(Related post HERE)
Following the announcement of the live action adaptation of Shingeki no Kyojin, the Internet was abuzz as everyone had their opinions as to who they wanted to see portray which character.
For Eren Yeager, some people named Tori Matsuzaka, Takeru Sato, and his seiyuu from the anime series Yuki Kaji. For Mikasa Ackerman, some have been voicing out Kiko Mizuhara and Rina Ohta, while others are calling for Ayame Gouriki. Machiyama, one of the scriptwriters, was recommending Ai Hashimoto for the role on Twitter (which has been deleted).
The voice to use a foreign cast apart from Mikasa, who is the last known living Asian, is also pretty strong as people have been saying, "Can you really make Japanese people play the parts of the commanders, the soldiers, and Jean!?", and "Make foreigners play the part but dub their voices over with the anime seiyuus!"
There are also a lot of people predicting that some talents from Johnny's or AKB will be used as well.
The anime which started airing in April of 2013 has created a huge sensation, even leading to Linked Horizon, who provided the main theme song, joining the lineup of this year's Kouhaku Uta Gassen. Fans of the series have been steadily increasing, as more people are following this news closely than it was first announced two years ago.
Following the announcement of the live action adaptation of Shingeki no Kyojin, the Internet was abuzz as everyone had their opinions as to who they wanted to see portray which character.
For Eren Yeager, some people named Tori Matsuzaka, Takeru Sato, and his seiyuu from the anime series Yuki Kaji. For Mikasa Ackerman, some have been voicing out Kiko Mizuhara and Rina Ohta, while others are calling for Ayame Gouriki. Machiyama, one of the scriptwriters, was recommending Ai Hashimoto for the role on Twitter (which has been deleted).
The voice to use a foreign cast apart from Mikasa, who is the last known living Asian, is also pretty strong as people have been saying, "Can you really make Japanese people play the parts of the commanders, the soldiers, and Jean!?", and "Make foreigners play the part but dub their voices over with the anime seiyuus!"
There are also a lot of people predicting that some talents from Johnny's or AKB will be used as well.
The anime which started airing in April of 2013 has created a huge sensation, even leading to Linked Horizon, who provided the main theme song, joining the lineup of this year's Kouhaku Uta Gassen. Fans of the series have been steadily increasing, as more people are following this news closely than it was first announced two years ago.
- 3: 禿の月φ ★ 2013/12/04(水) 19:14:35.70 ID:???P
- Eren
Tori Matsuzaka
Takeru Sato
Yuki Kaji
Kiko Mizuhara
Rina Ohta
Ayame Gouriki
Ai Hashimoto
http://takemasa5514.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_619/takemasa5514/mig-a7f6d.jpg - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:15:53.03 ID:hpbyyXJk0
- ミカサが剛力なら暴動が起きるわ
An uproar will ensue if Gouriki is cast as Mikasa
(Left: ideal. Right: worst case scenario)
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/netamichelin/imgs/d/5/d59488c4.jpg -
- 628: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/05(木) 00:54:13.29 ID:p5qGeCNO0
- >>6剛力は巨人役で
Gouriki as the Titan, please
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:16:08.43 ID:9BdJXPGk0
- 実写版ドラゴンボールの二の舞にならんようにな
Just make sure it won't end up like Dragonball - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:17:18.41 ID:TclHO3IA0
- エレン:小栗旬ミカサ:剛力彩芽巨人A:和田アキ子巨人B:チェ・ホンマンEren: Shun Oguri
Mikasa: Ayame Gouriki
Titan A: Akiko Wada
Titan B: Choi Hong Man -
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:23:19.25 ID:PGL+zHkU0
- >>12巨人C:アンガールズ田中
Titan C: Ungirls' Tanaka
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:18:21.02 ID:2MjO74UU0
- エレンって神木君のイメージなんだが
Eren is actually Kamiki-kun's image
http://news-entame.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/%E7%94%BB%E5%83%8F-166.jpg - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:20:53.56 ID:m4WB1tDs0
- リヴァイ兵長
Commander Levi
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/nizigami/imgs/5/f/5f5cdbd6.jpg -
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:25:11.25 ID:NpedAOim0
- >>27これは・・・どういう状況だ?
This is... what kind of situation is this?
- 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:07:57.07 ID:/Lkg3Nk50
- >>27クスッときたwThis made me chuckle w
- 479: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 22:42:55.92 ID:Sii/NgOP0
- >>27有吉wwwwwwwwww
Ariyoshi wwwwwwwwww - It suits him wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 494: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 22:51:33.38 ID:Taj3NTDY0
- >>27リヴァイ好きだけどもうそれでいいよww
I like Levi, but this is fine as it is ww
- 529: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 23:10:37.04 ID:o+CHNjWSO
- >>27すごい合ってるwIt really suits him well w
- 698: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/05(木) 02:16:39.67 ID:PkJZjZUy0
- >>27ぴったりだw
Perfect w
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:21:30.27 ID:ju00Pl7F0
- ゴーリキジャニーズAKBはい終了Gouriki
The end. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:22:30.01 ID:yVjSj4U/0
- 剛力さんしかいないでしょ
Should be Gouriki-san, no one else
http://twicolle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/BKJKb9MCYAA_kcN.png - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:23:09.96 ID:nvLoeSlN0
- 柳楽がもうちょっと若ければエレンをやれてた
Yagira could have played Eren if he were a bit younger
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/05/ee31ffe0e5ff9120610970a147634d8c_0.jpeg - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:24:35.97 ID:j+ZW7cZJ0
- ルパンとか進撃とか実写化しても誰得
- Who benefits from the live action adaptations of Lupin and Shingeki?
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:24:36.12 ID:Mu8txAW+0
- 原作では東洋人は貴重な存在な世界観なのにキャスト全員日本人ww阿保かとwwデビルマンを超えるかもしれんなww大失敗に終わる前にハリウッドに売り込めや。Asians are a valuable race in the original, and they're going to use an all-Japanese cast!? ww Are they really stupid? ww
This might surpass Devilman ww
Hurry up and sell the rights to Hollywood before it ends up in a huge failure. -
- 389: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 21:34:46.62 ID:cNShf81AO
- >>43白人が貴重な存在な世界に変えて、ミカサ役はハーフにやらせれば解決It will be solved if they turn it the other way around, saying whites are a valuable race and cast a halfie for Mikasa
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:25:09.44 ID:V6U6alEX0
- モロ日本人顔のやつがエレンだのアルミンだのリヴァイだの名乗ってたら笑えるwI'd LOL so hard when an entirely Japanese-looking guy will come out and introduce himself as Eren, Armin, or Levi w
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:26:33.15 ID:sIQgTYb+0
- 能年ちゃんでしょ。
ゴーリキーはやめれ - It has to be Nounen-chan.
No to Gouriki. - 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:27:21.44 ID:g5iteJoS0
- ミカサは絶対にゴーリキにしてほしいそのほうがウェブの反応が面白いからあ、もちろん映画は見ませんI definitely want to see Gouriki play Mikasa.
The Internet responses will be much more interesting that way.
Ah, of course I won't be watching the movie. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:27:34.57 ID:c721bPkq0
- リヴァイはhydeがいいよ身長も同じくらいだよJust make hyde play Levi.
Even the height is pretty much the same, right? -
- 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:37:02.80 ID:AJoBT87K0
- >>60リヴァイは確か160センチだった156のハイドさんじゃ小さすぎるなIIRC, Levi is 160cm tall.
hyde at 156 is too small.
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:27:49.94 ID:NxglZINbO
- 町山が脚本?途中で喧嘩別れしそうだな
Machiyama will be writing the script? I get the feeling that they'll argue with him and split up.
http://gqjapan.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/my.jpg - 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:29:05.37 ID:W8Meacu30
- 立体機動はどうするんだ?CG?ワイヤーアクション?
So what will they do about the Maneuvering Gear? CG? Ziplines or wire action?
http://img01.naturum.ne.jp/usr/kara/8d705e55.jpeg -
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:31:44.72 ID:ns0wqH6x0
- >>66牙突みたいな感じだろうな
Might be something like the gatotsu
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:29:51.03 ID:7jKn3JAg0
- つか日本人にやらせても外人にやらせてもギャグになると思う
It doesn't matter whether Japanese or foreigners are cast, I seriously think it will end up like a gag - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:32:01.23 ID:yHrKTv7RP
- 黒木メイサにはアニの役をやるから不二子だけは辞退しろ
Meisa Kuroki can go ahead and play Annie, just step down as Fujiko
http://hyokki.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_986/hyokki/E980B2E69283E381AEE5B7A8E4BABA_E382A2E3838BE28090E383ACE382AAE383B3E3838FE383BCE3838801-382c2.jpg - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:32:33.44 ID:IEM4aL8W0
- 盛り上がってるか?ゴーリキーとかみんなネタで言ってると思うけどあと橋本愛は寄生獣のヒロイン役に決定してるから無いだろ東宝製作2014年末~2015年公開で人間が捕食される内容なんだからカブリすぎだAre people really getting excited about Gouriki? I think everyone's just trolling around.
And Ai Hashimoto has been cast as the heroine for Kiseijuu so I don't think she'll be in this.
It's done by Touhou and will be shown by the end of 2014~2015, and is also a movie where human beings are the prey, so it will be too similar.
http://movie00.up.n.seesaa.net/movie00/image/parasyte.jpg -
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:33:57.48 ID:oO+vPTgI0
- >>80少なくとも実写化関連のスレに書いてる時点で盛り上げ役の一人ではあるわな
Well, Gouriki is one of those who definitely rouses everyone up once she's brought up on these live action adaptation threads
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:33:09.76 ID:T9stPD+x0
- また小栗ありきで企画進んでたら笑えるなw親父の権力どんだけI'd just LOL if they're going on with the planning with Oguri in mind.
Just how influential is his father? - 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:34:35.35 ID:ItrjFUeg0
- どうせ剛力だろ鍛え上げた腹筋を見せてくれるから許してやれBut they'll still end up using Gouriki, right?
She'll be showing her toned abs so just forgive her already. - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:35:08.77 ID:bBrIeTut0
- 原作に対する興味すら一気になくなってしまいそうになるくらい脱力数々の巨人はどう表現すんのちゃんとパキパキグチャグチャ食べられてる描写してねI've lost so much will, I feel like I'm also losing interest in the original.
So how are they going to show all those Titans?
They should stay loyal to how the Titans graphically devour the humans in the original, alright? -
- 107: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:40:54.51 ID:Mf1rF+Iy0
- >>92米映画でも大作映画になると年齢制限かからないようにグロ映像はあえてさけるのに、邦画で制限かけてまでグロ表現する事はないわな。Even in the US, they limit all those graphic representations to avoid the age restriction, so there's no point in Japanese movies restricting the viewers just so they can show all the gory stuff
- 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:41:52.99 ID:kIPg4Kj30
- 誰になっても叩かれる
The cast will just get bashed no matter who - 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:43:12.02 ID:onNcmLQl0
- エレンは若いころの山田孝之ならよかったA young Takayuki Yamada would have been a good Eren.
And Tsumabuki.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/fusiianasan/imgs/0/f/0f175a3c.jpg - 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:50:09.17 ID:0U7ZM+Ow0
- みないぞ俺はイメージ壊れる想像しただけで痛々しい状景が浮かぶI won't watch this.
My image will get destroyed.
I can already picture pathetic-looking scenes just by imagining this. - 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:52:28.81 ID:PxCYZLNJ0
- 山田孝之と木南晴夏が出るなら期待する
I'll be looking forward to this if Takayuki Yamada and Haruka Kinami will be in it
http://trendy.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/pickup/20121112/1045439/01_px400.jpg -
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:53:23.37 ID:nvLoeSlN0
- >>143主題歌はミヒマルGTですかAnd then mihimaru GT will be singing the theme song?
- 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:54:27.30 ID:tcOQiMsN0
- もう剛力以外は許されない流れできてしまったね
We have now established this flow than no one but Gouriki will be permitted - 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:54:54.12 ID:AVHTt7kW0
- 自分の周りではミカサは堀北真希が良いって人が多い
There are a lot of people around me saying that Maki Horikita should play Mikasa -
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:01:38.93 ID:ewjdCdnl0
- >>150堀北いいな。合うと思うわ。まぁゴーリキーになるんですけどねHorikita would be nice. I think she'll fit that.
But I think it'll be Gouriki.
- 429: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 22:01:25.26 ID:PXO/mFLoi
- >>150だよな。普通のアタマで考えたらそれしか思いつかない。
You're right. If a sane mind thinks, that's the only choice you'll come up with.
- 156: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 19:56:51.38 ID:2p11h2nO0
- なぜかキャストにいそうな唐沢寿明、香川照之And for some reason, I can see these guys being cast:
Toshiaki Karasawa, Teruyuki Kagawa - 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:04:54.07 ID:m4WB1tDs0
- 巨人役アンガ、千原兄弟、FUJIWARA、江頭この辺のキモブサメンを出せばまず間違いないTitans
Ungirls, Chihara brothers, FUJIWARA, Egashira
There won't be any mistakes if you cast these kimo-busamen* for the role.
* Gross, ugly men - 179: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:09:10.97 ID:t6/7MOpo0
- 兵士長は小柄で馬にも乗れなきゃいけない。なんで騎手はどうか。例えば川田 将雅とか。声は吹き替えでwThe commanders should be small and should also be able to ride horses. So what about equestrians?
Like Yuga Kawada. Just dub over his voice w
↓http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/6e/9a/6753632fd79cab1e2ac22e8a7d5d93d2.jpg - 195: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:16:30.72 ID:MkSlQ7lb0
- アルミンはこの人で
Cast this guy as Armin
http://art39.photozou.jp/pub/64/787064/photo/58508899.jpg - 196: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:17:23.20 ID:t6/7MOpo0
- ミカサ=橋本愛Mikasa = Ai Hashimoto
Eren = Soccer player Uchida ww
http://freefootball.wp-x.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/JP5.jpg - 201: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:19:43.04 ID:qveLXKji0
- エレンもミカサも10代だろばばあを使うなよ
Both Eren and Mikasa should be in their teens. Don't cast grannies. - 205: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:21:37.24 ID:IEzFxnXA0
- リヴァイは腐女子狙いのこいつだろ
This guy should be cast for Levi to attract those fujoshis.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/rainbow810/24152721.jpeg - 208: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:21:52.15 ID:4hn7kOkm0
- 水原希子や太田莉菜なんて名前どこで出てきたの?
Who came up with the names Kiko Mizuhara and Rina Ohta? - 222: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:25:41.92 ID:bVTlwMHT0
- Twitterでミカサは橋本愛一択言ってたんでしょ?脚本の町山って人がそれでええやんThe scriptwriter Machiyama said that Ai Hashimoto's the only choice for Mikasa, right?
That's fine. - 262: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:35:21.06 ID:EImAbity0
- 前田敦子か
Atsuko Maeda?
Or Gouriki?
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-6xuzqoVDE8s/UnHyiqzVYqI/AAAAAAAAjaw/8DgC2q27Od8/s800/shingeki-Mikasa-Ackerman-gouriki01.png -
- 268: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:37:20.08 ID:IEzFxnXA0
- >>262
剛力もないけど前田敦子はもっとねーわ - No way for Gouriki, but a bigger no way for Atsuko Maeda
- 269: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 20:37:51.85 ID:pHFRzLTA0
- >>262
ブッサイクやなあ - So ugly
- 391: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 21:35:52.45 ID:mmBxX95U0
- 前田敦子は巨人顔
Atsuko Maeda has the face of a Titan -
- 420: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 21:57:06.10 ID:j7d8qVdP0
- >>391前田敦子いいじゃん
Atsuko Maeda looks good
- 434: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 22:03:45.71 ID:eB5QdccB0
- アニメと実写ってどっちがお金かかるんだろう?もし実写のほうがかかるのなら、是非その予算でアニメで映画にしてほしい映画館の大画面でみると迫力ありそうだから観に行くかもしれない実写だったら100%観に行かないI wonder which would require a higher budget, anime or live action?
If live action costs more, then I hope they just use that budget to make an animated movie.
It'll probably have impact when you see it on the big screen so I might go and watch it.
If it's live action, I won't see it 100%.
http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/_iQ3p3E6ll8/maxresdefault.jpg -
- 443: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 22:08:23.93 ID:MyfX0BBSO
- >>434日本だと実写の方が遥かに高い。大半はロケと役者代金だけどねIn Japan's case, live action movies are much more expensive. Most of it go to the on-location shoots and talent fees, though.
- 451: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 22:17:07.38 ID:GxRB89KI0
- >>434
総集編なら可能かもしれないが未映像化の原作エピソードも女型戦みたいに切りがいいとこがないんだよね - The reason why they're not doing an anime movie is probably because the production staff doesn't have the time, or they're probably waiting until the original manga has stocked up on content.
They might be able to do a summary of the events up to this point, but the current storyline can't be ended yet at a good point like the female Titan part.
- 458: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/04(水) 22:22:23.46 ID:H9ANXc7B0
- >>434
実写を作っておけば一般人に漫画やアニメを買わせることができる - Because making it into live action will make the general public buy the manga and anime versions as well.
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