FRIDAY ran an article about Ai Hashimoto's private life in its December 13 issue.
According to the article, Ai Hashimoto finished watching Atsuko Maeda's movie Moratorium Tamako at 11pm and started walking the neon district of Shinjuku by herself without any cap or mask on to disguise herself. She then suddenly punched a signboard on the sidewalk then moved on to the subway and disappeared near the apartment of her rumored boyfriend.
"Hashimoto is only 17 years old. According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance Regarding the Healthy Development of Youths, a person under the age of 18 walking alone from 11pm to 4am without a valid reason is subject to vocational guidance. If Hashimoto ever runs into this sort of trouble, this will definitely affect the projects in which she is involved."
FRIDAY got a scoop on Hashimoto last May with actor Motoki Ochiai where they spent time together at an apartment until late at night. Josei Seven then reported Hashimoto having a date with an actor 14 years older than her, Gou Ayano, at a cafe.
"Hashimoto-san was previously reported to have been drinking under the legal age at the bar she went to with Motoki Ochiai (her agency denied this and insisted that she only had soft drinks) and gave the public a bad image of her. And so most people didn't get surprised with the new reports. But punching a signboard isn't a womanly thing to do. Maybe she got irritated with Maeda-san's movie...... Her agency basically allows her to have her freedom when it comes to her private life, but she should behave better, at least until she graduates from high school." - (showbiz writer)
Hashimoto has already been cast in the movies Otona Drop and Kiseijuu for next year, and it will be troubling times for the movie producers if she gets any more scandals.
- 2: ジャンピングカラテキック(京都府) 2013/12/14(土) 12:06:53.35 ID:t/3969Q/0
- 壊したって言うならともかくパンチしたってだけで?
It would've been a different story if she broke the sign, but she just punched it, right? - 3: スターダストプレス(福岡県) 2013/12/14(土) 12:07:03.76 ID:lqi4wRSiP
- あまちゃんの役柄のせいでヤンキーでも別にいいかなという変な感覚になってもた
And because of her role in Amachan, I started having this weird sense that yankees are fine as well - 6: マシンガンチョップ(神奈川県) 2013/12/14(土) 12:13:13.65 ID:YXeOqJzV0
- 元気があってよろしい
It's good that she's got vigor - 7: ドラゴンスリーパー(石川県) 2013/12/14(土) 12:13:53.39 ID:Mleqva7q0
- この年で堂々ビ●チだと、この先思いやられるわなあ
I hate to think what lies ahead for her when she's shamelessly acting like a bi+ch already at this age - 8: トペ コンヒーロ(北海道) 2013/12/14(土) 12:16:11.91 ID:fvwXC+ip0
- マスコミはいつまであまちゃん関連の話してんだよ、もういいよ
When will the media quit bringing up Amachan? Enough already. - 9: ショルダーアームブリーカー(三重県) 2013/12/14(土) 12:19:41.06 ID:/oDPeZuc0
- この子だけ売れなかったね
Looks like she's the only one who didn't become popular - 11: ジャンピングカラテキック(東海地方) 2013/12/14(土) 12:26:23.46 ID:TyAY7878O
- 看板殴りたくなる映画ってどんなんだよw
What kind of movie would make you want to punch a signboard? w - 12: 張り手(茸) 2013/12/14(土) 12:27:36.40 ID:Dny+p3/fP
- ポスト広末まっしぐらだな
She's heading straight into the "post-Hirosue" slot - 14: 超竜ボム(北海道) 2013/12/14(土) 12:29:03.21 ID:B+YqhGUE0
- まんま阿婆擦れユイちゃんだな
She's exactly like that bi+chy Yui-chan, huh - 16: エルボーバット(神奈川県) 2013/12/14(土) 12:33:49.50 ID:3puKbqvV0
- そろそろ痛い目みてほしいなあ
I hope she suffers a dreadful experience soon - 17: フライングニールキック(四国地方) 2013/12/14(土) 12:34:33.62 ID:VsdP99uT0
- 「チッ、尾行されてるな・・・」ガンッ!
"Damn it, I'm being followed..." Gan! - 19: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(東京都) 2013/12/14(土) 12:37:33.35 ID:lfIbzZeo0
- 思春期
Adolescence - 20: スリーパーホールド(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/12/14(土) 12:39:44.85 ID:i9EdRidL0
- 見方を帰ればかっこいい最近そういうアイドル居ないし
If you change your perspective of her, she's actually pretty cool. There aren't any idols like this recently. - 22: ウエスタンラリアット(WiMAX) 2013/12/14(土) 12:40:09.69 ID:7tVY4opf0
- >前田さんの映画にイラつきでもしたのでしょうか……。そりゃあこんな演技でも映画の主演できるのかよって思うわなw>Maybe she got irritated with Maeda-san's movie...
Well yeah, her acting would really make you wonder how she gets to play the lead in a movie w - 23: 閃光妖術(長野県) 2013/12/14(土) 12:40:12.19 ID:7b5PoCv40
- 「あまちゃん」での橋本のベストコスは田舎ヤンキー姿。
Hashimoto's best costume in Amachan is her provincial yankee get-up - 26: エクスプロイダー(関東・東海) 2013/12/14(土) 12:51:41.19 ID:0ilEipwjO
- 深夜に未成年の女の子をストーキングするマスコミって・・・・
And what does this say about the media who stalks an underaged girl late at night? - 27: スリーパーホールド(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/12/14(土) 12:53:45.21 ID:i9EdRidL0
- ストーカーかカメラ隠して撮ってる感じだなA stalker, huh.
It feels like she's being photographed with a hidden camera. - 29: 32文ロケット砲(埼玉県) 2013/12/14(土) 13:02:01.49 ID:uOliGQrV0
- 映画「告白」で、中学生時代の橋本愛とキスしまくってたアイツ勝ち組過ぎる
That guy who got to kiss Ai Hashimoto who was still in junior high in the movie Kokuhaku was such a winner - 30: ムーンサルトプレス(禿) 2013/12/14(土) 13:03:47.29 ID:fg79KJldi
- リアルユイちゃんじゃねーか
So her character Yui-chan has come to life, huh - 35: アキレス腱固め(茨城県【13:06 茨城県震度3】) 2013/12/14(土) 13:18:01.92 ID:tjfSQ3fa0
- 「告白」「桐島部活」「あまちゃん」これだけ作品に恵まれてきたのに、マイナスで打ち消せるのはすごいわwKokuhaku, Kirishima bukatsu, Amachan
She's had all these wonderful shows in her resumé, and it's amazing how she has managed to eliminate the memory of these with her negative image - 36: レインメーカー(愛知県) 2013/12/14(土) 13:19:10.72 ID:lv7hWTlz0
- またグレちゃったのか
So she has fallen once again to the dark side, huh - 38: スターダストプレス(家) 2013/12/14(土) 14:41:21.32 ID:wPMbbdvxP
- BUCK-TICKの櫻井にしか見えない
She just looks like BUCK-TICK's Sakurai to me -
- 42: バックドロップ(三重県) 2013/12/14(土) 16:52:02.19 ID:+sHdxO3y0
- >>38一番上惚れるww 俺男だけどI'm falling in love with the top-most one ww
I'm a man, though.
- 39: ラダームーンサルト(愛知県) 2013/12/14(土) 15:39:08.15 ID:Qwdcizzo0
- 早くお寝んねしないからオッパイが成長しねーんだよ糞アマ
This damn bi+ch's boobies aren't growing because she's not going to bed early -
- 61: ジャンピングパワーボム(catv?) 2013/12/14(土) 22:48:22.16 ID:1Gm4OnJm0
- >>39あー、それ一理あるわ良く寝る女の子は背も髪も爪もおっぱいも成長するんだよOh, you have a point.
Girls who sleep a lot grow taller, and their hair, nails, and boobs develop better.
- 41: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(神奈川県) 2013/12/14(土) 16:17:49.78 ID:PbuSPwGM0
- 肉●きいちゃんの妹みたいなもんか
So she's like Nikuben-Kie-chan's younger sister, huh - 45: 栓抜き攻撃(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/14(土) 17:34:30.95 ID:KmiJWOPUO
- 別に良いんじゃないの。どうせ俺らのものになるわけじゃないんだからさ。そもそもマトモな奴が、人の心を打つ演技なんかできるわけねぇよ。女優を世間一般の型にはめても仕方ない。I don't see a problem here.
It's not like she'll ever become ours.
And there are no decent people who have the ability to touch hearts through their acting.
There's no point in thinking of these actresses along the same lines as a common person. -
- 53: マシンガンチョップ(神奈川県) 2013/12/14(土) 18:52:36.41 ID:YXeOqJzV0
- >>45これ
- 46: ムーンサルトプレス(西日本) 2013/12/14(土) 17:36:30.08 ID:eafJ0sZq0
- 骨折は癖になるから拳骨パンチはやめとけ
You'll develop a tendency to get fractured so stop punching with your bare fist - 48: ボ ラギノール(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/12/14(土) 17:49:50.80 ID:ANsKcsCZ0
- 映画館出てから看板にパンチって、ヤクザ映画かカンフー映画見たんだろ?
Punching a signboard after seeing a movie must've meant she watched a yakuza or kung-fu flick - 49: ボ ラギノール(福島県) 2013/12/14(土) 18:06:43.09 ID:SB5Lwv2l0
- 嫌いじゃない
I don't dislike this - 50: ビッグブーツ(東日本) 2013/12/14(土) 18:13:19.73 ID:K+PWcC5+O
- むしろ大好きだ
I actually love her - 66: 中年'sリフト(WiMAX) 2013/12/15(日) 11:21:11.45 ID:BGl/GVDp0
- こういうキャラの子なんだから別に騒ぐ程のもんじゃない。バールの様な物で自販機荒らししたとかなら騒げ。This is how her character is being built up.
It's not something to make a fuss about.
Go make a noise if she used a crowbar to mess up a vending machine or something. - 59: フェイスクラッシャー(沖縄県) 2013/12/14(土) 20:52:33.69 ID:kWlwdN0R0
- こんなにしつこく盗撮してこられたら
One would definitely feel like punching a wall if you're being followed around and photographed like this.
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