* Koshigayakita High School [science and mathematics] Standard score 67越谷北高校[普通]66普通に頭良かった何故天は二物を与えたのか
Koshigayakita High School [regular] Standard score 66 he's really smart. Why do the heavens give 2 good things to one person?
* But I bet he just got in through recommendation.
↑ It's a prefectural high school so one can only get in through his/her own abilities.
* But he totally looked like a gal-man.
・全然頭いい感じしないから舐めてたわ すみませんでした
・ダンスも出来るんだっけ リア充すぎる
・全然頭いい感じしないから舐めてたわ すみませんでした
・ダンスも出来るんだっけ リア充すぎる
* He didn't seem smart at all, I looked down on him. Sorry.
* Smart and an ikemen, that's amazing.
* He's also good at acting so he's got 3 good things going for him.
* He's also a good dancer, right? He's really lived life to the fullest.
* 67? It's not just on a level where you say "That's amazing wwwwwwww" It's on a level that will make you lauded in your home town.
* But it seems that making his debut in women's clothing is a dark past for him.
- 9: 閃光妖術(東京都) 2013/12/22(日) 14:55:50.28 ID:N85hHtD30
- イケメンすぎるめっちゃモテただろうなDamn, what an ikemen.
He must've been really popular with the girls. - 10: ファイナルカット(千葉県) 2013/12/22(日) 14:56:05.70 ID:jPT9eFiU0
- 高校の頃はちょっと可愛い顔してる男は文化祭とかでも女装させられてたからな
Guys who had cute faces in high school were the ones whom they asked to wear girl's outfits - 12: タイガースープレックス(京都府) 2013/12/22(日) 14:56:16.78 ID:RJ9G4sRA0
- 何でもええよ名優やし。ただ~ひょろいな
Anything's fine, and he's a really good actor. But he looks too frail. - 14: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(栃木県) 2013/12/22(日) 14:56:44.62 ID:3bdGsjtC0
- 桐谷美玲、小島瑠璃子はもっと上
Mirei Kiritani and Ruriko Kojima are much smarter - 18: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(東日本) 2013/12/22(日) 14:57:50.90 ID:VWR/6WkXO
- 身長だけだなあと申し分なさ過ぎAll that's left is his height.
Everything else is too perfect. - 19: パロスペシャル(dion軍) 2013/12/22(日) 14:58:12.67 ID:kf4haH38P
- 越北なの頭いいなSo he's from Koshikita.
He's really smart then. - 21: 河津掛け(西日本) 2013/12/22(日) 15:00:15.32 ID:EJ+c1ECXO
- 仮面ライダー電王か
Oh, Kamen Rider Den-O
http://pds2.exblog.jp/pds/1/201004/19/33/e0034633_1657183.jpg - 29: シャイニングウィザード(大阪府) 2013/12/22(日) 15:02:39.47 ID:d9XiqLOs0
- ごちそうさんの高畑充希は偏差値70だったのに芸能活動優先でCランク大へ・・・Gochisousan's Mitsuki Takahata comes from a high school with a standard score of 70, but she prioritized her showbiz career so she just went to a C-rank college...
Shitennoji Jr. High & HS → Horikoshi from 2nd year onwards → Hosei University
http://gochisousan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/2013-12-03_112939.jpg - 32: アンクルホールド(長野県) 2013/12/22(日) 15:05:24.19 ID:+Th5ZxbI0
- 大学受験の感覚でみると偏差値高いように見えるけど、高校偏差値66なんて大したことないよ
The standard score may seem high, but 66 actually isn't that big of a deal especially when you see it like when you're taking college entrance exams. Only about 2-3 people can make it to Kyutei from there. -
- 78: ツームストンパイルドライバー(やわらか銀行) 2013/12/22(日) 16:47:53.42 ID:r+cc+Z0o0
- >>32東大でじゃないの?偏差値66だったら最低10%ぐらいは旧帝いくだろDon't you mean Tōdai?
With a standard score of 66, around 10% can make it to Kyutei.
- 36: ランサルセ(愛知県) 2013/12/22(日) 15:08:42.51 ID:50bdc9f60
- 今と全然違いがないな
It's not that different from now - 37: リキラリアット(dion軍) 2013/12/22(日) 15:10:35.34 ID:UuxWIbZc0
- 67くらいで何を騒いでいるんだ
Why make a fuss with 67? - 39: チキンウィングフェースロック(長屋) 2013/12/22(日) 15:12:52.37 ID:8H3HM34f0
- 越谷北?浦和高校や川越高校なら認めるけどな。Koshigayakita?
I'd approve of him if he were from Urawa HS or Kawagoe HS, though. - 40: 目潰し(北海道) 2013/12/22(日) 15:14:42.02 ID:BP0g9yPW0
- 67だからじゃない佐藤という要素があってこそ
It's not because of his score of 67. It's because he's Takeru Sato. - 46: ラダームーンサルト(北海道) 2013/12/22(日) 15:32:31.72 ID:n3OBF8BN0
- お前らの嫉妬の声が心地よい
I feel pleasure in you guys' jealousy - 47: バズソーキック(東日本) 2013/12/22(日) 15:36:01.43 ID:2DlSvXoq0
- もうちょい背があればな
If he were just a bit taller - 49: 稲妻レッグラリアット(catv?) 2013/12/22(日) 15:38:18.11 ID:/4X4846j0
- イケメンだなあHe's such an ikemen.
I'd understand why A$$ko would stick her butt out like that and ask him to hold her.
http://akb48log.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/20130627_2.jpg - 58: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(静岡県) 2013/12/22(日) 15:45:20.29 ID:C92fgodl0
- 頭良いって偏差値75以上の事だと思ってたけど、違うのか
I always thought you had to be in a school with a score of 75 and higher to be considered smart - 59: かかと落とし(愛知県) 2013/12/22(日) 15:46:50.42 ID:Vl9lssD10
- まあまあ高いレベルで驚くほどのもんじゃないだろ
That's just decently high, it's not something to be so surprised about - 61: リキラリアット(dion軍) 2013/12/22(日) 15:52:51.83 ID:Lb+Ua58M0
- 偏差値67で大したことないといったら
You guys may be saying that 67 isn't high enough, but what about Kawori Manabe who's got a standard score of 55 or 56, got into Yokohama Natl. Uni. through recommendation and is being regarded as an intelligent person? - 64: フェイスロック(福岡県) 2013/12/22(日) 15:55:28.47 ID:uLz0aV+z0
- 髪多いなあいいなあHe's got a lot of hair.
I'm so envious. - 69: キチンシンク(栃木県) 2013/12/22(日) 16:06:32.17 ID:n4cGW11N0
- AKB前田をゴミ袋扱い無類の猫好き女装もかわいい腐女子には人気あるだろうてTreating AKB Maeda like a garbage bag.
A cat lover.
Looks cute wearing women's clothes.
Of course he'd be popular with the fujoshis. - 70: サッカーボールキック(チベット自治区) 2013/12/22(日) 16:15:20.94 ID:QDJR3ROP0
- るろ剣演じた人だよな和月の描くキャラに似て華奢なイケメンじゃないか和月もこんな外見だったらたたかれずにすんだのにwwwThe guy who played Rurouni Kenshin, right?
He looks like the character that Watsuki drew up, he's a delicate-looking ikemen.
Watsuki wouldn't have been bashed so much if he also looked like this ww
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/yuth/10422837.jpeg - 75: ファイナルカット(京都府) 2013/12/22(日) 16:41:22.65 ID:3SUIhPOw0
- 偏差値67くらいの高校いくらでもあるんだが特に都会の67は、上に70以上の高校があっての67だから、上も知れている地方はそれ以上がないから67の高校に75位のやつもけっこういるBut there are tons of high schools that have a standard score of 67.
Especially the 67 in the cities, it's just 67 because there are a lot of schools about 70 there.
67 might be the highest in some provinces, so that means that there are also guys that are about on the level of 75 in those schools. -
- 76: ネックハンギングツリー(東京都) 2013/12/22(日) 16:44:43.94 ID:9nL2Yv/i0
- >>75対抗意識燃やしててカワイイw
That sense of competitiveness is so cute w
- 77: ファルコンアロー(東京都) 2013/12/22(日) 16:47:23.20 ID:Cvipmclh0
- しかもこの人歌もかなりうまいしずるいよなwAnd this guy's also a pretty good singer.
So unfair. w - 81: パロスペシャル(群馬県) 2013/12/22(日) 16:59:13.09 ID:YmhzOhtMP
- イケメン、頭が良い、歌が美味い、ダンスも美味いB'zの稲葉かよるろうに剣心の撮影ではスタントマンを使わずにアクション演じたんだっけかIkemen, smart, good singer, and good dancer.
Is he B'z's Inaba?
And he didn't even use stunt doubles for Rurouni Kenshin, right? - 86: 逆落とし(神奈川県) 2013/12/22(日) 17:09:19.20 ID:j8QXEorD0
- これで身長あれば無敵だったなHe would've been invincible if he was just tall.
God wasn't that kind enough to give that to him, huh w
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