Hiro Mizushima was in Tokyo on the 9th along with the other cast members of the movie Kuroshitsuji (in cinemas 1/18) for its Japan Premiere. In front of the 2,000 people in attendance, Mizushima, who was also a co-producer of the movie, commented: "I've always tried to avoid talking about my true thoughts and intentions in places like this, but lend me your ears. I want to win in this battle!".
"It's been 2 and a half years since we started this project. It took half a year to prepare for the part and 1 month for filming, for a total of 7 months. I spent a lot of time for this. I have truly given my all, both as a creator and as an actor, for this movie, which is precisely why I'm thinking that this is my battle of whether or not it will get recognition. I want to win this battle!".
"I turned down the role numerous times, but I did feel that I was a fool for doing so. I'm sure that everyone (other cast members) have their next projects lined up, but this is the only one I have. I wish that this becomes a hit! Please look out for Kuroshitsuji!"
Ayame Gouriki who plays the role of a boy comments: "I'm really happy to be a part of Mizushima-san's comeback project. Mizushima-san helped pull us up and supported us". When asked about how she felt about her role as a boy: "The cast is full of ikemens, so I closely observed everyone to try and incorporate something into my part".
The movie is an original story, set 130 years after the manga.
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 20:50:14.59 ID:/nzobP7w0
- >映画は、原作から約130年後を舞台にしたオリジナルストーリーが展開する。ファッ?!> The movie is an original story, set 130 years after the manga.
FU!? - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 20:52:08.97 ID:lW4KiXML0
- 作家業はどうしたんw
What happened to being an author? w - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 20:53:12.76 ID:Un+dFhyq0
- カゲロウを映画化すればいいだろ
They just have to adapt Kagerou into a movie
http://hirononi.sakura.ne.jp/sblo_files/hirorin/image/KAGGEROU-thumbnail2.jpg - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 20:55:07.22 ID:oAxjSVrp0
- なんか1ヶ月で撮り終わったとか言わない方がいいんじゃないのよく分かんないからドラマみたいな安っぽさを感じてしまうわ
- I think it would've been better that he didn't say they finished filming in 1 month. It just gave the feeling that it's similar to other cheap dramas.
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 20:55:37.05 ID:hu9F++mBO
- 早く子供を作って専業主夫になればいいのに
He should hurry up and make a kid, and just concentrate on being a stay-at-home dad - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 20:59:46.22 ID:hRfuOUZQ0
- >>15嫁の病気じゃ妊娠するのは難しい
It'd be hard to make the wife pregnant with her disease
http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/top.jpg - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:05:02.70 ID:+ATEEB92O
- >>23偏見良くないバセドーでもきちんと通院治療してたら妊娠出産は可能Don't be biased towards it.
You can still give birth as long as you properly go to a hospital and have Basedow's disease treated. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 20:57:47.34 ID:hRfuOUZQ0
- 予告見ただけでも大根だと解る台詞回し
The trailer alone is enough to make you realize how he recites his lines like a radish - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:01:19.46 ID:/DD70Z2P0
- 余りにもご主人様の人気実力が不足してますが…But it's clearly evident how "his lord" (Gouriki) lacks the popularity and the talent...
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:02:15.64 ID:WFDRewHv0
- 正直昔かなりファンだったなんであんな人気絶頂期の時に黙って結婚しちゃうかなあ本人はこれに賭けているんだろうけど誰が見たってコケるのは明らか予告見たけど劣化してるし大好きだっただけに残念すぎるI was honestly a huge fan before.
I wonder why he suddenly got married like that while his popularity was at its height.
He must be betting everything he's got on this one, but anyone can see that it will flop.
I saw the trailer and he's clearly deteriorated. It really is such a shame since I used to love him. - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:03:22.85 ID:Nn1WRMNJ0
- え、小説家として頑張っていくんじゃなかったの??????
Eh? Wasn't he going to do his best as a novelist?????? - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:03:30.90 ID:6yLnCfiPP
- 作家と俳優かお笑いに映画監督に家電に料理までできる品川さんに比べたら大した才能じゃないなAuthor/Actor
Well, he's not that talented compared to Shinagawa who's
a comedian, a movie director, an electrical appliance, and a cook. - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:05:24.77 ID:tMju9Osu0
- カブトの頃はかっこよかったのにな今じゃ蜥蜴面キモメンHe was so cool though during Kabuto.
Now he's a gross lizard-faced guy. - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:07:33.75 ID:GUelSB+l0
- 今度は映画監督にでもなるのか?
So will he become a movie director next? - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:07:47.01 ID:E7+DaYOn0
- ごーりきじゃなければ見に行った
I would've watched it if it wasn't for Gouriki - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:10:57.00 ID:ncwv/RfxO
- >>40剛力の役が誰ならよかったの?
Then who should've played Gouriki's part? - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 22:33:17.81 ID:qitfDtlC0
- >>44福くん
http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/1b25d0.jpg - 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:12:39.10 ID:nfPT8NE40
- ゴーリキじゃなかったらヒットしたろうなせめて可愛い子連れて来いIt would probably be a hit if not for Gouriki.
They should've at least used a cute girl. - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:15:06.56 ID:DzdarLv50
- KAGEROUの続編を待ってる子供がいるんだぞきっとどこかにThere are children waiting for the sequel to KAGEROU.
Maybe, somewhere out there. - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:15:19.25 ID:SFYWD9GM0
- この映画の主人公を、あの剛力彩芽が演じることでも話題となりました。
"This movie has become popular because of Ayame Gouriki playing the protagonist." - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:20:54.46 ID:zhbV9tt4P
- 次 回 作 待 っ て る ん で す が 。
I'm waiting for his next novel . - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:22:19.22 ID:ykI0DvmU0
- 剛力じゃなくてゾクッとする色気をもつ日本人の美少年をキャスティングしなければ総て徒労だよ
Everything is in vain unless they cast a beautiful Japanese boy instead of Gouriki - 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:37:12.16 ID:t7WJBZfi0
- 意外と執事は似合ってると思うんだがなんで少年の役が剛力なんだろうここが演技派の美形の子役 (男でも女でも) とかだったら、随分違うのにねぇHe surprisingly suits the role of the butler, though.
But why did they cast Gouriki as a boy?
It would have totally been different if they cast a pretty child actor (boy or girl) who can actually act. - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:51:46.89 ID:+rsv0k9b0
- 水嶋先生の新作小説をみんな待ってるのにもう芸能界へ戻って俳優に戻りたいんだろうなーTo think that everyone's waiting for Mizushima-sensei's next novel.
He probably wants to return to the industry and become an actor again. - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 22:20:23.16 ID:GfTUzFCf0
- 小説も病気も本物だが独立の道具に使ったのがせこい夫婦そろって結局「金」でしょ奥さんの歌好きだったけど全く興味無くなったBoth the novel thing and the disease are true, but I think he cheated by using those as an excuse to go independent.
It's all about "money" for him and his wife. I used to like the songs of his wife, but I just entirely lost interest. - 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 22:24:03.18 ID:Qxv5rKfQ0
- イケメンって次から次に出てくるから、休んでたらすぐポジションなくなりそう
Ikemens sprout up one after another, so you'll lose your position once you take a break - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/09(木) 21:17:33.83 ID:dQ8H0EIk0
- 斎藤先生の次回作をお楽しみに☆
Saito-sensei, we're looking forward to your next novel ☆
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