Man: "(That Mukai guy isn't so handsome but he's popular. Overhyped?)"~その後~
Girlfriend or someone he likes: "Osamu Mukai's so amazing... He's really handsome~ (swoons)"
Man: "FU!? Unforgivable..."
Must be something like this.
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:07:45.37 ID:DRC2iRnt
- 正解Correct
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:08:36.13 ID:PQ/kKNFW
- 嫉妬Jealousy
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:10:12.24 ID:KbN3MrsR
- もう一つありそうなパターンAnother possible pattern
Girlfriend: "Don't call me again. I want some distance..."
Man: "Why in the world!?"
~days later~
Girlfriend: "Kyaha, ufufu"
New BF: "Ahahahaha"
Man: "He looks like Osamu Mukai... That rotten sunnovabiatch." - 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:10:34.58 ID:aw9T7EKS
- ワイは喋ってんの聞いて苦手だなーって思ったI heard him talking and I just couldn't stand him.
He feels like he's got a pretty troublesome personality. -
- 63: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:32:34.55 ID:0A81jY4X
- >>10わかるぐう普通の顔から糞みたいな性格I understand.
He's got a damn plain face and a shi++y attitude.
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:11:36.60 ID:mmqE6T4U
- 向井理がイケメンじゃないと思ってる奴ってPeople who think Osamu Mukai isn't an ikemen must think that TOKIO's Nagase has the best face ever
http://urageinou.org/wp-content/uploads/%E9%95%B7%E7%80%AC%E6%99%BA%E4%B9%9F%E5%BD%BC%E5%A5%B3%E7%94%BB%E5%83%8F%E6%B5%B7.jpg -
- 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:20:33.72 ID:EZdX+hpZ
- >>12どっちも好きやでI like both
- 42: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:23:44.49 ID:20og3Ani
- >>12いけないのですか?Why, can't I think that way?
- 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:13:18.95 ID:pcMi79SY
- こいつとオグリッシュは身長補正やThis guy and Ogurish are helped by their height
http://s.cinematoday.jp/res/A0/00/21/A0002141-00.jpg - 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:14:32.79 ID:OYqE0x65
- 2ちゃんで好かれてる割合と嫌われてる割合が半々くらいの芸能人はイケメンではないThere are no ikemens who are half-liked and half-hated on 2chan.
It's either you like them a lot or you hate them to bits. - 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:17:23.11 ID:988FhgA9
- 俺はかっこいいと思うがI personally think he's cool, though
http://images.star-pedia.com/big/2012831/SXT67AREKP.jpg - 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:17:46.62 ID:/4wlYIwL
- さっぱり系の顔が流行ってくれてありがたやI'm actually grateful to him that these "refreshing looks" have become popular
http://stat001.ameba.jp/user_images/20100211/19/osamu-labo/bc/de/j/o0480085410410230450.jpg - 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:19:01.26 ID:W2WUdB0o
- 俺もかっこいいと思うI also think he's cool.
That's why I don't know why people hate him. - 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:19:09.34 ID:ESnc2Waa
- スタイルが良いHe's got a good figure
http://art41.photozou.jp/pub/154/542154/photo/48261898_624.jpg -
- 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:19:54.97 ID:KbN3MrsR
- >>24顔がクッソ小さくて180cmかHe has a damn small face and stands 180cm tall
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:19:58.47 ID:V2ZG9I9k
- 男からはそうでもないがNot so much by men, but women apparently rate Nioka's face highly
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/20130512_mona_11.jpg - 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:21:50.63 ID:vBUXtMsw
- 二岡と似てるよなwwwHe does look like Nioka www
- 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:22:20.66 ID:gVB5Q1aF
- 別に嫌いではないなI don't really hate him
- 37: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:22:21.68 ID:nW0Ndqre
- スラッとしてて清潔感がある執事服とか着ても違和感なさそうHe's slender and looks clean so he wouldn't look awkward in butler clothes
http://blog-imgs-18.fc2.com/y/u/r/yurarhythm/20090903224200b45.png - 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:23:42.00 ID:8uVpWc8C
- どう考えてもイケメンだと思うんだがI think he's an ikemen no matter how you think about it
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/ce4e989a0310/9712377.jpeg - 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:23:53.69 ID:gDSsJ/Rx
- 少女漫画の世界の生き物タイプは同性から嫌われるThese living creatures who look like they came directly from shoujo mangas are hated by the same sex
- 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:23:54.02 ID:UdBW8Ect
- こういうスレ立てると、And when you start a thread like this, I expected a lot of people would write that he's cool.
Just as I expected, huh. - 45: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:23:57.18 ID:vBUXtMsw
- 向かいを芸能人として見たら大したことない気もするがI feel that Mukai doesn't look all that as a celebrity, but I have a boss who looks like him and damn, he's so cool.
向かい理似の上司いるんだが超絶くっそカッコイイ - 49: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:27:19.61 ID:h4DjIEhT
- 好青年やんHe's a fine young man.
Men who get jealous sure are lame.
And that's why you guys don't become popular with the girls.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/036riiiiii27/18624178.jpeg - 50: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:27:39.19 ID:V/SYuqW3
- 演技下手すぎHe's so bad at acting.
- 52: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:29:30.38 ID:C0bpM07T
- 共演者食いまくってるって聞いた時When I heard that he kept devouring all his co-stars, my stance towards him turned from "indifferent" to "slight hatred"
どうでもいいから、ちょっと嫌いに変わった - 54: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:30:27.24 ID:gh5AOire
- 声とスタイル補正らしいI think it's because of his voice and his style
- 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:30:46.59 ID:f9Q8EHWG
- 少女漫画的な可愛さ売りにする男は同性支持は諦めるべきMen who are trying to go for that cute shoujo manga look should give up on being liked by the same sex
- 60: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:31:26.05 ID:3vZ/XRO6
- 向井理普通にかっこええやんMukai's just plain cool.
I don't know why people are hating on him so much.
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/54/a4/kyouheihiroki342/folder/1146283/img_1146283_24066990_1?1237031145.jpg - 62: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:32:04.93 ID:1e1/06e0
- もこみちとか竹野内ならBut if it's Mokomichi or Takenouchi, I won't be able to say a thing.
http://mantan-web.jp/gallery/2013/02/14/20130214dog00m200062000c/image/018.jpg - 66: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:33:14.43 ID:Tu76fWGP
- つーかトーク見てると性格的にあんま友達になりたくないタイプActually, he seems like the type that you wouldn't want to have as a friend when you see him on talk shows. I actually don't know how he is in real life, but isn't that the main reason?
実際はどうかしらんがそこが原因やないの? - 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:34:55.50 ID:gjyubdzm
- 逆に男ってっていうより2chねらーの男ってLet me ask then, why are men, or the men on 2channel, so obsessed with and worship TOKIO's Nagase so much?
He's being adored like a god, but he's the opposite of Mukai, like one that isn't liked by the women but has that coolness that men admire, right?
http://www.suruga-ya.jp/database/pics/game/g6866997.jpg -
- 100: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:43:40.05 ID:5GrxDYSk
- >>72女性が目力とかに拘るのと大体同じ理由かと目鼻立ちハッキリしている方が同性は理解しやすいI think it's the same reason why women are so hung up with how persuasive one's eyes are.
People with more distinct eyes and noses are much easier to understand by the same sex.
- 74: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:35:18.49 ID:ban8u/hE
- ネラーの憧れるイケメン 濃い顔 堀の深い中性的リアル女が好きなイケメン 薄いけど優しい顔立ち 女っぽく少し可愛らしいネラーが後者嫌いなのは大体クラスの中心が下の系統の顔だったからやろIkemen that nellers* like: Deep-faced with deep lines, yet still androgynous.
Ikemen that real women like: Bland yet gentle-looking face. A bit girly-looking and cute.
The reason why nellers hate the latter is because the most popular guy in their class probably has the same facial features as that.
* (2channellers) - 75: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:35:38.17 ID:ty8/FrLF
- 実際見たらチビるぐらいのイケメンなんやろなぁBut I bet that he's such an ikemen in person that it'd make you wet yourself
- 76: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:36:06.57 ID:E+kMATW4
- 男「(向井なんとかってあんま格好良くないけど売れてんなー。ゴリ推し?)」~その後~彼女or好きな女「向井秀徳超いい・・・ホントKAKKOII~(ウットリ)」男「ファッ!?許せねえ・・・」Man: "(That Mukai guy isn't so handsome but he's popular. Overhyped?)"
Girlfriend or someone he likes: "Shutoku Mukai's so amazing... He's really handsome~ (swoons)"
Man: "FU!? Unforgivable..." -
- 81: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:37:41.46 ID:1e1/06e0
- >>76向井秀徳をかっこいいなんて言う女は椎名林檎ぐらいだろRingo Sheena's probably the only woman who'd say the Shutoku Mukai is handsome
- 77: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:36:10.71 ID:9pAtl6be
- 女でいったら誰が向井に相当するんだろうWho's the female version of Mukai, then?
- 80: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:37:38.85 ID:KbN3MrsR
- >>77相武沙希Saki Aibu
- 82: 佐藤養助@nioka334 2013/03/15(金) 12:37:52.91 ID:/5rLE+KN
- >>77同性ウケ悪いって共通点なら石原さとみとかIf you go by the common factor that they're hated by the same sex, then it's probably Satomi Ishihara
- 78: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:36:22.36 ID:CPCSEMj+
- 向井理よりさらに一段上の伊勢谷の事はお前らどう思ってんだ?Then what do you guys think about Iseya who's one level higher than Osamu Mukai?
http://newslounge.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/06daf275abf481f3cdb5926bf9ab0a0e.jpg -
- 84: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:38:12.38 ID:E+kMATW4
- >>78こないだ行ったイベントでナレーション勤めてたんだがカミカミでワロタでもそんな伊勢谷を見てみんな「かっこいい」という感想であったイケメンは得だと思いました(ISEYA)He narrated at an event that I went to, and I LOL'd at how he sounded like he was eating his words.
But everyone still looked at Iseya in admiration and were like, "He's so handsome".
That made me think that these ikemens really have it good.
- 87: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:38:56.69 ID:0A81jY4X
- >>78すげー色男やと思うよ性格は面倒くさそうやけど才能あるからしゃーないI think he's really sexy.
He seems to have a troublesome personality, but that's because he's got talent so it can't be helped.
- 86: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:38:42.13 ID:/4wlYIwL
- 瑛太はどうなん?似たようなタイプちゃうか?Then what about Eita? Isn't he of a similar type?
http://www.magabon.jp/special/voice/common/images/photo211_01.jpg -
- 91: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:39:48.69 ID:CPCSEMj+
- >>86瑛太はカエラとでき婚でファン激減したんやない?Eita lost a lot of fans because of his shotgun marriage with Kaela, right?
- 92: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:40:22.81 ID:V/SYuqW3
- >>86演技力が段違い瑛太10ならこいつは1.5くらいTheir acting skills are worlds apart.
If Eita is 10, then this guy is only 1.5.
- 102: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:44:09.01 ID:/4wlYIwL
- 男も女も普通っぽいのに雰囲気でモテる奴は
あざといやつが多い気がする - 104: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:45:56.64 ID:SfPRpEyV
- ドラマとかで見ててカッコええやんって思ってたらHe looks cool when you see him in dramas, but when you see him speaking on some talk show, he always has this attitude that he feels like he's the best
なんかの番組で喋ってるときめっちゃ俺様的な態度でなんやこいつってなった - 105: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:47:02.25 ID:oQP612ah
- 小栗旬 瑛太 ←すきShun Oguri, Eita ← I like
Osamu Mukai ← I hate - 108: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:48:43.01 ID:E0KwGvDT
- ここまで露出多いのに全く存在感みたいなのを感じないDespite all his exposure, you still can't feel any sort of presence from him.
He's on a level that wouldn't even catch your eye if he weren't a celebrity. - 111: 風吹けば名無し 2013/03/15(金) 12:49:54.46 ID:ban8u/hE
- こいつのほうがイケメンだけどThis guy may be more of an ikemen,
but I prefer Non Style's Inoue
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