Ryuhei's father was previously crowned "Mr. Kyoto" as he won in a bodybuilding competition in 2012. He used to be an aspiring actor and had Ryuhei when he was 20. He divorced the mother soon after and made a living as a Japanese taiko drum craftsman. He's an ikemen who looks like Koshi Inaba of B'z.
The woman is from Kanagawa and has had experience working at the prefectural office. She's a beauty who looks like Perfume's Kashiyuka. The marriage was made public when the wife sent mails to her acquaintances announcing their marriage during the New Year break. How does Ryuhei feel about all this?
"(Ryuhei) Maruyama himself is really happy that his father got remarried, and he now has a new stepmom and a stepbrother. I think that is also why he put in more effort into his Kouhaku performance compared to the previous year." - (TV station representative)
A bodybuilding magazine also discussed the father's decision to come back into the world of bodybuilding and comments: "Now that his son is enjoying a lot of success in his own field, he wanted to show that he too is challenging and aiming for the best as the father and decided to participate in the competition once again".
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:16:13.22 ID:t8gDFZlMO
- この丸山ってのが誰かは知らんが、こいつに近付きたいが為に親父に接近したんじゃね?ジャニヲタなら賢い選択だなI don't know who this Maruyama is, but could it be that the woman approached the father first to eventually get to this guy? That's a pretty wise move for a Jani-wota.
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:27:22.53 ID:/Dx/AEkE0
- >>4まあそうだろな
Most likely, yeah - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:27:42.14 ID:h0xz4BkL0
- >>4ジャニヲタこえええええええ
Jani-wota so scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:40:48.26 ID:i/z2Dl0S0
- >>4なるほど賢いなw
I see, how cunning w - 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:42:01.39 ID:M0U639Rs0
- >>4これがジャニオタ脳か
So this is how a Jani-ota's mind works, huh - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:17:53.90 ID:KiC3P4u80
- 家に帰ったら24歳のおかんがいるのかええのうWhich means he has a 24-y/o mother there when he comes back home.
I'm so jealous. - 352: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:53:03.31 ID:Be/oGHWh0
- >>6アイドルが関西の実家で暮らしてるわけないだろ
It's not like these idols still live in their family homes back in Kansai - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:18:05.52 ID:PTBJL6Tb0
- 父子丼とか言うなよなNo "oyakoDON" comments, please.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/picarle/imgs/e/5/e53111f8.JPG - 235: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 03:49:27.02 ID:T9ijtCTxP
- >>7むしろ父子串It's more like "oyakogushi"
* literally "parent (father)-child skewer" - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:18:25.94 ID:qgcUOSqT0
- かしゆか似の美女って意味わからん
I don't get the part saying she's a beauty who looks like Kashiyuka
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/dark_naito2/imgs/8/5/855049e6.jpg - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:21:40.62 ID:KdwPK4dC0
- 神奈川からわざわざ京都に行って父親垂らし込むとはジャニヲタ怖いな
She went all the way from Kanagawa to Kyoto in order to seduce the father... Jani-wotas sure are scary. - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:24:26.97 ID:kqKo1xhK0
- >“新おかん”は、現在24歳の一般女性だそう。 かわいい2歳くらいの男の子の連れ子もいるそうでどんな女か簡単に想像つくわ> The new mother is a 24-y/o non-celebrity with a cute 2-y/o son.
You can easily imagine what kind of woman she is. - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:27:02.92 ID:/YQnZUmJ0
- 24歳で2歳の子持ちで、さらに元県庁勤務?大学在学中に出産しながら試験に受かって、でもサクッと辞めてオヤジくらいの年の男と結婚か何か凄い生き急いでいる人生だな24 with a 2-y/o kid, and previously worked at the prefectural office?
So this means that she gave birth while she was still in college while passing the exam in the process.
Then she immediately quits her job and gets married to a man who's old enough to be her father.
It's like she's totally rushing through her life. - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:29:07.31 ID:hAppXitY0
- >>21臨時職員とかだろ
She must've been a temporary employee - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:33:56.44 ID:xR2vqIQUO
- >>21なんか色々と不思議だよね
A lot about that seems so mysterious - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:27:38.84 ID:PNuvzr0h0
- 「年下の義母」という言葉から醸し出されるAV感は異常
It's extraordinary how the term "younger stepmom" sounds so much like an AV flick - 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:24:01.42 ID:6M0DlDlK0
- >>26フランス書院のタイトルにありそう
It sounds like something you can find from a France Shoin publication - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:27:58.96 ID:PtL/W/b+0
- 丸山の親父はB'z稲葉似のイケメンでボディービルダーだからまあ女からモテるだろうけど…自分の息子より年下の女と再婚ってなったら丸山的には複雑だろうなMaruyama's dad is a bodybuilder who looks like Inaba of B'z so I can imagine that he's popular with the ladies...
But Maruyama must also have mixed feelings about marrying a woman who's even younger than his own son. - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:30:01.06 ID:bxSzvfyi0
- 丸山って30歳なのかジャニってやっぱり思ったより歳いってるやつ多いな
So this Maruyama guy's 30? Johnny's surprisingly has a lot of talents who are pretty old already, huh.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/backandforce00000/imgs/c/2/c238db66.png - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:33:30.94 ID:kPPpNN8/O
- >>33嵐、全員30代Arashi
Everyone's in their 30s - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:39:53.53 ID:blcMTyGh0
丸山父(49)ボディビルやってるだけあって体脂肪率低そうだなMaruyama's dad (49)
As expected of a bodybuilder, his body fat percentage must be really low. - 527: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 14:49:28.67 ID:HS+IEJHt0
- >>50見た目若杉だろw
Wow, he looks so youthful w - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:41:51.56 ID:2y6qkneD0
- 49歳で30歳の息子いるってのも結構すごいな
It's also pretty amazing that you already have a 30-y/o son at 49 - 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:56:28.11 ID:JDcnc6Tr0
- もともと京都じゃちょっとした有名人だろテレビにも太鼓職人として出演してるクッソイケメンHe's actually quite well-known in Kyoto.
He's a goddamn ikemen who even gets to be on TV as a taiko drum craftsman.
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:01:40.83 ID:kdD72idj0
- >>71いや息子よりイケメンですやん息子も父ちゃんの年になったらこれだけ渋くなるかなBut he's more of an ikemen than his son.
I wonder if the son will also look this cool and dandy once he reaches this age. - 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:27:52.41 ID:2RMG/GPbO
- >>71 ちょ 親父イケメンWhoa, daddy's an ikemen
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 00:59:12.77 ID:JDcnc6Tr0
- 確か大倉に最初に太鼓教えたのこの人IIRC, he was the first guy to teach Okura to play the taiko.
- 311: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 08:19:56.75 ID:jNzkfzV20
- >>74へぇーそれはすごい大倉太鼓の達人上手いよなあOhhh, that's amazing.
Okura's really good at the game Taiko no Tatsujin.
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201312/01/29/d0211229_18142266.jpg - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:00:21.12 ID:MVLOtV4U0
- 堅調に勤務していたこともあり、というので正職員だったためしがない
She worked at a prefectural office, but that doesn't necessarily mean she was a regular employee - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:05:47.53 ID:iRAXcMvnO
- 丸山の子供&恋人だけど、事務所が結婚許さないからフェイクで父親の再婚相手にしたの?Is there a possibility that this woman is actually (Ryuhei) Maruyama's girlfriend and this is his kid, but they just used the father as a front since the agency can't allow him to get married?
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:29:27.52 ID:SgmUyfofi
- >>80そこまで守り抜くほどのメンバーじゃない。世間の大半は顔も知らないしHe's not that huge of a member to be protected like that.
Even a majority of the public doesn't know what he looks like. - 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:12:33.48 ID:2Vc7o0Zw0
- 他人事だからAVかエロマンガかよwで済むけどこれが自分の親だったら割とキツいIt's someone else's business so all we say are "Damn, is this AV or an ero-manga?" w
But it'll be pretty tough if this happened to your own dad. - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:19:05.12 ID:JDcnc6Tr0
- この人な太鼓職人の顔This guy
As a taiko craftsman
ボディビルの大会At the bodybuilding competition
http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/www_dotup_org4804573.jpg - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:25:23.15 ID:MXeALzVp0
- >>88まじで稲葉さん似やんw
He seriously looks like Inaba-san w - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:28:00.57 ID:hcM4GTe6O
- >>88今でも父ちゃんの方がイケメンだな
Even now, daddy's more of an ikemen - 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 01:19:30.07 ID:LEdwQN//0
- 丸山狙いで再婚したのかと思わせるような年齢だな相手の女
The age of the woman really makes one think that she's actually gunning for the son
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