Singer, songwriter, and composer Sho Kiryuuin comments: "Thank you very much for purchasing our CD m(_ _)m I truly feel how lucky and blessed we are for having people reach out and buy our CD".
Their song "Memeshikute" (released October 2009) which they performed at the 64th Kouhaku also broke into the top 100 once again since May 27 of last year (76th) as it ranked in at 58th for the week.
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 04:52:07.65 ID:mnk3cNxD0
- なんちゃってインディーズでしょモンゴル800みたいに大儲け出来てんのか?They're just a wtf indie band, right?
Are they earning a lot like Mongol800?
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 04:55:47.98 ID:avJXiwhc0
- これだけテレビにも出てて下手したらメジャー以上の宣伝効果はあるだろ
All these TV appearances and such must even have a bigger promotional effect than being in a major label
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 04:59:55.59 ID:LYDrv79b0
- こいつらインディーズだからメジャーからCD出した一発屋とはわけが違うぞ。この間ボーカルの鬼龍院翔が半年分の印税だけで3億円入ってきて、本人が戸惑ってるとか話題になってたが、いつ消えても、もう一生食ってけるだけの金稼いでる。カラオケでも定番になってるし、もう放っておいても金入ってくる。高橋ジョージが「ロード」1曲で印税20億円。いまだにロードの印税が年間1200万円入ってくるって自分で言ってたが、原盤権持ってると大ヒット1曲あれば死ぬまで遊んでくらせる。These guys are an indie band so it's different from a 1-hit wonder major label artist. The vocalist Sho Kiryuuin himself was troubled that he received 300 million for royalties in just half a year. They've made headlines, but even if they disappear any time now, they've already earned enough to last them a lifetime. The song has even become a staple on karaoke, and money will keep pouring in even if they don't do anything. Even George Takahashi's song "Road" has earned him 2 billion. He says that he even earns 12 million a year to this day just because of that song. So as long as you have the rights to at least 1 major hit, you'll be able to live life luxuriously until you die.
(Related post HERE)
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:00:15.81 ID:oKk6BSCA0
- 糞曲なのにパクらないとこんなもんBut it's a crappy song.
This is all they can come up with if they don't plagiarize.
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:02:41.32 ID:30TL0F4V0
- つかもう女々しくてのカラオケ印税だけで生きていけるレベル
They can already live out the rest of their lives just with Memeshikute's karaoke royalties
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:04:31.21 ID:xi66HCXZ0
- ボーカルのやつはいいとしてやばいのは他のメンバーだけどね
The vocalist may be alright, but what about the other members? Aren't they in danger?
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:24:53.48 ID:LTl7GW9X0
- >>14ゴールデンボンバーの全楽曲の作詞作曲はボーカルの鬼龍院翔が手掛けていて彼は楽器も一通り演奏できるし、ユーモアや下ネタなど感性が優れているバンド解散したらアイドルとかに楽曲提供しそうだなAll Golden Bomber songs are written and composed by Sho Kiryuuin, he can even play instruments and has a good sense of humor and good at dirty jokes as well. I feel that he'll write songs for idols when he retires.
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:33:13.37 ID:wI7JjgX50
- >>21アイドルかどうか知らんけど既に誰かに楽曲提供してたような、と思って調べてみたらAKBの派生ユニットに提供済だったよ。I'm not sure if it's idols, but I think they already made a song for someone else.
And when I looked it up, he's already made a song for an AKB sub-unit.
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:15:34.22 ID:ODKihB100
- ボーカルは半端ないだろうけどダルビッシュもとんねるずに車買わされたり、物凄い羽振りいいからメンバーそれぞれ1億はもらってるのかなーThe vocalist must really be earning a lot, but even Darvish was made to buy a car on the Tunnels program and seemed to be really doing well so maybe each member's earning at least 100 million
(Related post HERE)
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 10:07:20.56 ID:3nFyWPMZ0
- >>17印税じゃなくて売り上げが全部自分たちの所に入ってくるからなIt's not just the royalties. All the sales go right into their pockets.
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:18:44.67 ID:I5uR/ubS0
- 金爆は面白いから大好き
Golden Bomber's fun, I love them
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:22:03.29 ID:kPmx592O0
- せこい真似しないでメジャーにしろよ
Don't do cheap stuff like this, go sign for a major label
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:44:57.31 ID:cdJQxlyiO
- >>19メジャーの方がたくさん宣伝できてせこいぞ
Being under a major label gives you more publicity, that's even dirtier
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:23:45.61 ID:xhDbPsFE0
- 女々しくてがまた上がるなんて紅白って凄いんだなKouhaku's really amazing for making "Memeshikute" go up in sales again
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:30:28.77 ID:/Czy8qvPO
- AKB商法?
AKB method?
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 06:24:50.61 ID:xi66HCXZ0
- >>23だね。これから尋常じゃない握手会の予定が入ってる。去年本当はこんな事したくなかったみたいなの書いて支持されたのに結局同じ事してるからなんだかねえMust be so. They must be having an insane amount of handshake events coming up. They were supported last year when they said that "We didn't want to resort to this", but maybe it's really because they're doing the same thing.
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 07:32:38.89 ID:0iVbF1ZV0
- >>36握手券なんか付いてねぇよ
There are no handshake passes
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:40:22.99 ID:rFFlcL72O
- また君に番号を聞けなかったはいい曲だと思った
I thought "Mata kimi ni bangou wo kikenakatta" was a good song
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 06:29:56.12 ID:fnGg0DAW0
- 1枚1000円で1億5.800万円鬼龍院の取り分は、何パーや?週給1000万くらいか?If 1 album is 1000 yen, then that's 158 million.
What's the percentage of Kiryuuin's share?
Is he earning about 10 million a week?
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 06:33:59.70 ID:Im/HJv0H0
- 女々しくてのせいで世間の評価が上がらない天才バラードがいいThey're actually geniuses but because of "Memeshikute", they're not being recognized further.
Their ballads are actually good.
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 07:24:16.60 ID:wDN8mv6c0
- 女々しくてしか知らんが、作曲能力は桑田圭佑レベルはあると思う勝手にシンドバッドを上手く取り入れてるしMemeshikute's the only song that I know but I think his composition skills are on the level of Keisuke Kuwata.
He even incorporated Katte ni Sinbad nicely.
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 07:40:41.11 ID:HMiV9Ea60
- 「抱きしめてシュヴァルツ」「もうバンドマンになんか恋をしない」「また君に番号きけなかった」などが好きです。アルバムも持ってる。私も母もファンだよ。I like "Dakishimete Schwarz", "Mou bandman ni koi nante shinai", "Mata kimi ni bangou kikenakatta", and others.
I have their albums. I'm a fan, along with my mom.
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 05:01:28.41 ID:tJT2S8kUO
- 握手券付き?
With handshake tickets?
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 06:31:45.11 ID:fnGg0DAW0
- なんだ握手券かじゃ納得Oh, handshake passes.
Then I'd understand this.
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 08:07:20.23 ID:2OR154yEO
- 職場にこいつらの強力なオタがいてCDに抽選で当たる握手会のハガキ入ってるらしく抽選のために数百枚買ってて余ったCD配ってて一枚貰ったわwみんなドン引きしてたwThere's an intense GB otaku at my workplace. It seems that there are postcards included in the albums, and she bought a few hundred copies for the raffle. She then gave away the excess CDs, I even got one w
Everyone was appalled w
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 08:12:41.07 ID:i5imw3qx0
- 握手券の応募ハガキつけても売れない人もたくさんいるんだから、人気のあるうちにやっとけばいいあと握手会が尋常じゃなかったのは去年ね。今年は8カ所しかやらないBut there are a lot of artists who include these raffle postcards but still can't sell CDs. They should just keep on striking while the iron is hot.
And their handshake events were insane last year. This year, they'll only be doing it in 8 venues.
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 08:17:43.92 ID:QNWLySvN0
- 男なのに握手会で釣れるって凄いな
It's amazing how they're able to attract buyers with these handshake events even if they're men
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 09:05:06.94 ID:7I+32VHHO
- まぁ世の中稼いだもん勝ちだからなAKBの握手券商法を非難してる奴らってどんな会社で働いてるんだ?接待もしない、付き合って特典もないクリーンな会社なんて数年で飛んじゃうだろCan't be helped, whoever earns more in life wins.
People who criticize AKB's handshake methods, what kind of company do you work for?
If it's a clean company that doesn't take care of their guests, nor give out any bonuses then it'll go down in a few years.
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 09:06:39.48 ID:19CsPHeK0
- どうせすぐ消える
But they'll be gone soon
- 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 09:14:41.12 ID:Bu5e3jllO
- そういえば昔 氣志團というバンドあったけど 今 活動してるのかな?このゴールデンボンバーも 数年後には氣志團みたいに なるのかな?Which reminds me of the band Kishidan, are they still active?
Maybe Golden Bomber will end up like Kishidan in a few years?
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 09:22:03.43 ID:9MVKnZJe0
- >>68昨日の日テレのゴールデンタイムの音楽番組に氣志團も金爆も出てたぞ
Both Golden Bomber and Kishidan were on NTV's music program yesterday
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 10:23:28.87 ID:OZMXflNf0
- >>69殆ど氣志團は金爆の引き立て役に過ぎなかったな。大手事務所に移籍しないかな例えばイザワオフィス、サンミュージック辺りとかBut Kishidan was there mostly to help lift GB's image up.
Won't they be transferring to a bigger agency? Like Izawa office or Sun Music?
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 09:26:19.39 ID:FgpxiKJK0
- これは最終的に数十億円くらい印税入るのか?
Will they eventually earn billions in royalties?
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 09:40:03.68 ID:116FBK27O
- 「原盤権」を持ってるか持ってないかで印税収入に天と地程の差がでてくる。虎舞竜見てみろ、シングル一枚だけで何十億も手にしたんだぞ
The amount of royalties you get will all depend on whether you possess the rights to the original or not. Take a look at Trabryu. They've gotten billions with just one single.
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 09:45:12.00 ID:6xZYih+l0
- なんだ、紅白効果すげえとか思ったけど握手券付だったんだどおりで売れてるわりに曲まったく聴いたことないわけだ
I thought the Kouhaku effect was amazing, but they have handshake passes, huh? So that's why they've been selling a lot even if I haven't heard the song.
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 10:36:20.49 ID:lnjFjN550
- >>77その事については去年シングル1位の時にボーカルの奴がブログで色々書いてたわ売り方はもう事務所に任せてるんだとさヤフーニュースで”AKB批判!”て煽ってたから興味本位で見たけど当人も心苦しいとか書いてて意外だったThe vocalist wrote a lot of things about that on his blog when they got 1st last year. He said that they're just letting the agency handle the business method.
Then it was turned into an article on Yahoo news saying that they're "dissing AKB!" so I read it, but I got surprised since the vocalist himself said that it was tough
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 10:49:29.12 ID:O6ybSVwQ0
- >>85口ではなんとでも言えるわな本当に心苦しいって思ってるなら2年連続でこんな悪どい売り方させないYou can say anything that you want.
If he really thinks this is tough then they wouldn't do something evil like this for 2 straight years.
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/07(火) 10:32:24.75 ID:Dw+233nC0
- とんでもなく稼いでるからな超勝ち組と言ってもいいだろう何気にメロディーいいししゃべりも上手いまじで羨ましいThey're earning a ton.
You can call them major winners in life.
The melody's good too, and they're good at talking.
I really envy them.
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