Women around 20-30 are starting to have their hair dyed black. It may be the influence of popular models and idols, as even the fashion magazines have been starting to feature this a lot recently. People are starting to see this trend as "unexpectedly fresh-looking", "looks neat and tidy", "looks elegant" etc. with the Tokyo Olympics in the horizon, people are once again trying to bring the best out of how the Japanese women can be.
- 2: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 22:56:43.56 ID:z/1MYoVlP
- 茶髪ビッチの使用期限が近づいています!
The expiration date of brown-haired bi+ches is fast approaching! - 9: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 22:58:09.74 ID:cc//Ro/E0
- >>2茶髪ビッチが黒髪ビッチになるだけなわけだが
It just means that the brown-haired bi+ches will turn into black-haired bi+ches - 629: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/12(日) 07:32:44.97 ID:Uc/B8mtn0
- >>9ほんとこれ今度は黒髪にビッチのイメージがつくThis.
Now the word bi+ch will be associated with black hair. - 3: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 22:56:57.49 ID:s2qLS7O60
- これって結構前からそうじゃね?
Hasn't this been the case for quite some time now? - 86: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:18:16.31 ID:Kijh08wt0
- >>3浜崎あゆみや佐藤えり子が黒髪にした頃からだな。
Since Ayumi Hamasaki and Eriko Sato dyed their hair black - http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/o0240032011074555577.jpg
- http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/4e35663b.jpg
- 11: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 22:58:17.46 ID:g8kmb11t0
- 主婦でも茶髪多いからね。白髪染めは許すがそれ以外は総じてアウト。Even a lot of housewives have brown hair.
I can forgive them for dyeing their white hair, but any other reason than that is unacceptable. - 13: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 22:58:29.45 ID:/4z/sm7c0
- 茶髪もいれば黒髪もいる。ただそれだけの事
If there are girls with brown hair, there are also girls with black hair. Simple as that. - 16: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 22:59:36.71 ID:BgKazOza0
- 個人的には赤が好き
I personally like red
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20120229/21/kyarypamyupamyu/a0/d9/j/o0451045111824142260.jpg - 20: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:01:36.18 ID:8rHFRiRGO
- 黒髪はまともな女性の証しだから。ステキな女性は黒髪。おかしな女性は茶髪のままでいい。Because black hair is the sign of a decent woman.
Wonderful women have black hair.
Crazy women can keep their hair colored brown.
http://blog-imgs-17.fc2.com/c/m/w/cmwow/Tsubaki0601.jpg - 21: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:01:49.96 ID:uA3AEVjL0
- 可愛くないと似合わないよなユッキーナが黒髪になってたけどブサイクすぎてひいたIt won't look good if you're not cute.
Yukkina looked too ugly when she had black hair. - 22: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:02:07.85 ID:lJUHY5anP
- ただし美人に限る
* Limited only to pretty girls - 575: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/12(日) 04:48:58.22 ID:EBXJXQM30
- >>22ブスの茶毛はそこに居るだけでウザイぞー
But ugly girls with brown hair can be pretty annoying - 26: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:02:57.69 ID:Bvt7ZDzL0
- いや昔っからだけど。茶髪とかやってたのはアホだけ。Nah, this has been the case for a long time now.
People who dye their hair brown are dumb. - 31: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:04:02.47 ID:algH+GQe0
- いやほんと茶髪は日本人には本当に似合わないからやめたほうがいい
Brown hair really doesn't suit the Japanese, they should really put an end to it. - 33: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:05:02.51 ID:KakhLGOr0
- 黒髪すきだけど、似合わないヤツはただ濃いだけだぞ。
I like black hair but people who don't look good with it just look "deep" - 36: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:05:20.93 ID:S9kF/gAL0
- 日本人男性は黒髪が好きなのに、手入れが大変だから女性は染めるんだよなもともと、手入れなんかしないで茶褐色になっている女もいるから、結局個性を主張しようとして楽してるだけJapanese men like black hair, but women dye their hair because of how troublesome it can be to care for it. But there are some women who originally have dark brown hair, and some people just want to be unique and are taking the easy way out.
- 472: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/12(日) 01:30:55.45 ID:WcqkezfY0
- >>36茶髪のほうが手入れ面倒くさいよカラーで荒れる分余計にケアしないといけないTaking care of brown hair is actually much more troublesome, you know.
You also have to think about the damage that color will bring to your hair. - 37: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:06:27.36 ID:KJ1B1e280
- ここに書き込んでる男の顔面偏差値低そう
I feel that the average facial score of the men commenting on this thread must be really low - 74: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:14:41.42 ID:s2qLS7O60
- >>37髪染めてる人乙
Hello there person with dyed hair - 39: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2014/01/11(土) 23:06:47.35 ID:gp+Du2C10
- (#゚Д゚)っ
http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/hira028746.jpg - 149: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:33:47.56 ID:LJ2pAksB0
- >>39バンコラン大好きだ
I love Bencolin - 40: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:07:30.28 ID:uU377i/90
- マジかよ?俺のエメラルドグリーンとサファイアブルーという願いはいつ聞き入れられるんだよ?
For real!? When will they ever hear my wishes of emerald green and sapphire blue-colored hair? - 49: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:09:21.78 ID:B2TFb2KN0
- >>40オマエそんな髪の色が似合う日本人がどんだけいるのかとryHey you...
How many Japanese people do you think would look good in those colors? - 44: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:08:58.00 ID:KakhLGOr0
- たしかに、黒髪だとファッションも限られてくるよなでも、黒髪嫌いなヤツがいるのか逆に知りたい。It's true that your fashion becomes limited when you have black hair.
But let me ask if there really are people who don't like black hair. - 45: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:09:05.73 ID:8rHFRiRGO
- 女性は茶髪にして良く見えると思っているのかね?オレから見たら、わざわざ不細工にしているだけなんだが。Do women really think they'd look better with brown hair?
If you ask me, women are just making themselves uglier on purpose. - 51: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:09:44.52 ID:Pel4Am4f0
- 風俗お水なら茶髪。恋愛結婚なら黒髪。Prostitues and shady business women = brown hair.
Romance and marriage = black hair. - 55: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:10:16.44 ID:zNDqsU8A0
- いい年した主婦が茶髪にしてるのを見ると情けなくなる自分ではおしゃれのつもりかどうか似合わないのだ。I find it sad when I see old housewives with brown hair.
They might be trying to look fashionable, but it doesn't suit them. - 92: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:18:53.69 ID:+MwFEvJK0
- >>55あれは薄毛や白髪を目立たなくする意図もあると思う。
I think they're also trying to hide their thin hair and white hair with that. - 56: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:10:43.86 ID:o9c7CKGIO
- 美容師「余分なこと言うな」
Beauticians: "Stop saying unnecessary things" - 64: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:12:38.08 ID:4vWqObbA0
- 一方、大阪のおばちゃんは紫色に染めていた
In the meantime, an auntie in Osaka dyed her hair purple - 75: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:14:56.08 ID:UqtM8YJm0
- 不細工な人ほど、好んで茶髪にしている気がする
I get the feeling that the uglier girls are the ones who like dyeing their hair brown - 81: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:17:05.84 ID:tCE1rJkA0
- >>75目鼻立ちが誤魔化せるから当然肌が臭そうに見えない程度に染めるのがベストOf course, they can create illusions as it makes your eyes and nose look different.
The best is to dye it properly so that the skin won't look too smelly. - 78: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:16:07.71 ID:qgHZSliR0
- スウェットサンダルビッチはウンコ色かプリン頭の確率98%
There's a 98% chance that those bi+ches wearing sweats and sandals have shi+-colored or pudding-colored hair - 87: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:18:17.91 ID:rsXRZLXk0
- 何もしなかったら黒なんだから流行も糞もない
The hair is black if you don't do anything to it, so you can't call it a trend or anything - 95: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:19:49.14 ID:6x7hU0MP0
- 実際大多数の女性は黒髪ブームは概ね歓迎でしょヘアダイ・ブリーチで髪が傷むリスクから解放されるワケだし絶好の理由が出来て良かったじゃんI actually think that a lot of women would love the idea of black hair becoming a fad again.
It means that they'll be released from the risk of ruining their hair with bleach and stuff.
Good for them that they now have the perfect excuse. - 96: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:20:08.80 ID:TdqB7F7E0
- っていうか周りがやるから他人がやるから自分もやるとかそのクソみたいな考え方が終わってる自分の意思ないの?好きで茶色にしてたんじゃないの?こんな女絶対嫌だWhatever the case, thinking that "Everyone else is doing it, so I should too" is finished.
Don't you have your own mind?
Didn't you dye your hair brown because you wanted to?
I seriously don't want women like this. - 112: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:23:45.55 ID:WmGSAG9H0
- 木下優樹菜の黒髪は違和感があるし清楚にも見えないやっぱりヤンキーは茶髪の方が似合うYukina Kinoshita looks awkward with black hair, and she doesn't look clean.
Yankees will still look better with brown hair. - 131: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:27:05.41 ID:B/0+xYHp0
- >>112黒髪で下品で馬鹿だったりするとマイナス方向にインパクト大だよな。知性や常識がないやつは今まで通りウンコ色にしといたほうがいいんじゃなかろうかHaving black hair will actually have a huge negative effect on someone who's vulgar or stupid. Maybe it's better for those people who don't have knowledge nor common sense to keep dyeing their hair in shi+ color like they have been doing up to now.
- 115: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/11(土) 23:24:26.92 ID:qMpFO6Vu0
- 結局周囲に左右されるのな。それが新しいワタシ(笑)本当のワタシ(嘲笑)So it's all about the influence of other people.
"This is the new me" (laughs)
"This is the real me" (jeers)
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