- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:39:22.57 ID:edcyuEDR
- やっぱカッコいいな
- He's really cool
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:39:38.11 ID:ONNmNVsl
- 生涯賃金いくら損したんよ。
- I wonder how much money he's lost in his lifetime
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:41:16.39 ID:6CuZ9GD8
- >>3
金より夢でカッコEやん - He's cool coz he chose his dreams over money
- 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:42:06.12 ID:edcyuEDR
- >>3
オートレーサーは寿命長いから生涯で考えたら吾郎くらいは抜けるんじゃねえかな - Auto racers actually have a long lifespan, so he might even surpass Goro's earnings
- 4: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:40:05.61 ID:W8DscFgb
- スターの佇まいやね
- Now that's what you call the aura of a star
- 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:40:55.45 ID:YOpJ7YKe
- 全然劣化してないというかそのままかっこE
- He hasn't deteriorated at all. He's still cool
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/ebbd7bc4e52c/11140366_218x291.jpeg - 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:41:25.01 ID:F7PyJJEn
- イケメンすなあ
- What an Ikemen
- 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:41:40.83 ID:Ok5NfHZz
- ハンドル曲がってるやん立ちゴケでもしたんか
- The handle's bent! Did he topple over or something?
- 21: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:42:50.35 ID:VOuMmOhi
- >>11
同じ方向にしかコーナリングしないから - Maybe it's because he uses it for races and only turns corners in one direction
- 28: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:44:05.35 ID:edcyuEDR
- >>11
100km/h弱出るのにギアも二つしかない - That's because he only turns to the left in races. He only needs 2 gears just to reach a little above 100Km/h
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:42:05.70 ID:WNPbsz/Q
- 自分の好きなことをやって食っていけるって幸せやろうな
食っていけてるかどうかは知らんけど - He must be happy making a living off doing something he really likes. Well, I don't know if he's making enough though
- 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:42:39.36 ID:OpDTJnaN
- 足細いね
- Such thin legs
- 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:43:11.66 ID:5phTZWVn
- 森は今から復帰してもイケる
なんで老けないんだろうか? - Mori can still make it big if he returns to showbiz now. These Johnny's guys sure are amazing, why don't they age at all?
- 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:43:17.63 ID:0nmCFUCu
- 事務所の力で楽するより
ロマンに生きた男 - Now this is a man who lived his dreams instead of remaining in his comfort zone that is the agency
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:43:43.61 ID:KHys+4DV
- 森くんとミソノとチック
これなんの集まりよ - Mori-kun, Misono and Tick. What kind of gathering is this?
- 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:44:29.47 ID:CABmAlcK
- >>26
グループを捨てた人の集まり - People who left their groups behind
- 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:44:10.89 ID:TQOtdvim
- 当時のスマップでも相当人気あったのに
夢追っかけて成功するってかっこええやん - SMAP was already very popular back in the day. I think it's really wonderful to chase your dream and succeed in it.
http://www.janijanifan.biz/data/janijanifan2/product/my199602_0.jpg - 31: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:44:26.54 ID:LDtfOJr6
- G1獲ってからもう結構経つよなあ
まだ一線級なんか - It's been a long time since he won the G1. Is he still in in the frontlines?
- 70: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:51:10.30 ID:rCNCPntd
- >>31
一流どころと比べると厳しいけどそれなりにやってる - He's fallen down the pecking order within Kawaguchi. We'll be pushing it if we were to compare him now to the best ones out there, but he can still hold his own.
- 34: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:44:37.12 ID:sPOBjRfu
- 別に揉めて抜けたわけやないしな
- And what's good about him is that he didn't leave because of an argument or something
- 38: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:45:33.66 ID:edcyuEDR
- >>34
ジャニーぶち切れてるやろ - But Johnny was fuming mad right?
- 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:45:35.78 ID:uPTubhoz
- オートレーサーって想像以上に稼げるらしいなホンマか知らんけど
- I heard that Auto racers earn a whole lot more than we can imagine. Not sure if this is true though.
- 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:45:47.91 ID:7emQYQjR
- ユニフォームとかじゃなく私服っぽいのがワロタ
- It made me LOL seeing him in some casual wear instead of his uniform
- 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:46:34.07 ID:oU0QCWmt
- この人出てきていいのか
SMAPのみなさんも触れちゃいけない存在みたいだし - Is it alright for this person to make a public appearance?
- Isn't he a criminal or something? I also feel that the other members aren't allowed to talk about him
- 50: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:47:46.49 ID:yZ27y/9M
- >>44
しかもSMAPメンバーは稀に触れるぞ - He's no criminal LOL
- And even the other SMAP members talk about him in their program. Rarely, though.
- 59: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:48:59.44 ID:sDybV/cq
- >>44
犯罪者は稲垣メンバーだろ - Hey, Inagaki's the criminal
- 45: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:46:50.88 ID:yZ27y/9M
- 去年2600万だとか年収
- I heard he made 26 Million Yen last year
- 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:47:08.15 ID:5phTZWVn
- 森くんがいたら、キムタクは小物になってたかもしれん
- If Mori-kun remained, KimuTaku probably wouldn't have made it big
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/252/43494229.jpg -
- 51: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:47:53.16 ID:LOqNKFAg
- >>46
ニッキとかかっちゃんみたいな - I think Mori-kun would have been treated like the old-type Ikemen of the group. Something like Nikki or Kacchan
- 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:47:11.91 ID:VptmaIOV
- ポカリのCMのコピーすき
- I like the Pocari commercial
- 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:48:17.04 ID:45aNJNgk
- SMAPをソフバンのCMで使ってるのに無茶するな。
- That's pretty reckless since SMAP are the commercial endorsers for Soft Bank (*he's throwing the ceremonial pitch for the team Softbank Hawks)
- 56: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:48:17.17 ID:vNEXe6jc
- ハイキック
- Mori-kun's high kick
- 60: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:49:06.02 ID:/ckHlV2m
- 中居も定期的に触れてるし、言うほど禁句でもない
- Nakai talks about him every once in a while, he's not completely taboo to the other members
- 64: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:50:15.19 ID:914ZkURO
- 森君てレーサーとしては成功してるん?
- So can Mori be considered successful as a racer?
- 77: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:52:05.48 ID:LOqNKFAg
- >>64
アイドルからスポーツ選手として転職してもプライド保たれるくらいの年収やステータスあるから、幸せなんやない - He's achieved the status that anyone can be proud of considering he shifted from being an idol to a racer, and he's earning well to boot. I guess he's pretty happy now
- 65: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:50:30.13 ID:CABmAlcK
- 本人たちは嫌いでもないんやろ
スマスマのビストロくらいには出したらいいのにとは思う - I don't think the other SMAP members hate him. I'm not so sure about the higher-ups though. I think he could even make an appearance at least on SmapxSmap Bistro.
- 69: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:51:04.37 ID:htKXc5xG
- 夢がモリモリの頃に辞めたイメージなんだがもうスマスマやってたか?
- I always thought he quit the group during the "Yume ga Morimori" days, but did they already have SmapxSmap back then?
- 76: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:52:03.91 ID:/ckHlV2m
- スマスマは一か月弱だけ出てる
まあファンじゃなきゃ出てるとこ見たことなくても不思議じゃないな - He appeared on SmapxSmap for a little over a month only. It wouldn't be strange if non-fans didn't know he was in it
http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130409125341.jpg - 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:51:28.24 ID:NwzbPwMC
- この前スマスマに映像出てたよな
- A film of him was shown on SmapxSmap a little while back
- 73: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:51:30.63 ID:92PyKYqy
- 森くんのハイキックは惚れ惚れする
- I love Mori-kun's high kick
- 75: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:51:57.39 ID:9Kvj/u5+
- レーサーとしてちゃんと実績残してるしカレンダー売れとるんやろ
- He's achieved a lot as a racer, and his calendars sell well, right?
http://stat.news.ameba.jp/news_images/20121213/12/48/b0/j/o065605250_399193.jpg - 79: 風吹けば名無し 2013/04/11(木) 20:52:25.16 ID:0YfTr5F8
- ジャニーとメリーが逝ったらTV復活あるんじゃない?
スマスマの最終回の時とかに出てほしい - I think he'll make a comeback when Johnny and Mary kick the bucket. I'd love for him to appear on something like the final episode of SmapxSmap
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