A movie writer comments: "Considering the scale of the release and all the fanfare surrounding it, I don't remember any other movie flopping as much as this in recent history. I think this is unprecedented..."
According to Kogyo Tsushinsha's report, the movie 47RONIN which premiered last December 6, amassed a total of JP\ 152.48 million in the box office, with an attendance of 77,894 for the first 2 days over the weekend, ranking 6th for the week.
The figures alone will give one the idea that it's not doing bad at all, but this movie is being shown in 333 cinema houses, 753 screens nationwide -- a massive scale.
Applying simple math to this means that only 100 people went to watch per screen during those 2 days. That's 50 people a day per screen, and if the movie is shown 4x a day, that's just 12 people watching every time it's showing.
And to back these figures up, people who went to watch the film posted comments on Twitter and various forums like: "Holy crap!", "Vacant seat-fest ongoing!", and pictures of all the vacant seats were also uploaded, with some even saying that "the cinema is reserved for me alone."
"This movie is based on Chushingura, but given a fantasy twist where Tengu goblins and sorcerers are running all about. Keanu Reeves plays the role of a fictional character named Kai. It's pretty hard to understand, right? Even I myself don't know what kind of movie I'm talking about here." --(s/a above)
The Japanese cast is nothing short of extravagant, with names like Hiroyuki Sanada, Rinko Kikuchi, Tadanobu Asano, Kou Shibasaki, and ex-KAT-TUN member Jin Akanishi taking part in the movie. Keanu and Asanobu et. al. made their rounds on variety shows and promoted for the movie, but...
A member of the media who attended the press conference comments: "I think Jin Akanishi's presence didn't help their promotions. As we all know, Johnny's has limitations for their talents appearing on WEB contents. Even in the presscon which Akanishi took part in, they had to take him off the stage first before the WEB media photographers could take their photos, which took too much time as they had to separate it from the paper publications and TV shots. Even Keanu looked lost amidst all the commotion because of that".
If this continues, the movie might not even earn JP\ 500 million, a far cry from its budget of over JP\ 20 billion.
According to Kogyo Tsushinsha's report, the movie 47RONIN which premiered last December 6, amassed a total of JP\ 152.48 million in the box office, with an attendance of 77,894 for the first 2 days over the weekend, ranking 6th for the week.
The figures alone will give one the idea that it's not doing bad at all, but this movie is being shown in 333 cinema houses, 753 screens nationwide -- a massive scale.
Applying simple math to this means that only 100 people went to watch per screen during those 2 days. That's 50 people a day per screen, and if the movie is shown 4x a day, that's just 12 people watching every time it's showing.
And to back these figures up, people who went to watch the film posted comments on Twitter and various forums like: "Holy crap!", "Vacant seat-fest ongoing!", and pictures of all the vacant seats were also uploaded, with some even saying that "the cinema is reserved for me alone."
"This movie is based on Chushingura, but given a fantasy twist where Tengu goblins and sorcerers are running all about. Keanu Reeves plays the role of a fictional character named Kai. It's pretty hard to understand, right? Even I myself don't know what kind of movie I'm talking about here." --(s/a above)
The Japanese cast is nothing short of extravagant, with names like Hiroyuki Sanada, Rinko Kikuchi, Tadanobu Asano, Kou Shibasaki, and ex-KAT-TUN member Jin Akanishi taking part in the movie. Keanu and Asanobu et. al. made their rounds on variety shows and promoted for the movie, but...
A member of the media who attended the press conference comments: "I think Jin Akanishi's presence didn't help their promotions. As we all know, Johnny's has limitations for their talents appearing on WEB contents. Even in the presscon which Akanishi took part in, they had to take him off the stage first before the WEB media photographers could take their photos, which took too much time as they had to separate it from the paper publications and TV shots. Even Keanu looked lost amidst all the commotion because of that".
If this continues, the movie might not even earn JP\ 500 million, a far cry from its budget of over JP\ 20 billion.
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:47:17.45 ID:Xb3OLwL/O
- 知ってた
I knew that - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:47:21.54 ID:CPjWporA0
- 北米での興収はどうなのよ
What about its earnings in North America? -
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:04:19.00 ID:9VI6UMCh0
- >>5日本が最速公開。っていうのも本国では試写の評判が悪すぎて、公開時期が決まらないから、結果的に日本が最速になったっていういわくつき。だから推して知るべし。It's released earliest in Japan.
Rather, it received negative reviews when it was screened over there. They couldn't decide on the opening date, which in effect led to Japan showing it the earliest. I leave the rest to your imagination.
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:49:06.39 ID:a2YPqTtV0
- 予告見たけど、映画館まで観に行こうとは思わなかったな
I saw the trailer and it didn't make me want to drag my feet to the movie houses - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:49:09.87 ID:PSQx0uqDO
- 今までハリウッドは変な日本文化を描いてきたから躊躇するわ
I'll definitely have my doubts since Hollywood has always portrayed the Japanese culture in a weird way up to now -
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:51:07.50 ID:cuHFamhx0
- >>13今も、な('A`)
Yeah, even now ('A`)
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:50:21.24 ID:jzi0vPfc0
- 邦画で200億とか宮崎以外じゃどんな映画でも回収は無理ですわ20 billion for a Japanese movie?
Anything other than a Miyazaki film will never be able to break even with that amount. - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:51:11.59 ID:YNOYq7/K0
- 製作費200億円もかけてないって。こんなの駄法螺の客釣りだ。
There's no way they spent 20 billion on this. This is just big talk to draw viewers in. - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:51:38.60 ID:kZREZvZm0
- 予告編のB級加減が半端ないThe trailer reeked like a B-movie
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:52:50.17 ID:Xe/mSTbd0
- 全く期待しないで見ればそこそこ楽しめるよラストシーンは笑えるしこの映画見ると、ラストサムライってそこそこいい映画だったんだと分かるIt's actually quite enjoyable if you have no expectations to this movie at all.
Even the last scene made me LOL.
But you'll realize that the Last Samurai was actually a pretty good movie after seeing this one.
http://av.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20040401/whv01.jpg - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:53:05.11 ID:S/lbExD40
- さすがに赤西のせいにするのは可哀想過ぎる
Nah, they shouldn't be blaming Akanishi here. Poor guy.
http://p.twpl.jp/show/large/JrNR3 - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:53:32.74 ID:Nrp+slhs0
- 日本の史実と見せかけて、中国風の作品を作るとか日本人を馬鹿にするとこうなる。公開前からコケると思ってたが、案の定だwThey tried to make it look loyal to Japanese history, but this happens when you make it like a Chinese flick while making fun of the Japanese.
I already thought that this would flop even before they showed it, and I guess I was right w - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:55:07.11 ID:vkMy2vvQ0
- 妙なアレンジすんなw
Don't make weird arrangements to the story w - 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:57:04.58 ID:WfF5c/cJ0
- ハリウッド不況だから日本をテーマにして日本人いっぱい使ってテキトーに映画作って日本で稼ごうと思ったら思いっきりスベったでござるHollywood's in the midst of a depression so they probably thought about making a Japanese theme, use a lot of Japanese actors, and just randomly make the movie to try and milk the Japanese market -- but it backfired bigtime.
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:57:19.44 ID:DNZuzswnO
- まぁ突っ込んだら負けみたいなC級ファンタジー異世界風の出島の描写はちょっと良かったIt's like a C-grade fantasy flick wherein it's your loss if you even dare make fun of it.
Well, I did think that the way they showed Dejima as a place in another dimension was pretty good. - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:58:21.20 ID:4GrmRAeI0
- 宣伝も何かはっきりしないと思ったら、赤西がらみの事情があったかI did think that the way they promoted wasn't clear enough.
So there were Akanishi-related circumstances, huh? - 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:59:26.93 ID:QGsUP7Ij0
- 日本人はCGバリバリの妖術とか派手なアクションとか好まないそんなのは中国香港映画だろもっと七人の侍とか見て研究しろよJapanese people don't like magical battles and flashy action scenes that use too much CG.
That's more on Chinese and Hong Kong movies.
They should've watched Shichinin no Samurai (Seven Samurai) more and studied it. - 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 09:59:44.98 ID:2jhps0V3P
- 問題はPVだろwなんか3流の中国映画みたいにワイヤージャンプしてたのがマズかったと思うよThe problem lies in the promotional video. w
Showing those wire jumps which made it look like a 3rd-rate Chinese movie didn't do the image of the movie any good. - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:00:15.35 ID:pCOOPgZe0
- 全米はこれからだけどダメだろたびたび公開延期してるようじゃIt'll be shown in the US in the near future, but this is bad.
Especially seeing how many times they delayed its release. - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:04:43.03 ID:Kq42TxUc0
- スクリーンアベレージでR100より下だから本気で客が入ってない
Its per screen average is lower than R100's so it's seriously flopping, huh
http://www.bunkatsushin.com/images/news/75058/1_b.jpg - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:05:50.98 ID:bae1EcL80
- 邦画だけどR100があるから気にすんなと書こうと思ったけど、R100よりやばいのか…I was originally going to write, "Don't mind it since there's still R100, even if that's a Japanese movie", but it's in an even worse state than R100?
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:07:47.02 ID:aD07QoNg0
- やっぱコケたかコンスタンティンかマトリックス3DはよSo it's really flopping, huh.
Hurry up with Constantine or Matrix 3D instead. - 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:08:17.14 ID:BcaNSVq6O
- ホントにハリウッドって企画不足なんだな…痛々しいわHollywood is really running short of ideas, huh?
That's pathetic. - 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:12:12.63 ID:aYUoI+LL0
- 753スクリーンって多すぎw普通の映画ならその半分でも多いくらいなのに予告がちらっと出回った時点で、大コケ臭しかしないとあれほど言われていたのにね映画会社はヒットすると思ったのか753 screens!? That's too many w
Even having half of that is already a lot for other regular movies.
And people were already saying that it'll just flop based on the short trailer that went around.
Did the movie company really think that it'll become a hit? - 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:15:56.63 ID:MKrzeOgn0
- キアヌにかつてのシャープなカッコ良さがないと客入らんだろ柴咲とか客呼べないゴミ日本人キャストばっかだしPeople won't come and watch if Keanu doesn't have that sharp coolness he had before.
The Japanese cast like Shibasaki and the rest are trash who can't draw an audience in.
http://www.kotaku.jp/gallery/upload_files/130725ronnin04.jpg- 160: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:17:41.97 ID:Y+4iOHiz0
- 日本先行公開なのが悪いんじゃない?「全米ナンバーワン」とか「全米で大ヒット」みたいなのの影響受けやすいじゃん日本人But maybe it was wrong to show it in Japan first?
We all know how the Japanese people are suckers for catch phrases like "No. 1 in the US" or "Major hit in the US". -
- 276: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:43:45.73 ID:E25iRkdn0
- >>160それだな
That's it
- 180: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:21:03.96 ID:9UePhv5j0
- ハリウッド版ハチ公みたく日本では公開されて向こうじゃDVDスルーになるんじゃMaybe it'll be like the Hollywood version of Hachiko where they premiered it in Japan but decided to forgo it in the US and just release it on DVD
- 191: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:23:33.48 ID:DNZuzswnO
- 観た人間からすると、記憶に残る映画ではある。一度見たらどんな内容か忘れることはなさそう。From someone who has watched the movie, this movie is actually pretty memorable.
It's something that you will never forget once you see it. - 220: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:31:07.19 ID:NVgNKJA3P
- 観た人によると結構面白いらしいけど映画館に足運んで金はってまで見たいとは思わないのも分かるAccording to people who saw it, it was good. But it wasn't the type of movie that would make you want to pay money for and watch it in a movie house.
- 231: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:32:41.49 ID:DS3+bztUO
- キアヌはマトリックスの後の変な大作も大コケしたよな。悪魔の何かだったか。忘れたが・・
Even that strange Keanu movie that came after Matrix was a huge flop, right? I forgot it, though... -
- 252: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:37:37.23 ID:FXMSnSeU0
- >>231コンスタンティンな俺は、めっちゃ好きだけどConstatine.
I really love that, though.
- 243: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:35:34.42 ID:4mcqw5lb0
- アメリカでは受けそうな感じだったけどどうなんだろ。ああいうの好きそうだけど。It does feel like it'll be a hit in the US, though. I wonder.
I think the people over there love this kind of stuff. - 254: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:38:19.75 ID:DNZuzswnO
- 衣装でマジでねーよって思ったのは将軍圧倒的小物臭が漂う糞衣装Among the costumes, the Shogun was the one which I thought was the worst.
The character just seemed like small fry, it was shi+e. - 283: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:45:29.66 ID:rT49+lul0
- まあコケて当然だよな当たる要素なしIt's just natural that it would flop.
No factors that indicate it will become a hit. - 299: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:49:58.52 ID:QGsUP7Ij0
- 意外性が必要なんだよラスボスにデーブスペクターを使うとかオスマンサンコンを使うとかIt needs that surprise factor.
Like casting Dave Spector as the last boss, or
Ousmane Sankhon.
http://img04.ti-da.net/usr/takeharu/yakisoban02.jpg - 305: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:50:54.90 ID:jEFNpUHM0
- 赤西をキャスティングした時点でこれは予測できた
I was able to predict this the moment they cast Akanishi - 311: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:52:02.51 ID:MEkl9ANd0
- この前上映開始したと思ったら近所の映画館でもう打ち切りだよすげえなIt just premiered a while back but before I knew it, they already cancelled it in a nearby movie house.
That's amazing. - 330: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:57:36.00 ID:AiuuCIRj0
- 予告をみただけで糞映画だってわかるもんなあw日本人は絶対にあんなの拒否反応起こすに決まってるYou can already tell that the movie would be horrible based on the trailer. w
Japanese people would definitely feel allergic to something like that. - 331: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:58:08.86 ID:t+9eND5b0
- 昨日見たけど、まあレンタルで暇潰しなら・・、って感じ。一生見なくても何の損もないけど。B級ファンタジーの無国籍映画かな金はかかってるけど、全てにおいて中途半端でダラダラと話が続き、中盤で飽きてくるんだよなあI saw it yesterday, and well, it's something watchable if you just rented it and if you had some time to spare.
You won't lose anything though even if you never get to watch it your entire life.
It's like a B-rate fantasy movie with no country of origin.
It did look high-budget but everything was just half-a$$ed and the movie just dragged on. It gets too boring midway through. - 337: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:58:55.04 ID:rPcS/exN0
- 日本人が見たいチャンバラ映画じゃないんだよなぁ
It's not the sort of sword-fighting movie that Japanese people want to see - 340: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 10:59:30.13 ID:2Z0ZaUNE0
- 全然忠臣蔵じゃねーからな。仮に忠臣蔵を忠実にやったとしても大コケだったと思うが。This isn't Chushingura at all.
And even if they did stay loyal to Chushingura, I think it would have still flopped. - 347: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 11:00:56.78 ID:gY4mtuWM0
- キアヌさんの映画が大コケってのは俺も悲しい・・・orz
I'm sad that Keanu-san's movie is a huge flop... orz - 357: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 11:03:50.34 ID:3HSTmoda0
- 制作当初から無謀と言われたのに突き進み、相次ぐトラブルで撮影延期、公開延期となり制作費は180億円にまで膨れ上がった。映画館の取り分もあるため、制作費の倍の興行収入を挙げることが必要となる。47RONINは落ち目のキアヌが主演で他は日本人キャストばかりのため世界的に客を呼べる俳優がいない。作品自体の出来映えも最低レベルのため360億円が必要なのに最終的には全世界で70億程度の興行収入になる見込みThey pushed through with the project even when people were already saying it was reckless, then they delayed filming following numerous problems, and then had to delay the release which in effect made the budget balloon to JP\ 18 billion.
And when you consider the shares that they have to give the movie houses, it would have to earn double the amount of its budget to break even.
47RONIN's lead is Keanu who's on the decline, and everyone else are Japanese actors who can't attract audiences worldwide.
Even the final product looks horrible. It would need JP\ 36 billion to break even, but it'll probably just earn around 7 billion worldwide. - 375: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 11:12:21.80 ID:ckCd0gbv0
- キアヌは好きだけど全く観に行こうとは思わない
I like Keanu but I don't feel like watching this at all.
Hollywood seems to have the wrong idea with Rinko Kikuchi.
They must think that she's hugely popular in Japan like Ken Watanabe so they're always casting her, thinking that she'll be able to draw in the Japanese audience, but she's not even that popular in Japan.

- 390: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 11:19:58.38 ID:cAlMZEQ/0
- >>388菊池さんはアメリカ人から見るとすごい美人らしいよ
I heard that Kikuchi-san looks really beautiful to an American person's eyes.
While people like Nozomi Sasaki and Keiko Kitagawa who are beautiful to Japanese people aren't exactly what the Americans would like.
- 395: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/12(木) 11:21:41.49 ID:/MR18oXI0
- >>390日本人から見ても普通に美人だけどな
She's beautiful even from a Japanese person's point of view.
And the 2 people you mentioned below will also be considered beautiful, I think.
Devilman, the movie I left early.
Battleship, the movie I slept on midway through.
I wonder what I'll do when I see 47.
This is an insult to Chushingura

Chushingura turned into a fantasy flick? I don't get it.
It's a common story in Japan, so people definitely won't accept these weird settings.
The movie houses for Pacific Rim used to be empty at first, but they were always full towards the end.
And it was shown last August, but it's still in cinemas. It'll also be shown until next year. It's seriously crazy.
They're definitely making fun of Japan here ww
Too much fantasy aspects on Chushingura?
When Hollywood tries making films with Japanese culture, it'll include Chinese aspects for some reason and will just turn into a random "Japonne" flick. It's probably all one and the same for them, though.
最後の忠臣蔵 を見た方がよほど有意義な時間を過ごせる
The Japanese people are expecting Chushingura, and don't want to see some parallel universe fantasy.
It's like adding anime elements to this "Japanese samurai" image that the Americans love and possess.
Watching Saigo no Chushingura will be a more meaningful way to spend time.
Hey Akanishi fans, go watch the movie.
That's your Eternal with Jin, right?
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