▼ Says something mysterious at the start: "It's as if the NHK hall is alive".
▼ When introducing NMB48, she couldn't pronounce the name "Enu Emu Bee" properly and chokes on her words.
▼ Pronounces "Hatsu shutsujou" *(first time performance) as "Hatsu shuchujou".
▼ Couldn't react well to Akihiro Miwa's foreign language and chooses to ignore it.
▼ Asks Ryotaro Sugi "Sugi-san Ikaga desu ka?" *(How do you find it, Sugi-san?), judge and husband of singer Natsuko Godai, the same question 2x, before and after his wife's performance and draws a weird reaction from him.
▼ Forgets the name of Yoshimi Tendo's song
▼ Sings "Hana wa saku" → reduced to tears
▼ Because Ayase cried, Tekken's bit had to be cut from the program as they shifted to the news report.
▼ When introducing aiko's song, she said "aiko-san's Momo..." instead of "aiko-san's Loveletter".
▼ She doesn't look at the camera too much, leaving a lot of viewers feeling anxious and worried.
- 6: トペ コンヒーロ(関西・北陸) 2013/12/31(火) 22:14:26.59 ID:X/ilcETN0
- 何だ今年の紅白wグダグダにも程があるわwWhat the heck was with this year's Kouhaku w
There's a limit to being too disorganized, you know w - 7: ヒップアタック(埼玉県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:15:57.05 ID:FLmh6soi0
- 誰だよっつーか大河に出たから起用されただけだろ
Who the heck? Rather, she was just used as the host because she was in the taiga drama, right? - 10: ナガタロックII(北海道) 2013/12/31(火) 22:16:50.29 ID:RZglXFxmO
- 鉄拳のは完全にネタだろ
That Tekken bit was completely a gag, right?
http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20131231220705.jpg - 14: レッドインク(大阪府) 2013/12/31(火) 22:21:02.90 ID:GYrb0GC80
- 何だかんだで好評なんだなwBut it was still received favorably w
- 15: エルボードロップ(長屋) 2013/12/31(火) 22:22:22.96 ID:mLTxGI+g0
- 歌で泣いたんじゃないだろwwwwwww
She didn't cry because of the song wwwwwwww - 18: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(福島県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:23:55.81 ID:WA2sUUVy0
- 最初の方だけ見たけど、今にも泣きそうになってたな
I only watched the beginning, but she looked like she'd cry any minute - 22: ショルダーアームブリーカー(WiMAX) 2013/12/31(火) 22:25:07.36 ID:TluyMGvw0
- 綾瀬の涙でもらい泣きしてたら、後ろでかーちゃんかもっと泣いてたWhen I sympathized with Ayase and cried along with her, my mom was crying a whole lot more behind
- 25: パロスペシャル(西日本) 2013/12/31(火) 22:25:40.22 ID:OBArGAf50
- 仕事なめてんな。これでもプロか?She's looking down on her job.
Is she a pro? - 26: メンマ(チベット自治区) 2013/12/31(火) 22:25:41.23 ID:Lt5LTcEA0
- 歌より綾瀬の司会のが面白い
Ayase's hosting was more interesting than the songs - 30: パイルドライバー(滋賀県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:26:55.45 ID:/pmrSm620
- 三輪とのやり取りは笑ったわw
Her bit with Miwa was so funny w - 33: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(福島県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:27:55.50 ID:WA2sUUVy0
- ああ、八重の主演やってた奴なのか。大河の時より全然いいじゃん。やっぱ言葉遣いの差かAh, the woman who played the lead in Yae. She was much better than when she was in the taiga drama. Must really be the difference in her manner of speaking.
- 37: サソリ固め(関西・北陸) 2013/12/31(火) 22:29:35.06 ID:Hu5oaTraO
- 綾瀬はるかの好感度が高い理由がよくわかる面白すぎwwwww堀北はつまらん 演技糞だしYou can totally understand why Haruka Ayase is really well-liked.
She was so funny wwwwww
- 39: ブラディサンデー(福岡県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:29:36.84 ID:qBEWCwN50
- いくらでも司会が上手い人がいるだろうに紅白史上一番の大失敗だったなThere were probably a whole lot more people who are better suited at hosting.
This must've been the biggest fail in Kouhaku history. - 41: ダブルニードロップ(静岡県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:30:13.22 ID:m/qTt2/Q0
- 可愛けりゃなんでもいい
Anything's fine as long as you're cute - 47: ランサルセ(禿) 2013/12/31(火) 22:31:25.36 ID:KqSX/Y60i
- これはこれで見応えあり視聴者の緊張と弛緩を舞い上げる稀有な回だねIt was actually quite a sight to behold.
This was a rare episode which made viewers both tense and relaxed. - 48: ドラゴンスリーパー(WiMAX) 2013/12/31(火) 22:31:28.44 ID:PI3IpNGG0
- >aikoの曲紹介の際、「aikoさんでLoveletter」と言うべきところを「aikoさんでモモ!」と口走ってしまうなんぞこれwww> When introducing aiko's song, she said "aiko-san's Momo..." instead of "aiko-san's Loveletter".
What the heck is this www -
- 64: ツームストンパイルドライバー(山陽地方) 2013/12/31(火) 22:35:31.36 ID:yEPYXQhfO
- >>48aikoの紹介時に、前出のモモクロが「aikoさん大好きなんで」と舞台に駆けつけてきたので、それに釣られて「モモ…」にaiko笑てたけどWhen introducing aiko, MomoClo who already finished their performance rushed onstage and said "we love aiko-san" and Ayase got a bit confused by that and said "Momo...".
aiko laughed it off, though.
- 65: かかと落とし(茨城県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:36:02.40 ID:JiiIXeWQ0
- >>48バックの巨大カンペスクリーンに表示されたももクロのセリフを読んでしまった
She made a mistake and read MomoClo's lines which were shown on the teleprompter at the back
- 52: フェイスロック(空) 2013/12/31(火) 22:31:55.58 ID:x3CZldbq0
- 鉄拳は最高におもろかったぞw一瞬芸でニュースの紙芝居用意してあったのは、思い切り笑わせてもらたTekken's part was so funny w
I laughed so hard at the part that he prepared the introduction for the news in his sketchbook drawing. - 55: ダイビングエルボードロップ(東京都) 2013/12/31(火) 22:33:11.61 ID:hKHputa+0
- 天然だよねこの人
This woman's a natural airhead, right -
- 74: ショルダーアームブリーカー(東京都) 2013/12/31(火) 22:39:26.47 ID:0HEuYVW60
- >>55ド天然三谷幸喜がえらく気に入ってたAn extreme one, at that.
Even Koki Mitani likes her.
- 58: シューティングスタープレス(神奈川県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:34:04.17 ID:Ufa9hOOL0
- 男の天然は単なるアホだけど、女の天然はカワイイだからなwましてや美人ときたら、尚更 カワ(・∀・)イイ!!A naturally dumb man is just a fool, but a naturally dumb woman is cute w
And if she's a beauty, then all the more she's kawaii!!
- 60: フェイスロック(家) 2013/12/31(火) 22:34:15.24 ID:0fd1rga80
- 今年の紅白、司会のハラハラドキドキ感が面白い!
This excitement that we felt with the host of this last Kouhaku was so fun! - 69: イス攻撃(大阪府) 2013/12/31(火) 22:37:22.12 ID:Rv7MS5kN0
- 誰も言わないから言わせてもらうが、この人ってひょっとしてバカなのでは?
No one's saying it so here I go, but could it be that she's really stupid? -
- 72: ミドルキック(神奈川県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:38:43.61 ID:6wnZHvoW0
- >>69おっぱい大きいからな
Well, because she's got big boobs
- 75: 断崖式ニードロップ(庭) 2013/12/31(火) 22:40:06.14 ID:24Xg5z7j0
- 炎上商法的な?お茶の間が綾瀬はるかに釘付けで大成功だなDid they do this on purpose?
Then they succeeded in making the households stay glued to the screen to watch Haruka Ayase. - 77: ストマッククロー(WiMAX) 2013/12/31(火) 22:40:47.57 ID:lbyAhWrt0
- >▼美輪明宏の外国語に上手く対処出来ずにスルー三輪がmiwa「Brava!」↓綾瀬、三輪の解説を拾えずにスルー↓miwa歌い終わる↓嵐の誰かが「Brava!」と賞賛このフォローはすごかったわ> ▼ Couldn't react well to Akihiro Miwa's foreign langauge and chooses to ignore it.
Miwa A. says "Brava!" to miwa
Ayase didn't get Miwa A.'s commentary and ignores it
miwa finishes singing
Someone from Arashi then says "Brava!"
This follow-up was amazing. - 80: ジャンピングDDT(茸) 2013/12/31(火) 22:41:39.52 ID:8gu1WPyK0
- 綾瀬はるかの司会ツイッターでは好評だぞw
Ayase's hosting was pretty well received on Twitter w - 84: 逆落とし(奈良県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:42:52.37 ID:lnX2YHZ80
- 不安定だけどなんか面白くなってきたきっちりこなすより良いかもなShe was inconsistent but it made it much more fun.
It might be better than doing things properly. - 90: レインメーカー(東京都) 2013/12/31(火) 22:44:09.72 ID:KVg6dkNg0
- 録画してあまちゃんとこだけ見るつもりだったが綾瀬のせいで全部見ることになりそうだI recorded it and was only planning on watching the Amachan part, but I might end up watching the entire thing because of Ayase
http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bc19egxCQAA56k2.jpg - 93: ランサルセ(愛媛県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:47:39.57 ID:Jhb4+Dfu0
- 司会が出演者食ったか
The host stood out more than the performers - 102: フォーク攻撃(チベット自治区) 2013/12/31(火) 22:50:15.93 ID:BycAHUiB0
- でも正直可愛いは正義だよね。これが逆にAKBとかももくろとかが同じミスやってたら恐ろしい叩きになってたと思う。But cute really is justice.
If AKB or MomoClo did the same mistakes, then the bashing would've been immense. - 103: アンクルホールド(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/31(火) 22:50:39.37 ID:AipGLLSe0
- 不器用さがあるから人気やん。
She's popular because of this clumsiness -
- 112: ドラゴンスープレックス(九州地方) 2013/12/31(火) 22:55:58.83 ID:0qrXSph4O
- >>103不器用で済ませられるのかね
Can they just dismiss it as being clumsy?
- 107: ボマイェ(東日本) 2013/12/31(火) 22:52:40.60 ID:ubDtzNaoO
- 鉄拳かわいそすw
Poor Tekken w -
- 142: ネックハンギングツリー(家) 2013/12/31(火) 23:07:18.87 ID:7GYGoSHH0
- >>107あれは織り込み済みだろう
Nah, that was part of the plan
- 115: ドラゴンスリーパー(東京都) 2013/12/31(火) 22:56:42.57 ID:U4wTdPS20
- 可愛いじゃん
She was cute.
Akiko Wada probably couldn't nitpick on her because she's from the same agency.
http://tokyopopline.com/images/2013/12/131230ayase1.jpg - 118: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(福島県) 2013/12/31(火) 22:58:07.56 ID:WA2sUUVy0
- まあ、涙目になりながら必死に頑張ってる姿は中々良いものがあるな
There's really something wonderful in seeing people doing their best despite becoming teary-eyed -
- 122: ドラゴンスリーパー(東京都) 2013/12/31(火) 23:00:12.22 ID:U4wTdPS20
- >>118日本人の心には響くよな剛力なら全力で叩くんだけどwwwThat really tugs on the heartstrings of Japanese people.
But I'd go all out on attack mode if it were Gouriki www
- 127: ツームストンパイルドライバー(四国地方) 2013/12/31(火) 23:03:03.25 ID:Lx9Rj8uSO
- 綾瀬たんなら許す。微笑ましい剛力だったら抗議の電話してたけどIt's forgivable since it's Ayase-tan. She brings a smile to one's face.
If it was Gouriki, I would've phoned in and complained. - 129: 魔神風車固め(大分県) 2013/12/31(火) 23:03:21.67 ID:HYVg+8WX0
- おっぱいが大きくて可愛いって事で甘やかしすぎだろ
Everyone's too lax on her just because she's cute and has a huge rack -
- 137: ストレッチプラム(大阪府) 2013/12/31(火) 23:05:54.50 ID:bwQ3A5X10
- >>129そんな奴に厳しくできるわけないだろ!
There's no way we can be strict towards a person like that!
- 149: キャプチュード(dion軍) 2013/12/31(火) 23:10:16.98 ID:z0ehAKtb0
- >>129そりゃ甘やかすだろ・・・
Of course we'll be gentle on her...
- 152: 河津掛け(チベット自治区) 2013/12/31(火) 23:11:59.68 ID:9gRbWGMf0
- >>129まぁ実際性格は良いらしいからなWell, I heard that she actually has a good personality
- 133: イス攻撃(大阪府) 2013/12/31(火) 23:05:08.59 ID:Rv7MS5kN0
- なんか仕事を舐めてる感じがとても不快だ。これは叩かれると思う。It was so unpleasant how it looked like she was looking down on her job.
I think she'll be criticized for this. - 139: ジャンピングDDT(千葉県) 2013/12/31(火) 23:06:40.76 ID:kxpQtIA+0
- 逆に人間味があっていいじゃないか堀北なんかつまんないじゃんShe showed she's human with all these vulnerabilities, which was good.
Someone like Horikita was just boring. - 143: エルボーバット(芋) 2013/12/31(火) 23:08:41.83 ID:pLvWgcSh0
- 中居君馬鹿にしてごめんなさい安定感すごいです。I'm sorry for making fun of Nakai-kun.
He's really consistent. - 150: レッドインク(東日本) 2013/12/31(火) 23:10:47.52 ID:H3gW/lSKO
- トチっても可愛いから許す
She's cute even when she makes blunders so she's forgiven - 151: 河津掛け(チベット自治区) 2013/12/31(火) 23:11:09.68 ID:9gRbWGMf0
- いやでもここ数年で一番見応えのある紅白だった
Well, it was actually one of the most worthwhile Kouhakus in recent years - 171: 河津落とし(大阪府) 2013/12/31(火) 23:24:45.85 ID:G1nD/rbL0
- 綾瀬はるかの、綾瀬はるかによる、綾瀬はるかのための、紅白。
It's the Kouhaku of Haruka Ayase, by Haruka Ayase, for Haruka Ayase.
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