Model Akemi Darenogare was on Ariyoshi's program Ariyoshi no daretoku!? (Fuji, Tuesdays 11pm) on the 10th. She started off the show by saying: "Ariyoshi looks at me as a girl. He really likes me." She continues: "He shows his kindness to me casually by saying things like 'she'll be on TV if I make fun of her'. Thank you very much for liking me."
Ariyoshi who was silently listening to this finally opened his mouth and said: "If I talk with the other mid-level comedians around the same age as me about who we'd date to be considered lame, then Darenogare would probably come out on top". "A while back, that would have been misono. Like 'you're dating that!? The worst one!?." Ariyoshi didn't stop there and said "It'll just be so lame. Comedians who'd make a pass on Darenogare are lame".
When the program ended, Darenogare stopped Ariyoshi who was making his way out of the studio and asked: "Ariyoshi-san, is that the truth?", to which Ariyoshi said, "I think that would really be the case". Darenogare finally fights back: "Can you please cut that out! It'll turn into a small news, and then word that 'it'll be lame to date Darenogare' will spread!", as Ariyoshi left the studio, looking unconcerned.
Ariyoshi who was silently listening to this finally opened his mouth and said: "If I talk with the other mid-level comedians around the same age as me about who we'd date to be considered lame, then Darenogare would probably come out on top". "A while back, that would have been misono. Like 'you're dating that!? The worst one!?." Ariyoshi didn't stop there and said "It'll just be so lame. Comedians who'd make a pass on Darenogare are lame".
Darenogare then said, "I'm really shocked...".
When the program ended, Darenogare stopped Ariyoshi who was making his way out of the studio and asked: "Ariyoshi-san, is that the truth?", to which Ariyoshi said, "I think that would really be the case". Darenogare finally fights back: "Can you please cut that out! It'll turn into a small news, and then word that 'it'll be lame to date Darenogare' will spread!", as Ariyoshi left the studio, looking unconcerned.
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:20:09.68 ID:UZ/bISzFi
- 有吉って相手を凹ます天才やなホンマに陰湿やけどAriyoshi really is a genius at humiliating other people.
He's pretty underhanded, though. - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:21:13.49 ID:OG5ZEGijP
- こんな男みたいな女連れてたら笑われるわな
People would laugh at you if you brought along this man-like woman - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:22:09.28 ID:YeO5fHKQ0
- モデル上がりの芸なし烏合の衆が勘違いしてるからだろw
It's because this talentless model who's practically a nobody has the wrong idea w - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:22:43.17 ID:N2wIPvCHO
- 関係ないmisonoが一番可哀想w
I feel sorry for misono the most, she's got nothing to do with this w -
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:26:22.08 ID:UZ/bISzFi
- >>11そこで関係無いmisonoをフォローせず自分の事考えて慌てるダレノガレの底の浅さを見て有吉はほくそ笑むんやろ
And Ariyoshi's probably laughing inside at Darenogare who's so shallow, she didn't even follow up on the unrelated misono and kept thinking about herself
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:23:17.99 ID:I1bkyZRh0
- 有吉 ヤンキーお似合い気使わなくてよくて楽しそうにしてるAriyoshi, Yankee, a good match.
He doesn't need to show any concern and is just enjoying himself. - 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:23:30.57 ID:rRekj76y0
- 有吉モテモテやなでも有吉、こういうビ●チは大嫌いなんだなあそういうところは好感持てるつか、この思考法は俺らに近いAriyoshi's really popular with the girls, huh.
But Ariyoshi must really despise bi+ches like her.
That's one thing I like about him.
Actually, his way of thinking is pretty similar to ours. -
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:37:23.70 ID:0BaHoWdT0
- >>14同意。有吉は毒舌いう相手をわきまえてるからおもろい。これがブスだったら笑えないけどさキレイだからこれだけ叩いても大丈夫なんだよな。Agreed. Ariyoshi knows whom he shoud unleash his fangs to, and that's funny.
It won't be funny if the girl was ugly, though.
She's beautiful, so it's alright even if she's bashed this much.
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:25:25.57 ID:brpN/6b70
- ダレノガレって元彼が多すぎてヒクたまたま行った大学にも元彼いたしI get turned off by Darenogare, she's got a lot of exes. She even had an ex in the college I attended.
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:28:07.49 ID:nrn+LdU70
- 美人なんだろうけど化粧がケバくてきついそれにしてもモデルって下品になったんだな知らなかっただけで元々そうだったのかなShe may be beautiful, but I can't stand how flashy her makeup is.
But whatever the case, models these days sure have become cheap and vulgar.
Or is it just that I didn't know about it but they've always been like this? -
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:31:17.06 ID:f+mWrK9B0
- >>24モデルにもランクがあるからなJOY的な位置づけだろうModels have their own ranks too.
She must be similar to JOY's position.
- 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:58:55.01 ID:kyDXnEkr0
- >>24この人ほとんどモデル業やってないんだよJJでもろくに出てないのにモデル名乗ってるのが不思議な感じ
But this woman almost never models. She's not even on JJ that much, but it's a mystery why she's still calling herself a model.
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:29:06.57 ID:DUU2po7d0
- 足太過ぎだろモデルなどとよく言えるな
Her legs are too fat. I'm amazed that she can call herself a model with this. - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:30:16.65 ID:/S1cSN18P
- ざっくりハイタッチで小籔の今後消えそうなタレント暴露で出て来たダレノガレ必死だなwwwwwwShe was on Koyabu's list of the "Talents who you'd think would disappear" on Zakkuri High Touch.
Darenogare must be desperate wwwwww - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:30:51.07 ID:1CpkUAih0
- そういえばmisonoって消えたな
Come to think of it, misono has disappeared - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:33:32.23 ID:1Uu2FuEt0
- 当たり前じゃんこんなバカ晒しまくってるんだからでも頼んだらやらせてくれそうだよねwOf course, after exposing how stupid she is.
But I bet she'd let you bang her if you just ask. - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:37:26.27 ID:NgpmLgay0
- どっちも性格悪そうwBoth of them seem really rude w
- 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:39:14.24 ID:oXNCq/Ug0
- 唐突に犠牲になるmisonoで笑った
LOLing at misono who suddenly became the victim - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:42:09.10 ID:fFDqvlbq0
- 確かにダレノガレと付き合うとか恥ずかしいそう
Now that you think about it, it must really be embarrassing to date Darenogare - 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:43:43.48 ID:bnbWY41s0
- ダガノゲレが『意外と堅いっていわれる』っていってたけどクソビ●チだと思ってたのが普通のビ●チだった 程度の話だと思うDarenogare said that "People say I'm surprisingly smart".
Well, I guess it's similar to "being thought of as a huge bi+ch when she's actually just a regular bi+ch". - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:45:58.44 ID:1wyUhAOk0
- 有吉弘行 勝利の方程式「叩く」↓凹ませる ←←←今ここ↓次回どっかの楽屋等で会ったら「冗談に決まってるじゃん。あれが仕事だから。ごめんね(笑顔)」と優しくする↓ギャップに簡単に落ちるHiroiki Ariyoshi's formula for victory
[Humiliate] ←←←Here now
When they see each other again backstage or somewhere, he'd say "of course that was a joke. I was just doing my job. Sorry" (smiles).
The other person would easily fall for the gap in his personality. - 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:47:50.51 ID:lKmOO7jsi
- こいつ風俗嬢みたいな見た目な上に、単純にブスでスタイルも悪いから、まあこいつと付き合うのは恥ずかしいねOn top of looking like a prostitute, she's ugly and has bad style so it's definitely embarrassing to date her.
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:48:37.13 ID:UiZSCntQ0
- この子、元があば●れヤンキーだからね、有吉は本音とジョークが紙一重w
Well, this girl used to be a yankee bi+ch. In Ariyoshi's case, there's just a very fine line between his actual thoughts and his jokes w - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:49:43.66 ID:ZpxTnerM0
- 一生坂本だけ野球選手だけ追いかけていて欲しい他のアスリートの名前出されたくない穢れるShe should just keep on chasing after Sakamoto the baseball player.
Don't use the names of other athletes, they'll be stained. - 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:50:36.54 ID:BtMxuJ5t0
- 漂白した小森純
She's like Jun Komori bleached white - 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:52:20.78 ID:WZ+JeO4H0
- 5年前で言ったら木下優樹菜だなw
She's like Yukina Kinoshita 5 years ago w - 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:53:44.77 ID:nj16H+TQO
- この子そんなに遊んでないでしょ。発言聞いてるとそんな気がする野球やってたころはデブだったし。I don't think this girl plays around that much.
You'd think so when you hear her statements.
She was also fat when she was still playing baseball. -
- 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:56:24.09 ID:brpN/6b70
- >>108そんな女ほどビ●チに陥りやすい
Girls like that are the ones who are more susceptible to becoming bi+ches
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:55:57.71 ID:E6+fa/si0
- 放送は結構面白かったぞ。下ネタがラジオかよって思ったが。11時以降の番組の方が良いね。The show was pretty funny. All those dirty jokes made me think if I was listening to the radio, though.
Programs past 11pm are indeed better. - 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:59:10.74 ID:K8jTe1c00
- この人黙ってたらいいのにそれじゃあ、ハーフ界での生き残り戦争で戦えないのかなThis girl's nice as long as she keeps her mouth shut, but she won't be able to survive the battle among the halfies with this.
- 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 13:02:24.48 ID:9zeT9cge0
- >>125黙っているお行儀のいい奴なんてバラエティで使ってもらえないだろwドラマや映画の番宣で来てる女優じゃあるまいしNo one would use silent and well-mannered people on variety shows w
It's not like she's \an actress who's guesting on the show for her promotions.
- 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:59:38.12 ID:AxgReSNti
- んで、こいつは誰に需要があんの?若い女に好かれてるの?
So who are the people who like her? The young women? - 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 12:59:53.11 ID:MoQ+WeUD0
- たいしたことは言ってないが受けの上手い方じゃなさそうだからなダレノガレI don't think what he said was that harsh, but Darenogare doesn't seem like the type who's a good sport.
- 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 13:02:43.45 ID:XDhZaUpf0
- ダレノカレノと付き合ったらカッコ悪い、当たってる素直に現実を受け入れるしかないな"It would be so lame if you date someone like Darenogare": yes that's correct.
She should just accept the truth. - 134: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 13:03:24.63 ID:rpnrU9Rb0
- 坂本も早く女遊び諦めてこいつと結婚すればエエのにな
Sakamoto should give up playing with other women and get married to this one - 159: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 13:15:30.28 ID:/Jp+xvzC0
- どっちかつうと残念なハーフに分類されるよな
She's categorized as one of the disappointing halfies, huh - 167: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 13:20:35.44 ID:gWXlQ3up0
- これ言われたら、誰だって効くわw
This would definitely hurt no matter whom this is said to w - 171: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/11(水) 13:21:50.56 ID:t6aKG4Pw0
- まあ、望み通り叩かれなくなったときは消えたとき
But the moment she stops getting bashed is the moment that she has disappeared
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