Partial list of the nominees after the jump.
Shonen H
Soshite chichi ni naru
Tokyo Kazoku
Fune wo amu
Rikyu ni Tazune yo
Animation of the Year
Kaguya hime no monogatari
Kaze Tachinu
Captain Harlock
Gekijoban Mahou Shojo Madoka ☆ Magika
Lupin III vs. Meitantei Conan THE MOVIE
Director of the Year
Yuya Ishii (Fune wo amu)
Hirokazu Koreeda (Soshite chichi ni naru)
Kazuya Shiraishi (Kyouaku)
Koki Mitani (Kiyosu Kaigi)
Yoji Yamada (Tokyo Kazoku)
Screenplay of the Year
Hirokazu Koreeda (Soshite chichi ni naru)
Izumi Takahashi/Kazuya Shiraishi (Kyouaku)
Koki Mitani (Kiyosu Kaigi)
Yoji Yamada/Emiko Hiramatsu (Tokyo Kazoku)
Kensaku Watanabe (Fune wo amu)
Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Ebizo Ichikawa (Rikyu ni Tazune yo)
Isao Hashizume (Tokyo Kazoku)
Masaharu Fukuyama (Soshite chichi ni naru)
Ryuhei Matsuda (Fune wo amu)
Ken Watanabe (Yurusarezaru mono)
Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Aya Ueto (Bushi no kondate)
Machiko Ono (Soshite chichi ni naru)
Yoko Maki (Sayonara keikoku)
Aoi Miyazaki (Fune wo amu)
Kazuko Yoshiyuki (Tokyo Kazoku)
Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Joe Odagiri (Fune wo amu)
Satoshi Tsumabuki (Tokyo Kazoku)
Pierre Taki (Kyouaku)
Ryuhei Matsuda (Tantei wa BAR ni iru 2)
Lily Franky (Soshite chichi ni naru)
Lily Franky (Bushi no kondate)
Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Yu Aoi (Tokyo Kazoku)
Machiko Ono (Tantei wa BAR ni iru 2)
Miki Nakatani (Rikyu ni tazuneyo)
Yoko Maki (Soshite chichi ni naru)
Kimiko Yo (Bushi no kondate)
Newcomer of the Year
Shiori Kutsuna (Yurusarezaru mono/Tsuyanoyoru ari ai ni kakawatta, onna tachi no monogatari)
Haru Kuroki (Fune wo amu/Sougen no isu)
Mitsu Dan (Amai Muchi)
Kokone Hamada (Oshin)
Gou Ayano (Yokomichi Yonosuke/Natsu no owari)
Masaki Suda (Tomogui)
Gen Hoshino (Hakoiri musuko no koi/Jigoku de naze warui)
Tatsuki Yoshioka (Shonen H)
Full list here:
- 2: キチンシンク(愛知県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:33:19.49 ID:SkQb8Wla0
- あれに価値ってまだあるの
Does this award still have any sort of value? - 4: セントーン(東京都) 2014/01/16(木) 15:33:37.93 ID:PdiDVYiE0
- 日本アカデミーなんて何の権威も無いだろ。映画会社が内々で盛り上がってるだけ。But the Japanese Academy has no authority whatsoever.
Only the movie companies are getting excited among themselves. - 5: 膝十字固め(埼玉県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:34:34.85 ID:UyaUtOmN0
- 利休て無意味にチョンマンセーして叩かれたやつかw
The movie Rikyu is the one that praised the Chon for no reason and got bashed? w - 6: ダイビングエルボードロップ(神奈川県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:34:36.91 ID:QbgVaftt0
- 邦画界の自己満足賞
Self-satisfaction awards of the Japanese movie industry - 9: トラースキック(兵庫県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:36:43.51 ID:nGY6uqBg0
- 去年は割りと邦画面白かったがなあ文句言ってる奴は本当に見てるんだろうかBut I did think that we had a lot of good Japanese movies last year.
These people who keep criticizing them, have you really seen all of them? - 11: スターダストプレス(SB-iPhone) 2014/01/16(木) 15:37:45.19 ID:xPLB6TZ6P
- >>9面白かったの教えて去年のやつならレンタル出てるだろうしTell me which ones are good.
The ones that were shown last year can probably be rented already. - 12: バックドロップホールド(富山県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:38:29.43 ID:+7T0eepC0
- 永遠の0は大ヒット中だけどジャニ主演だから対象外か
Eien no Zero is currently a mega hit, but it's not included because a Johnny talent played the lead?
(Related post HERE) - 18: 超竜ボム(北海道) 2014/01/16(木) 15:41:18.50 ID:me3aZpEZ0
- かぐや姫ってどんな興行の仕方なの音信不通なんだがHow was Kaguya-hime's box-office performance?
There seriously has been no news about it. - 20: ドラゴンスリーパー(関東・東海) 2014/01/16(木) 15:44:11.28 ID:EkgQ8aDTO
- 司会が樹木希林とかマジウザい松田龍平尾野そして父になるKirin Kiki as the host is seriously irritating
Ryuhei Matsuda
Soshite Chichi ni naru - 63: スターダストプレス(SB-iPhone) 2014/01/16(木) 17:23:18.30 ID:G6pkajxwP BE:1510966973-2BP(2)
- >>20樹木希林もういくらも先ないんだから 花道飾らせてあげてくれ
There's nothing more for Kirin Kiki from here on, so just let her have her last hurrah - 23: ジャストフェイスロック(チベット自治区) 2014/01/16(木) 15:48:17.83 ID:lOIUjIYZ0
- 壇蜜が入ってる時点でお察しw出来レースだろなYou guys should already get a clue seeing how Mitsu Dan is there.
Must be rigged. - 24: オリンピック予選スラム(千葉県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:49:38.30 ID:+l0h84fi0
- まあレコード大賞よりはまだましなんじゃないか・・・
Well, I do think this is more decent than the Japan Record Awards...
(related post HERE) - 26: 目潰し(新潟県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:52:22.39 ID:ie0gyN8y0
- ルパン三世VSコナンが入ってる時点でお察し
You should already realize it seeing how Lupin III vs. Conan is in there - 31: エルボードロップ(愛媛県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:56:20.20 ID:OUoXs8Uf0
- 日本アカデミー賞って名前が恥ずかしいからいいかげん変えろよ
The name "Japanese Academy Awards" is so embarrassing, just have it changed already - 35: フライングニールキック(兵庫県) 2014/01/16(木) 16:05:00.05 ID:O9prRhDe0
- 舟を編むがけっこう賞をとってるらしいがあれはちょっと良い映画と言う感じの地味な映画だったなI heard that Fune wo amu has been getting a lot of awards, but that one was actually just a plain movie that 'seemed like a good one'
(Related post HERE) - 36: ジャストフェイスロック(チベット自治区) 2014/01/16(木) 16:09:11.97 ID:lOIUjIYZ0
- 舟を編むはすげえ若い監督だったような期待値も入った評価だろな予告編見て見たが、これ劇場で見てみようと思うのはどんな層よwIIRC, Fune wo amu's director was very young.
He must've been recognized here, along with the promise of his potential.
I saw the trailer, but who were the people who wanted to watch something like that in the theaters w - 40: 毒霧(やわらか銀行) 2014/01/16(木) 16:14:08.87 ID:cSOjRbcU0
- >>36ワシは見てみたいが
I want to, though - 44: フライングニールキック(兵庫県) 2014/01/16(木) 16:16:44.96 ID:O9prRhDe0
- >>36映画なんて好きな監督で見る人もいるからな石井監督のちょっと前の作品で川の底からこんにちはは、かなり良い映画だったよThere are a lot of people who watch movies just because they like the director.
Director Ishii's past movie Kawa no soko kara konnichiwa was a very good one. - 45: ジャストフェイスロック(チベット自治区) 2014/01/16(木) 16:20:56.95 ID:lOIUjIYZ0
- >>44評価されてる岩井俊二、青山真治、是枝裕和の作品がんばって見て見たが、ガッカリレベルだったもう二度と騙せれないわwwI tried watching the movies of the recognized directors like Shunji Iwai, Shinji Aoyama, and Hirokazu Koreeda,
but all of them were disappointing.
I won't be tricked again ww - 46: フライングニールキック(兵庫県) 2014/01/16(木) 16:22:55.66 ID:O9prRhDe0
- >>45その3人が評価されてたのなんてだいぶ前だと思うのだが見てから気に入った監督の作品なら気になるだろ?見ないなら見ないで別にいいけど
I think that it was a long time ago since those 3 were recognized, but you'd also become curious about the other movies of the director if you liked one of his movies, right? It's not an issue though if you don't watch it. - 49: 毒霧(やわらか銀行) 2014/01/16(木) 16:26:26.89 ID:cSOjRbcU0
- >>45>岩井俊二、見てない>青山真治、知らん>是枝裕和「誰も知らない」と「歩いても歩いても」だけ見たがけっこう好き>Shunji Iwai
Haven't watched
>Shinji Aoyama
Dunno him
>Hirokazu Koreeda
I only saw Dare mo shiranai and Aruitemo Aruitemo but I liked both - 38: レッドインク(岐阜県) 2014/01/16(木) 16:12:49.28 ID:FL/qO1Bw0
- 樹木希林が会場をドン引きさせそうな予感
I get the feeling that Kirin Kiki will make the entire place feel appalled - 42: 32文ロケット砲(茨城県) 2014/01/16(木) 16:15:53.74 ID:Kfx7cces0
- >優秀アニメーション作品賞:「かぐや姫の物語」「風立ちぬ」「キャプテンハーロック」>「劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 新編 叛逆の物語」「ルパン三世VS名探偵コナンTHE MOVIE」上映したアニメほぼ全部だろ>Animation of the Year
>Kaguya hime no monogatari
>Kaze Tachinu
>Captain Harlock
>Gekijoban Mahou Shojo Madoka ☆ Magika
>Lupin III vs. Meitantei Conan THE MOVIE
That's almost all the animation movies that was shown last year. - 43: フロントネックロック(愛知県) 2014/01/16(木) 16:16:22.09 ID:R1DP1E6R0
- 清須会議は入らないの?
Kiyosu Kaigi isn't nominated? - 51: 16文キック(東京都) 2014/01/16(木) 16:29:59.73 ID:m/B8+Vhd0
- 日本アカデミー賞って何人かの俳優女優監督でトロフィーをぐるぐる回してお互いに褒めあってる気持ち悪い賞だろw
But the Japanese Academy Awards is this disgusting award that's just being passed around a certain number of actors, actresses, and directors as they praise each other, right? - 52: ときめきメモリアル(兵庫県) 2014/01/16(木) 16:31:18.08 ID:Haal1Xye0
- >>51今年はおかしい余さん以外常連組が消えたThis year's an exception.
All the usual faces aren't there except for Yo-san. - 57: 16文キック(東京都) 2014/01/16(木) 16:36:28.40 ID:m/B8+Vhd0
- >>52ホントだ!?言われてソース見たけど常連組がほとんどいない何があったんだwYou're right!?
I looked at the source after you mentioned it, but the usual suspects are missing.
What happened w - 15: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(青森県) 2014/01/16(木) 15:39:43.87 ID:WFm+oeT40
- 剛力が入ってない やり直しw
Gouriki not nominated? Do it again w
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