Kiyohara could not time his swings against Kamenashi's pitches and struck out in 3 pitches. After the match, Kiyohara commented: "All he threw were breaking balls. But all these world class pitchers like Matsuzaka only went up against me with fastballs" and drew laughter from the crowd.
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:36:03.15 ID:pAeYRf1U0
- 清原は緩いストレートが全く打てなくなってるな年末の特番でも緩いストレートに下半身がついていけなくなってた。Looks like Kiyohara couldn't even hit weak fastballs now.
His lower body couldn't even catch up to the slow fastball during the special program at the end of the year. - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:37:09.70 ID:ZEV/tS7D0
- 元プロでまがりなりにもスター選手だったのを打ち取るぐらいの変化球を投げるヒョロジャニーズってすごいじゃんHe's an ex-pro, and was a star player at that.
This weakling Johnny's guy is amazing for being able to throw breaking balls that can strike out someone like that. - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:37:51.29 ID:OA5kmihNP
- ヤクザにしか見えない。間違いなく彫りもん入れとるやろ。
He just looks like Yakuza to me. He must even have some tattoos on his body.
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:49:32.86 ID:RV0jgO6yO
- >>10どっちかの足の、ふくらはぎに 鯉だったか竜だったか強烈な和彫りの刺青を入れてるよ。
IIRC, he had a pretty flashy tattoo in one of his calves, I'm not sure if it was a carp or a dragon, though. - 223: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 22:12:02.55 ID:a42DAnXs0
- >>56カープにも中日にもいたことないのにw
But he's never been with (Hiroshima) Carp nor Chunichi (Dragons) - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:39:01.92 ID:xeXI2TW50
- 亀梨君から星の煌めきを感じる。
I am feeling the glimmering of the stars from Kamenashi-kun - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:39:34.43 ID:tITn/gbo0
- 読売に行かなきゃ今も西武でコーチなり何なりまともな仕事貰えてただろうよ
He probably would have received decent jobs as a coach in Seibu or something if he didn't leave that for Yomiuri - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:41:53.15 ID:wmqYcY6g0
- >>16あの時代なら巨人行って正解だろ。今は別として。個人の価値は上がったろ色んな意味で。But he made the right choice in going to the Giants at that time. Not considering his life now. I think his value as a player increased there, in a lot of different senses.
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:39:35.16 ID:wmqYcY6g0
- 清原ほど巨人ユニが似合う奴居てないよなw 歴代の巨人生え抜きの誰よりも似合ってるwなんか悪そうなオーラが凄い。There's no one else who looks better in a Giants uniform than Kiyohara w He looks better in it compared to everyone else who was snatched away by the Giants w He really looks so evil in that uniform. - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:43:26.79 ID:hlej+O8TO
- >>17
Really~? I personally think that he doesn't look good in it at all, like Etoh. - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:46:55.74 ID:wmqYcY6g0
- >>37そうか?似合い過ぎてTVで見た時鳥肌たったわw とにかく悪そうなイメージ際立って悪のオーラ放ってた。Is that so? I thought it was perfect on him, and I even had goosebumps when I saw him on TV w He really emitted an evil aura back then.
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:39:51.21 ID:RoJv0Ph30
- ていうか元プロを抑えられるだけの変化球投げれる方がむしろ凄いと思うけど?www
I actually think he's amazing for being able to throw breaking balls to defeat a former pro player like that www - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:40:16.35 ID:DQdYSNaH0
- ストレートしか打てないのか
So all he can hit are fastballs? - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:41:18.77 ID:6g4mmSIm0
- >>21ストレートも打てない
He can't even hit fastballs - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:42:31.16 ID:MBXr6tLe0
- キヨハラがTVに出た時の『ホントはヘタレだけどまあ持ち上げておこう』と言う周りの空気は異常。Whenever Kiyohara is on TV, I always feel this vibe from the other TV participants that "He's actually pretty bad, but okay, let's praise him".
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:43:08.29 ID:BNESEfKEP
- 亀梨が変化球投げられることの方が驚きやわジャニタレのくせに意外と野球上手いんやなI'm more surprised that Kamenashi can throw breaking balls.
He's surprisingly good for a Johnny's talent, huh. - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:45:05.29 ID:+BZ4nwMU0
- 妊娠してるの?
Is he pregnant? - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:45:34.95 ID:B1Gq3P6s0
- ダサすぎ・・・。がっくりだよ。ストレートしか投げちゃ駄目とか、もう、それ野球というか競技じゃないじゃん・・・。So lame...
I'm disappointed.
Saying the opposing pitcher should only throw fastballs isn't the sport baseball anymore. - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:46:17.30 ID:qy5owsEx0
- 現役時代からまっすぐを投げないのはチキン!みたいに打者に有利なアホみたいな駆け引きしてたよなHe always played mind games with opponents even when he was still active as a player by saying, "People who don't throw straight fastballs are chicken!", and always tried to put himself at an advantage
- 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:47:24.51 ID:33GF7Ydx0
- 打ってそのセリフならまだわかるけど三球三振でよく言えたなそのセリフwwI would have understood it if he made that comment when he was able to hit the pitches, but he's got the nerve for saying that after getting struck out on 3 counts ww
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:48:05.65 ID:5BOusnF50
- ジャニの中でもやきうの亀とサッカーの手越はガチだからな
Even within Johnny's, Kame at baseball and Tegoshi at soccer are pretty hardcore - 154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 21:24:05.98 ID:kYGyaoQN0
- 見た目はチャラいが野球に対しては真摯なんだよな。亀ちゃん好きやわ
He may look cheap and flashy but he's always serious towards baseball. I like Kame-chan. - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:48:18.48 ID:PCp43Io/0
- 亀梨は野球関連の仕事でしばらくは安泰か
Looks like Kamenashi has a pretty secure future with his baseball-related projects - 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:51:32.02 ID:G++h/Z/M0
- 素人相手にまっすぐ、まっすぐってこんな思考回路持ってなきゃもう少しましな選手になってただろうにTelling an amateur opponent to throw a straight pitch like that...
If he just didn't think this way, he could have at least been a better player. - 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:54:30.68 ID:C6y6FjsF0
- >>63これ、自虐交じりの冗談で言ってるんだよね
He was also putting himself down here, telling it as a joke - 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:56:01.57 ID:gDpwIYwd0
- >>63これは流石に冗談でしょw 清原も自分の立ち位置分かってるって
This is just a joke w Even Kiyohara knows his position. - 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:52:43.01 ID:PG+URj5I0
- 村田兆治のストレートには手も足も出なかった。亀梨の変化球にも当たらないとなると打てる球ねーじゃん。He couldn't even hit Choji Murata's fastball.
And if he can't even hit Kamenashi's breaking ball then he can't hit anything. - 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 20:55:52.20 ID:ytyAgyhB0
- 元々変化球に弱いしな。だから、変化球投げるピッチャーにはやじったり睨みつけたりして、ストレート勝負に持っていかそうとプロ時代からしてたし。高校球児でも今は変化球豊富だからな。今の高校野球だと清原大して活躍できんかったかもね。He's always been weak against breaking balls.
That's why he always heckled and glared at pitchers who kept throwing breaking balls, even when he was still a pro player. Kiyohara probably wouldn't have been able to do well if he was playing highschool baseball these days. - 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 21:00:30.32 ID:ytyAgyhB0
- 怖そうに見えるけど、外国人選手相手にはチキンだし。いちゃもんつけれるのは日本人選手とか在日選手くらい。誰にでもいちゃもんつけるのなら、一つのキャラとして成立するのにwHe may look scary, but he always chickened out against foreign players. He could only pick fights against Japanese or Zainichi players. He could've established a character if he was just able to niggle at anyone w
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 21:05:37.65 ID:0iH3TXPz0
- ジャニとやるならまだ新庄の方が絵になる
Shinjo would have looked better againist a Johnny's talent - 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 21:06:58.89 ID:YrCQH3DR0
- ジャニーズにストレートを要求wさすがに酷すぎですよAsking a Johnny's guy to throw a fastball w
That's horrible. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 21:07:15.58 ID:bDcsEBqW0
- 阪神の亀山みたいになりそうやな膝が壊れるでHe might become like Hanshin's Kameyama.
His knees won't last. - 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 21:08:16.60 ID:3vYMaKHU0
- >>119
- 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/05(日) 21:14:47.86 ID:2aJBKK2g0
- 明日にも突然死しそうな体つきや顔色だ
His body and the color of his face looks like he'll just suddenly die tomorrow
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