Another "Arashic/Arasick" has caused trouble again after an alleged Satoshi Ohno fan threatened to set the Prime Minister's residence on fire.
The fan's reason for this is:
"Prime Minister Abe is a Miku Hatsune fan. Japan will turn into an anime kingdom at this rate".
This reasoning is hard to comprehend, but it seemed like this person was serious. She tweeted her feelings in the morning of the 23rd, the day of her alleged execution.
* Early morning of the 23rd:
"Today is D-day... I'm seriously getting a bit nervous... But I'm doing this for the sake of Japan."
"VS Arashi airs today...I have to execute this until that time comes..."
A lot of netizens were quick to report her to the authorities, and she tweeted that she's given up her plan by 9 in the morning.
"When I told Satoshi about my plan, he told me to stop... I don't want to make Satoshi sad so I won't set it on fire anymore... Everyone in Japan, sorry..."
It seems that the plan has fallen through, but these tweets are still terrorist threats, aimed at Prime Minister Abe at that, and may lead to grave charges.
- 2: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:16:52.59 ID:7rRW1EGe0
- ……ぽかーん
...... (Lost for words) - 4: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:17:27.27 ID:jd3/HIxz0
- ミクさんどれだけ脅威を与えてるんだよwww
Just how threatening is Miku-san to her www - 5: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:18:12.79 ID:upj2t5JEP
- 釣りでしょうけど。アウトなのは変わらずShe was probably just trolling.
But that won't change the fact that this act has crossed the line. - 10: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:19:07.25 ID:qjSEFeArP
- メロスゎ走った……セリヌンティウスがまってる……でも……もぅつかれちゃった…でも……あきらめるのょくなぃって……メロスゎ……ぉもって……がんばった……でも……ネイル…われて……イタイょ……ゴメン……まにあわなかった……でも……メロスとセリヌンゎ……ズッ友だょ……!!
Melos ran.....
is waiting.....
He's already tired...
It's not good to
give up.....
That's what.....
Melos thought.....
as he persevered.....
The nail on the foot......cracked....
It hurts...... Sorry......
Didn't make it time......
But...Melos and Selinun...... Friends4lyf......!! - 312: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:54:02.35 ID:mX5luYxo0
- >>10w('A`)
w('A`) - 365: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 18:01:06.36 ID:7jsh3Oc30
- >>10これよこれwこわいわ大野さんとばっちりじゃん見出しに嵐ってあるから嵐の発言から曲解してとかかと思ったら本当に関係ないじゃんThis, this w
Scary, scary, Ohno was just dragged into this.
But the title of the article had Arashi in it so I initially thought that it was another distorted interpretation of an Arashi statetment at first. But they're really not involved, huh. - 15: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:19:51.55 ID:lscmmiFs0
- 信者だなんだとレッテルを貼る行為は痛いと思っているのでしたくないが流石にこれは狂信者的と言わざるをえないジハードとかそういう物を正しい行為だと認識してしまうアレに近いI find labeling people with the term "worshipper" and "fantard" sad so I don't really do it, but I can't help but say that this is one crazy fantard.
It's the same as the group who thinks that Jihad and things like that are proper. - 16: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:19:54.45 ID:q8KH+B0SP
- こういう馬鹿は騒乱罪でも適応して
Why not apprehend fools like this for disturbance of peace in order to serve as a warning to others? w - 18: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:20:12.87 ID:bKoffG1M0
- 本人からしてみればネットのおふざけという認識の犯罪予告も今まで軒並みアウトになってるってことを知らないんだろうかI guess the person does not know that these lighthearted criminal threats and jokes that she's done on the Internet are now all considered grave offenses
- 20: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:20:30.72 ID:tjE0puF1O
- まさに宗教
A cult, indeed - 22: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:20:47.66 ID:dyLq95nH0
- メンヘラ?放置してるとその内嵐に対しても何かやらかすかもなMentally unstable?
If you just let this person on the loose, she might actually do something to Arashi one day. - 26: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:21:06.16 ID:ISRL+17U0
- 迷惑レベルじゃねえだろアウトー!This isn't just on the level of being a nuisance.
Yerrrrr out! - 31: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:21:30.76 ID:b3QXZ8/A0
- 頭がおかしい人っているもんなんだな…
There really are insane people out there, huh... - 32: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:21:41.87 ID:W8JDwQ8s0
- 一人でも共謀罪でしょっぴけるの?
Is it possible to apprehend a single person for conspiracy? - 35: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:21:50.21 ID:eJVckWX0i
- バカ発見器正常作動にしてもなんだこの、桁違いのバカはwwwThe baka-finder once again serves its purpose properly.
But damn, what the heck is up with this baka who's on a different scale? www - 36: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:22:06.15 ID:WZk4Ffvf0
- この勝負に勝った方が五輪開会式で歌うわけだな
Which means that the winner of this battle gets to sing at the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, eh - 53: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:24:06.07 ID:jd3/HIxz0
- >>36いっそ嵐ロイドを作ってみてはどうかw
Why not make Arashi-loids instead? w - 54: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:24:08.77 ID:s2R6/S0v0
- >>36いいね、アニメ色の強い五輪は面白そうw
Not bad, the olympics with a strong anime theme sounds fun w - 71: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:26:15.16 ID:eJVckWX0i
- >>36嵐は年取るけど、ミクは年取らないから、ミク有利だな
Arashi will age, but Miku won't so Miku's at an advantage - 45: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:23:17.64 ID:4aorQ62S0
- 初音ミクスHatsunemics
* Play on Prime Minister Abe's economic policies which he calls "Abenomics" - 68: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:25:47.31 ID:icafwP6M0
- >>45わろたw
LOL w - 47: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:23:30.82 ID:f5ISdmCSO
- 問答無用でアウトだな。せいぜい刑務所の中で反省しなさいwwThis is a no-no, without a doubt.
She should reflect on her acts behind bars. ww - 55: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:24:11.75 ID:mT1LYV4W0
- もうすでにアニメ大国なんだがw
But Japan already is an anime kingdom w - 56: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:24:24.13 ID:HkL1c1+A0
- 本当にこういう書き方する人っていたんだな…
So there really are people who type this way, huh... - 61: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:25:01.00 ID:MLwM7iNe0
- アイコンのプリクラは無断転載で放火予告犯とは別人嵐ファンを装った愉快犯だな本物の嵐ファンだったら笑うけどさすがにそこまでアホじゃないだろMaybe that purikura avatar on the account was just used without authorization and is not the person who sent the threat.
It's probably just a guy who takes delight in people's reactions to his crimes.
I'd laugh if the person really is an Arashi fan, but they're probably not that stupid. - 109: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:30:18.01 ID:GtXIsY4g0
- >>61そう思いたいが、看板に土下座しちゃうような人達だからなあ…
I'd like to think that way too, but they're people who'd bow down before billboards... - 82: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:27:27.65 ID:GoNLi4N8O
- まあ官邸は幽霊出るから建て直したら?なんて話が出てるからな
Well, there is talk of rebuilding the house of the Prime Minister anyway because of ghost sightings - 85: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:27:42.20 ID:Rw/Dxm3SP
- 初音ミクが稼いだ金のうちいくらかはちゃんと元の声を入れた人に入ってるんだろうか
I wonder if a portion of the money that Miku Hatsune has earned goes to the actual person who gave her that voice - 127: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:32:24.08 ID:Fz+f5i7w0
- >>85ロイヤリティはないみたいだが製作会社のクリプトンが積極的に声優に仕事を回してる
I don't think there's any royalties but Crypton, the company who created Miku aggressively gives that person voice acting projects - 104: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:29:55.06 ID:MHx9eyax0
- つかむしろ安倍はポップカルチャー規制派だろ
Rather, Abe's actually trying to put limitations on pop culture, right? - 129: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:32:28.45 ID:RY/qSRzP0
- 安部とミクだと思ってるのかな?
Maybe the Twitter user thought it was "Abe to Miku" (not "Abenomikusu")? - 152: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:34:14.41 ID:NdJqyYAB0
- >>129どっからミクさんと安倍が繋がったんだろと悩んでたがそのレスでようやく判ったアベノミクスの文字面を見て勘違いしてるってことかI was wondering where the connection between Miku-san and Abe was, but this response finally enlightened me.
Maybe she just got the wrong idea after seeing the characters for "Abenomikusu" (Abenomics) - 160: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:35:09.14 ID:eJVckWX0i
- >>152あ~ なるほど~www
A~~ I see www - 28: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/01/23(木) 17:21:14.27 ID:/AvKil1CO
- (´・ω・`)ジャニーズはジャニーズで常識も教養も無い層を相手に商売するってのも大変だな
(´・ω・`) Johnny's really have it tough to keep on doing business with these uncivilized fans who have no common sense
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