A portion of Arashi fans vented out their anger on the Internet once news broke out that AKB48 will be holding their concert in March 2014 at the Kokuritsu. This is because the Kokuritsu Stadium will be torn down starting July 2014, and Arashi's 2013 concert was widely reported as the "last concert at the Kokuritsu".
(Related post HERE)Sakurai was quick to notice this and comment on a sports newspaper.
He was asked the question, "Which scenery has left a lasting impression on you?", to which he replied, "The Kokuritsu. We were able to hold our concert there right after it was announced that the Olympics will be held in Tokyo, and it was huge that we got to light the torch. I want AKB48-san and many other artists to witness that scenery".
This comment received a lot of positive comments, not only from Arashi fans but AKB fans as well. Some comments were:
"That's Sakurap for you!"
"Thank you Sakurai!"
"What a good guy."
"Let's have him as our next theater manager!"
Some people called this a "mature" response from Sakurai who tried to pacify the Arashi-fans, and drew a comment like,
"What an ikemen. He's even an ikemen inside. I admit total defeat to this guy".
With AKB48's performance scheduled on March 29 and 30, and Momoiro Clover also announcing their Kokuritsu concert dates on March 15 and 16, Arashi fans were quick to vent out their frustrations: "The Kokuritsu is Arashi's sacred grounds", "I thought Arashi's was the final concert to be held at the Kokuritsu", and "Think about the feelings of Arashi's fans".
Arashi will no longer hold the prestigious title of being the last artists to perform at the Kokuritsu, as Arashi's legend will come to an end. Here's to hoping that Sakurai's words have somewhat calmed the Arashi fans down.
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:45:08.18 ID:F/t676ss0
- 荒しファンがキチガイなだけやろ
It's just that those Arashi fans are crazy - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:45:14.15 ID:9GnlFbaG0
- 大人も子供もあるかよw嵐が所有してるわけでもないのにwThere's no childish or mature responses here w
That doesn't even belong to Arashi w - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:45:28.07 ID:MtDHw7oL0
- 最後より最初のほうが良くないか?
But isn't being the "first" more prestigious than being "the last"? - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:11:42.68 ID:z/NcEDKV0
- >>7最初はSMAPだから、1番話題にしたくないんだよ
SMAP was the first so that's the topic they want to avoid the most - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:46:49.89 ID:B2FisUNo0
- アラシックが荒らしまくって嵐がこんなこと言わなきゃならない状況にしてしまったのか
Even Arashi had to resort to doing this after all the trouble the Arasicks/Arachics/Araschicks have caused, huh - 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:48:39.78 ID:u/trpG3t0
- 「嵐ファンの思いを考えろ」頭おかしいだろw"Think about the feelings of Arashi's fans"
They must be crazy w - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:53:07.49 ID:V3gcQqSUO
- >>14本当にもう言葉も出ないよなwで、肝心な嵐ヲタはどういう反応してんだろ翔くん大人!私たちも大人になろう!ってか?どんな茶番だよwTrue, I'm really at a loss for words w
And I wonder how the Arashi-wotas are reacting to this comment.
"Sho-kun's so mature! Let's grow up as well!" or something?
What kind of farce is that w - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:52:32.00 ID:d5nfXrpC0
- いちいちこんなことまでコメント出さないといけないとかファンがおかしいと大変だなw
It must really be tough if you have these crazy fans since you even need to give out comments about things like this w - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:55:05.34 ID:OpP3fvSXP
- >嵐ファンの思いを考えろ知らんがな(´・ω・`)>"Think about the feelings of Arashi's fans"
Who cares (´・ω・`) - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:55:16.48 ID:um5idlEh0
- いやいやおかしいだろwwなんでもともと自分たちのものみたいなコメントなんだwThis is so wrong ww
Why are they commenting like it belongs to them? w - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:55:57.97 ID:AesAzuzA0
- ここまで台本
Everything up to this point is according to the script - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:57:54.01 ID:K4rS7ZjDO
- 「俺らの国立競技場を譲ってやるよ」って感じのコメントに見えるんだがThe comment also looks to me like:
"We'll let you have our Kokuritsu stadium" - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:58:39.17 ID:RXjo1rI2O
- なんでそんな嵐の持ち物みたいな事を言うの?嵐のメンバーの上から目線なコメントが気持ち悪いお前らが最初にやったわけでもないだろWhy is it being spoken of like it belongs to Arashi?
Even the Arashi member's comment is gross, it's like he's looking down on them.
It's not as if you guys were the first ones to set foot in there. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:59:40.74 ID:meSUfZw40
- まぁアケカスシステムはいずれ崩壊するだろうから嵐ヲタは余裕綽々だけどな女性を味方につけてんだしアケカスは一部のきも男連中からの支持がほとんどだしWell, the Akekasu system will be destroyed eventually so the Arashi wotas are just sitting pretty.
They've got the women as their allies, while the Akekasu are only a section of these gross old men. - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 14:59:50.39 ID:JwETGD880
- ジャニヲタ「私たちが見た景色をAKBヲタにも見てもらいたい」
Jani-wotas: "We want the AKB-wotas to see the scenery that we have witnessed" - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:00:25.55 ID:jENnopq+0
- お前の家かよw
Is that your house? w - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:02:58.64 ID:ZPoDxbe60
- まあ、アラシックはマジキチ。人の域を越えたマジキチ。
Well, Arasicks are seriously insane. Insane people who have gone over the boundaries of humanity.
People can make arguments about that, but I witnessed the Shinjuku dick-lick incident up-close so anything said will have no convincing power to me.
(Related post HERE)
http://getnews.jp/img/archives/2013/07/0110.jpg - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:07:17.43 ID:opuqA7e10
- >>39新宿股間スリスリ事件でお前らのアニメキャラペロペロ事件思い出した
I remembered the anime character lickfest incident you guys did because of the Shinjuku dick-lick incident - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:06:01.81 ID:+b8abtQO0
- メディアでも“嵐が国立でライブを行う最後のアーティスト”と報じられて話題になった。先走ったメディアが一番悪いEven the media reported that Arashi were going to be the last artists to perform at the Kokuritsu, and it actually became news.
It's the media's fault for jumping the gun.
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/12/04967f9f6baafe6dd31252662b51a971_13790.jpeg - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:06:21.88 ID:yfCFQZm+0
- つーかどっちもキチガイ理論過ぎて意味がわからない
Such a crazy argument from both sides, I can't really comprehend it anymore - 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:08:22.91 ID:aNz5stHc0
- もうゴリ押しAKBはいらない
I don't need these gori-oshi AKBs anymore - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:08:39.00 ID:9OQpEmtH0
- メンバーにこんな気遣いまでさせるとか・・・嵐ファンも、メンバーにまでこんな迷惑かけるなよなwI can't believe that even the members have to show this kind of consideration...
I hope these Arashi fans would stop causing trouble to the members w - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:12:59.53 ID:0ehINGyw0
- AKBが完全に格下扱いww
AKB's totally being treated like they're of lower standing ww - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:13:06.43 ID:03D0DTodO
- 櫻井が最後が嵐じゃなくて悲しいとか悔しいなんて発言したら小せぇと言われるだけだろw
And if Sakurai said something like "I'm sad and disappointed that Arashi isn't the last", people will just call him petty, right w - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:18:36.98 ID:NB+lFt5FI
- ファンがギャーギャー騒いでるだけだからな嵐的には最後の国立なんてどうでもいいんだろIt's just that their fans are making all the noise.
I don't think Arashi even cares about being the last to perform at the Kokuritsu. - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:21:08.94 ID:r5DtYfvZ0
- >>618万になって埋められるの嵐くらいだもんな
Well, only someone like Arashi can fill 80,000 seats - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:18:47.58 ID:6G7Gx12iO
- さすが!嵐は芸能界の王族みたい!!www
Amazing! Arashi's like the royalty of the industry, huh!! www - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:19:48.32 ID:hzy6hau5i
- 櫻井が気の毒だわ馬鹿なキチガイヲタの為に火消ししなきゃいけないんだもんI feel sorry for Sakurai.
He has to go out extinguishing the flames just for the sake of their crazy wotas. - 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:21:02.28 ID:C0a0uPDv0
- 大人の対応だなサクラップ
That's such a mature reaction from Sakurap - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:26:43.56 ID:kO/TBQpE0
- AKBとかのオタが一番頭狂ってるのかなと思ってたけど嵐オタが一番イカレっぽいなw
I always thought that AKB wotas were the craziest ones, but it looks like the Arashi-otas are number one, eh w - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:30:00.59 ID:8pgysnBF0
- 櫻井松本あたりはプライド高いから口ではいい事言ってても、内心悔しがってそうだなI think that Sakurai and Matsumoto have very high pride so they might say nice things like this, but I get the feeling that they're really disappointed deep inside.
http://blog-imgs-60.fc2.com/e/n/d/endlessdream7/20131026041840d47.jpg - 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:32:29.91 ID:dqFkvyWg0
- >>85嵐がコンサートで勝手に最後だと思って、ファンにそう言っててファンを盛り上げさせたからなこの騒動の発端が嵐で、自分らがおさめなきゃならなくなったって事だなBecause Arashi themselves thought that they were going to be the last and said those things to their fans at the concert and roused them up. It was actually Arashi who started all of this, so they thought that they should do something about it.
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:36:03.81 ID:Y0n90ZPO0
- 櫻井に失笑される低能ファン
Low-IQ fans who are chuckled at by Sakurai - 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:37:35.90 ID:Rr+Mjry+0
- コミケ行こうぜ
Let's go to the Comiket - 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:51:58.35 ID:DQL5GPCv0
- 嵐信者は嵐本人に梯子外された格好か超だせえなSo it's like Arashi themselves removed the ladder that these Arashi fans have been using.
That's so lame. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 15:59:45.75 ID:SpG1Qsn40
- こんなことも言わなきゃならんのか嵐ファンはマジキチだなHe even has to say something like this?
Those Arashi fans really are crazy. - 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 16:04:10.93 ID:ZT5TT9T40
- 素直にかっけえわ、化物を何万と飼い慣らしてるだけある
But he's honestly cool. It's like he's so used to taming all these thousands of monsters. - 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 16:14:53.09 ID:6xqeHIH60
- 伝説崩壊っていうのもなんか大袈裟…w
But saying that it's the end of their legend is exaggerating it ...w - 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 16:19:56.28 ID:8GufRzkX0
- >>129伝説にして短かすぎたなwwwThat was a pretty short legend www
- 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/12/29(日) 16:16:59.56 ID:h/3vfhpm0
- 嵐もアラシックが怖いのかw
So even Arashi's afraid of the Arasicks, huh w - http://articleimage.nicoblomaga.jp/image/153/2013/c/7/c7fd33763520ab6005c31074ff34048ca4ec78601384274023-s.jpg
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