 不知火(宮崎県) 2013/12/09(月) 12:45:04.82 ID:cRzC40g70
- 他のメンバーが酷いなw早急に東京行ってソロとしてアイドル兼女優をやった方が稼げるThe other members are horrible w
She should go to Tokyo pronto, go solo, and be an idol/actress. She'll earn more that way. - 57: ダブルニードロップ(福井県) 2013/12/09(月) 12:49:51.53 ID:IdOrZaWq0
- そうか?他のメンバーのなぎちょんって子もいいと思った
Is that so? I thought this Nagichon girl also looked good.
http://blog-imgs-50-origin.fc2.com/k/y/a/kyawawa/1309011687.jpg -
- 101: バズソーキック(千葉県) 2013/12/09(月) 16:07:12.34 ID:I22b/1kE0
- >>57車のフロントマスクみたいな顔じゃん
Her face looks like the front of a car
- 113: ジャンピングカラテキック(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/09(月) 21:58:58.75 ID:USULxkpq0
- >>57狩野英公やないかい!
Well if it isn't Eiko Kano!
- 64: シャイニングウィザード(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/09(月) 13:04:52.57 ID:3WfAW1LkO
- 最初に出た数枚はどれもものすごく可愛いかった後から出てきた写真で可愛いけどそれほどでもないと印象が変わったがThe few pictures that initially popped up were extremely cute.
She did look cute in the pictures that came after that, but my impression changed and thought that she's not really all that. - 65: ファルコンアロー(埼玉県) 2013/12/09(月) 13:07:12.37 ID:is2TKlmc0
- 一枚屋
1-pic wonder - 72: スパイダージャーマン(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/09(月) 13:18:59.73 ID:Cm7jxREAO
- 全く興味無かったがメガネいいな地味系に弱いわI didn't really care about her, but the glasses are nice.
I'm weak against girls who look ordinary. - 74: ニールキック(庭) 2013/12/09(月) 13:29:50.66 ID:deUswX0q0
- 普通に可愛いライブを見てみたいShe's actually cute.
I want to see her performing live. - 77: 栓抜き攻撃(庭) 2013/12/09(月) 13:38:21.10 ID:xkomNMSy0
- かわいい
She's cute
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130117/00/dvl-blog/a5/01/j/o0800106712380171535.jpg - 78: バックドロップ(東京都【13:20 東京都震度1】) 2013/12/09(月) 13:40:21.67 ID:u/WsoLTf0
- その奇跡の一枚をとった奴に少しでも利益が入ってればいいんだがな
It would be nice though if the guy who took that miraculous photo would also get some kind of profit - 86: 頭突き(SB-iPhone) 2013/12/09(月) 14:04:33.71 ID:u9kQaNoli
- 全力で応援する
I'll root for her with everything I've got - 90: ヒップアタック(福岡県) 2013/12/09(月) 14:28:35.18 ID:zDhArk4G0
- この子はメイク薄いほうがかわいい
This girl looks cuter with light make up - 93: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(芋) 2013/12/09(月) 14:43:09.43 ID:WeU8Eh3M0
- これ周りが引き立て過ぎるだろw
It's just that the other members are making her stand out too much w
http://i.imgur.com/OLgfDZn.jpg -
- 97: バズソーキック(チベット自治区) 2013/12/09(月) 15:22:22.87 ID:MgZVaH8w0
- >>93周りのメンバーは、橋本の引き立て役なのを理解しているんだろうな。それを考えると、ちょっと哀れに感じる。ゴールデンボンバーのパフォーマンス役的位置付けかな。Maybe the other members understand that they're just there to bring her image up.
And if you think that way, you'd feel a bit sorry for them.
They might be like the performers in Golden Bomber.
- 94: フルネルソンスープレックス(SB-iPhone) 2013/12/09(月) 14:51:23.62 ID:YhPdEwZ+i
- あんまり歯を見せないほうがいいな。キリッとした顔は常に神。It's probably better if she doesn't show her teeth that much.
Her sharp-looking face always looks like that of a goddess. - 103: デンジャラスバックドロップ(チベット自治区) 2013/12/09(月) 16:55:28.13 ID:VTZT+iuS0
- この子、遠くで見ると可愛いと思うが近くで見るとあれ?てなる
This girl may seem cute from afar, but would probably tilt heads when seen up close - 109: 閃光妖術(庭) 2013/12/09(月) 21:18:50.91 ID:UQqzj5cyP
- 実写がアニメを超えた奇跡の一枚ってのは言えたと思う。
I think you could have called that miraculous shot as "the time when live action surpassed anime". - 115: チェーン攻撃(栃木県) 2013/12/09(月) 22:49:49.22 ID:VtLBygs20
- 一瞬の奇跡をとらえたカメラマンこそが讃えられるべきだろ
It's the photographer who was able to snap that single moment who should be praised - 117: リバースネックブリーカー(庭) 2013/12/09(月) 22:57:12.61 ID:X/dNA8Ys0
- 可愛いよが、眼鏡はにあわないShe's cute
But not with glasses - 124: 足4の字固め(東京都) 2013/12/10(火) 00:55:40.97 ID:gGo9aTpeP
- かわいい
http://i.imgur.com/dXCDWmx.jpg - 129: 不知火(福岡県) 2013/12/10(火) 05:51:36.76 ID:F4C+yauN0
- こんな子と恋愛してみたかったなあ
I would have liked to have a childhood romance with a girl like this
Original Thread
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