Episode 2 of TBS drama Dr. DMAT (Thursday-9:00) starring Tadayoshi Okura of Kanjani8 got 7.2% in the Kanto region. The first episode got 7.9%.
The drama is based on the manga of the same name, and illustrates the exploits of the Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) which was formed in 2004 with the full support of Tokyo's fire department. This is Okura's first leading role in a drama and his first time playing a doctor.
He stars together with Ai Kato (31), Miori Takimoto (22), and Ken Ishiguro (47).
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 06:55:53.99 ID:5GgLt18U0
- ジャニーズのドラマだと7%でも高く感じる・・・(キムタク除く)
7% actually feels pretty high for a Johnny's drama... (except for Kimutaku)
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 06:55:59.25 ID:Aixxmr4j0
- ジャニ嫌いな俺でも唯一こいつだけはイケメンだと認めるEven for a Jani-hater like me,
this is the only guy that I consider an ikemen
http://a27img.chip.jp/uimg/1/11032874/1/cez4vndmojA.jpg - 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 12:53:17.59 ID:yOYizbRp0
- >>4ワロタ
LOL - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 06:57:57.92 ID:tbizcmZh0
- 不人気ものは辛いすな
It's also tough being unpopular, huh - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:00:18.83 ID:fmjaicsU0
- イケメンだが太鼓の達人以外での認知度が低いのがネックだったのでは?俺も太鼓の達人で知ったくらいだしHe's an ikemen, but maybe what's pulling him down is that not a lot of people know him outside of his Taiko no Tatsujin exploits?
Even I got to know him because of Taiko no Tatsujin.
http://pbs.twimg.com/media/A_Q3b6oCAAEfhrj.jpg - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:01:29.72 ID:h1niLM4z0
- 4話ぐらいで太鼓叩き始めると思う
I'm predicting that he'll start beating his taiko drum from episode 4 onwards - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:02:20.68 ID:gmhP06yB0
- ジャニーズで好きなのはタッキーと成宮だけだわ
The only guys I like in Johnny's are Tackey and Narimiya - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:08:01.66 ID:Joo7oVLI0
- >>10くそ、釣りなのかマジ間違いなのかどっちだ
Shi+, I'm not sure if you're just trolling or you made a serious mistake - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 08:24:42.15 ID:UW1jwPXt0
- >>10節子、いや、何でもない"Setsuko,..."
Nah, never mind. - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:03:32.94 ID:16Ks/st30
- ジャニだけの責任にするのは、頂けない。でも観ていないから何も言えないよね。ww
It's not right to put all the blame on Johnny's. But I didn't watch so I'm not in the position to say anything. ww - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:05:03.97 ID:tbizcmZh0
- >>11共演者のせいにする、ジャニヲタのいつものアレですね
Then blame the co-stars. That's the usual trick by Jani-wotas. - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:09:03.29 ID:ZP3zxr9t0
- もうそろそろジャニは諦めましょう
Maybe it's time to give up on Johnny's - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:09:21.92 ID:6clJN4YuO
- お前ら、イケメンには冷たいな(-_-#)
You guys are all too cold when it comes to ikemens (-_-#) - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:09:59.55 ID:jEPRPo1g0
- あのTBSが半沢をやってたのか信じられんわwww
I really can't believe that that TBS was able to come up with something like Hanzawa www
http://entame-news-kazun.up.seesaa.net/image/E58D8AE6B2A2E79BB4~1-thumbnail2.JPG - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:17:33.68 ID:ovQAOGNk0
- ジャニーズとAKBが出てるドラマは視聴の選択肢に含まない
Dramas with Johnny's and AKB talents are not included in my choices - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:22:02.83 ID:fmjaicsU0
- かといってバラエティ枠にしても視聴率が取れんし・・・悲惨やな
But even if they turn this timeslot into a variety show, it still won't get ratings... that's so tragic - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:25:25.13 ID:kwLzNnZa0
- 右向けばジャニーズ左向けばジャニーズWhen you look to the right, there's Johnny's.
When you look to the left, there's Johnny's. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:28:38.66 ID:ghk1gc/OP
- 漫画原作、医療ドラマ、ジャニやる気のなさが伝わるBased on a manga, a medical drama, Jani.
You can really feel that they're not serious with this.
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/53/6f/yuirie1025/folder/871677/img_871677_32806805_0 - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:29:13.30 ID:FKVmGyl20
- テレビ局もキムタクで数字稼がせてもらった恩みたいのがあるのかもしれんけどだからってそこら中にジャニをねじ込まれるのはウンザリよ
The TV stations probably owe something to Johnny's since KimuTaku got them all those high ratings before, but that still doesn't mean that they have to shove in all these Jani talents here and there into these dramas. - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:30:31.47 ID:jEPRPo1g0
- ジャニーズ非主演の最後の警官も酷いぞ製作者側はたしかに頭を悩ませるよな誰を使えばいいってwwwEven the drama Saigo no Keikan without Johnny's talents is pretty horrible.
The producers must really be scratching their heads
as to who they should be casting www
http://www.asahi.com/articles/images/AS20140101000168_comm.jpg - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:40:27.62 ID:Fwac8Wzs0
- ジャニーズを起用するのと俳優を起用するのはどっちが費用掛かるんだろうなコメディ色強い内容ならアイドルでも演出と脚本で面白いもの作れるだろうけど、ドラマ性の強い話に素人に毛が生えた程度のアイドルを起用するのは明らかに間違いだろI wonder which is more costly, using these Johnny's talents or actors?
If the story has a lot of comedy factors then they'd be able to make something out of it even with idols as long as the direction and the screenplay are good, but I don't think it's right to utilize idols who are just like slightly better amateur actors in dramatic stories. - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:43:20.20 ID:kwLzNnZa0
- いっそアメドラみたいに無名俳優で固めてほしい
Then why not cast unknown actors like in US dramas? - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:44:37.75 ID:d7hbZnIv0
- スピードを強調するわりに、主人公のアップばかりでイライラするんだよなぁ原作好きだから全巻持ってるから期待してたけど、厨二病全開キャラになっててびっくりした保育園の先生みたいな原作キャラを、どうしてあんなに性格悪くしちゃったんだろう?
They're supposed to be emphasizing the response speed of the team, but I'm irritated at how they keep on showing tight shots of the main character. I like the manga, I have all the volumes so I was actually looking forward to this, but I got surprised at how he turned into such a childish character in this one. - How in the world could they turn a nursery school-like character from the original into someone who's got such a mean personality?
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:48:04.48 ID:UfoZObKb0
- 大倉ってジャニタレにしとくにはもったいないくらいわりと正統派なイケメンだな歌とか演技の実力は知らんけどOkura's actually a conventional type of ikemen who's wasted as a Johnny's talent.
I'm not too sure about his singing and acting skills, though.
http://tyarankyu.xsrv.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/4449.jpg - 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 07:52:14.95 ID:wxlsyT0LI
- もう医療と刑事はいいよディーマットなんか医龍とくっついてるしはなから数字取る気ないだろNo more medical and detective dramas please.
Seeing how DMAT and Iryu's time slots are bunched up together, it looks like they never really intended on getting ratings in the first place. - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 08:01:28.51 ID:OySFfvT00
- 面白いけど、エレベーターにはさまったときのトラウマが蘇って吐きそうになった震災経験者とかも見れないんじゃないの
I thought the drama was good, but I just remembered the trauma that I had when I got stuck in an elevator while watching this, and I almost threw up. I don't think the people who were affected by the disaster will be able to watch this. - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 08:03:39.05 ID:97FVMsut0
- あの内容ではジャニヲタすら見ねえんじゃないのか?
Maybe even the Jani-wotas won't be able to watch a drama with that kind of content? - 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 08:04:13.53 ID:UM8QTjQR0
- キャスト見たが酷いな・・・原作の年齢設定まったく無視じゃん桜庭周作は原作では老け顔30歳で、春子と結婚するのに八雲 響・・・大倉忠義吉岡 凛・・・加藤あい八雲春子・・・瀧本美織長谷川久美子・・・麻生祐未伊勢崎紅美・・・市川実日子小曽根達也・・・佐藤二朗村上和司・・・ほっしゃん。花田大吉朗・・・松尾 諭水野幸子・・・滝沢沙織小松健二・・・髙木雄也(Hey! Say! JUMP)八雲雷蔵・・・左とん平桜庭周作・・・石黒 賢伊勢崎勝一・・・國村 隼
I saw the cast, but it was horrible...
They're totally ignoring the age settings in the original.
To think that Shusaku Sakuraba is just an old-looking 30-y/o in the original and will get married to Haruko...
Hibiki Yakumo --- Tadayoshi Okura (Kanjani8)
Rin Yoshioka --- Ai Kato
Haruko Yakumo --- Miori Takimoto
Kumiko Hasegawa --- Yumi Aso
Kumi Isesaki --- Mikako Ichikawa
Tatsuya Kozone --- Jiro Sato
Kazushi Murakami --- Hosshan
Takichiro Handa --- Satoru Matsuo
Sachiko Mizuno --- Saori Takizawa
Kenji Komatsu --- Yuya Takaki (Hey! Say! JUMP)
Raizou Yakumo --- Hidari Tonpei
Shusaku Sakuraba --- Ken Ishiguro
Katsuichi Isesaki --- Jun Kunimura
http://wiki.d-addicts.com/static/images/thumb/9/97/Dr._DMAT-chart.jpg/482px-Dr._DMAT-chart.jpg - 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 08:07:08.35 ID:DXPdKk7k0
- 天海祐希とか、ニュースとか、ケンミンとか、和風とか、とんねるずとか、裏番組もあるからな。相当、面白いドラマじゃないと見ないだろう。Well, on the other channels you have Yuki Amami, News, Kenmin, Wafu, and Tunnels.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/tonsupo/imgs/4/1/4148f7a7.jpg - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 08:18:09.00 ID:k9NwVYw80
- これはドラマの内容がクソ過ぎるんだから 俳優を責めるのはかわいそう。
This drama is really like shi+. It's not right to blame the actor. - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 09:31:37.08 ID:dWqO1cI4P
- こんな聞いいた事もないジャニが主演ってホント安くなったもんだな
A Jani that I had never heard of before gets to play the lead. Things have really become so cheap nowadays. - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 09:33:58.05 ID:5Jc57UU6O
- DMAT自体、ほとんどの人には馴染みないからなあ東日本大震災では活躍したけど、キー局は自衛隊ばかり取り上げて、DMATはほとんど取り上げなかったからなあ
Not a lot of people are actually that aware of the DMAT.
They played a vital role during the Great Disaster of Eastern Japan, but all the key TV stations just kept focusing on the JSDAF without paying much attention to the DMAT.
http://xn--vekw70ybyi.com/wp-content/uploads/tokyo_d.jpg - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 11:38:22.64 ID:AFU9k7Yj0
- 世の中、他のコンテンツが増えすぎの飽和状態。もうテレビドラマだけのオメデタイ時代じゃないんだよ。よほどのインパクトがないと見向きもされない。大した知名度もないマンガの原作をサクッとドラマにしたって大勢の人間がみるわけがない。ご苦労さんでした。The world is just over-saturated with all these different contents.
We're no longer in an era where it's all about TV dramas.
No one would even pay attention to it if it doesn't have such a strong impact.
There's no way that a relatively unpopular manga that gets turned into a drama will be watched by a lot of people.
Thanks for all your hard work. - 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/21(火) 12:30:35.30 ID:sdBnzVBni
- 太鼓叩き出してからちょっと知名度上がったからってドラマ出しすぎ。あきるし演技うまくないのすぐばれるんだからさ…バラエティーで大事に使っておけばいいのにな。He's in too many dramas just because he became popular with his taiko drumming.
People will get tired of him and will eventually find out that he's not that good of an actor... They should just keep on utilizing him well in variety shows.
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