MSNトピックス 2013年4月14日(サイゾー)
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:22:56.55 ID:HXEHTMy8P
- ボディガードまでいなくなったか
これほど恨みを買ってるなら○されてもおかしくないな - So she even lost her bodyguards. I wouldn't be surprised if she got (fill in the blank) due to some grudge against her
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:23:55.85 ID:QHfBk89o0
- ボディーガードリストラとかガクトかよ
- Laid-off bodyguards, is she like Gackt or someone? - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:23:57.66 ID:ZYNSHMwZ0
- ボティーガード?もう人気もないのにどっちみちいらねーだろw
- She had bodyguards? She doesn't even need one, she's not popular anymore!
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:29:34.09 ID:cpYZtd4Z0
- 性格の悪い奴は落ち目になると急落下するのが世の常
- It's pretty common knowledge that the primadonnas are the ones who crash down like a rock once they lose popularity
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:30:08.19 ID:uqmzTiKj0
- こいつの取り巻きはキモかったな
- Her entourage was pretty disgusting
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:30:43.38 ID:MOaQ5OPr0
- 大名行列ならぬ、あゆ行列は全盛期でも割りとネタにされてたなぁ
どんどん減っていくのかな - Ayu's entourage, which can't even be compared to a Daimyo's procession, was made fun of even during her peak years. I guess it will get smaller over time.
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:31:40.75 ID:zMhRKL/G0
- そもそも日本のタレントでボディガードなんざいらんだろ
アメリカじゃあるまいし何も起こるわけない - Japanese talents don't even need bodyguards in the first place. We're not in America, nothing bad's gonna happen
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:32:30.27 ID:B0CjL/UfP
- >>21
最近はあんま聞かないけど・・ - Nah, there was this incident with Sayuri Yoshinaga a long time ago. There were others too, but nothing much nowadays.
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:34:20.93 ID:MOaQ5OPr0
- >>21
勝手にパシャパシャ取られたりするのもウザそうだし - It is a fact that it's pretty handy for them with bodyguards around. There are extreme stalkers everywhere you know. It also seems pretty irritating having people take pictures of you all the time
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:32:36.66 ID:4PMSKAJL0
- 安室は見事に返り咲いたよな
- Amuro on the other hand has successfully blossomed once again
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:35:14.39 ID:97q8KSr90
- 亀田も黒人ボディーガード雇ってなかったっけ。
ボディーガード業界にもリストラの嵐か - Didn't Kameda (boxer) have a black bodyguard too? So it means that the bodyguard industry is also having lay-offs huh
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:35:54.53 ID:IYAKxfYo0
- もう十分稼いだし、名声も得たから芸能界引退していいじゃん
- She's already amassed a fortune and gained popularity so I think it would be better if she just retired from show business
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:36:14.10 ID:QgUVnTX9P
- 歌唱力もひどいことになっとるし 安室や華原みたいに復活は無理じゃね
- Her singing has really deteriorated too, so I think it will be impossible for her to make a comeback like Amuro and Kahara
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:36:14.46 ID:c0W7uN2t0
- こいつの落ちぶれ見てると
1流には黙っていても人は付いていく物なんだな - Seeing how low she's fallen really makes you realize how good of a professional Amuro is. People will follow the 1st class ones no matter what, huh.
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:36:52.32 ID:Ny34c+nY0
- やっぱりカッコ悪い年のとり方をするとファンが脱落していくよね
- Fans will definitely give up on you if you don't age gracefully
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:37:03.61 ID:LeeO4Aff0
- 愛犬専属のスタッフもいないのかなw
- I wonder if she has a designated staff who attends to her dog - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:39:16.80 ID:c0W7uN2t0
- ブクブク太って何が売りなのか解らなくなった
35であれだけ歌って踊れる - She's gotten so fat, I don't know what her selling points are anymore. Compared to her, Amuro still has her musicality, dancing skills and visuals which haven't deteriorated a bit. She's really amazing, even at 35. - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:39:57.92 ID:B0CjL/UfP
- 真実はどうであれ
交際宣言したり、話題づくりに利用したら白けられるのは当然 - No matter what the truth may be, I think it's just natural that fans will lose interest after all those publicity stunts of declaring a relationship with the dancer while getting it on with him in the music video for the new CD.
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:40:33.76 ID:d6w7+MHf0
- たしかあの離婚問題まだ解決してないよな?
夫は離婚していないと言っていたはず - She still hasn't settled her divorce issues right? I think her husband said that they still haven't officially divorced yet
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:41:04.32 ID:IlHqeA6D0
- ツアーがアリーナ公演できるくらいまだ人気なんじゃなかったの?
やっぱCDダメだと経済的に厳しいのか? - I always thought that she was still popular enough to fill up arenas on her tours. So will it economically be a problem for her if her CDs don't sell well?
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:50:34.75 ID:odfF6qRe0
- >>45
おかげで通るのにウザかったわ - I always train at the Gold Gym Super Arena, but there were lots of customers last Saturday, and I think over a thousand were lined up wanting to buy her goods. And it made it quite a nuisance passing by that place
- 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:57:36.72 ID:gKSWF2H30
- >>45ライブしたって大赤字だよ
エイベのEXILEですら - She'll lose a whole lot of money if she performs live. That's true even with Avex's EXILE
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:41:36.05 ID:9ksR8Y8J0
- ある時期から公私ともにマドンナのパクリ人生を送ってきたが、
なんとか中年浜崎の姿を確立したいのだが・・。 - There was a time where she was trying to live like a copycat Madonna, but now her future is a blur. I'd like to see what a middle-aged Hamasaki will look like.
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:42:02.58 ID:Hxxg3l/90
- お前らいらないなら俺がいただく
- If you guys don't want her, then I'll have her
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:42:31.97 ID:B0CjL/UfP
- どうぞどうぞ
- By all means, go ahead
- 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:44:10.53 ID:Si7CnHSO0
- 存在が空気なんだしボディーガードとかいらんだろ
- She has no presence, she doesn't even need bodyguards
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:44:44.87 ID:Xzya32i00
- 若作りすぎてねえか
- Isn't she trying too hard to look young?
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:44:49.06 ID:sFWtGk1f0
- またアルバムが出るのか
- She's gonna come out with another album?
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:45:23.32 ID:uEAzeXFN0
- ボディーガードといいPVといいダンサー引き連れライブといいほんと外人かぶれだな
- With these bodyguards, her music videos and those backup dancers, she seems like a foreigner
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:46:49.68 ID:B0CjL/UfP
- 体も顔もあの骨格で外人になろうとするのは無理がある
満足させるしかない - There's a limit to trying be like a foreigner with that body, that face and that bone structure. I think she should just look for a new foreign hubby while she still can and give birth to a halfie to try and fulfill her obsession with foreigners. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:47:02.38 ID:a/kY4Dlx0
- ガクトといい浜崎といい黒人ボディーガードつけてる奴って落ち目になる法則でもあんのかい?www
- Is there like a rule that these artists like Gackt and Hamasaki with body guards will go on the decline? LOL
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:47:02.75 ID:Qk+bjXH80
- 黒人ボディガードとかただのファッションアイテムだし
意思疎通が出来る小柄な兄ちゃんの方が浜崎には実用的だな - These black bodyguards are actually like an accessory for these people. I think a small lad that Hamasaki could come to terms with would be much more practical to her
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:47:42.54 ID:wkPjeXWjO
- 誰も襲わんよww
- No one will try to assault you, you know LOL
- 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:49:36.34 ID:HbdG4ZqGO
- 中居がよく
落ち目になったらどうすんのかねーと憂いでいたなw - Nakai used to talk a lot about these showbiz personalities with black bodyguards, and what they'd do when their popularity goes down
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:50:28.11 ID:3SAE92i1O 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:51:22.93 ID:IuhSk75H0
- 顔がかなり劣化して
驚いた。 - I'm surprised at how old she looks now - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:51:26.47 ID:8jZPSsVCO
- 誰がコイツ狙ってるの?
- Is there anyone who's after her?
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:57:28.12 ID:QQnzOn9P0
- >>72
いろいろと恨みを買ってる自覚はあるんじゃねえの?www - I guess she's aware that there are some people out there who are holding a grudge against her LOL
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:52:02.44 ID:sSpWYVam0
- 体鍛えて喧嘩つよいのアピールするわりに黒人ボディーガードを用意する
Gacktは何に怯えてるんだろw 本当はすげぇ弱いのかな・・w - Gackt who's even trying to show off supposedly how strong he is at fighting by building his body up has black bodyguards. I wonder what he's so afraid of LOL Maybe he's a total weakling... LOL
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:53:18.68 ID:odfF6qRe0
- >>73
国税局じゃねえの - Maybe the National Tax Administration Agency
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:52:30.84 ID:2YQJXJXg0
- 落ち目になったら襲われる可能性も低いんだからボディーガード減るのは理にかなってるわなw
- The probability of being assaulted when you're on a decline also goes down so it makes sense that she's also lost her bodyguards LOL
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:52:59.24 ID:ZkH5ZBuQO
- だけどアリーナツアーライブのチケットは取れない
- But I still can't get my hands on tickets to her Arena Tour
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 19:26:57.11 ID:PGrA7RPx0
- >>75
「○空席あり」。 - What are you talking about, there are lots of vacant seats left. Even at Ticket Pia, it doesn't even say "only a few left" for the Yokohama Arena and Nihon Gaishi Hall which are fast approaching. It still says "○ seats vacant"
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:54:57.07 ID:C2BQpbBc0
- 案外貯金残ってなさそうだよな?
浪費家のイメージあるわ - She probably doesn't have that much savings left. My image of her is that of a pretty lavish spender
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:57:21.36 ID:2YQJXJXg0
- ボディーガードより、郵便物処理係のほうが大事だな
むかし安達祐実のマネージャー?かなんかが安達アテの郵便物開けたら爆発して指が吹っ飛んだとかあったよね - I think staff taking care of packages is much more important than bodyguards. Remember that incident when Yumi Adachi's manager opened this package addressed to her, then it exploded on him and blew up his fingers?
- 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:57:56.99 ID:nrvETH4Q0
Mステ国民投票 「ファッションを真似したい女性アーティストは?」 - Music station polls "Which artist's fashion do you want to copy?"
*1位 安室奈美恵 Namie Amuro
*2位 西野カナ Kana Nishino
*3位 AKB48
*4位 aiko
*5位 木村カエラ Kaela Kimura
*6位 柴咲コウ Kou Shibasaki
*7位 YUKI
*8位 椎名林檎 Ringo Shiina
*9位 加藤ミリヤ Miliyah Kato
10位 YUI
オリコン「女子が選ぶ『好きな女子』AWARD 2012」 アーティスト部門 - Oricon "Most liked girls chosen by women" 2012 - Artists division
*1位 安室奈美恵 Namie Amuro
*2位 椎名林檎 Ringo Shiina
*3位 aiko
*4位 YUKI
*5位 宇多田ヒカル Hikaru Utada
*6位 YUI
*7位 吉岡聖恵(いきものがかり) Kiyoe Yoshioka (Ikimonogakari)
*8位 中島美嘉 Miki Nakajima
*9位 吉田美和 Miwa Yoshida(DREAMS COME TRUE)
10位 AI
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 18:59:02.96 ID:odfF6qRe0
- >>93
これはwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - This is...... LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
- 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 19:06:26.90 ID:5LtDkK+d0
- 近影
- Recent pictures
- 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 19:06:58.95 ID:MTO6lJ9D0
- 最初に黒人ボディガードつける演出始めたのヨシキだっけ
- Wasn't Yoshiki the first one to have black bodyguards?
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 19:09:11.24 ID:JAhtvTZo0
- 結構前から貧乏臭くなってるよな
パチンコとか栄養ドリンクのCMにまで出るようになってたんだし - She seems to have gotten poor for quite some time now. She's even appeared in Pachinko and energy drink commercials - 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 19:14:44.58 ID:J0YAg0R0O
- 稼げるだけ稼いだんだからもう良いだろ
そうしないだけ偉いわ - She's already earned enough so she should just call it quits. If I were she, I'd lock up myself at home for the rest of my life. She's amazing for not doing that.
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 19:20:43.39 ID:4NuHtL9o0
- 叶姉妹のメンズみたいなもんか?
- Was her bodyguards kinda like the Kanou sister's "Men"? - 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 19:23:15.15 ID:q4ZyJoRJ0
- 安室ってすごいんだな
浜崎も、昔の勢いはすごかったけど、後に残る曲がないなぁ - Amuro sure is amazing. And no matter what everyone says, Komuro's songs really leave a lasting impression. Hamasaki was really amazing back in the day, but she doesn't have any memorable songs
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 19:57:11.44 ID:xjCFk7190
- 女の歌手、ましてやルックスも売りの歌手が、
何だかんだでもう15年だぞw - It's already enough for female singers, especially those who got by with their looks, to stay active in the industry and do well for such a long time. It's already been 15 years, you know LOL
Original Thread
omg they're so mean :(