This was made possible as Morning Musume and Tsunku♂ were appointed as the new endorsers for au's student discount campaign. The "formation" of this new group will be seen in the commercial that begins airing on the 24th.
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:09:51.76 ID:54dLvJO70
- 剛力じゃなかったのか剛力じゃ
What, it isn't Gouriki? - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:11:35.73 ID:F5rfD/1T0
- くだらねええええええええええええええええええええええ
Stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:11:55.26 ID:VNti2h4l0
- これで重大発表で大騒ぎって逆にすげえな
In a sense, it's also amazing how they're saying that this is the important announcement that will cause pandemonium - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:12:52.37 ID:qrHLkHNW0
- あまりにもくだらなすぎて腹だたしいが、大手のCMが決まったのは嬉しい。タカラのイーカラ以来?I'm irritated at how stupid this is, but I'm happy for them that they struck a deal with one of the major companies.
Is this the biggest after Takara's e-kara? - 10: トト ◆9npIlJjIdY 2014/01/22(水) 10:12:54.33 ID:rurb2h0W0
- ●l⌒Lなんか ものすごい だつりょくかん●l⌒L
I somewhat feel so listless - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:14:29.68 ID:U8C0Gom10
- くだらねえwこれでまたファンが逃げるな
Stupid w Fans will abandon them further - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:16:05.03 ID:agNO2MF90
- >>15もう逃げるほどのファンなんていないだろw
There are no more fans left to abandon them w - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:15:38.32 ID:YqrvTEyz0
- 3人中2人って残りの一人の立場は・・・?
2 out of the 3 (Morisanchu), then what about the remaining member...? - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:17:07.79 ID:kREe3rPw0
- >>17産休
Maternity leave - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:15:58.00 ID:ouSiKtBA0
- もうつんくはダメだな、ズレまくりw
Tsunku's no good anymore. He's always off the mark w - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:17:13.02 ID:2rkV8S/DP
- auに釣られたのか
So they were blinded by au - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:18:31.69 ID:HfVg+I3o0
- あーまたいらつく重大発表だことファンになりかけの奴は離れるねAhh--- Another damn irritating "important announcement" gig.
Fans will be leaving them. - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:18:44.04 ID:umXaKls00
- これはなんていうか、無理だろファン層に不快感しか及ぼさないしせいぜい今の所属メンバーの格をさらに下げる効果しかないんじゃないのThis won't work.
This'll just be unpleasant for the fans and would only lower the class of the current members. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:18:53.36 ID:u6vP85JLP
- しょーもな
Pathetic - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:19:05.54 ID:rQbM1UdW0
- 2、3日前にニュースで重大発表するみたいな事みたから こりゃ年内解散でもするんかと思ってたのにw好感度悪い落ち目女芸人使ってどうすんだよauさん
They said they'll be having an important announcement 2 or 3 days ago so I thought they were going to announce something like the group calling it quits by the end of the year. Hey au-san, why are you using these declining female comedians who aren't even well liked? - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:20:47.82 ID:Nq/JVy3B0
- 今更森三中とコラボとかなんか落ち目感が半端ないなモーニング娘。
Morning Musume really feels like they're heading down, especially with this collaboration with Morisanchu. - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:22:18.15 ID:Lm8PHsaOP
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:23:08.10 ID:LBx0wW4BP
- 森三中馴染みすぎwモームスブスしかいないわMorisanchu fits into the group perfectly w
There's no one but ugly girls in MoMusu. - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:26:38.49 ID:ESU1lUvO0
- >>53こう見ると、村上はモー娘には合わないな村上は圧倒的にAKB向きだわLooking at them like this, Murakami doesn't fit in MoMusu.
Murakami would definitely fit into AKB better. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:25:00.42 ID:VNti2h4l0
- まあAUでの発表会だからCM絡みってのはわかるけどせめて話題作りならゴーリキとのユニット「ゴリ娘14」だろ
Well, it was at the AU announcement event so I knew that it had something to do with the commercial. But if they wanted to stir up some buzz, they should've let Gouriki join and form a unit called "Gori-Musume14". - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:25:50.52 ID:2rkV8S/DP
- ゴーリキーさん結構踊れるのになw
Yeah, and Gouriki-san can actually dance well w - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:25:54.22 ID:+NvG7vRt0
- いや、こんな事はどうでもいいからさ早く重大発表とやらをしてよあるんでしょ?I don't care about this.
Hurry up with the important announcement you're talking about.
There is one, right? - 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:26:38.76 ID:DolmxoDN0
- やっとモー娘。がCMでに出られるようになるんだな・・・長かったな・・・
It's been a long time coming, but MoMusu finally gets to be in a commercial... - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:28:31.33 ID:sVDxakS00
- こんなので重大発表をしますとか事前に言っておくとか馬鹿じゃねーの?
Aren't they stupid for saying that they have an important announcement for something like this? - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:31:32.00 ID:LUi7fcR10
They're just Morisanchu's support WWWWWWWWWW - 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:31:37.35 ID:QvlwU69M0
- ずっと?それとも一時的加入?いや、どっちでもいいんだけどさIs this permanent? Or will it just be temporary?
Well, I don't care either way. - 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:32:54.47 ID:VNti2h4l0
- >>82CMでやるだけの話だろ1クール流ればいいほうじゃねIt's just for the commercial.
You can call it successful if they can last 1 season. - 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:32:55.95 ID:gs1msZJj0
- これだけのために重大発表かよw
An important announcement just for this w - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:33:47.39 ID:DolmxoDN0
- いやいやCMて結構重大発表だろう?やっと表に出てこれるんだからNah, a commercial deal's a pretty important announcement, you know?
This means that they're finally able to come into the frontlines. - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:34:58.91 ID:VNti2h4l0
- >>93・モー娘。にとって大きなターニングポイント。・つんくにとっても大きなチャレンジ。・ワンフォーがビッグスターになるような大チャンス。・ファンに受け入れられるかどうかは賭け。・発表するべきかどうかまだ迷ってる。
- A huge challenge for Tsunku.
- A huge chance for '14 to become popular.
- It's a gamble if the fans will be able to accept this.
- They're still confused whether or not to announce it. - 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:34:07.73 ID:KlckEXZe0
- 「重大発表です!」ともったいぶるほどの話だったか…?
Is this that important to hold it off as an important announcement...? - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/22(水) 10:19:43.53 ID:2rkV8S/DP
- つんくに脱いで詫びてもらおうか。
Let's have Tsunku take his clothes off and apologize
Original Thread"
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