Episode 1 of Fuji TV's Monday-9 drama Shitsuren Chocalatier, starring Jun Matsumoto, got an average of 14.4% (Video research, Kanto region). The highest ratings were recorded at 9:54 pm with 16.2%.
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:04:56.17 ID:uxyRU3b60
- お前ら本当に視聴率ネタが好きだな
You guys really love talking about ratings, huh - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:07:58.00 ID:ZnIyjOD00
- 嵐は完全にジャニヲタ専用でそれ以外の層からの需要なんて皆無なのになんで国民的アイドル扱いされてるんだArashi's entirely just for the Jani-wotas and no one else cares about them, but why are they regarded as national idols again?
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:08:15.88 ID:Jz8a/VRr0
- ちら見でチャンネル合わせるたびに石原さとみと松潤のキスシーンで昼ドラかと思ったわWhenever I changed channels to take a peek at this drama, I always saw Satomi Ishihara and MatsuJun's kissing scenes. I thought it was a noontime soap or something.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aoba_f/imgs/3/c/3c47a771-s.jpg - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:09:52.21 ID:WFt3M2It0
- 松潤ちょっと劣化してるんだよな
MatsuJun seems to have deteriorated a bit - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:10:18.54 ID:WnmL4qdw0
- 恋愛ドラマ(笑)は視聴率が取れないって事、まだわかってないみたいだなフジテレビには学習能力はないのか?Looks like they still don't understand that romantic dramas (laughs) can't get ratings.
Does Fuji TV lack the ability to learn? - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:14:22.69 ID:e1nm+WysO
- >>9「俺達の手で取り返してみせる…!」とか思ってるんだよ、トレンディー()なフジさんは
Trendy Fuji-san is thinking that "We'll regain it with our abilities...!" - 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:51:59.74 ID:kJgEt/K+0
- >>9食べ物とコメディを絡めればまだまだ視聴率はとれるぞ。
It can still get ratings, especially if you include food and comedy - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:11:40.35 ID:4RFrP/VuO
- 低いな天下の月9でこんなんかよ今後は下がる一方だぞ前から知ってたけどジャニ終了~~That's low.
So this is what the almighty Monday-9 slot can manage now?
This'll just keep on dropping from here.
I've already known this for some time, but Johnny's is finished~~ - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:19:45.16 ID:0FYprmso0
- >>10今は昔と違ってドラマの視聴率は、10%が平均的。15%近くなら十分当たりだ。It's different from before, as 10% is the average these days.
If it gets near 15%, it's already considered a hit. - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:12:18.22 ID:EhH5kwCA0
- あらすじ読むだけで観る気失せるな今の月9は女子中学生がターゲットなのかReading the synopsis doesn't stir up my interest at all.
So Monday-9 dramas these days are aimed at girl middle-schoolers? - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:14:03.18 ID:s2oyOhRe0
- 引きこもりと年寄りしかテレビ見てないからな。美男美女の恋愛ドラマはいかんよ。松潤がキモメンならよかった。That's because only the shut-ins and the elderly watch TV these days.
Doing romantic dramas with beautiful men and women as the lead won't cut it at all.
It would've been better if MatsuJun was a kimomen*.
* gross man - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:14:25.83 ID:6JbO8UY60
- つまらんから一桁落ち行くな
It's boring so it'll probably go single digits - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:15:45.85 ID:s2oyOhRe0
- 石原を振り向かせるため入信していく話なら数字とれた
If it's a story about someone joining (Soka) in order to make Ishihara his, then it would've gotten higher ratings - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:16:41.24 ID:D67Kc+1s0
- 武井が壊した枠だしな 後を継ぐやつはたいへんだ
It's the slot that Takei destroyed. Anyone succeeding that will have a hard time. - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:23:22.71 ID:e1nm+WysO
- >>26武井が壊して剛力が踏み砕いて修復不能
Takei destroyed it and Gouriki trampled and broke it to smithereens, it's beyond repair. - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:22:15.47 ID:/Ekodb+E0
- ジャニヲタ固定さえ観てくれれば桶らしい
I heard they're OK as long as the core Jani-wotas watch - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:22:21.17 ID:5tpr4PHV0
- 天下の月9って何時の時代だよ
The almighty Monday-9? What era are we in? - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:28:20.71 ID:OIo3DleX0
- エロで釣るドラマあとはお決まりの恋愛の行き違いでヤキモキさせて次回を見せる手法w初回で飽きたwIt's a drama that draws viewers in with its erotic aspects.
Then it'll be the usual romantic misunderstandings so people will watch the next episode w
I've already gotten sick of it in the first episode w - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:30:29.36 ID:Y7z3hZdmO
- 2回目 11.43回目 10.3以後は一桁と言うフジのドラマ伝統の下降線だろう2nd 11.4
3rd 10.3
Then single digits. This has been Fuji's traditional downward slope. - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:39:37.69 ID:cWuT+Xhr0
- >>42あるあるw数字もいい感じwNow that you mention it w
Even those numbers look realistic w - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:32:27.60 ID:kpNbyz1B0
- 松潤なら「貴族探偵」見たいわメイドと運転手と執事にベテラン役者いれて恋愛ドラマはいらんI would've preferred to see MatsuJun in Kizoku Tantei.
Then cast veteran actors as the maid, driver, and butler.
I don't need romantic dramas
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Z-jhdyReL._SL500_AA300_.jpg - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:35:30.98 ID:KALlYyUH0
- 「半沢直樹」もセンスゼロのフジテレビなら「ショコラとメレンゲと銀行マン」とかクソみたいな題名にしてたと思う
If zero-sensed Fuji TV did Hanzawa Naoki, they probably would've given it a crappy title like "Chocolait, Merengue, and the Banker" - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:37:47.13 ID:HScBfXvd0
- 松潤の使い方間違ってない?若い頃はもっといい役やってた気がするんだけどなんか嵐のごり押しとともにしょぼくなってってる気がするんだけど嵐っていうグループに足ひっぱられてるね気の毒にDon't you think they're using MatsuJun wrongly here?
I think he did better roles when he was younger.
I'm getting the feeling that his roles are becoming lamer the more Arashi is being pushed forward.
It's like he's being dragged down by this group called Arashi.
Poor guy. - 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:39:27.21 ID:asRKuFLF0
- 思ったより低い見てないけどThat's lower than expected.
I didn't watch it, though. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:39:37.56 ID:N0UJ8llr0
- 松潤は演技うまいしイケメンだし内容もいい2ちゃんはキモヲタしかいないから嫉妬で観ないだけでしょ本当に視聴率は関係なくなってるねMatsuJun's a good actor, an ikemen, and the story's good.
2chan is just full of kimo-wotas who aren't watching because of jealousy.
Ratings are truly becoming irrelevant.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aoba_f/imgs/8/4/8496ff50-s.jpg - 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:40:45.01 ID:HScBfXvd0
- 花男がたまたまあたっただけなんだね
It's just that HanaDan happened to become a hit. - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:41:35.20 ID:to3Du3iaO
- 石原さとみの糞ビッチっぷりにイライラしたいい演技だったわI got irritated at how bi+chy Satomi Ishihara was.
Amazing acting.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aoba_f/imgs/9/f/9f06fe2a-s.jpg - 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:46:45.27 ID:bcvN5V8E0
- >>65ビッチさとみ「え・・ 付き合ってないよ・・」マツジュン「え・・ 付き合ってたじゃん クリスマスにキスしたじゃん」ビッチさとみ「え・・ でもえっちはしてないよ・・」マツジュン「えぇぇぇぇ そ、そういうもんなのか???」あのシーンは姉貴と爆笑した期待してなかったけど意外と面白かったBi+ch Satomi: "Eh...we're not even going out..."
MatsuJun: "Eh... I thought we were. We kissed on Christmas."
Bi+ch Satomi: "Eh... but we didn't have sex..."
MatsuJun: "EhhhhhHHH? I, is that how things work???"
My sis and I laughed so hard at that scene!
I didn't have high hopes for this, but it was surprisingly good. - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:44:59.51 ID:UW2CMAaX0
- 今の月九だと「まずまず」ってことなのかな?3分ぐらい見た限りじゃつまらなそうだったFor the current Monday-9 standards, I think this result is a "not bad".
But it did look boring for the 3 minutes that I saw it, though. - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:46:17.92 ID:NVt4ZKOL0
- さとみん体張ってるけどいつもの富士だねwSatomin's been risking herself here,
but it's still the usual Fuji w - 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:47:56.78 ID:UW2CMAaX0
- 松潤はピュアな好青年なのかやっぱつまんなそうMatsuJun's a pure and nice young man here?
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aoba_f/imgs/a/0/a03414f3-s.jpg - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:50:22.94 ID:bcvN5V8E0
- >>77ピュアというか変なストーカーと三枚目入ってるキャラ
Not really pure, but he's kinda stalker-ish with a dash of a comedian - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:50:56.25 ID:3YTceE9s0
- 石原さとみが足引張てる。ブスだし石原さとみってヒット作あるの?代表作はなに?Satomi Ishihara's dragging this drama down. She's fugly.
Does Satomi Ishihara even have a hit drama? What's she most known for? - 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:55:01.86 ID:bcvN5V8E0
- >>81NHK朝の連ドラのてるてる家族じゃね?
Isn't it NHK's morning drama Teruteru kazoku? - 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:55:24.99 ID:9/vdps9R0
- ジャニーズだのスウィーツだのアレなタームが複数用意されてそうなドラマの割りには大して視聴率取れないのな。流石に女も飽きてきてるのかなDespite this drama having all those iffy terms attached to it like "Johnny's" and "sweets", the ratings aren't spectacular.
Maybe the women are sick of this kind of stuff too. - 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:57:34.64 ID:C06qs1xoP
- 石原さとみヤバい可愛い魔性の女ああいうリアルにスタイルもそんなモデル系でもなく平均身長、体重のスタイルで顔が可愛い子がマジでモテるしリアルの想像が膨らむよな石原さとみと松本潤の妄想ソファーのキスシーンエロかったSatomi Ishihara's a damn cute fiendish woman.
Girls like that who don't really have model-like figures, have average style but have cute faces are the ones who are seriously popular with the men. It really makes people have wild fantasies about her. Satomi Ishihara and Jun Matsumoto's kissing scene on the sofa was so hot.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aoba_f/imgs/2/6/26fe9ce3-s.jpg - 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:58:14.90 ID:vBWvz2yt0
- ん~昨日見た感じじゃ、映像もキレイでそんなにデキは悪くないと思ったが視聴率的には微妙だなまぁ2話以降も下げ傾向なら、もうこういうラブコメはウケないと思った方が良いんじゃねBased on what I saw yesterday, the visuals looked pretty and it generally didn't look badly done at all, but the ratings aren't that good. If the 2nd episode onwards goes down, then it might be safe to assume that romantic comedies like this won't be hits anymore.
- 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/14(火) 10:58:23.41 ID:phAFNvvvI
- チョコ作るのが好きなので見てしまった。チョコは食べるのも作るのも眺めるのも好き。見ながらチョコ食べた。キャストも物語も期待してないからどうでもいい。I like making chocolates so I watched it.
I like eating, making, and looking at chocolate.
I ate chocolate while watching it.
I wasn't expecting anything out of the story and the cast so it was none of my concern.
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