Koyuki appeared in Tamori's "Waratte II tomo" program and talked enthusiastically about her labouring experience in South Korea.
Koyuki decided to have her 2nd child delivered in Korea after finding that Seoul's hospital is "advanced in postnatal care". She revealed that she stayed in an postnatal caring facility for 2-3 weeks after giving the birth. Koyuki enthusiastically spoke about the care she was given and even said "The reality is this sort of service is not provided in Japan. I hope this will increase in Japan as well". Koyuki also said that seaweed soup is good for the breastmilk. Host Tamori said that the same soup is also good for the hair
- 2: 斑(北海道) 2013/04/05(金) 15:59:02.38 ID:10vmnzdB0
- 病院夜逃げしたくせに
You're the one to talk after running away from the hospital during the night - 4: アメリカンワイヤーヘア(東京都) 2013/04/05(金) 16:00:35.55 ID:W4vVaxRY0
- 小雪「韓国は何でも進んでいます。日本も見習いたいですね」
Koyuki: "Everything is advanced in Korea. I hope Japan follows its example". It felt as if she kept repeating this throughout the program -
- 70: アメリカンボブテイル(愛媛県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:53:44.03 ID:+fxX5r690
- >>4
But they're actually advancing towards the wrong direction.......
- 73: ジャパニーズボブテイル(神奈川県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:55:50.93 ID:zPEtW5330
- >>4
I guess she wants the viewers to take note of something...
- 80: ボルネオヤマネコ(関東・甲信越) 2013/04/05(金) 17:04:33.55 ID:0w0u/aPsO
- >>4
I think she can't say anything other than her script LOL
- 6: コドコド(空) 2013/04/05(金) 16:00:50.08 ID:KVcE0mdN0
- 産後院押しは計画通りやるのか
So she's still promoting that postnatal facility according to her original plan huh - 8: ヒョウ(長野県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:01:48.41 ID:e/wpga3z0
- 最近芸能人の売り方汚いステマ多いよな
There's been a lot of nasty stealth marketing schemes employed by celebrities nowadays... Penny auction, Lasik surgery... the kind of ones that will hurt the uninformed - 11: 猫又(関東・甲信越) 2013/04/05(金) 16:02:35.66 ID:Qz8URfGaO
- 懲りてないw
She still hasn't learned her lesson LOL. Japan also offers postnatal care in hospitals you know
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/nikkangossip/imgs/e/8/e81c9259.jpg - 12: アムールヤマネコ(大阪府) 2013/04/05(金) 16:03:49.33 ID:iW1uKsSL0
- 夜逃げ女優 っていうイメージが増えただけ
My image of her as moonlight fleeter just got stronger - 14: サビイロネコ(広島県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:04:58.71 ID:a6Nj0rCd0
- まだ持ち上げようとするのに驚き
I'm surprised that she's still trying to promote that hospital - 15: 斑(千葉県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:05:36.36 ID:6F5N/7NG0
- いいともで、朝鮮式の訳分からんおんぶ紐持参して、自慢げに実演してたな
She brought this Korean-style baby sling, or something and seemed so proud of it in that program. It looked so impractical, and you can't even wear it yourself but she showered it with praise. - 19: ラガマフィン(茸) 2013/04/05(金) 16:12:42.74 ID:L6pyfsCeP
- これは酷いごり押し
This is a bad case of forcing things - 21: マーゲイ(東京都) 2013/04/05(金) 16:13:53.59 ID:TPs1R4yi0
- 小雪がその産後調理院から脱走した話で
The story of Koyuki running away from that postnatal facility has become very popular in Japan - 22: サビイロネコ(沖縄県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:14:02.20 ID:qrP+DyqN0
- 逃げ出した事皆知ってるのに何でこんな事言えるの?
How can she still say this when everyone knows that she ran away from that hospital? It's disgusting - 24: ソマリ(山口県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:14:50.96 ID:YQDPVG6u0
- やはり母国なん?
So is that really her motherland? - 27: マヌルネコ(愛知県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:16:39.77 ID:vtybDOwf0
- 何をするところなんだ?
韓国ではこれ以上の事が有るの?\ - So what does this place actually do? In Japan, they'll give you various instructions, treatment, along with the baby's check-up for a week. Then on the last day, they call the father and have dinner together with the doctor, then get discharged the next day. Even the room was very clean and nice, and I have nothing but praise for our facilities here. Does that mean Korea far exceeds this service?
- 32: 斑(韓国) 2013/04/05(金) 16:18:32.80 ID:BndYwz180
- >>27
生まれた子供に初キムチのプレゼントがありますw - Apparently they'll give your newborn his/her first kimchi as a present LOL
- 31: ジャガーネコ(静岡県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:18:30.76 ID:XR3ypH+10
- 結局コユキさんはなんで入院先の産後院から夜逃げしたん?
- So then, why did Koyuki run away from the hospital she was confined in?
- 33: ギコ(東京都) 2013/04/05(金) 16:19:24.80 ID:zNi5MZJa0
- キモいくらい終始韓国ageだったよな
この人がまるで絶世の美女みたいな風潮ってなんなの - She promoted Korea so much, it was sickening. What's with her anyway? Why is she being regarded as like the most beautiful woman on earth?
- 35: イリオモテヤマネコ(東京都) 2013/04/05(金) 16:20:10.65 ID:ts+e/nyM0
- そんなもの既に日本にもあるのにね
- That thing already exists in Japan you know
- 38: サイベリアン(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/04/05(金) 16:21:29.95 ID:latIU1hc0
- 逃げ出したくせにw すすめるなよw
- Didn't you run away from them? Don't promote them! LOL
- 39: ラ・パーマ(SB-iPhone) 2013/04/05(金) 16:21:33.51 ID:2SIQMt5ji
- 海藻が髪にいいなんて嘘だぞ
- Seaweed good for the hair? Rubbish!
- 48: ブリティッシュショートヘア(東京都) 2013/04/05(金) 16:26:07.80 ID:tx2O1BBn0
- 以前、結構叩かれたと思うんだが、何だろうこの人ww
ステマしなきゃならんくらい、弱みでも握られてんの? - What's with her? Hasn't she been bashed enough already? Could someone be taking advantage of her with all these stealth marketing ploys?
- 49: 白(関東・甲信越) 2013/04/05(金) 16:30:35.95 ID:uLBf63S1O
- 武井咲は小雪の後継者として将来韓国で出産します
- Emi Takei, as Koyuki's successor, will also go to a hospital in Korea in the future to give birth to her child
- (Emi says in the picture that she wants to be a Korean in her 2nd life, and looks up to 2NE1, hailing them as "unique")
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/opinism/imgs/0/1/01fcd6f3.jpg - 50: アメリカンワイヤーヘア(愛知県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:30:47.41 ID:5J0rtwDC0
- 番宣かねてのステマとか心の底からどうでもいいけど
サービス・ケアが良いとか以前の問題 - I honestly don't care about stealth marketing tactics but I hope she quits manipulating the viewers' imagination that there are no such facilities in Japan. More so, I can't believe a parent in her right mind would want her newborn traveling on an airplane. The problem here isn't with the facilities or the service.
- 52: バーマン(庭) 2013/04/05(金) 16:33:10.31 ID:hlJTLtclP
- 見てたけど酷いね
- I got to see that program, it was terrible
- 56: ギコ(関東・甲信越) 2013/04/05(金) 16:38:38.80 ID:l4pCjnEuO
- 般若より能面に見える
She looks more like a Noh-mask rather than a Hanya mask (mask of a female demon)
http://www.noh-kyogen.com/encyclopedia/mask/images/koomote.jpg - 60: 斑(熊本県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:41:41.24 ID:Hqhd/FLj0
- 韓国政府の広告要員までに落ちたか。
- So she's become an advertising agent of the Korean government?
- 63: ボンベイ(WiMAX) 2013/04/05(金) 16:45:33.40 ID:3WBnglWX0
- 退院前に逃げ出して病院から入院費請求されたことは言ってませんでしたねぇ(ゲス顔)
- Hmm, she didn't mention anything about the hospital charging her fees even when she ran away from them (evil smirk)
- 66: スペインオオヤマネコ(神奈川県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:48:33.09 ID:Xl4GLRfX0
- こいつはいいともに宣伝するために出てきたのか
ひどかったね - So she appeared in "Iitomo" just to promote the hospital
- A hospital that charges over 1 million yen is not affordable by any means, and you'd get the same thing here in Japan if you just pay for it. It was really horrible.
- 67: リビアヤマネコ(富山県) 2013/04/05(金) 16:49:00.88 ID:MmY4IBJY0
- とりあえずネットで即座に真実が暴かれるからな
- Just you wait, the truth will be revealed immediately on the internet
- 75: サバトラ(関東・甲信越) 2013/04/05(金) 16:57:44.75 ID:Vfl/LsleO
- 言わされてる感が否めないwww
- I can't help but think that someone was forcing those words in her mouth LOL
- 76: ギコ(東京都) 2013/04/05(金) 17:01:08.96 ID:zNi5MZJa0
- どんな裏取引でいくらもらってやってるのかなー(棒)
- I wonder how much she's receiving for this
- 82: アビシニアン(北海道) 2013/04/05(金) 17:12:16.07 ID:CLFtG3CT0
- 初めの院は良くなかったから夜逃げして次の院に行ったって言えば丸く収まるのにね!
- Everything will fall into place if she'd just say that she didn't like the first hospital so she ran away and looked for another
- 84: ツシマヤマネコ(dion軍) 2013/04/05(金) 17:14:17.04 ID:zWzXsjWQ0
- 要はチョンだろ
- Bottom line is she's Korean, right?
- 85: ボンベイ(神奈川県) 2013/04/05(金) 17:14:59.87 ID:0Hnl7+LO0
- これを真に受けてリスクも考えずに韓国に産みに行こうとする馬鹿もいるのかな?
- I wonder if someone is stupid enough to fall for this and go to Korea to give birth to their child?
Original Thread
Actually, when it comes to gynecology and post-natal care, Japan is one of the last in the ranking among industrialized countries. So these women going to Korea are not stupid, they just want the best for them. And the best is not in Japan.