"I'll be 42 (this year)... I really have to think about it"
"I really wish I could say that (on marrying within the year). But it probably won't happen this year"
Source:ORICON STYLE(オリコンスタイル)
Left to right: Soma Suzuki, Keiko Toda, Seiko Niizuma

- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:51:48.05 ID:+Q99vNC40
- >>1
そうかジャニは写真NGなんだっけか - I thought for a second that Sakamoto's face changed, but it was actually a different person.
- Oh right, Johnny's talents aren't allowed to have their pictures on these, right?
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 14:00:38.98 ID:DksSpoHg0
- TOKIO松岡が一番ジャニーズでプロフェッショナルって褒めてたね
- TOKIO's Matsuoka commended this guy for being the most professional among all Johnny's talents
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 14:01:38.06 ID:E2ZOvzB+0
- どんな話の舞台かとスレ開いたら一言も内容が書いてなかったでござる
- I was expecting an explanation about the stage play when I opened this thread, but there was nothing about it
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 14:09:21.43 ID:avY/z1/YO
- で、どんな舞台なの
- And so, what's this stage play about?
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 14:12:39.69 ID:i+h2iArd0
- トキオのリーダーと独身争いでもしてるのか
- Is he competing with TOKIO's leader on who can stay single longer?
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/kanjani0509/15748198.jpeg - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 14:23:53.28 ID:daZGp7DB0
- ミュージカルとか舞台とか本当仕事ない芸能人のために存在してるとしか思えん
- I can't help but think that musicals and stage plays exist for celebrities who don't have jobs
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:06:32.26 ID:LeqaigBHO
- >>9
タレントや歌手が落ち目になるとやり出すせいだな - It's because of all these talents and singers who suddenly start doing these when they go on the decline
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:46:31.79 ID:chE9KTOY0
- >>9
それに、坂本ってTVレギュラーあるよ - But Johnny's is originally an agency which specializes in that.
- And Sakamoto has a regular TV program
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 14:34:16.13 ID:8lgwZr4c0
- 全然前向きやないやん。
なにこれ。 - He's not enthusiastic at all. What's this?
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 14:39:08.95 ID:o2LRFI1/O
- キチヲタがいるんでしょ。結婚できんのか?
- He has some crazy otaku fans right? Is that why he can't marry?
http://full.mi.mixi.jp/media/file/fulltime/149d7919e5e6dcd6bf82d588afda91315408e81c_6_213265685_189_large.jpg - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:00:40.65 ID:beluTpefO
- い っ く ぜ♪ Ikuze!
∧_∧ ♪
. ((o(・ω・` )(o)) バリ Bari BODY! バリ Bari BUDDY!
/ /
((o(´・ω・)o)) i 張りきってー Harikitte
ヽ ヽ ♪
ガ ッ ツ ~♪ Guts!
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:05:16.55 ID:9Ag/QM960
- 今まで生きてきてV6の坂本のファンだと言う女を見たことも聞いた事も無い
- Never in my entire life have I seen or heard of a girl who says she's a fan of Sakamoto from V6
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:06:30.49 ID:ECokcSKX0
- リーダーなのに存在感ゼロ
- Despite being the leader, he has zero presence
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:07:20.82 ID:eE5+gojP0
- ジャニーズでよかったねw
- Good for him he's from Johnny's
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:11:47.62 ID:TYHU41KKO
- 佐藤敦啓
ここらへんは結婚させてやれよ - Atsuhiro Sato
- Koji Uchiumi
- Masahiro Nakai
- Goro Inagaki
- Tsuyoshi Kusanagi
- Shigeru Joshima
- Taichi Kokubun
- Masayuki Sakamoto
- Hiroshi Nagano
- Shingo Murakami
- Let these guys marry already
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:13:21.13 ID:TEIspLvtO
- 年内結婚ないとかいっても年末あたりにさっと結婚したりするかもしれんなw
- Even if he's saying that he won't marry within the year, he might get married around the new year LOL
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:14:57.57 ID:13dmTLsB0
- あまりジャニーズの歌ってテレビで見たことないけど
人にジャニーズで一番歌上手いんじゃないかって言っちゃう。 - I almost never see Johnny's singing on TV but when I did see V6 by chance, I really thought that this Sakamoto guy sings really well. I even tell others that he's probably the best singer in Johnny's
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 15:34:16.76 ID:xJuFdPKq0
- 坂本さんは歌も踊りもできていい感じだね
しかし綜馬さん若いな、声は昔のままだろうか - Sakamoto-san can sing and dance so I guess he'll be a good fit.
- But Soma-san is still so young. Is his voice still the same as before?
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 16:05:31.43 ID:8hlfeUsh0
- 国分は結婚するような話あったのにどうなったんだ?
別に結婚したからって元々ファンも多くなさそうだし問題ないんじゃないか - I thought Kokubun was going to get married, what happened to that?
- I don't think he had that many fans to begin with so there won't be any problem even if he does, right?
http://dailywom.hotcom-web.com/geinou/201304/20130415/image2.jpg- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 16:13:45.87 ID:JPnj5koG0
- 何日か前にライブがあるとかで原宿にV6のファンが大量にいたんだけど
こいつのファン結構いたよw - A few days ago, there were tons of V6 fans in Harajuku since they were performing there, and this guy had quite a lot of fans LOL
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:02:12.89 ID:7SnS6BGV0
- こいつとずっと付き合ってるとか噂になってた奴誰だったけか
- Wasn't there someone rumored to be going out with him for a long time? Who was it again?
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:27:51.18 ID:nr2G0qzU0
- >>33
中澤裕子 - Yuko Nakazawa
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:26:13.98 ID:TYHU41KKO
- 井ノ原は子供いるんだっけ?
事務所の戦略? - Does Inohara have a kid?
- There's TOKIO's Yamaguchi who did an episode of his children and family.
- Then there's KimuTaku who never talks about his family.
- What's up with this disparity? Is this the agency's strategy?
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/20120101_ueto_19.jpg- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:28:36.15 ID:j3QH5NV/0
- 具体的なお相手は笹本(?)
- His actual partner is Sasamoto (?)
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:32:11.65 ID:vn7Ve+uM0
- >>36
大塚ちひろ - Chihiro Ohtsuka
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201110/30/75/a0037475_1741130.jpg - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:29:16.78 ID:KoKoLKpvO
- 昔からTOKIOのリーダーと区別がつかないんだけど…
- I've never been able to distinguish him from TOKIO's leader since before
http://nsryh.cocolog-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2009/11/30/photo.png - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:34:23.01 ID:d8DLC1Kk0
- キンキキッズの人とかヲタから車貰ったりとかあるらしいし
結婚したらヲタが離れるしそういう意味でも結婚できないよねジャニーズって - I heard that Kinki Kids even got a car from otaku fans. I guess these Johnny's talents just can't get married since these otakus will all go away
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/23(火) 17:40:27.85 ID:2pzZqCaDO
- そもそも相手がいるのか?
ジャニーズの看板なければ鼻の穴のデカイおっさんだぞ - Does he even have a partner?
- If it wasn't for Johnny's, he'd just be an old man with huge nostrils
Original Thread
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