So cute
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:15:59.31 ID:USN8OpGG
- コミュ障の女の子とかくっそ可愛い設定なんじゃあ^~
A girl with communication disorder? That's a damn cute persona ~ - 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:16:57.47 ID:5dSGYmID
- 紅白でやらかすんちゃうかこいつ
Won't this girl make a blunder at the Kouhaku? -
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:19:03.89 ID:BOhn4+IU
- >>3なんかありそうで怖い
I'm scared since that seems like a possibility
- 4: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:17:15.59 ID:45WiLEH6
- 設定設定アンド設定
It's just nothing but an act that she's putting based on her image - 6: さとうきび列車 ◆xvndEVA/8E 2013/12/01(日) 07:18:18.99 ID:H82un9RY
- しゃべくりでアカンと思ったねワイは
I did think that she was trouble on Shabekuri, though - 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:19:01.92 ID:KEJ7YmnN
- 設定設定アンド設定
It's just nothing but an act that she's putting based on her image. But she's really cute ~ - 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:19:09.73 ID:2Rf3MTSq
- ラジオでは普通に喋れてるんだよなぁ・・・
But she speaks normally on the radio... -
- 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:20:36.27 ID:DXd3bTkC
- >>10台本があれば喋れるリスナーと電話するコーナーはアカン
She can as long as there's a script.
But the segment where she talks on the phone with the listener is no good.
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:20:46.76 ID:+U45/m2N
- >>10カメラで緊張してまうんやろ
She probably gets nervous because of the camera
- 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:20:56.78 ID:6y8NTbhI
- あがり症なんやろ(適当)
She probably has stage fright (random) - 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:23:00.39 ID:B20tsUaG
- 能年スレで昔からあんな喋り方だったのか聞いたらボコボコに叩かれたンゴ…
When I went to a Nounen thread and asked if she has always talked like that, I was beaten to a pulp... - They told me, "One's personality changes as she gets older!", and "Has your personality always been the same!!?"
- The idol boards are so scary!!
- 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:27:03.89 ID:KEJ7YmnN
- >>16
お馬鹿元気天然キャラクターみたいな感じ - She didn't have communication disorder when she was still a model, though. She was like a stupid, energetic, and naturally dumb character.
- 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:23:37.79 ID:k8SebiUY
- 可愛い
家で飼いたい - She's so cute.
I want to take care of her at home. - 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:24:34.07 ID:GX+UZJZc
- 川島うみにーと浴衣で写ってる画像好き
I like her picture together with Umini- Kawashima, the one where they're both wearing yukatas. - 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:25:18.42 ID:1dFzwh3o
- 今は可愛いから許される
She's cute now so she's forgiven. I don't know what will happen once her looks start deteriorating, though. - 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:26:34.55 ID:NXFhazmh
- テレビ出てるのにコミュ障って清純派av女優みたいだな
She has communication disorder despite being on TV? That's kinda like a "pure and clean AV actress". -
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:28:03.12 ID:aj961jvh
- >>23
バラエティー苦手な女優は結構おるやろ - But there are quite a lot of actresses who aren't good when they're on variety shows
- 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:26:39.74 ID:6W01cIZ6
- ロッカーなんだよな
She's a rocker, right? -
- 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:59:59.49 ID:SSWxOQ8i
- >>24好きなバンドであっ…(察し)ってなった記憶があるわ
I remember going like, "Ah... (realizes something)", when I saw the bands that she liked
* (Shinsei kamattechan, Tsushimamire, avengers in sci-fi, Soutaiseiriron)
- 30: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:29:00.46 ID:5kGfZO2D
- しゃべくりアレ放送事故レベルやったやん
Her guesting on Shabekuri was like a broadcasting accident - 31: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:29:35.42 ID:SyORnNBt
- コミュ障演じてもあまり意味無いんだよなぁ
- But there's no point really in her portraying someone with communication disorder
- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:31:16.47 ID:N8goJgJR
- 役があればその人になりきれるだろ
コミュ障の能年ちゃんが本当の能年ちゃん - She'll be able to portray a different role if she needs to. The girl with communication disorder is the real Nounen-chan.
- 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:33:27.31 ID:WD/zr8TL
- 言うても女優やからあまちゃんの延長線でキャラ演じてるだけやろ
- But she's still an actress after all, so I think she's just acting it out, like an extension of Amachan
- 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:35:57.66 ID:VQWoBXhz
- 事務所の若い子達で出てたインタビュー動画でも一人だけ視線ふわふわしてて危ない子みたいだったけど、あれも演技だったのか
- I saw an interview of her together with the other young girls in her agency, and she was the only one who seemed like she was looking around and looked creepy. So was that also a front?
- 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:36:24.56 ID:tk8spxj0
- あのコミュ障が演技ならホントにすごいわ
If that's just acting then she's really amazing - 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:40:43.10 ID:Ku1ezE1x
- ぐうかわ
So cute - 49: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:40:48.62 ID:qu2LGUix
- ワイは能年ちゃん大好きやで
I love Nounen-chan.
I bought her calendar from fc. - 50: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:41:54.63 ID:XkSWi+3t
- 紅白楽しみ
- I'm looking forward to the Kouhaku
- 52: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:42:14.32 ID:3JnSS1+b
- あさイチで初めてトークみたけど薬でもキメてんのか思ったわ
I saw her conversing skills on Asaichi for the first time, the impression that I got was that she was on drugs or something. Well, I don't think that's the case, but it seems like she really is a peculiar girl. - 58: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:47:14.85 ID:3PZSZ/7K
- 共演者の評の方がずっとアテになるけどな
- Her co-actors are more reliable than her, though
- 59: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:48:25.50 ID:qu2LGUix
- >>58共演者からえらい可愛がられてたみたいやなこれで変な男と食っついたらさすがにショックだわ
It seems like she was really well loved by her co-stars. It'll really be a shock if she suddenly gets linked to some weird guy.
- 62: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:52:27.54 ID:W0F3e4Jo
- バンドマンと付き合いそう
I get the feeling that she'll date some guy from a band - 70: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 07:59:01.42 ID:y7WSety3
- なんかロキノン系バンドのボーカルとかと撮られそう
She might get pictured together with the vocalist of some Rokinon-kei band's vocalist - 79: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 08:03:26.77 ID:Z7Srwlfq
- 川口春奈に公開処刑されてる動画消えてるな
The video where she was being publicly executed by Haruna Kawaguchi seems to have been removed. She was talking normally in this video, and her voice was lower than it is now. -
- 86: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 08:05:53.84 ID:sithcR7p
- >>79声は低いが普通にはしゃべれてなかったぞ
She may have had a low voice, but she wasn't talking normally
- 81: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 08:04:15.39 ID:zXJYF5U6
- 自分がモデル志願で芸能界に入ってバンドもやってた女がコミュ障?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
童貞は単純だってはっきりわかんだね - She herself aspired to be a model, entered the entertainment industry and was in a band, and you say she's got communication disorder? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
You can clearly tell with this that you virgins are so simple-minded. - 90: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 08:06:43.75 ID:CNL8XbMH
- 昔のほうがむしろ無理してたやろ
売れない頃同じ寮の人間ならPCばっかりやってるって文句言われてたんやで - It felt like she was forcing herself so much more before. She even emitted a weird air in that ramen curry video.
- One of her dorm mates complained back then when she was still unpopular that all she did was stay glued to the PC.
- 93: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 08:10:22.22 ID:U4sViVT9
- コミュ障キャラなんてキモオタ童貞処女厨しか喰いつかないのに
Only the kimo-ota virgins who also worship virgins are the ones who like someone with a communication disorder character - 104: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/01(日) 08:18:06.15 ID:gFt+qVwc
- 俺もあれくらい目をキラキラさせたい
I hope my eyes sparkle like that too
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