The NHK Taiga drama Gunshi Kanbee will begin on January 5 with V6 member Junichi Okada as the lead.
The main charater Kanbee Kuroda was a tactician under Hideyoshi Toyotomi. He is also a war general whom Hitoshi Matsumoto of Downtown has expressed admiration for on TV and radio.
Dramas which were set in the sengoku era, or the "warring states period", have historically done well. 1987's Dokuganryuu got an average rating of 39.7%, first all-time among Taiga dramas. Other dramas set in the sengoku era are 1988's Takeda Shingen (2nd all-time), 1965's Taikouki, 1983's Tokugawa Ieyasu and 1996's Hideyoshi -- all of which got over 30% for the yearly averages and is said to be the empirical way for Taiga dramas.
This was preceded by Yae no Sakura starring Haruka Ayase, which began broadcast in January 6, 2013. It got 21.4% for the first episode, but ratings gradually declined as the finale only got 16.6%. The average for the entire drama was 14.6%, 4th lowest of all time.
Taiga dramas of recent years have been struggling, the most notable is 2012's Taira no Kiyomori which featured Kenichi Matsuyama. This had the worst average of all-time for a Taiga drama with 12.0%. Looking at the Taiga dramas for the past years, 7 out of the 10 have had averages below 20%, excluding Yukie Nakama's Koumyou ga Tsuji (2006), Aoi Miyazaki's Atsuhime (2008), and Satoshi Tsumabuki's Tenchijin (2009). Even Masaharu Fukuyama's Ryōmaden only got 18.7%.
Top 10 NHK Taiga dramas Dokuganryuu Masamune
2. Takeda Shingen
3. Kasuga no Tsubone
4. Akouroushi
5. Onna Taikouki
6. Tokugawa Ieyasu
7. Taikouki
8. Hideyoshi
9. Inochi
10. Hachidai Shogun Yoshimune
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 09:56:34.86 ID:TCHfBCjj0
- 竹中の秀吉が狙いすぎて興ざめした軍師役をジャニがするじたい大河ファンはげんなりです風林火山の内野さんみたいな本当の役者を選抜してくれ
I lost interest since it felt that they were aiming too high by making Takenaka play Hideyoshi.
And I'm sure that Taiga fans are disgusted at how a Jani gets to play this tactician.
I hope they cast true actors like Uchino-san in Fuurinkazan. - 196: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 11:12:13.99 ID:clQh1OV/0
- >>3竹中の秀吉は俺の中ではこれまでのベスト5に入ってる。人によって見方感じ方が違うものだな。
But Takenaka's Hideyoshi is in my top 5 of all time.
People really do have differing tastes, huh. - 213: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 11:22:19.45 ID:IKZJuxRjP
- >>1963は今年の大河の秀吉が竹中なのを言ってるんだぞ昔の竹中秀吉は文句ないよ3's talking about Takenaka reprising his role as Hideyoshi in this year's Taiga.
There are no complaints with Takenaka's taiga drama Hideyoshi. - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 09:57:19.61 ID:4zyIZXnx0
- 戦国ものはいいとしてジャニが主役では巻き返しは無理だろ聡明で腹黒な官兵衛ってキャラとは真逆の人選だしDoing a Sengoku-era drama's a good move, but they won't be able to recover from their recent setbacks with a Johnny talent as the lead. He's the complete opposite of the cunning and evil Kanbee.
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 09:58:47.64 ID:vx+FY0790
- もう真田太平記の再放送でいいよいい役者が死んでどうにもならんWhy don't they just show reruns of Sanada Taiheiki?
Good actors have died so we can't do anything about this anymore. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:40:43.16 ID:T5bUdnPw0
- >>8今考えると贅沢な人選だったな で、結構面白かった。Looking back at this, it really had quite an extravagant cast.
And it was really good. - 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:45:43.11 ID:vx+FY0790
- >>119今の大河は脚本がファンタジー全開役者は元アイドルだらけ演出は学芸会レベルたがらなぁどうしようもない…Taiga dramas these days:
Too many fantasy aspects in the script
Actors are mostly former idols
Direction and screenplay is on the level of school plays
Really, there's no more helping it... - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 09:58:48.65 ID:ulZ1aKPm0
- 女が出張ってくるから今回も官兵衛の嫁が活躍すんだろうな
Women will always try to come forward so Gunbee's wife will probably have her time in the spotlight as well - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 09:59:56.33 ID:0oELJVCt0
- 正直、綾瀬はるかがなぜもてはやされるのかさっぱりわからん
I honestly have no clue why people are all praises for Haruka Ayase. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:04:05.03 ID:vFQywHm0O
- >>11ホリプロだから。
Because she's from Hori-Pro - 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:01:39.44 ID:BswzInQXi
- 伊達政宗でホモォなシーンを入れれば視聴率半端ねーと思うよ
I bet that the ratings would be insane if they did a Masamune Date drama with homo scenes - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:02:41.55 ID:NKuEhnSGO
- 黒田官兵衛はテーマとしてはいいがジャニタレでは・・・・・・・見る気無し
Kanbee Kuroda is a good theme for a drama but a Johnny talent?... No thanks. - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:04:13.76 ID:TzIhqbZGP
- 大河でなんで主役級に女性いるか不思議脇ならわかるがIt's always a mystery to me why there are a lot of women who play all these main roles in Taiga dramas.
I'd understand it if they were just in supporting roles but... - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:09:34.45 ID:6R4Xl6Hw0
- >>19スター級の男優が少ないのだ
Because there aren't that many male actors whom we can consider as stars - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:05:08.12 ID:iDK/H2jo0
- 信長、秀吉、家康のど真ん中でいける環境なのに無駄にひねりすぎ王道ばかりのときにひねるのは大事だが、ひねりがメインになると迷走するThey're in an environment where they can do main stories like Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, or Ieyasu, but it feels like they're trying to make it too unorthodox. It's important to add some twists and the occasional odd stuff when you keep on heading down the empirical path, but you'll just run astray if that occasional odd stuff becomes the main theme.
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:05:36.50 ID:vpBiklBB0
- 女主人公いらないんじゃね 最近は男女平等で交互に男女主役だがそれが視聴率低下の一因だよI don't think we still need female leads. They've been alternating the male and female leads recently, but I think that's one of the reasons for the drop in ratings.
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:07:37.07 ID:vFQywHm0O
- >>22春日局あたりはまだマシだったんだがな…今は俳優の力量じゃなく、事務所の力で主演が決まっちゃうからな。It was still pretty decent during the time of Kasuga no Tsubone, though...
But now, these roles aren't decided according to the actor's abilities, but by their respective agency's authorities. - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:05:45.44 ID:HLr2zAP40
- 篤姫あたりからクソ大河だらけでもうこの時間に大河見る習慣がなくなったな
The Taigas from Atsuhime onwards were all too shi++y and I lost that habit of watching Taiga dramas during this time slot
- 210: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 11:21:47.00 ID:AzhvwUgsi
- >>23篤姫が中途半端に当たっちゃったのが良くなかった
Atsuhime becoming a half-a$$ed hit like that wasn't good for Taigas in general
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:06:10.01 ID:7Dxju/RJO
- 玉木宏のパワーダウンしたバージョンのV6岡田に取れるわけないだろw
There's no way that a watered down version of Hiroshi Tamaki a.k.a. V6 Okada will be able to get the ratings w
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:07:24.42 ID:dAqjhpmF0
- NHKは視聴率が悪くても一定の収入があるから気にしないでしょ
But NHK won't mind the bad ratings since they'll still have consistent income
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:12:13.46 ID:R8rU2wBz0
- >>27スタッフが出世のために気にするんじゃないかな
I think the staff are concerned with it for their own promotion
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:07:26.89 ID:4zyIZXnx0
- まだ半兵衛の方が良かったんじゃないかで、主役が5月頃に死ぬとHanbee would have probably been a better theme.
Then the lead will die around May.
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:09:28.59 ID:EL6KUbYf0
- 批判多いが官兵衛のビジュアルの岡田ははまってる気がしたのだが岡田の演技は木更津以外見たことないからわからんがThere are a lot of criticisms, but I think Okada visually suits Kanbee well.
I haven't seen him act since Kisarazu though, so I can't really say anything.
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:10:23.61 ID:f/E+3bHv0
- とりあえず歴史戦国物で主人公が平和主義的な見方を持ってるっていう設定やめろまずはそれからだ
They should begin by putting an end to having pacifist lead characters in these sengoku stories
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:14:31.06 ID:duz9Lawq0
- >>36どうもそう言う設定好きだよな。当時の価値観からしたら有り得ないのに。戦わずして勝なら分かるが。後、戦国物なら女性の出番はほとんど無いだろ。常識的に考えて。影の功労とかにスポットを当てるなら、それはもう戦国物では無い。They really like that kind of setup. Something like this would have been impossible with their values back then. I'd get it though if they would think of obtaining victory without fighting.
And with some common sense, one should know that women have very limited roles in these sengoku era dramas. If they want to put a spotlight on their contributions behind the scenes, then you can't call that a sengoku drama anymore.
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:11:26.55 ID:a1RhOU4V0
- 日本の歴史は乱世だった時代が限られるからないっその事太平洋戦争テーマにしたら?There are limitations in Japanese history especially when it was in a state of anarchy.
Why don't they make a drama about the Pacific War?
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:13:20.62 ID:4zyIZXnx0
- >>38大河って日本史じゃないとダメなのか?三国志やればジャニ主演でも30%超えると思うわDoes Taiga really need to be from Japanese history?
I think they'll be able to get over 30% if they did something about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, even with Johnny's playing the lead.
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:12:33.05 ID:lvJ3IR4x0
- 幕末と戦国の繰り返しでは飽きられて当然
Of course, people will grow tired of rehashes about the Bakumatsu era and the Sengoku era.
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:14:08.36 ID:TzIhqbZGP
- >>41いっそ坂上田村麻呂とか蘇我物部の争いとかまで戻してみっか
What about going all the way back to Sakanoue no Tamuramaro or the war between Soga and Mononobe?
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:15:02.11 ID:zt6mziOP0
- ジャニタレか もう楽しみだったのに ああ みないわ
A Johnny's talent, huh... I was looking forward to this... Ahh... I won't watch it.
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:15:30.77 ID:FNHyn3lw0
- 岡田准一て生粋の役者さんかと思ったらV6だったのな。元アイドルでも化けるのいるんだな。竹中・秀吉も懐かしい感じがして悪くない。I always thought Junichi Okada was a genuine actor, but he's from V6, huh?
So there are cases like him where a former idol would make a huge transformation, huh.
And Takenaka playing Hideyoshi feels so nostalgic, so this drama feels good to me.
- 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:19:15.03 ID:RccScIGw0
- >>49元ではなく、一応現役アイドルですw
Not "former", he's still an idol w
- 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:45:46.29 ID:HuDNywFc0
- >>49それどころか岡田は元々「元気が出るテレビ」という昔あったバラエティ番組出身のイロモノなんだがw
Okada was actually a special case since he came from a variety show back then called Genki ga deru terebi
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:16:32.30 ID:RccScIGw0
- 腹黒イメージなのに義理堅く裏切らない、家族や家臣に対する愛情あふれた人間ドラマっていう路線もな~確かに結果として一度も裏切っちゃいないが、長政との仲もそれほど良かったわけではないだろうに。Kanbee has an evil image, but they're going for a human drama where he's loyal and doesn't betray, and is filled with love towards his family and his vassal, huh...
Well, he never did betray them but he wasn't exactly on good terms with Nagamasa.
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:17:37.64 ID:87/Kjf6j0
- >>54秀吉に警戒された理由がねえじゃんw
But there's no reason for Hideyoshi to be cautious of him, then w
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:23:52.75 ID:RccScIGw0
- >>60歴史上は信長死んだときに冷静に腹黒アドバイス言っただけで警戒されたってなってるけどね~。関ヶ原の話もそうだけど、実際のところ秀吉美化させるためと、徳川政権にも貢献してんだって子孫のアピールの仕方に問題があるのかねwBut in history, he just gave some cruel advice when Nobunaga died, and that's how they became cautious of him.
This is also true with the Sekigahara story, but I think the trouble lies in trying to glorify Hideyoshi, as well as the methods of how his descendants are trying to prove a point that he also made contributions to the Tokugawa regime w
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 10:26:15.05 ID:TYsbs4wq0
- またスイーツ戦国ドラマじゃないのかw
Isn't it just another sweet sengoku drama? w
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/02(木) 09:59:58.74 ID:ntPnVtj+0
- 大河『ドラマ』が観たい。I want to watch a proper Taiga "drama"
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