Anne (27) and her co-star Masahiro Higashide (25), both starring in NHK's morning drama Gochisousan are apparently not on good terms.
"Honestly, the two are in an awkward situation. When the ratings are this high, everyone would normally be all smiles on location, but this isn't the case with Gochisousan. Anne is always irritated right from start to finish. And the more the ratings go up, the more she becomes grumpy. The staff are about to give up due to all the negative vibe that Anne has been emitting these past few weeks. And naturally, Higashide gets isolated because of this." - (program insider)
Gochisousan's ratings have constantly been going up, as it has exceeded 21% for 10 weeks and counting, easily breaking Amachan's average of 20.6% in the process. And NHK's offices are in a festive mood because of this.
"The ruckus that this has made far exceeds that of Amachan. NHK executives have been going to Osaka's studio day in and day out to bring presents and sweets. It's really all thanks to Anne." - (NHK representative)
But what really is in Anne's heart?
"She's disgusted at her partner, Higashide. Anne had to take the initiative during early stages of filming due to Higashide's inexperience." - (drama representative)
And Anne's attitude changed from November when there were rumors about her romantic involvement with Higashide on the Internet.
"Higashide stands 189cm tall, Anne is 174cm, and they really make a good couple... There were reports that the two were dating. She apparently heard this from a staff, and she just lost it." - (showbiz pro staff)
(Continued after the jump)

- 2: 急所攻撃(兵庫県) 2013/12/21(土) 21:16:00.47 ID:3mUKbjAi0
- From >>1 - 3: ジャンピングカラテキック(大分県) 2013/12/21(土) 21:17:32.50 ID:F/+6BSN30
- 知ってた
I knew that - 5: ストマッククロー(庭) 2013/12/21(土) 21:23:57.21 ID:jAM7xvwFP
- 東出でおバカちゃまなんだな。
So Higashide's schupid, huh. - 6: ストマッククロー(庭) 2013/12/21(土) 21:38:28.03 ID:BkqVSYxuP
- あさいち出てたときは言葉遣いちゃんとしてて且つ自然だったし漢字読めんようなアホには思えんかったなBut when he was on Asaichi, he was proper with his speech and was very natural.
He didn't seem like a stupid person who couldn't read kanji. - 7: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(神奈川県) 2013/12/21(土) 21:44:03.59 ID:TVT8NvRs0
- くだらねー記事だな
Stupid article - 8: アキレス腱固め(dion軍) 2013/12/21(土) 21:54:46.54 ID:kutPGipV0
- ごちそうさんの視聴率が高いのは餡じゃなくて東出のせいなのでは
Aren't Gochisousan's ratings high because of Higashide, not Anne? -
- 41: バーニングハンマー(チベット自治区) 2013/12/22(日) 02:07:21.62 ID:H6XBbvvh0
- >>8緑子さんの名演技だろ
Must be Midoriko-san's amazing acting
- 9: ショルダーアームブリーカー(大阪府) 2013/12/21(土) 21:57:17.74 ID:WRD5u1G40
- 否杏ちゃんが怒るのも当たり前Ina
You can't blame Anne-chan for getting mad at him. - 10: 毒霧(大阪府) 2013/12/21(土) 21:57:33.14 ID:A1INxf5B0
- あまロス()のキチガイ記者何人いるんだよ紅白前にまたわかりやすい工作記事が増えすぎだろステマちゃんJust how much crazy writers are there who have Ama-loss (Amachan withdrawal syndrome) ?
There's too many of these stealth marketing articles again with the Kouhaku just around the corner. - 12: カーフブランディング(WiMAX) 2013/12/21(土) 22:00:35.34 ID:CTP7+XhL0
- 杏は男友達多いタイプなだけ
It's just that Anne's the type who has a lot of male friends - 16: ジャンピングパワーボム(静岡県) 2013/12/21(土) 22:05:13.31 ID:L0TP1rU+0
- そんな性格だからおもてなしに奪われたんだろ?And Omotenashi stole her boyfriend away because she's like this, right?
She's obnoxious.
(Related post HERE) - 18: ナガタロックII(兵庫県) 2013/12/21(土) 22:08:28.57 ID:QRGFag3l0
- 全部想像じゃねーかw
But all of this is just the writer's imagination w - 19: ミラノ作 どどんスズスロウン(岐阜県) 2013/12/21(土) 22:08:44.45 ID:HUZHsNVW0
- >杏の漢字を『否』だと誤解していたようなそんなやつおらんやろ~> got the kanji of Anne's name (杏) wrong and wrote it as "Ina" (否, meaning "no" or "negative")
There's no one who'd do this~ - 20: ストマッククロー(dion軍) 2013/12/21(土) 22:16:51.65 ID:7y0ttCzfP
- 東出はなんかこの記者を怒らすようなことしたん?
Did Higashide do something to draw the ire of this writer? - 21: アンクルホールド(大阪府) 2013/12/21(土) 22:28:21.16 ID:xi/4AYcf0
- 嘘くさい記事やのう
The article smells so fake - 25: フォーク攻撃(神奈川県) 2013/12/22(日) 00:21:16.24 ID:TQDrBUoW0
- 東出くんはまったく悪いやつに見えないが出てくる全員を侮辱した記事だな
But Higashide-kun doesn't look like a bad person at all.
It's an article that just insulted everyone mentioned in it. - 28: ダブルニードロップ(兵庫県) 2013/12/22(日) 00:23:33.36 ID:azAHQbT50
- 小澤の息子ごとき滝クリにくれてやれって思うけど、取られたから惜しくなるのかな
She should just let TakiChri get Ozawa and his little general, but maybe it's something that you'll miss once it's been stolen away from you - 29: ニールキック(北海道) 2013/12/22(日) 00:25:44.10 ID:AwCWOxR40
- 小澤征悦って正四角形みたいな顔の人だよなYukiyoshi Ozawa's the guy with a square face, right?
How is that an ikemen? - 30: ダイビングヘッドバット(徳島県) 2013/12/22(日) 01:01:32.46 ID:T33EC2fi0
- 俺は東出君を支持する
I give my support to Higashide-kun - 31: ダイビングエルボードロップ(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/22(日) 01:04:22.81 ID:hPgdqmZq0
- あさいちでは雰囲気よさそうだったけどな
He gave off a good vibe on Asaichi, though - 33: スターダストプレス(関東地方) 2013/12/22(日) 01:08:54.14 ID:bTo2rrDOO
- あまオタのマスコミが必死にサゲてるのが笑えるw
I'm LOLing at the Ama-ota media who's seriously trying to sabotage this w - 36: ネックハンギングツリー(栃木県) 2013/12/22(日) 01:37:51.59 ID:KXJfltDg0
- アホな記事だねお互いにめいちゃん、ゆうちゃんって呼んでて仲良いよStupid article.
They're good friends, and they even call one another Mei-chan and Yuu-chan in real life. - 37: 急所攻撃(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/22(日) 01:48:03.24 ID:Y0Dhj13D0
- 財前直見が仲を勘違いするくらい仲良しって言ってたじゃんごちそうさんsageるためならなりふりかまわないんだな東出が行ってた高校、そんな賢くないけど台本に全部ふりがなとか重盛レベルwNaomi Zaizen said that they're so close to each other that it would even give someone the wrong impression.
Looks like these writers don't mind it as long as they can ruin Gochisousan's name.
And Higashide's highschool isn't that good, but putting furigana on the script means he's on the same level as Shigemori, huh w - 38: ダブルニードロップ(関東・甲信越) 2013/12/22(日) 01:59:37.30 ID:HNRgaBwZO
- 小澤のどこがいいのさ?俳優としても微妙だよねWhat's so good about Ozawa?
He isn't even that good of an actor. - 39: タイガースープレックス(茨城県) 2013/12/22(日) 02:03:23.46 ID:nEjTJcKG0
- 東出も歴オタだからなあ、オタ同士反発したか
Higashide's also a history-ota. So it's like a repulsion between otas, huh. - 40: 河津掛け(広島県) 2013/12/22(日) 02:04:45.52 ID:eemFq7h50
- 世界的指揮者の息子のガキデカ顔より東出君のほうがはるかにハンサムで好感がもてるがwしかもごちそうさんの人気は杏だけじゃなく、脇の配役がいいからなのにあほやろHigashide's more handsome and likable than the huge-faced son of the world class conductor.
And Gochisousan's popularity isn't just because of Anne, but because of the good supporting cast.
The writer must be dumb. - 43: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(奈良県) 2013/12/22(日) 02:13:02.10 ID:yvZBEp6s0
- さりげなく亀梨がディスられててワロタw
LOLing that Kamenashi's been dissed too w - 49: ダイビングエルボードロップ(徳島県) 2013/12/22(日) 02:20:55.12 ID:A87NZi740
- ごちそうさん出演者の人間関係はものすごい良いって出演者が今まで何度も言ってるのにななんだこの酷い記事はEven Gochisousan's cast has repeatedly said that the relationship between the cast members is really good.
What's up with this horrible article. - 50: 不知火(公衆) 2013/12/22(日) 02:33:27.55 ID:QAPDY/XN0
- ほう、小澤征悦さんはそれほどまでに知性と教養と品がある男性なんですか。
So Yukiyoshi Ozawa's a man who's smart, got good upbringing, and is classy, huh? - 57: パロスペシャル(福岡県) 2013/12/22(日) 04:16:12.49 ID:WVuFOBWx0
- 俺の杏ちゃんはそんなイライラしたりしね~ハズMy Anne-chan doesn't get irritated like that~ supposedly.
- 59: 閃光妖術(東京都) 2013/12/22(日) 04:25:43.85 ID:Ptnfcy100
- 東出君 落語が趣味の古風な良い奴なのにな
But Higashide-kun's hobby is rakugo, he's an old-fashioned nice guy - 53: デンジャラスバックドロップ(三重県) 2013/12/22(日) 03:00:44.51 ID:sm/tTz7M0
- 極めてどうでもいいwwwwwwwwww
I seriously don't care about this wwwwwwww
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