Katsuhisa Namase and Eiko Koike will be coming back in the finale of Fuji TV's Legal High (12/18).
Namase plays Choichiro Miki, rival of Kensuke Komikado (Masato Sakai), while Koike plays Kimie Sawachi and Masato Yano plays Takao Ide -- all three coming from the Miki Law firm. They have only appeared in the first episode of this season, and went on a trip around the world after consoling Komikado who lost a case for the first time, but will be coming back for the finale and will play a huge role in the outcome of the story.
When Namase was told about public sentiments like, "Legal High is nothing without Namase and Koike......", he commented, "That's exactly true".
"But if there will be a 3rd season, we might still not be in it again (laughs). The difference from Season 1 is that we're not in the drama and because of that, things have become more extravagant". Koike follows this up by saying: "Because simpleton opponents like us aren't there anymore. We were probably too shallow, and the scriptwriter Kosawa-san probably wasn't able to write something up".
WARNING: May contain SPOILERS. Read at your own risk!
- 4: 逆落とし(チベット自治区) 2013/12/11(水) 21:38:37.73 ID:s1atxbM20
- 結局生瀬のスケジュールが合わなかったから急遽岡田じゃないの生瀬はこの間まで舞台やってよな(´・ω・`)Wasn't it just because of Namase's packed schedule that they had to suddenly switch to Okada?
Namase was in a stage play until recently, right?
http://c3scs.jp.s-msn.com/article/images/20131108/87ebcff8-49fc-4766-b360-8ebd6513862a_n.jpg - 6: バーニングハンマー(SB-iPhone) 2013/12/11(水) 21:39:56.00 ID:0JKHrYNDi
- 何がラブアンドピースだよあんなヒッピー臭い女出す時点で空気も時代も読めてないウジテレビのまけだよWhat's with that love & peace gig?
It's Uji-TV's fault for not reading the times by making a hippie woman like that appear on the show. - 7: クロイツラス(東京都) 2013/12/11(水) 21:41:03.10 ID:Ldp2mlwl0
- あれ?もう最終回!
Huh? It's the finale already! - 9: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(東京都) 2013/12/11(水) 21:41:44.05 ID:x0byOEh50
- あのブスヒッピーと演技ド下手クソな弁護士が邪魔すぎ。岡田も。そろいも揃って演技下手。That ugly hippie and the damn bad acting lawyer are just in the way. Okada too.
All of them are just bad actors.
http://movie10.sakura.ne.jp/sblo_files/xn--eckp2dtcij0pjo6m/image/1-21-thumbnail2.jpg - 14: クロイツラス(東京都) 2013/12/11(水) 21:44:00.51 ID:Ldp2mlwl0
- 3シリーズ目で生瀬と決着かな
He should settle things with Namase once and for all in the 3rd season
http://xn--o9j0bk9vvbyaw3i6d8a.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/%E5%86%99%E7%9C%9F311.jpg -
- 54: ランサルセ(奈良県) 2013/12/12(木) 01:04:48.65 ID:WebEtMdt0
- >>14全編かけて臭わせた因縁を実験動物の死が原因とかでギャグにしちゃったから戦う必要ないんだよな・・・
But the fated encounter of the 2 that went on for the entire season ended in a gag since it was just about the death of some lab guinea pig. There's no need for the 2 to face each other anymore.
- 21: 逆落とし(チベット自治区) 2013/12/11(水) 22:52:52.99 ID:s1atxbM20
- 岡田チーム急に分かりやすい悪役に変更ってwwwwよっぽと評判が悪かったのかな古美門が毛布に篭るとこ最高だな、パロディー元分かった人少ないだろなAnd then Okada's team suddenly turns into these obvious villains wwww
They must've really had bad reviews.
The part where Komikado hid under the blanket was the best. I don't think a lot of people know where that was parodied from, though. - 22: エクスプロイダー(愛知県) 2013/12/11(水) 22:53:38.81 ID:iiPfOU5H0
- おもしろくなってきたーーー
Things are gonna get interesting - 28: レインメーカー(埼玉県) 2013/12/11(水) 23:31:34.17 ID:ccX+xB2g0
- 結局、生瀬が堺倒すために刺客弁護士送りつけて何だかんだで堺とガッキーが喧嘩しながら刺客弁護士を倒すって言う
In the end, the flow of the first season that went with Namase sending over these various assassin lawyers to defeat Sakai, but Gakky and Sakai beating each one up while fighting between themselves was much better. - 33: ネックハンギングツリー(catv?) 2013/12/11(水) 23:40:15.64 ID:lDNr+50X0
- ガッキーの可愛さで全てが赦される
Everything is forgiven with Gakky's cuteness.
http://articleimage.nicoblomaga.jp/image/56/2013/b/9/b9a670788414c7406fea0173ba1a828de90c5dc01384400283.jpg - 35: 河津落とし(チベット自治区) 2013/12/11(水) 23:42:40.82 ID:qLBWNX2R0
- ガッキーの演技上手くなってるコツコツ自分ができる範囲で努力してるGakky's acting has improved.
Looks like she's been working hard to the best of her abilities. - 38: フェイスクラッシャー(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/11(水) 23:49:28.98 ID:jFCBDrVt0
- 3に向けての一応伏線だろ
They're probably laying down the foundations for the 3rd season - 40: ファイナルカット(埼玉県) 2013/12/12(木) 00:19:08.45 ID:kcMa4by80
- 取り敢えずこれで、バストの平均値は回復するね。
At least with this, the average size of boobies will be brought back up again to average
- 43: オリンピック予選スラム(東海地方) 2013/12/12(木) 00:37:27.94 ID:BeLKwjvzO
- 京香の女コミカドがまた見たかったわ
I wanted to see Kyoka play the female Komikado again
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201205/22/49/d0087549_23351271.jpg - 44: 頭突き(愛知県) 2013/12/12(木) 00:39:30.37 ID:2xqQ2xB30
- 生瀬が11月末まで舞台だったからこうするしかなかったんだろ最終回に再び戻ってくると一話後の雑誌には載ってたしNamase was busy with his stage play until November so this was all that they could do.
It was also indicated in the magazine that came out after episode 1 that he'll return in the finale. - 47: キン肉バスター(広島県) 2013/12/12(木) 00:45:34.48 ID:A8a1zOx70
- 別に生瀬と小池がいたから1期が面白かったわけではないけどな
But it's not like Season 1 was good because of Namase and Koike, though
- 51: 急所攻撃(チベット自治区) 2013/12/12(木) 00:55:10.73 ID:nQPexvWF0
- >>47そうなんだけど、今回は岡田チームがつまらなくしてるのも要因小雪で引っ張る方式は発想的に悪くないけど、観客からしたら死刑でいいわこの女と思ってしまう。酒井法子出して欲しかったなThat may be so, but one reason now is that Okada's team is making things more boring. Their idea of extending the parts with Koyuki isn't bad, but viewers would just think that "this woman should just get the death sentence".
I wanted Noriko Sakai to make a guesting, though.
- 53: レッドインク(埼玉県) 2013/12/12(木) 01:01:11.86 ID:09Yk4XCU0
- >>47そりゃそうだが一期は堺と生瀬の対立が大きな軸故に分かりやすい二期はその辺りがグダグダThat's true, but Season 1 was easier to understand as it was Sakai vs. Namase all throughout.
Season 2 is disorganized in that respect.
- 48: キン肉バスター(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/12(木) 00:47:13.06 ID:y1hM941qO
- やっと三木と沢地復活かよ。おまけで井藤も復活
Miki and Sawachi finally return, huh. And Ito, too.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20131009/15/atsuwota/49/7f/p/o0527035012710579865.png - 49: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/12(木) 00:48:09.10 ID:ZF09h+5XO
- 三木を出さなくても他の卑怯な弁護士出して古美門と泥試合させとけば良かった
They didn't have to resort to Miki here, they could have done with the other dastardly lawyers and just had them keep mudslinging with Komikado - 55: オリンピック予選スラム(山陽地方) 2013/12/12(木) 01:07:25.49 ID:rnAZItVVO
- 俳優のスケジュールとウジテレビのGOがあえば必ずやリーガルハイ三期が訪れるだろう
As long as the actor's schedules permit and Uji-TV give their go signal, then we'll definitely be seeing a 3rd season of Legal High - 45: リバースネックブリーカー(愛知県) 2013/12/12(木) 00:42:57.85 ID:e+q8zdIo0
- やっとリーガルハイが始まるのか
So Legal High will finally begin, huh.
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