Source: from the gravure idols themselves on NTV
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:47:45.01 ID:qLEyT7ed
- 何を今更コネも枕も存在するThis is old news.
Connections and sexual favors all exist. - 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:49:08.12 ID:+x3h4ICI
- AKBの指原とか完全にそうやろ
That must totally be the case even for AKB's Sashihara -
- 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:49:42.24 ID:hP1ofUj0
- >>11その指原が今出てんだよなあ
And that Sashihara was on the program
- 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:50:35.04 ID:XfLEY6ZW
- ただのバラエティーに頻繁に出てる奴はほぼ枕やってるでほら、あいつとかMost of the ones who appear a lot on variety shows basically do sex favors.
Like this certain someone. - 32: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:52:16.94 ID:JZbY+bPr
- あるだろうけどみんなが思ってるほどはないと思うああいうのはギリギリのところにいる奴がやるんであって、TVで出るような人はやる必要がないIt exists, but I don't think that it's as rampant as everyone makes it out to be.
Those things are done by the talents who are living on the edge, and the ones who are seen a lot on TV don't have to resort to it. -
- 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:54:07.75 ID:PN8rTBXX
- >>32これ普通に考えたら売れてるというレベルの人間はやらないのは分かるThis.
Just by thinking about it normally, you can imagine that the ones who are popular wouldn't be doing it.
- 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:54:10.09 ID:HjPx3Mb3
- >>32女はそんな甘くないで
Women aren't that naive
- 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:52:26.94 ID:mKNd3z6Y
- カメラマンええなぁ
I'm so jealous of the cameraman - 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:53:31.28 ID:jMAgHga9
- 枕というよりはお偉いさんのカキタレ
The term "f*ck buddies of the bigwigs" is more appropriate than saying sexual favors - 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:54:16.11 ID:Onmm6ZNb
- 声優の方が週刊誌やらに目付けられてへんから多いで
I think there are a lot of these going on with the seiyuus since the tabloids don't go after them that much. - 47: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:54:21.88 ID:2ZgKGqeX
- こういうの見ると男は枕とかしないでいいだろうし楽やねIt really makes you realize how men have it easier since they don't have to go through stuff like these.
- 68: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:58:02.43 ID:blR/uErQ
- >>47女は基本的に25歳くらいまでに売れなけりゃ賞味期限切れ男は年取ってからでも需要あるこの差はでかいWomen are basically considered expired goods if they don't become popular by the time they hit 25.
There are still uses for men even when they age.
This difference is huge.
- 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:55:30.17 ID:f6X5zdhR
- 枕ならまだ意味はあるけどお笑い芸人の性欲処理のために存在するアイドルってこれもうわかんねぇなAt least they're doing sexual favors for a reason. The one that I don't get is how there are idols who are there for the sexual pleasure of owarai comedians.
- 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:56:05.65 ID:ZrkYBWT6
- 枕して仕事もらうくらいならパトロン探した方が早そうやけどなテレビ番組のレギュラー一本もらったとこでそんなに稼ぎにならんやろI feel that it's quicker to search for a patron to sponsor you rather than doing sexual favors to ask for jobs. Having one regular program under your belt won't be enough to earn you money.
- 61: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:56:38.03 ID:bTb0egcn
- ざっくりハイタッチで川村ゆきえがしてるとか言ってたな
Yukie Kawamura admitted to doing it on Zakkuri High Touch - 63: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:56:58.31 ID:tkI5K1mo
- 剛力とかも枕なんか?あんなブスに枕されても全然嬉しくないやん!Even Gouriki did sexual favors?
Sexual favors from an ugly girl like that won't make me happy at all! -
- 75: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/29(日) 23:58:49.80 ID:QlfYmeV+
- >>63あそこは有象無象のモデル崩れをたくさん飼ってるからそいつらが実働部隊やないの
That agency has a mob of models so maybe those are the ones that are being sent out to do the deed
- 87: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:00:02.08 ID:Jx0Vf7JW
- ゴーリキーレベルに推されたら枕関係無いだろあれを枕で掴んだとするならどんだけ枕してんねんThere's no point in sexual favors if someone of Gouriki's level gets pushed.
Just how much did she do in order to obtain that kind of status? - 91: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:00:46.14 ID:mcYh+KlO
- 事務所が売り出したいタレントは枕なんてさせないぞ枕させられるのは下っ端タレントそいつが取ってきた仕事で売り出したいタレントを使う枕要員はバーターにも使われない悲CThe agencies won't allow the talents that they want to push to get into that sort of business.
It's the bottom-tier talents who are made to do sexual favors.
And the jobs that those talents obtained will be used for the sake of the talents that they want to push for.
Even these ones who are only for sexual favors won't even be bartered.
It's really sad. - 101: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:02:41.79 ID:U4igw1Ww
- 穴を捧げるだけで仕事くれるならやるだろうな
I can understand how women would offer their holes for the sake of projects. - 103: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:03:26.83 ID:Wi8F6ymy
- 男からしたら一回やるだけで起用しなきゃいけないとかリスク高すぎだろ
But from the man's standpoint, the risk is too high since you have to utilize that talent even after just doing it once - 108: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:03:53.78 ID:YKtOUcbB
- 日テレの某プロデューサーは愛人をアシスタントに起用してるらしい
I hear that a certain NTV producer appoints his lovers as his assistants - 111: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:04:05.43 ID:ukWU/8ig
- ワイの知り合いは去年枕で一流企業の内定もらってたわそれを自慢げに話すもんだから奴らはすげーわA person I know was informally accepted at a first-rate company after doing sexual favors.
I'm amazed at people like her since they're actually bragging about it. -
- 120: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:05:24.65 ID:qjgb1XuC
- >>111今はまだ知り合いって程度にしか呼べへん距離感かもしれんけど、そこから一歩踏み込むのが友達作りやでThe distance between you 2 right now only permits you to call her as "someone you know", but taking one step forward from there is the way to make friends
- 135: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:08:58.95 ID:pxxdmuhG
- >>111そういう人生の転機で枕で勝利するのは正解やろうなあ
But achieving victory by doing sexual favors during a turning point in life is probably the correct choice
- 114: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:04:41.96 ID:TiVa+E0a
- 枕だろうがなんだろうがお前らの女にはならないしお前らがいくら叫ぼうとキャスティングにはなんの影響も無いやんWho cares if they got to where they are with sexual favors or whatever.
No matter how much you guys will shout, there won't be any effect on the casting. - 127: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:08:04.90 ID:rOAieZuH
- オマエラだって保険契約するときは、どうせなら枕してくれる生保レディ選ぶやろBut you guys, even when you sign insurance contracts, you'd still choose a life insurance lady who'd be willing to do it, right?
- 141: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:10:25.10 ID:VNuKygL+
- >>127やらんなぁ自分とやるってことは他の奴ともやってるってことやからなこのご時世、一時の欲望より病気のリスクの方が怖いでNah.
Doing it with me means that she's also doing it with a lot of different people.
I'm more scared of the medical risks than having a moment of pleasure, especially during these times.
- 143: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:11:30.15 ID:LR0eQfxq
- クイーンのフレディも枕してたとかぶっちゃけてたけど…Even Queen's Freddie blurted out that he had sexual favors with someone.
I wonder who it was with... - 164: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:18:07.78 ID:8E7zbbGz
- 接待の延長線上やろそりゃ少なからずあって仕方ないものじゃないのI think sexual favors is an extension of attending to guests.
This probably exists, and it can't be helped. - 165: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:18:08.22 ID:K+vWfiXK
- 堤みたいな人生は送ってみたい枕だらけやろうな 沢口靖子の全盛期を抱けたとか羨ましすぎI want to live a life like Tsutsumi's.
He's probably done a lot of sexual favors. I'm so envious of him for being able to sleep with Yasuko Sawaguchi in her prime. -
- 169: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:20:31.40 ID:zXYbmcIj
- >>165堤は、どちらかと言えばパトロンって感じやろ愛人契約じゃないけどTsutsumi feels more like a patron.
Not in mistress contracts, though.
- 168: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:20:07.07 ID:vIofXrDP
- あるならあるでそりゃそうだろとしか思えないけど暴露して何のメリットがあるのかわからない
Yeah, I do think it exists, of course, but what I don't get is what sort of merit these people will have by coming out and revealing it. Saying gravure idols do sexual favors and have plastic surgeries is like strangling your own neck. -
- 175: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:21:48.30 ID:qjgb1XuC
- >>168仕事がなくなったから話題作って再起かけるんや松田聖子が結婚と離婚を繰り返すのと一緒
They're betting on a comeback after losing jobs by making buzz like this. It's the same as Seiko Matsuda repeatedly getting married and divorced.
- 179: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:23:47.68 ID:d9YuI4La
- >>168炎上商法みたいなもんだろ
It's like getting bad press on purpose
- 182: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:24:38.40 ID:tKkKJT+j
- まぁ本人がやるわけないけどな事務所の後輩が抱かれに行くんだよI don't think that these talents themselves are the ones who go for sexual favors. It's the younger kouhais who take the dirt.
- 189: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:26:18.14 ID:qjgb1XuC
- 剛力の為に後輩が枕をさせられる風潮視聴者にも後輩をテレビで見せてくれませんかねえ・・・What's with saying that the juniors are the ones being made to do sexual favors for Gouriki's sake?
Can't they show these kouhais to the TV viewers? - 196: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:28:10.05 ID:KjsFdpkR
- やたらテレビ出てるマツコ、ミッツ、クリス松村も枕なんやろなぁ
Even the people like Matsuko, Mittsu, and Chris Matsumura who are all over TV are probably having sexual favors too, huh? - 203: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:29:51.65 ID:jY/JnZBS
- 出演者が枕するパターンよりも枕要員が事務所から派遣されるパターンの方が多いんでしょ?悲しい世界よねI think that there are more cases of making the agency's designated sex slaves do the dirty work instead of having the actual talents themselves do the deed.
Such a sad world. - 204: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:29:55.15 ID:T8N2zkkw
- むしろ枕程度で出世できるんならええやろバレたら白い目で見られるやろうけどI actually don't think it's a bad deal if you can advance in life just by letting someone bang you.
People will look at you in a bad way if it gets found out, though. - 208: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:30:42.34 ID:zmUdfAd8
- 作家で芸能プロの社長の新堂冬樹がそういう小説いっぱい書いてるぞ
The writer and Geinou-pro president Fuyuki Shindo has written a lot of novels like that - 217: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:32:55.28 ID:T8N2zkkw
- 売れなかったらAVか風俗に沈む奴もおるんやし、しゃーない
And the ones who don't get popular sink down to AV or end up as prostitutes, it can't be helped - 232: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 00:39:15.48 ID:dl8Y0Ild
- そもそも枕営業って一般社会でもかなりあるやろ
Sexual favors exist not just in entertainment, but even in regular society
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