- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:24:03.81 ID:1axQ1l5WO
- ブボボ取るなあ
- Wow that's pretty high
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:26:16.80 ID:q2DAmZ4f0
- 米倉数字持ってるな
あんなふんいきのドラマでこの数字は凄い - Yonekura really has the ratings. These numbers for that kind of drama is pretty amazing
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:29:09.46 ID:Qm3vMmDu0
- あれだけ番宣してりゃな
- Well, this was bound to happen after all that promotion they did
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:32:46.74 ID:FyxSwACn0
- 米倉の話題性が大きかったと予想
2周目からが本番じゃないかな? - I just feel that Yonekura is a hot topic, and the real battle will begin from the 2nd week onwards
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:32:58.01 ID:YXMCzEk1O
- 視聴率持ってるな
屁タレの癖に - She really has the numbers, even for a bad actress
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:33:09.99 ID:4u9iXlrT0
- この人数字持ってるねえ
オスカーで数字が獲れる人この人だけだわ - This person really can bring ratings up. She's the only one from Oscar Promotions who can achieve such results
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:33:35.74 ID:6MEq0z4k0
- 実は「暴力振るわないスケバン刑事」的展開?
- Will this turn out into something like a "non-violent Sukeban Deka"?
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:35:35.22 ID:dSlbCI1n0
- 変な設定のわりにありがちな展開ではあったが
まあまあ面白かったような気がする - The story was something you'd have seen before despite having a pretty odd set-up, but I think it was pretty interesting
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:36:44.76 ID:XmdyIEwd0
- にしても口がでかいよな
シワも目立った - Her mouth is big. Her wrinkles also stood out. - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:37:36.03 ID:yc+3wYGJ0
- 視聴率にあわせてスカートが短くなるんだよな?!
- I'm guessing that the skirt will get shorter along with the ratings, right!? - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:38:22.29 ID:YCC/BGXJO
- 米倉数字持ってんだな
- Yonekura sure is blessed with ratings
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:38:24.88 ID:j7lorEqQ0
- 米倉涼子と西川貴教 似すぎだろ
生き別れの兄弟なんじゃね - Ryoko Yonekura and Takanori Nishikawa look so much like each other. Aren't they twins separated at birth? - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:41:25.91 ID:t1ditzD0O
- 怖いもの見たさだなw
- It's like the thrill of looking at something scary
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:41:47.71 ID:j7lorEqQ0
- たしかに俺は制服来てる女子高生より制服着てる30ぐらいの女性の方が好きだわ
- It is true that I prefer looking at 30 yr. old women in uniforms rather than actual high school students wearing them
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:41:49.18 ID:MwqZS7gM0
- 脚本ひどかった
まさか謎の世直しババアの話だったとは・・・ - The script was terrible, I don't think I'll watch it again. I thought it was going to be something like My Boss My Hero where they will show the gap between a granny who mixes in with the students, but who would've thought that she was this mysterious social reformation granny. 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:42:26.52 ID:uJFvMNni0
- リーガルハイほどの期待がされてないから
期待されるドラマは録画されるから、その裏の番組は視聴率が上がる - It didn't have the hype that the Legal High SP had so it got high ratings. The dramas that are hyped are the ones being recorded so the other channels actually get the higher ratings
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:44:17.20 ID:mpZpvQ/dO
- 石田ゆり子と吉瀬美智子も女子高生として転入してほしい
- I hope Yuriko Ishida and Michiki Kichise also enroll as Highschool students
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:46:00.64 ID:lmhx6/00O
- >>44
菅野美穂もよろしく - Miho Kanno too please
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:49:03.62 ID:SLkiiU280
- >>44
I wonder why no one tries to do that. It seems so foolish and fun.
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:45:13.75 ID:gYxNhaKB0
- 米倉こけやがった
テレ朝以外とれないな - Yonekura seems to have done bad this time. It seems that no one other than TV-Asahi are getting the ratings
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:47:46.86 ID:oxMWmAhQ0
- >>45
今回のドラマの中じゃトップじゃね - Isn't this the highest rated at this point among this season's batch?
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:52:22.90 ID:rk35P7+R0
- 主人公のキャラ薄過ぎ
機械的に役割こなしてて実はヒューマノイドですと言われても違和感無い - The main character didn't stand out too much. She was acting mechanically according to her orders, and I wouldn't be surprised even if they said that she was a humanoid or something.
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:53:09.37 ID:0nmKimiI0
- もう少し米倉が破天荒な役かと思ったらそうでもなかったな
- I thought Yonekura's character would be a bit more carefree but that wasn't the case
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:54:32.69 ID:t4d6NkG70
- 見ててイライラしたから途中で変えた
- I got irritated while watching so I changed the channel midway
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:56:43.26 ID:IWaVd2ET0
- 米倉にしては数字低くね?
- Aren't the ratings low for Yonekura?
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:58:14.01 ID:Q5HQDEFhO
- 初回からリスカやイジメや便所飯とか内容重過ぎて途中から見るの止めた!!
- It was too heavy from the get-go, with bullying, eating in the toilet cubicle and wrist-cutting. I stopped watching at some point!
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 10:59:05.19 ID:E8Yp20or0
- もっとコメディータッチかと思ってたら
この枠は家族でも気楽に見られるのに徹したほうが良いと思う - I thought it would be comedic. Dramas in this time slot ought to focus a bit more on stories that the whole family can enjoy
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:05:35.64 ID:GsNh+bzg0
- ひたすら薄暗いドラマだったな。
米倉の無駄遣い - The drama was a tad too dark for me. It's a waste using Yonekura there
- 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:12:23.78 ID:BWFdNvzh0
- リーガルもいじめ
脚本家の脳なしワンパターンっぷりが酷い - The Legal High SP was about bullying. This one was about bullying too. I hate the fact that these scriptwriters only have a single pattern that they follow
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:17:05.08 ID:F5iotd/E0
- >>83
リーガルが米倉潰しのためにあえて「いじめ」を持ってきたんだろ。 - I think Legal High intentionally used bullying as their theme to try and usurp Yonekura
- 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:15:03.25 ID:72mdzhTm0
- なんっていうか見なくてもキャラ設定が安易に想像できる
- How should I put this, it feels like you can easily imagine how the story would turn out just by looking at the character settings
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:18:02.62 ID:VpDv/yXOO
- 意外と話が重かったな
また次見ようとは思わない - It was unexpectedly dark. I don't think I'll watch the next episode.
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:20:16.07 ID:PkDaPsjo0
- >>89
おばちゃんが毎度痛快に問題解決してくのかと思ってたよ - I'm wondering if this old hag will just keep on solving these problems that intensely
- 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:22:17.99 ID:uuJz5q/A0
- コメディじゃなかった
- It wasn't comedy
- 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:22:53.05 ID:P6FTh/G40
- リーガルハイSPを真裏にぶつけられて、この数字は大健闘だろうな。
録画し忘れたから、18日の再放送見ておこう。 - I think these numbers show that it did pretty well with the Legal High SP on the other channel. I forgot to record it so I'll watch the re-run on the 18th.
- 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:29:56.51 ID:uJFvMNni0
- 虐めなのか
一人で飯を食ってるのを人に見られたくないとか意味不明 - So it was about bullying. I didn't know since I only watched it a bit. I think I only saw her asking about the act of eating alone in a toilet cubicle. Heck, even I'd ask around about something as odd as that. But I don't get the reasoning that someone eats there because she doesn't want to be seen by others eating by herself
- 112: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:37:37.80 ID:91Wd47/w0
- 毎年春先に感じてる気がするが、なぜ4月スタートで重い学園物をやるのか
親も子も夢も希望もなくなるだろ - I get this feeling that they always have these heavy school dramas every year during Spring time. The parents and children would just lose hope because of this one.
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:38:53.38 ID:zIGWdlgsP
- いつ屁こくか期待してみてたのにこかなかった
俺のような人が5%くらいいると思う - I was waiting for her to fart somewhere but she didn't. I believe that about 5% of the population think like me.
- 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:43:57.04 ID:qG5gfgqs0
- あまりに地味な展開なので脱落しちゃった
- I dropped out of watching since it was too plain
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:45:18.73 ID:pbp1jBYW0
- 1クールやって平均が10%で恩の字、15%なら大成功でしょ
- I think that 10% for 1 season is most satisfactory, while 15% is a huge success
- 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:47:13.17 ID:pjCZmyMt0
- >>122
ドラマは8%の時代だからなw - LOL, that's because dramas nowadays are just averaging 8%
- 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:45:25.15 ID:kBj8apGX0
- 米倉が高校生である必然性は何もない。ゴミドラマ。
- There was absolutely no need for Yonekura to be a student. What a trashy drama.
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 11:48:20.76 ID:ZpXjiK1KO
- 家政婦のミタはタイトルでコミカルだと思ったけどヘヴィな内容で受けたからそっち路線なのかね
でも米倉の学生服の意味がないよな - We all thought that "Kaseifu no Mita" would be comical due to its title, but it was actually pretty heavy so I'm guessing that they're following the same path. But there really is no need for Yonekura to wear that uniform.
- 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 12:04:38.07 ID:i3wPewsOO
- 長瀬ですらマイボスの時は27くらいだったろ
実年齢37のババアが高校生とかキモチ悪い - Even Nagase was 27 during "My Boss" right? It's kinda disgusting that an actual 37 year old is posing as a highschooler.
- 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 12:16:25.10 ID:cFUjmfvBO
- ガキ相手でも容赦ない米倉、が見たかったのに
来週は見ない。 - I wanted to see a more ruthless Yonekura against the kids. I won't be watching next week.
- 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/15(月) 12:20:47.19 ID:qyxUNvFS0
- 設定からして米倉大活躍でちょっとコメディタッチの爽快ドラマかと思ってたから期待外れだわ
- From the initial settings, I really thought that this would be a pleasant comedic drama where Yonekura would have a huge role but it really didn't meet my expectations.
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