This movie is a love story about a man and a woman in their attempt to recover from the loss of a childhood friend. The story is based on a best-selling shoujo manga and was even selected by special invitation for the Tokyo International Movie Awards. There was a lot of hype surrounding the movie prior to its release, but once it hit the silver screen, it only grossed \86 million on its first 2 days.
"It might eventually gross about \400 million in the box office. The other romance movie which was shown on the same period, Juri Ueno's Hidamari no Kanojo, has already surpassed 1.6 billion. Similarly, this is based on a best-selling novel, and has become a hit, leaving Nagasawa's movie behind." - (sports paper journalist)
Why has the movie flopped? There are also a lot of people voicing out that they do not want to see Nagasawa in a pure love story.
Masami Nagasawa's movie in 2004 Sekai no chuushin de ai wo sakebu was a major hit, amassing a total of \8.5 billion in the box office. Nagasawa appeared in numerous dramas and movies afterwards, while still carrying that clean image that she had in SekaChu. However, she has not been blessed with a major hit since.
The movie that gave her a totally different image was Moteki (2011). She went all out in this movie, as she had a deep kiss as well as a sexy scene. This path was a success for her, as she has even commanded some attention with her leg exposures in this season's Toshi Densetsu no onna 2, however...
(Continued after the jump)
- 2: かばほ~るφ ★ 2013/11/24(日) 12:18:40.30 ID:???0
- >>1
"Nagasawa-san in Kiyoku Yawaku seemed like she wasn't able to meet expectations, as people do not want something that's just beautiful. It'll be easier to understand once she's compared with Ryoko Yonekura. She has constantly changed her image from the time she made her debut, but she became a much more interesting actress after she played an evil role. Same goes for Nagasawa-san. If she gets to play in another role that will make her popularity "explode" once more, then people will probably allow her to portray any role that she can. People will still find her interesting in pure love stories such as this due to the gap in her image."
There's also this situation where love stories are not expected to become huge hits anymore, unlike before.
"Apart from Sekai no chuushin de, ai wo sakebu, other pure love stories were also hits, such as Ima, ai ni yukimasu (2004) and Koizora (2007). Pure love stories are still being produced to some extent up to now, aimed at highschoolers as well as the younger generation. But there have been less hits now compared to 7 or 8 years ago." - (Yoshio Kakeo, executive director of Kinema junpou)
Did Nagasawa make the right move in returning to her roots? Should she go for another sexy role like in Moteki, or should she try portraying something entirely new? Her next work will be crucial. - 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:19:01.85 ID:ujzlbtH40
- どうしても伊勢谷の女ってイメージが取れない
I really can't wipe off the image that she's Iseya's woman - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:19:19.90 ID:btIWofHA0
- 見てると腹黒さが伝わってくるからね
She really gives off a dark vibe when you see her - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:20:04.55 ID:i7Hr3GGV0
- 映画俳優路線で失敗→セクシー路線で復活→映画俳優路線で失敗 ←今ここ→セクシー路線で復活Failed at being a movie actress
→ Came back in a sexy role
→ Failed at being a movie actress ←Currently here
→ Came back in a sexy role - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:20:45.88 ID:RzMrPf9lO
- 都市伝説の女を映画にしたら
Why not just adapt Toshidensetsu no onna into a movie? - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:21:02.16 ID:ceUJTKVEO
- 脚みせたらええねん
Just show off your legs - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:23:03.26 ID:VLYLjQSj0
- 恋愛だの純愛だのって映画はもう企画の段階で無理があるんじゃないか?長澤じゃない他の女優を使っても客など入らんだろI think these love and romance stories for movies won't become massive hits anymore.
No one watches those these days, even if someone other than Nagasawa is cast. -
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:34:39.89 ID:+TqX167R0
- >>19まさにそれ主演が誰であろうが内容がヒットを期待できる映画じゃないThis exactly.
The lead star isn't the problem here, it's not a movie that you can expect a hit to come out from.
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:23:46.99 ID:M+4GTLlLO
- 長澤と上野じゃなくて、岡田と松潤の集客力の差なんじゃない?
I don't think the problem here is Nagasawa vs. Ueno. It must be the difference between Okada and MatsuJun's abilities to attract an audience, right? -
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:27:14.07 ID:y/GTjin/0
- >>22だよな岡田コアファンいないんだから恋愛映画で準主役に持ってくるなら主役は映画に人呼べるような女優じゃないと厳しいYou're right.
Okada doesn't have core fans.
If he'll be the supporting actor in a movie, then it'll be tough unless you cast him with an actress who has the ability to command an audience.
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:34:31.30 ID:Wzdsiu3X0
- >>22見に行くのは若い女性だろうからその可能性もあるな
Young girls are the ones who watch so that's also a possibility
- 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 13:32:54.58 ID:VHKKBFJ80
- >>22まあジャニグループ所属だと他のメンバーファンも観に来るからねでもリーガルハイ高視聴率は岡田のおかげって記事が前に出てたよWell, if a Johnny's group member is in the movie then the other member's fans from the same group will also come to watch.
But I recall seeing an article that said Legal High's high ratings were thanks to Okada.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:25:20.73 ID:z5K8IfJU0
- 上野の映画は嵐が出てるから女が見に行った、長澤の方はリーガルハイクラッシャーのあいつが相手役だからダメだった差はここでしょUeno's movie had Arashi in it so women went and watched it. Nagasawa's movie has the Legal High crusher so it wasn't good.
That's difference. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:26:50.83 ID:yV0IDoif0
- 足だけじゃなくて胸チラとか脇チラとかしてほしい
Not just her legs, I hope she also shows off more boobies and her underarm - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:28:12.00 ID:1jm1IT0K0
- 都市伝説の女は良かったと思う
I think Toshi densetsu no onna was good - 47: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/11/24(日) 12:29:59.41 ID:m2xS2vj10
- (#゚Д゚)っ - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:31:08.13 ID:cRfgOspPi
- モテキの長澤まさみ最強
Masami Nagasawa was the mightiest in Moteki -
- 454: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/25(月) 02:54:44.96 ID:GlmdrrNHO
- >>53同意こいつの真骨頂はああいう役Agreed.
This girl is better off doing those kinds of roles.
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:33:35.49 ID:3SgRzqqCO
- 都市伝説の女を映画化してくれたら、観に行く。
I'll watch if they make a movie of Toshi Densetsu no Onna. - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:36:22.46 ID:YdDwdIW4O
- コケてもコケなくても叩かれる長澤コケてもコケても叩かれない綾瀬なぜなのかNagasawa gets bashed whether she flops or not.
Ayase doesn't get bashed even if she flops and flops.
Why is that? - 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:41:48.38 ID:zPgvFech0
- こうやって脱ぐように追い込まれていくんだよな
And this is how she is driven to a corner to make her take her clothes off - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:43:44.16 ID:aEt/6j610
- 顔のタイプ的に、若かったから評価された顔だよな体型がいいからまだ見れてるけど、顔だけ見たら可愛いとは言えないよなBased on the type of her face, she was seen in a high regard because she was young.
She has a beautiful figure so people can still bear to watch her, but you really can't call her cute if you just look at her face. - 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:46:15.12 ID:Asc8OiYU0
- 岳やドラマの高校受験も良かったぞだから知名度と優れた容姿があるのだから企画や脚本が良ければハマる女優なんだよGaku and the drama Koukou Nyushi were good.
She's got the name value as well as good looks so she's an actress who can do good as long as the screenplay and the planning are all spot on. -
- 363: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 19:19:27.19 ID:X6Rd4K1cP
- >>99「高校入試」は結構ハマってたと思う
I do think she was a good fit in Koukou Nyushi
- 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:49:18.51 ID:LlvoqFLX0
- なんやかんや言っても美人だよな他の美人女優が霞むレベルWhatever anyone says, she's still a beauty.
It's on a level that will make the other beautiful actresses pale in comparison. - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:50:22.24 ID:sOMda4cy0
- 腹黒女をやれよ影で弱者を甚振るような似合ってないんだよ似合う役をしろShe should play the role of an evil woman.
Someone who harasses the weak behind the scenes.
Her current ones just don't suit her, she should be doing roles that fit her personality. - 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 12:56:20.60 ID:LuOsP1Ds0
- 今さら純愛系は無理あるでしょ
It's impossible for her to play pure romantic stories now - 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 13:00:20.59 ID:yAuriXVt0
- 脱げば大人気間違いなしなんだがな女優としての覚悟が足りない5年後に脱いでも手遅れだぞBut there's no doubt that she'll get a hit as long as she takes her clothes off.
She lacks resolve as an actress.
It'll be too late even if she decides to go nude after 5 years. - 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 13:01:18.47 ID:cay5uiSh0
- 夏帆を見習えよFollow Kaho's example
(Related post HERE) - 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 13:16:39.85 ID:4a5LNj1qO
- 身体がエ口過ぎるのに、いまさら純愛作品とかおかしいだろ。
Her body's so hot, so doing pure love stories is like totally missing the point. - 160: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 13:25:01.30 ID:Mwhuhdo00
- 長澤まさみのヘアヌードだったら1億出すところが結構あるからそれ貰って脱ぎなさい。この映画よりよっぽっど話題になるよI think a lot of producers would pay Masami Nagasawa 100 million, or maybe more, to go nude. She should take the bait and go for it.
That'll be much more buzzworthy than a movie like this. - 174: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 13:41:34.20 ID:NI4+EeT7i
- 単純に演技力がないから何やっても同じエリカ様みたいに演技力あれば1リットルの涙みたいな清純派でもヘルタースケルターみたいな悪女でもヒットするTo put it simply, she doesn't have any acting skills.
If she had Erika-sama's acting skills, then she could have produced hits doing clean roles like in 1 Litre, or evil roles like Helter Skelter. - 190: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 13:49:31.22 ID:jfN+h9if0
- 長澤ってコメディエンヌでしょその割にはスタイルルックスがいいからウケてるのにIsn't Nagasawa a comedienne?
And people like her because she's got the style and the looks. - 219: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 14:44:34.16 ID:E2CIW+/R0
- 最終的には脱がせたい方向これが長澤まさみに関する記事の90%を占めますEventually, people would want her to go nude.
This is 90% of all the Masami Nagasawa articles out there. - 234: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 15:22:26.89 ID:Uwwa/3wR0
- 伊勢谷の前は岡沢だろもう脱ぐしかないわwAnd her boyfriend before Iseya was Okazawa, right?
The only thing left for her to do is to take her clothes off w
(Related post HERE) - 246: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 15:40:42.99 ID:ecTiXScpO
- 脚見せろや
Show yer legs! - 253: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 16:16:41.14 ID:O23Ftbqb0
- 伊勢谷と付き合うような女に、純愛モノやらせるのが無理すぎ脱いで汚れ役やるのが、お似合いなってきてるMaking a woman who's seeing Iseya do a pure love story is pushing it.
Making her do filthy roles and letting her take her clothes off suits her image more. - 255: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 16:22:08.69 ID:BegdCfq+0
- 確かにwww伊勢谷の顔浮かんで失笑モンだよなwTrue www
I chuckle since I keep on imagining Iseya's face w - 274: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 16:53:53.55 ID:Rk957Ezj0
- 沢尻エリカと長澤まさみが2大若手トップ女優なんて言われてたのは2007年ごろだっけ?もはや遠い昔のことのように感じるどっちも没落の仕方が著しいIt was in 2007 when Erika Sawajiri and Masami Nagasawa were called the top 2 young actresses, right?
That already feels like a distant past.
The way both have declined is befitting of them. - 288: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 17:07:46.36 ID:59R4ndfa0
- 東宝がいつまでもお姫様扱いして腐らせてしまったな
This is because Touhou has kept on treating her like a princess and left her to rot - 317: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/24(日) 17:46:51.77 ID:PbE8NvJ40
- 脚はきれいだけど本当にこれだけしかない女優さん
Her legs are truly wonderful, but it seems like this is all she's got
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