- 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 12:55:28.05 0 ID:
- 69: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:02:10.35 0 ID:
- >>27
肩の丸みが - Look at the roundness of the shoulder...
- 959: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:57:48.03 0 ID:
- >>27
皆ごつくなったな - All of them look tough
- 45: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 12:58:21.28 0 ID:
- 拡大してみた
- I tried blowing up the picture
- 293: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:45:32.02 0 ID:
- >>45
これはもう洒落にならないレベルやな - Hey this is no laughing matter anymore
- 55: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 12:59:53.72 0 ID:
- おっさん体型だな
- She's got the body of an old man
- 80: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:02:57.51 0 ID:
責めちゃダメだよ- But she's working so hard, like this! Don't blame her
- 88: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:04:04.87 0 ID:
- >>80
見えないところで食ってる - Zukki doesn't eat in front of the camera. She only eats where she can't be seen
- 104: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:05:53.03 O ID:
- >>80
何かもう人ではない生物に見えてくるなあ - She already looks like some living creature that isn't human anymore
- 96: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:04:45.43 0 ID:
- 完全に固太り体質やん
事務所もちゃんとした指導しろよ - Looks like she gets fat easily. Eating also gives muscles, not just fat so limiting food intake won't make you thinner. The agency should teach her properly
- 110: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:07:01.29 0 ID:
- すげえくさそうw
- She must stink so bad LOL
- 131: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:10:36.05 0 ID:
- こんな分銅みたいな重量感あるデブはかつていないだろ
- Never was there a fatty before who looks so heavy like those balance weights
- 134: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:11:03.09 0 ID:
- >>131フンドーwww
- Balance weight LOLOLOLOLOL
- 140: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:12:16.74 P ID:
- >>131
なつかしすぐる - That brings back so much memories
- 150: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:13:39.56 P ID:
- ズッキはこれだとでも言うのか?
- So you mean to say that this is how Zukki looks?
- 152: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:14:17.20 0 ID:
- 力士の太腿を筋量ある、ただ太ってるわけじゃないと評することがあるが
似た足してるんだよ - The legs of a sumo wrestler has muscles, it's not all fat. Her legs are pretty similar to that
- 203: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:24:44.05 0 ID:
- ■8期オーデの失敗
光井愛佳を合格させて吉川友を不合格にした - Major FAIL during the 8th batch auditions.
- They let Aika Mitsui (left) through while failing Yuu Kikkawa (right)
鈴木香音を合格させて植村あかりを不合格にした- Major FAIL during the 9th batch auditions
- They let Kanon Suzuki (left) through while failing Akari Uemura (right)
- 208: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:26:20.24 0 ID:
豚足感が凄い- Her foot looks so fat, like that of a pig
- 289: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:44:56.83 0 ID:
- メシ食ってくる。
- I'm off to have lunch now
- 326: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:55:15.13 0 ID:
- デブ専需要を知らない奴多すぎ
- I guess a lot of you guys don't know that there are men out there who have a fetish for fat girls
- 334: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 13:57:12.17 0 ID:
- なんで成長期止まってるのかな?
熊井ちゃんみたいに縦に伸ばせば問題ないのに・・ - Has puberty stopped for her all of a sudden?
- There won't be a problem if she just gets stretched vertically like Kumai-chan.
http://file.kametuyo.blog.shinobi.jp/sapphire1153-ok.jpg- 383: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:05:21.30 T ID:
この中にいたらまだ大丈夫って思っちゃうだろ- All of Zukki's friends are chubby too. She looks fine when bunched together with these ones, right?
- 387: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:06:13.94 0 ID:
- >>383
体型が50代のおばさんばっかりだな - They all look like they have the body of a 50-year old
- 389: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:07:16.65 0 ID:
- >>383
ズッキよりデブなの一人だけやんw - There's only one who's fatter than Zukki LOL
- 406: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:10:39.90 T ID:
- >>383
名古屋ではこれがデフォルトなのか - Amazing that all of them have the same body as Zukki. Is this the default in Nagoya?
- 407: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:11:00.22 0 ID:
- ズッキはたぶんこれがベスト体重
- This is probably Zukki's ideal weight
- 411: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:11:30.86 0 ID:
- ズッキの屁やウ●コって格段にくっさそう
- The stench of Zukki's fart and poo must be on a totally different level
- 517: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:28:45.03 0 ID:
- ズッキのデブ画像利用して娘を宣伝しようぜ
これがモーニング娘。の超美少女ズッキだ!!! - Let's try promoting Musume using Zukki's pictures.
- "This is Morning Musume's super pretty Zukki!!!"
新曲よろしく- Please listen to their new song as well
- 535: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:31:10.28 0 ID:
鶴瓶かとおもった- I thought she was Tsurube
- 543: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:32:24.07 0 ID:
- >>535
ふとももヤバいって - Those thighs don't look good
- 554: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:33:45.64 0 ID:
- >>535
もう汚物だな - She's already like a contaminant
- 692: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:58:07.34 T ID:
- >>535
ううううううわあああああああああ - Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- 553: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:33:45.29 0 ID:
- まとめ
痩せようとしないデブ - Summary:
- A fatty who can't dance
- An uninteresting fatty
- An unfriendly fatty
- A mean fatty
- A gloomy fatty
- A fatty who doesn't accept that she's a fatty
- A fatty who has no intentions of becoming thin
- 590: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:41:43.78 0 ID:
この画像が結構好き- I like this picture
- 597: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:42:53.33 0 ID:
- >>590
これ本当になんなのw - What the heck is this really LOL
- 599: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:43:12.52 0 ID:
- >>590
字幕読んでさらに笑えるwww - It get's a lot funnier once you read the subtitle
- (風を感じてる = Feeling the wind)
- 602: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 14:43:34.18 0 ID:
- >>590
誰よりも風を感じてるな - She feels the wind much more than anyone else

- 846: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:23:24.16 0 ID:
- >>843
うわっ…殺意覚えるわw - Uwaa... I feel like killing her LOL
- 861: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:26:09.50 O ID:
- >>843
危機感持ってもらえるだろ - The fat on her chin is amazing. Let's just stop creating these threads with her nickname "Zukki" in the title and let's make a thread called "Kanon Suzuki's piggyfication" so that she'l feel some urgency when she searches for herself on google and finds these

太ったら余計に筋肉つけないと踊れなくなる 結果 太る
- 879: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:31:25.41 0 ID:
- >>867
その理屈が通るなら世界中のダンサーみなデブだらけじゃないかw - If that logic is true then all the dancers in the world are fat LOL

- 889: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:34:46.27 0 ID:
- >>877
これあかんやつ - No, no this isn't good
- 893: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:36:19.30 T ID:
- >>877
男の太り方だよなあ - She's putting on weight like a man
- 898: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:38:43.73 0 ID:
- >>877
ワロタww - LOL

- 903: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:40:03.98 0 ID:
- >>902
アイドルの体型じゃねーな - That's not the body of an idol

- 920: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/04/25(木) 15:42:13.62 0 ID:
- >>914
これもおまけで - Throw this in as well
Original Thread
That's so cruel...
ReplyDeleteMeanie !
ReplyDeleteThis is horrible.
ReplyDeleteIs the true.
ReplyDeleteThis is disgusting. I will admit Zukki is a little heavy, I won't be one to ague she is skinny. But she is not some obese human being or something. She's still very cute, and weight should not be such a problem to begin with. She's a better idol than most of Morning Musume, I'd even say. Her talent and determination, her energetic and silly personality- no one can beat it.
ReplyDeletepeople are such idiots. ._.
and old ...
ReplyDeletei swear ive seen some of these pix before and most didnt look like this...some have been touched up to make her look fatter...thats mean
ReplyDeleteJapanese people are so mean with this theme, she's chubby, we already now, the reason why she keeps gainning weight, may be related to a disease, we don't know.
ReplyDeleteBut what you are doing with this kinda type of blog posts, is hurting a little kid.
In America, calling someone fat is a taboo and they doing it to a child. I can't believe it. I bet most of those people are ugly and stupid.
ReplyDeletemust be creepy akb wotas comments. She's only 14 you idiots!!!
ReplyDeletelol funny as hell
ReplyDeleteIn America, most people are 300 lbs so of course you guys wouldn't see anything wrong with Kanon's weight. She needs to lose weight but they are really harsh.
ReplyDeleteActually the average in America is 250 lbs. Not 300. I agree she should lose weight though. It doesn't bode well for any celebrity to be overweight on a particularly grand scale above what the public can accept as an okay overweight and since idols are expected to be healthily thin Zukki being healthily fat is not good at all. Her broad shoulders can become pretty acceptable if she keeps them healthily muscular. Her thunder thighs on the other hand really need to go. They draw attention so negatively. She could use some shrinkage on the stomach too but that can be fixed if she'd just wear a girdle regularly.
DeleteZukki is NOT that fat, don't mess with photos. Zukki is built differently than the other girls. And give it time, she will get skinnier. She is one of the better singers in the group currently.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing your probably all Riho wotas or something. But Riho has actually gained some weight recently. Go complain about that, and make fun of more people.
Enjoy it also. Fans of Zukki definitely wouldn't want you to be a fan of her either in the future if they ever read this.
You people disgust me.
Stupid americans always compare everything with their country
ReplyDeleteno wonder internet hates you
the ideal asians female weight is 90 to 120 lbs, above that considered as fat
the reason she haven't been in a show is because she could embarrass the group, fans and the company.
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ReplyDeleteThey're so mean, but they have always been strict with their idols.. It's right though, for Asian standards she should probably diet.
ReplyDeleteWhy everybody is complaining about this post? In Japan is not offensive to talk about a certain person's weight, and Zukki is not thin. She is an idol, so an example for girls like her, and fat=unhealty. So please shut up.